Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I hope this goes viral asap.

Now the what if.
What if this isn't the first election where these electronic voting machines have robbed an election? What if this is simply the first election where this kind of corruption has been caught?

Last sitting Demoncrap was previously Suspect.
Attention put forth on Wrong Grounds, fizzled in the Media wind.
History Text books have already been Pseudo updated, and True History Omitted.

Control at "any" costs, has awakened a sleeping Giant.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Think 2016:
They never thought she would lose.

Same guarantee...
•Corrupt FIX (long before the First Vote was cast!..)
•no way for Hilly to Lose...
•no need for Hilly to spend Millions of DONATED Dollars (Dollars for US Secrets, Legislative Law and Policy Favors, Appointment Favors).

•campaigning...traveling...donated $$$
• Slack...then Heading into last couple of weeks before Election...Ramped up.
• Ramped up...?? Stats look as if she was steaming rolling with "town visits" in last few weeks.
Fact is:
• Small venue accommodations (local small businesses...OFTEN MORE "reporters" present THAN "Supporters" ... (no crowds standing on the outside for lack of space inside)

*The Lack of "supporters" in a local city of residents is "telling".
*The Slack of Donated $$ being spent TO conduct a travel Campaign is "telling"
*The Ramp OF Donated $$ being spent TO conduct "tiny" venues (parking, security, space, stage, lighting, seating, speakers, etc.)
Missing supporters...
Is "telling".
• Millions Donated For Campaign...Spent ...
ON WHAT? (Surely not on an a failed personal make-over)?

In the end Bernie took the payoff again.

Not Exactly.
Dominion was Bernies Defeat!
Bernie was Crushing Hillary in the Primaries, (with his overwhelming support of BABIES in Adult Bodies).
Dominion Defeated The Dem Bernie...For The Demon Hilly...
(Republicans should not Feel Too "SPECIAL"...
•Dominion to the rescue for Hilly in the Primaries...
•Hilly Depended on the HYPE...NO ONE would "fall for Electing a NON-Politician....
Hilly...A Long CAREER- Royal- Entitled- Ruthless- Blood sucking Tic- poli-TIC-ian...
With Layers of GLUE on her Backside, OF Proof OF how long She has SAT in "honored seats", that Belong To the People.

Ya ... Well Surprise... The People Want their "Honored Seats Back"... from Long Career "Pseudo" Royal, TICS!!

They still have cards up their sleeves. But we are not ignorant of them.

Absolutely...NOT a Secret...
A man's Goal IS Set...the Determination and Diligence TO Obtain the Goal...
Is Equally Fierce...
•Be the Goal for Good or for Evil.

•Trumps Goal...From The Get Go has Never Changed...
•America's Well being First
•Americans Well being First
•Americans Jobs IN America For Americans First
•American Military IN America.

****The Shocking Audacity For Any American to Even HINT to be in Agreement with such anti-Democrat politically correct notion!!!!

•Newsflash body Cares what Obamas Foreign, Radical, Anti-American, Daddy's Dreams of Chump Change Were!

•Newsflash ....Hilly's LONG Twisted and Tangled Web of Underhanded back-door dealings...DO MATTER...(even though SHE single-hardly Presumed her-self as President and Excluded from Oversight and Review.)

God loving, America loving, American loving Patriots... standing with the Glory of God...
Fear no Evil.

Glory to God,
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Isn't this America where our freedom and being able to have a voice come first? No,.. they're selfish and only care about themselves and don't want to take responsibility for their actions.
Well under Socialism they care not for the views of the people, because they want to own you and tell you how to think and all and you have no rights to challenge them as people like so just block all avenues for one to have a voice, we have such in Australia it's rampant, go on most forums and you will have a typical Nazi type moderator block all people who they do not want voicing their opinions, the Socialist mob can claim all they want full on, but conservatives are totally hated and despised by deranged Socialist. they are dictators they only want it all their own way.
I call them Diaper Snowflakes, they are always supporting degenerates, they are child like brats who have little regard for reality because they are off with the pixies, utopian clowns.
They truly can't change their own diaper themselves because they are a snowflake generation, they have not progressed beyond that point yet.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Well under Socialism they care not for the views of the people, because they want to own you and tell you how to think and all and you have no rights to challenge them as people like so just block all avenues for one to have a voice, we have such in Australia it's rampant, go on most forums and you will have a typical Nazi type moderator block all people who they do not want voicing their opinions, the Socialist mob can claim all they want full on, but conservatives are totally hated and despised by deranged Socialist. they are dictators they only want it all their own way.
I call them Diaper Snowflakes, they are always supporting degenerates, they are child like brats who have little regard for reality because they are off with the pixies, utopian clowns.
They truly can't change their own diaper themselves because they are a snowflake generation, they have not progressed beyond that point yet.
I am VERY VERY THANKFUL for this FORUM and the ADMIN and the MODERATORS which oversee it.
Our voices are being silenced. And it is places like this that we can still find FRIENDS in this ever increasing dark world.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I am VERY VERY THANKFUL for this FORUM and the ADMIN and the MODERATORS which oversee it.
Our voices are being silenced. And it is places like this that we can still find FRIENDS in this ever increasing dark world.


The LAX and MISSING Action of American Government Structure AND Teaching of "Very Limited" Constitution Legal Authority...IN Public School Systems...IS one of the Biggest Evil Plots Thrusted upon the American People at Large.

Before the advantage (and limited BTW) of home computers (having "some" electronic access TO American Laws)...

Where oh Where were Americans BRIEFLY...getting their Knowledge of LAWS?

Mommies, Daddies, Friends, Employers, Desk Clerks at Government Offices, CPA's, Pamphlets, News Networks....
blah, blah, blah....ZERO..."LEGAL Standing."

From my own personal research...
I would estimate (excluding Individuals pursuing a Profession of Attorney)
• 99% of the Population HAS NEVER Read any text IN A Law Book.
• 99% of the Population has NEVER been IN A Law Library.
• 99% of the Population has no idea where Law Libraries ARE located.
• 99% of the Public is Sorely UN-Aware that Thousands of Unconstitutional Laws ARE Scattered Throughout the 50+ Volumes of Federal Law Books.
• 99% of the Population is UN-Aware the US Federal Government was Designed and Established TO BE A VERY SMALL Governing Post...with VERY VERY MINOR intrusion in the daily Life of the American People.



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
There are a lot of people that scoff at Q and the anons.
There are people that have let their own imaginations run away with things that were posed as questions to investigate.
That was like the separating of the real Truth seakers vs. those that just wanted to make a name for themselves.
A lot of people got on YT trying to put their own spin on what the latest Q drop meant.
I followed a lot of them off varius cliffs until I started investigating for myself.
I have less than an 8th grade education. Neither of my parents were very political.
You want to talk about ignorant of our laws and constitution? Here I am.

Until... Q.
The things that were being posted were legal documents. Laws on the books.
I had never heard of the "Color of Law" , I thought it was a racial thing.. nope.
The Jefferson Papers and quotes, the Lincoln Address.. Cases that had been won and lost in the Supreme Court.
Q woke a lot of people up. They started questioning authority. And the authorities didn't like that.
They started with Facebook. Anyone with a Q in their page was shutdown.
Then it moved to YT, where I had a lot of people I really liked and helped keep you informed of what was happening in the congress and in the courts were eliminated.
Then they went to twitter.. and now, anywhere "Seventeen" is mentioned, they put a conspiracy disclaimer on it.

The last 4 years of investigating those posts, drops, crumbs, which the "bakers" would pull together and make "bread" .. mmhmm
I learned more about not only this country and it's laws but also foreign nations and how they run their hmm business..mostly trafficking and money laundering.. man this world is so sick.

People started waking up. They shut things down hoping they would go back to sleep. Not working, it's too late, we already seen the game plan and they have lost.
I really don't care what people think about Q.
I will be an anon, investigating and seeking the truth forevermore.
Whether it be in the Bible or in the world. Because everything is in God's word. You just have to find it.

Hillary.. is Jezebel multiplied.. And her Kingdom is the bottomless pit of hell. Filled with scorpions and serpents and demons.
She is the witch of Endor.. but even that witch new the difference between right and wrong. Not like Hillary.. Blaphemous Ho*r who rides the beast and rules the kingdoms through her corrupt cup of clinton donation foundations.

I feel better.. :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
ANALYSIS: After 100 Votes Sampled, Biden’s Arizona Lead May Diminish to 0.19% of Total Vote, Disappear Entirely
by National File

Following an examination of a 100 vote sample conducted by the Arizona GOP, analysis by National File has concluded Biden’s lead in the state could drop down to 0.19% of the total votes cast.
On Wednesday, Arizona GOP Chair Dr Kelli Ward revealed the results of the examination of a 100 vote sample that they had conducted, after being granted access to the ballots by Judge Randall Warner. The votes examined in this batch were reduplicated ballots, in that they are a copy made from an original vote when it cannot be tabulated. This copying is meant to be done by a bipartisan team of county workers, which Ward alleges did not happen in many cases.

In the 100 vote batch, two votes were discovered that were of concern. Arizona GOP lawyer Jack Wilenchik wrote in a court filing that one original ballot contained “was clearly a vote for Trump,” but the “duplicate ballot switched the vote to Biden,” while a second Trump vote was completely discarded, due to the duplicate ballot also including a “blank” vote for a write-in presidential candidate.

President Trump delivers carefully prepared and verified remarks that reveal clear evidence of election fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election.

“Thank goodness that Judge Warner said he wanted to err on the side of transparency and let us look at these,” Ward said in a video released to Twitter. “Those media propagandists who say there is no evidence of fraud can now shut up.”

VIDEO: Trump Alludes to SharpieGate in Bombshell Speech, Says Damaged Arizona Ballots Were Tossed Out

“It looks like this election has attempted to have been stolen from President Trump,” Ward added, noting that the attorneys for Democrat Secretary of State Katie Hobbs and the Biden electors wanted the results of the examination to be kept secret. “This shows us that these Democrats are anti-transparency, and potentially covering up fraud,” Ward continued. “We will not stop looking until all of this is brought to light.”

National File has undergone an exclusive and extensive mathematical analysis to discover what the total vote count, and therefore Biden’s Arizona lead, may look like if the findings of this sample size can be extrapolated to state level. It is unknown how many ballots required duplication, as the statewide canvass did not specify this. National File is therefore using the pre-election estimate of Maricopa County, which suggested they may see around a 2-4% reduplication rate.

Before entering the analysis, it is important to note that we will be using the total votes cast in the state for all candidates as our starting number, (3,397,388), rather than the total votes cast for Trump and Biden together, as we are assuming that the 100 vote sample was a fair sample, and was therefore likely to include votes for other candidates. The initial vote sample returned a rate of 2% of the votes in the sample that should have been cast for Trump that were not.


There are also two types of vote change happening here. Biden currently leads Trump by 10,457 votes. The vote not counted for President Trump would remove one vote from him, and the vote that was initially given to Biden, but returned from Trump, would reduce the total vote difference by two, as it removes one away from Biden, and giving one more to Trump. We will therefore be multiplying the total error votes in our calculation by 1.5 to correct for this. This is equivalent to a 3% change.

Using the 2% lower bound reduplication rate from Maricopa County, 1,359 ballots would have been counted in error. Assuming the split between Trump votes purely lost and Trump votes given to Biden remained the same in the sample, then Biden’s lead would drop down by 2,038 votes to 8,419.

When using the 4% upper bound reduplication rate, 2,718 ballots would have been cast in error. Assuming the same split as before, this would reduce Biden’s lead in Arizona down by 4,077 votes to 6,380. This lead is 0.19% of all total votes cast in Arizona.

READ MORE: Twitter BANS Mathematician Who Said He’d “Rather Resign” Than Certify Fraudulent Arizona Results

However, it is reasonable to assume the reduplication rate could be far higher than the pre-election estimates from Maricopa. During the election integrity hearing in Arizona on Monday, Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and expert witness Colonel Phil Waldron referred to a witness who saw all day “election officials constantly pressing the green button [on the voting machine] when somebody was voting.”

This green button in question is the one that is pressed when an error ballot is needed to be created, and the votes would then be “put into a batch file that could be adjudicated.” To be “put into a batch file” is simply another term for being electronically reduplicated. If this button was being pressed “all day,” all across the state, then it is not unreasonable to suggest a higher reduplication rate than expected.

Using the figures from our Arizona analysis, President Trump would only need a reduplication rate of 10.3% to flip the state back to him, winning by a vote lead of 41 votes. However, to win Arizona, President Trump would only need this to be the case if no other fraud or voting irregularities are discovered.

Colonel Waldron linked the reduplication of ballots to the SharpieGate controversy, where Republican leaning voters were instructed to use Sharpies, not ballpoint pens when voting. “The idea is that [there would be] bleedthrough on the ballot, [and therefore] the scanners would cause an error ballot,” Waldron said.

READ MORE: FACT CHECK: Media, Dominion, Arizona Sec of State Issue Contradictory Messages on SharpieGate as Expert Says It’s Real

Arizona Representative Dr. Paul Gosar extrapolated the 3% vote change discovered and reasonably hypothesized this to be the rate of fraud seen throughout the state for Biden – not an unreasonable assumption when the votes discovered were so apparently blatantly changed. “If the 3% fraud rate remains on a larger sample, Trump easily wins Arizona,” Dr. Gosar tweeted.

Maricopa County on Wednesday offered a further 2,500 additional duplicated ballots for the Arizona GOP to look through. This further analysis will likely change the percentages originally discovered from what Ward admitted was a “very, very small” initial sample.

The Arizona GOP announced that it will be posting another “big” update on Thursday, according to an announcement posted on their Twitter page.

President Trump seemed to reference a large number of voting irregularities, potentially tied to SharpieGate, that could have led to a larger than usual number of adjudicated ballots.

----------------------Dem lawyers wanted this fraud info kept SECRET.....


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I feel better.. :)

What the general population hears is;
•The US was never an Established Christian Nation...
Yep True.
•The Founders were not particularly religious...
Yep True.

What the general population Doesn't hear is;
• Early Laws (setting the Example of the Founders) were Laws Established ON Biblical Principles and Standards.
• Every Signature attached to the Declaration of Independence...was ascribed under the Express language, IN the Year of Our Lord.

• many US "early" Laws express verifiable examples

• By today's "of the world Example"...I would NOT be "considered" a religious person.
• I don't go TO church.
• I am Not a "member" of a man made church.
• I don't have "religious" symbols in/on my home, yard, bobbling Jesus on my dashboard.

• poor us... :)rolleyes:)... our Bible is old worn, opened every day, Daily prayer for Praising and Thankfulness of Our Great Lord God Almighty without observance of critics.
• our Blessings insurmountable...and equally uneventful to the world at Large.

God Bless,
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
I am VERY VERY THANKFUL for this FORUM and the ADMIN and the MODERATORS which oversee it.
Our voices are being silenced. And it is places like this that we can still find FRIENDS in this ever increasing dark world.

Thank you Ziggy...your positive and edifying words are very much appreciated. :)


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
There are a lot of people that scoff at Q and the anons.
There are people that have let their own imaginations run away with things that were posed as questions to investigate.
That was like the separating of the real Truth seakers vs. those that just wanted to make a name for themselves.
A lot of people got on YT trying to put their own spin on what the latest Q drop meant.
I followed a lot of them off varius cliffs until I started investigating for myself.
I have less than an 8th grade education. Neither of my parents were very political.
You want to talk about ignorant of our laws and constitution? Here I am.

Until... Q.
The things that were being posted were legal documents. Laws on the books.
I had never heard of the "Color of Law" , I thought it was a racial thing.. nope.
The Jefferson Papers and quotes, the Lincoln Address.. Cases that had been won and lost in the Supreme Court.
Q woke a lot of people up. They started questioning authority. And the authorities didn't like that.
They started with Facebook. Anyone with a Q in their page was shutdown.
Then it moved to YT, where I had a lot of people I really liked and helped keep you informed of what was happening in the congress and in the courts were eliminated.
Then they went to twitter.. and now, anywhere "Seventeen" is mentioned, they put a conspiracy disclaimer on it.

The last 4 years of investigating those posts, drops, crumbs, which the "bakers" would pull together and make "bread" .. mmhmm
I learned more about not only this country and it's laws but also foreign nations and how they run their hmm business..mostly trafficking and money laundering.. man this world is so sick.

People started waking up. They shut things down hoping they would go back to sleep. Not working, it's too late, we already seen the game plan and they have lost.
I really don't care what people think about Q.
I will be an anon, investigating and seeking the truth forevermore.
Whether it be in the Bible or in the world. Because everything is in God's word. You just have to find it.

Hillary.. is Jezebel multiplied.. And her Kingdom is the bottomless pit of hell. Filled with scorpions and serpents and demons.
She is the witch of Endor.. but even that witch new the difference between right and wrong. Not like Hillary.. Blaphemous Ho*r who rides the beast and rules the kingdoms through her corrupt cup of clinton donation foundations.

I feel better.. :)
We must also awaken to the rise of witchcraft in our government...remember when the story came out that the witches were going to unite to cast spells against Trump? Witchcraft, sorcery, satanic rituals...all manner of evil coming out attacking him.
Why is he such a threat to them? because he is exposing their secret agenda to cripple America so that the NWO can rise up....and they are doing it by any means necessary.

I want to remind everyone that God said don't worry about what you hear or see....just trust Him and watch what He will do.
(Well He spoke that to me and I shared it here awhile back)...
Occasionally I got anxious when I would hear that the judge denied Trumps lawsuits...or that Barr found no evidence...or the media reports about lack of evidence....and the most disturbing was Bidens transitioning moving forward.
But each time I was reminded....don't worry about what I hear or see....God is in full battle mode and His Angel's are all over fighting for us and for His Will to be done.
I believe this with all my heart and soul and will go to my grave believing it.
This election fraud has been the biggest eye opener for the American people to truly see how corrupt our government really is....
Yes, we have been awakened!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
You know how they could fix this in a blink of an eye?

Tell the democrats a lot of the ballots that were caught in the fraud was theirs.
Wait for Trump to take the lead first though...
then dmp it on their own heads.
See how fast they cry fowl and want to get to the bottom of it.
Can you see the faces of those who are behind it??

OH OH..:eek:



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
We must also awaken to the rise of witchcraft in our government...remember when the story came out that the witches were going to unite to cast spells against Trump? Witchcraft, sorcery, satanic rituals...all manner of evil coming out attacking him.
Why is he such a threat to them? because he is exposing their secret agenda to cripple America so that the NWO can rise up....and they are doing it by any means necessary.

I want to remind everyone that God said don't worry about what you hear or see....just trust Him and watch what He will do.
(Well He spoke that to me and I shared it here awhile back)...
Occasionally I got anxious when I would hear that the judge denied Trumps lawsuits...or that Barr found no evidence...or the media reports about lack of evidence....and the most disturbing was Bidens transitioning moving forward.
But each time I was reminded....don't worry about what I hear or see....God is in full battle mode and His Angel's are all over fighting for us and for His Will to be done.
I believe this with all my heart and soul and will go to my grave believing it.
This election fraud has been the biggest eye opener for the American people to truly see how corrupt our government really is....
Yes, we have been awakened!



Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
I am VERY VERY THANKFUL for this FORUM and the ADMIN and the MODERATORS which oversee it.
Our voices are being silenced. And it is places like this that we can still find FRIENDS in this ever increasing dark world.


What do you think got me BANNED from I was being silenced there as well for using my freedom of speech. Ah well, I don't really miss it there now anyways. This website is a hundred times better. :D

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
To All,

In the History of the World as there EVER been such on onslaught against any King/President, against any Nation, and against any People? -- In the Michigan Legislative Committee hearing, a poor middle aged woman originally from India was asked by one of the Democrat Legislators what her name was, what here maiden name was, and how to spell her name, -- using WITCHCRAFT in a Blatant attempt to INTIMIDATE, HARASS, and THREATEN this woman for her Testimony. And this is only One Example in Thousands if not Tens or Hundreds of Thousands of satanic attacks across our nation JUST IN THIS ELECTION.

It seems to me that even WITHOUT Scripture to guide us, we should see the EVIDENCE in the "skies" and KNOW that we're WELL INTO the Tribulation. And although we're taught that there's seven years, that's a false "rendering" of Dan. 9; but Rev. 13:5 correctly stipulates 42 months, and so Where are the Two Witnesses from Rev. 11?!? They're SUPPOSED to be working for 42 months, so Who are they, -- unless they're right in front of our eyes.

If the "blind" can be made to see, how much more should WE see?!?
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Trump Platform-
...God, America, Americans

Biden Platform-
...Global PLAN-demic
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
To All,

In the History of the World as there EVER been such on onslaught against any King/President, against any Nation, and against any People? -- In the Michigan Legislative Committee hearing, a poor middle aged woman originally from India was asked by one of the Democrat Legislators what her name was, what here maiden name was, and how to spell her name, -- using WITCHCRAFT in a Blatant attempt to INTIMIDATE, HARASS, and THREATEN this woman for her Testimony. And this is only One Example in Thousands if not Tens or Hundreds of Thousands of satanic attacks across our nation JUST IN THIS ELECTION.

It seems to me that even WITHOUT Scripture to guide us, we should see the EVIDENCE in the "skies" and KNOW that we're WELL INTO the Tribulation. And although we're taught that there's seven years, that's a false "rendering" of Dan. 9; but Rev. 13:5 correctly stipulates 42 months, and so Where are the Two Witnesses from Rev. 11?!? They're SUPPOSED to be working for 42 months, so Who are they, -- unless they're right in front of our eyes.

If the "blind" can be made to see, how much more should WE see?!?
Bobby Jo

I hear you
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