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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
My point has been that the law is not a requirement if, for the believer, there are no consequences for violating it. For we are forgiven; and our relationship to the law has changed. We are not under it any longer (Romans 6:14), we are dead to it (Romans 7:4, Galatians 2:19), and we are delivered from it (Romans 7:6). So there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (John 5:24 (kjv), Romans 8:1) who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.

Now, we are certainly obligated to not obey the flesh; but this is not the exact same thing as being obligated to obey the law.

The law is not a requirement; it is the desire of the Lord that we keep it; and the Holy Ghost within us motivates us, by His love, to walk in such a way that the law is not violated by our behaviour.

The person who willfully sins against the Lord is not covered by the blood; but the one who "blows it" has grace...the law does not point the finger at him because he is not under the law, is dead to the law, and is delivered from the law. The one who sins willfully is in a different boat because his behaviour indicates that he is not born again.
People who say that all sin is willful sin must have not ever had a battle with an addictive sin, whether it be drugs, sex, overeating, porn, gambling, alcohol or the like.

These are sins that are in the Romans 7 category. The ones you love and hate at the same time. The ones you truly long to be freed from but find you cannot. Such sins cling to you, and the battle within is very real and very hard. You may experience victory occasionally, but more often than not, you fall again to its pull, and either way, there is no rest found here.

Willful sins are like "I know I should not sleep with my boyfriend but thank God I am forgiven.Isn't grace wonderful?"

It is knowing that something is not glorifying to God, the Holy Spirit has convicted us of our error, then chastened us if we continue and still, we willfully choose to do it anyway. There is no battle. None. It is, at its root, simple rebellion.

And if continued in, choosing to continue in the sin we refuse to submit to the Lord, we will let it harden our hearts towards God, and slowly but surely, our living faith begins, little by little, to solidify into head knowledge, and we will not even be aware. This should bother us. The fact that it doesn't is most concerning.

Is this, clinging to the sin we like, not like the ground that had good seed cast upon it, the good seed sprouted to new life, but because of disobedience and shallowness of root, and choosing the pleasure of this world over pleasing God, the willfully disobedient soul brings forth no fruit. And what are we told happens to the branches in Him that bear no fruit? Ouch.

If I could shout one warning to the church, it would be this. Cease ALL willful sin, for it is an affront to God, splitting on the sacrifice of Jesus as if to make His blood common. I will let God deal with each heart as to whether or not willful sin can keep one from Heaven, but how can we say we love Him and choose darkness by our willful disobedience.

Oh saints, fight sin with all that is within you, and when the battle wears you out, and it will, trust me, lol, and you finally see that the real enemy is YOU, the old nature, and cry out to God to be freed from its grip, you are finally prepared to receive the miracle God has with your name on it.

blessings to all,



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
People who say that all sin is willful sin must have not ever had a battle with an addictive sin, whether it be drugs, sex, overeating, porn, gambling, alcohol or the like.

These are sins that are in the Romans 7 category. The ones you love and hate at the same time. The ones you truly long to be freed from but find you cannot. Such sins cling to you, and the battle within is very real and very hard. You may experience victory occasionally, but more often than not, you fall again to its pull, and either way, there is no rest found here.

Willful sins are like "I know I should not sleep with my boyfriend but thank God I am forgiven.Isn't grace wonderful?"

It is knowing that something is not glorifying to God, the Holy Spirit has convicted us of our error, then chastened us if we continue and still, we willfully choose to do it anyway. There is no battle. None. It is, at its root, simple rebellion.

And if continued in, choosing to continue in the sin we refuse to submit to the Lord, we will let it harden our hearts towards God, and slowly but surely, our living faith begins, little by little, to solidify into head knowledge, and we will not even be aware. This should bother us. The fact that it doesn't is most concerning.

Is this, clinging to the sin we like, not like the ground that had good seed cast upon it, the good seed sprouted to new life, but because of disobedience and shallowness of root, and choosing the pleasure of this world over pleasing God, the willfully disobedient soul brings forth no fruit. And what are we told happens to the branches in Him that bear no fruit? Ouch.

If I could shout one warning to the church, it would be this. Cease ALL willful sin, for it is an affront to God, splitting on the sacrifice of Jesus as if to make His blood common. I will let God deal with each heart as to whether or not willful sin can keep one from Heaven, but how can we say we love Him and choose darkness by our willful disobedience.

Oh saints, fight sin with all that is within you, and when the battle wears you out, and it will, trust me, lol, and you finally see that the real enemy is YOU, the old nature, and cry out to God to be freed from its grip, you are finally prepared to receive the miracle God has with your name on it.

blessings to all,

AMEN, Brother!!!
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Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
"By their actions is a pretty broad term. It certainly doesn't prove your case. Words are important. License may constitute denial, but it does not define it. Not simple semantics. Let's move on.
He seems to have a lot of accusations. What does people in the church even mean.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
People who say that all sin is willful sin must have not ever had a battle with an addictive sin, whether it be drugs, sex, overeating, porn, gambling, alcohol or the like.

These are sins that are in the Romans 7 category. The ones you love and hate at the same time. The ones you truly long to be freed from but find you cannot. Such sins cling to you, and the battle within is very real and very hard. You may experience victory occasionally, but more often than not, you fall again to its pull, and either way, there is no rest found here.

I assure you that there is victory over besetting sins. I found that in being persistent in studying the word and absorbing its principles, that one day my besetting sin just fell away from me and I had no more desire for it.

God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
But, Dear Lady, parallelism is a style, not code for synonymity. Am I right?
Surely, not all words used to describe God have the same meaning (e.g. graceful; powerful).

Are you right? No, it does confirm that God's grace, itself, is divine power. Just as when Paul is weak, God's grace or power is sufficient to help and keep him. He doesn't need unmerited favor, but strength to deal with messengers of Satan. The style is shown in the examples and always has a parallel phrase that identifies that a parallelism is being used, and one word confirms the meaning of another. Like day of the Lord and revelation of the Lord are both referring to the second coming. And I've shown you two cases that confirm that grace is power. Do you not see it? Understanding grace is the key to unlocking the mystery of the gospel and dispels all the false teachings that still today lead to Jude 1:4.

Another Semitic (Jewish) writing style is called contrasts. John used them is his first epistle, chapters 1 and 3. Chapter one are contrasts between the Light of God, and the Darkness of the Lost.

Vs. 5 - God is Light
Vs. 6 - Walk in Darkness (Lost and deluded)
Vs. 7 - Walk in the Light (Saved)
Vs. 8 - Sin but believe you aren't (Lost and deluded)
Vs. 9 - Repentance (to be Saved)
Vs. 10 - Say you are born sinless (Lost and deluded)

Have you seen how many on the forum refer to 1 John 1:8 as a Christian. Now, if they had learned about how the apostles wrote, they wouldn't be so deluded. Believe me Barny, knowing Semitic writing styles can open your eyes so wide you will immediately know the difference between the truth and the false teachings that say the opposite that 90% of those on the forum believes! It boggles the mind. Anytime 1 John 3:9 is presented, they counter with 1 John 1:8 in pure ignorance and in total rebellion against 1 John 3:9, that Jesus came to free us from SIN. They cannot relate to 1 John 3:9, but see 1 John 1:8 as justification for their own weaknesses. But that is scary, because weakness towards sin is a tell-tale sign that that person has not been born again - the NEXT verse! Repent!

Chapter 3 are back and forth sections of contrasts between the children of God vs. sinners of the devil.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Isn't that the truth. Can you imagine being Peter, the very first "pope," to walk around knowing that many people are reading Galatians 2:11-16. There is no one in the New Testament that caused more individual problems than Peter. You may have noticed that in reading all of Paul's writings, and all that follows from Acts 7 (where Saul arrives on the scene), after he reprimands Peter for causing people to Turn from Christianity, he, Paul, only references Peter one time. One time? Brutal . . . we know that Peter suffered a great deal from knowing that these stories about him were spreading further and further aroundthe world. In fact, Peter was so problematic to the Christian Faith . . . if I were to ever to debate against Christendom, I'd do it through Peter to prove that the Christian Faith was a sham. Poor guy.

Yes...Peter sure had his problems.....but before we get “ too” carried away with his many foibles, he did do one thing, even if did not last long....HE WALKED ON WATER! How about you?

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
There is no difference. They go hand in hand. To achieve obedience you must have something to be obedient to.... a law.

I don’t over complicate the simple things of scripture.

Legalism means to promote legal dealings (when did that become a bad thing to do?!). If I do what is illegal I go to jail. If I have a mind and desire to please God, then I observe the rules and follow them. If you love God, you keep his law.

That’s legalism.

"If ye love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15)

And the chief lawman is the LORD!

If what you say is True......if both Obedience and Legalism are inter- changeable....why is “ obedience” praised ( as in “obedience to the Gospel”) , while on the other hand , “ legalism” is condemned? ( those under the Law are under the Curse of the Law) or if you let yourself be circumcised ( just the early church’s example of an Act Of legalism) you will “ Fall From Grace ?”

In regard to “ if you Love me you will keep my commandments”...... Jesus left us with only Two —- “ Believe and Love” ( 1John3:23) Jesus is NOT referring to the 613 Commandments Of Moses.....Christians are “ DEAD” to the Law— Remember?
“ if you love me you will keep my commandments” isn’t a Threat! Try reading it for what it is— a statement of fact.....kinda like “ if you stick your toe in the water , you will get wet”..... one automatically follows the other......or like this even ——“If you listen to BB,you will become wise”.... lol.....that last one is up for debate! Yuk...yuk...

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Yes indeed, we are instructed to rejoice and be thankful at all times. And that "rejoice", it means, be really really happy, over the top happy! So happy and thankful is the state of the heart that is trusting fully on the efficacy of Jesus' death and resurrection.

God of course knows, the only way any of us can be with Him is for Him to just give that to us. So let's just receive it!

We were descended from Adam, part of Adam's humanity. Now we are children of God, and part of Christ's new humanity. We were dead, now we are alive. We were condemned, now we are innocent. God doesn't even have to look at us through Jesus, because He recreated us righteous and holy.

God sees the flesh, the sinner, the son of Adam, but God also sees our new spirit, the saint, the son of God.

Much love!

I have heard it put this way.....” God sees us through the Spectacles Of Christ”..... much Wisdom there,methinks...

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
This is what we did when we repented.

Romans 6:13
Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

Now we are to "yield ourselves unto God, as those alive from the dead."

This is an affirmative move towards God, recognizing that we join Him in life now, having been made alive from among the dead ones.

The new creation, our new man, is alive unto God. We are to yield ourselves to Him. The sin issue is already addressed in the redeemed.

Romans 6:9-11
9) Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.
10) For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.
11) Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Likewise . . . you too. Dead to sin, alive to God, Just like Jesus, we've died to sin once, and now we are alive to God.

Living unto God, this is something we are doing now, regardless of our mood or behavior. It's not based on that, it's based on having died and risen with Christ.

In recognizing that I'm forgiven, and in knowing I'm alive unto Him, then I want to have my fellowship with Him, which is the best antidote to sin I've ever found!

Much love!

I believe that “ RESTING” in the Gospel Of Grace is the “ best antidote for Sin”.......Knowing that I can do whatever I “want” and NEVER go to Hell for it, because God has CHANGED THOSE “ WANTS”, and Knowing the Sinful “ wants” that He has not Transformed yet are COVERED by His Amazing Grace.......Those Truths make me NOT WANT to sin anymore.....
It’s all about Grace.From start to Finish.Fools try to take advantage of Grace and it CAN be fact, I invite you to give that a try! If you are not a “ bastard” , but a True Child Of God, report back after God blisters your Posterior in his “Wood Shed” where His Chastisements take place!Because I REST in the Gospel God wont take me to Hell, but He will not Hesitate to take-me to that wood- Shed ......I’ve even been there once or twice .How about you?
I have discovered that this is the way it works: Resting in the Finished Work Of The Cross Spurs Peace and Joy .....Peace and Joy Spur Love for God......Love for God Spurs the type of Obedience that really counts for God .....a True Obedience from the Heart ..It’s an Obedience that comes Naturally will “ Find Yourself” Doing the things that please God..... God Bless...
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
If the Lord brought it to my attention that I have been antagonistic towards people, should I seek to correct that behaviour myself or should I sit back and wait for God to do it?

Rely on the Holy Spirit, for sure.....but realize that the Holy Spirit is our “ HELPER”.....NOT our “ DOER”....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Grace was purchased by the The Most Holy Thing In This Universe—— The SHED BLOOD of Jesus Christ !
“Greasy Grace” you Accursed Reprobates declare with your Self - Righteous Scorn? It must Follow that your So-Called “Slimy Grace” was purchased by Jesus’ “SLIMY BLOOD “, right? You SPIT on His Precious Blood with your Insults.....May God have Mercy on your Souls....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Not when you brag about it.
The Bible has a lot to say about "pride".
Specially when used to talk down on people in order to back up your doctrine.

Your little “mosquito” joke about Christ’s Blood is Blasphemous—- you ought to remove it is neither “ clever” or “ cute”.... this is coming from the most “ UN Religious Person on this Site, USA so you know....


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
If what you say is True......if both Obedience and Legalism are inter- changeable....why is “ obedience” praised ( as in “obedience to the Gospel”) , while on the other hand , “ legalism” is condemned? ( those under the Law are under the Curse of the Law) or if you let yourself be circumcised ( just the early church’s example of an Act Of legalism) you will “ Fall From Grace ?”

This is taken from Galatians where Paul was admonishing those brethren for seeking perfection by the outward rituals of the law, circumcision to be precise. Not because they wanted to obey the law.

The law is fulfilled in walking in the Spirit in love; not in circumcision, not in keeping holy days, not in food discrimination, etc. This is what Paul was trying to tell them.

In regard to “ if you Love me you will keep my commandments”...... Jesus left us with only Two —- “ Believe and Love”

All his sayings are in play, not just the two you mentioned; for:

John 14:24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

Luke 6:47 Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like:

Luke 6:48 He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.

Luke 6:49 But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Hi Marks,

When we sin, and don't repent, we loose our salvation. For you see we have to repent to have forgiveness of our sins (Acts). Because Jesus does not wish that any should perish, but that we all should reach repentance (2 Peter). Maybe that is why threads which discuss our salvation become so focused on sin?

I agree with you that "Salvation is through faith in Christ"!!! But that is only part of the story told in Scripture. Here is, as Paul Harvey would say, The Rest of the Story:

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans). He even told us if we confesse Him before men the Son of Man also will confess on our behalf before the angels of God (Luke).

AND, Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved (Mark) because Baptism saves you (1 Peter)

After we have faith in Him and have become Christians He tells us that He will render to each one according to his works (Romans). Christians also know that we must have good works because He has made it clear that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone (James).

My two cents worth....Mary

Ladies and gentlemen.....wanna see a Perverted, False Gospel That ADDS to Paul’s Gospel Of Grace Plus Nothing that is the very Template for “ Falling from Grace?” You have just witnessed it.....Teach a False Gospel That adds to NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD and you are “ Accursed”—- Damned by God!The Book Of Galatians utterly destroys Catholic Doctrine ....this poor soul needs to read it.....
Meanwhile, that song that you might sing this morning in your religious lodges.....the song entitled “ Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus?” Please tear it out of your Hymnal .....God HATES hypocrites singing songs that they do not believe in......thanking you in advance.....
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
So if you believe you cannot keep all of God’s commandments you have been listening to the wrong voices.

You nor anybody else can even keep the most important Commandment......”Love God with ALL of your heart.....ALL of your Mind ......and ALL of you Soul.....
The ONLY One that did this was Jesus......and you ain’t Jesus.
YouReject the only thing that can Save you....Grace . You need to REPENT.....”, change your mind” about what Saves you.....and it ain’t by your pathetic attempts to keep the Law That was only given to show that you cant keep it and you MUST have a Savior....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Says who?

Scripture says that believers establish the law:

"Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law." (Romans 3:31)

Keep what Paul called “ weak and useless”...... of course ,you can’t keep it ,but even if you “ DID” it would be a waste of time.Why is that , you might ask?
“ Christ is The END of the Law for Righteousness”
“ By The Keeping Of The Law—- NO MAN will be JUSTIFIED!” I don’t know about you, but I WANT to get Justified ! FAITH in Paul’s Gospel , given to him by Jesus is what PROMISES TO SAVE, merely if we just Believe it
Paul sorrowed after His Jewish Brothers because even though they had “ a Zeal for God” , it was not based on Knowledge.....he knew they were going to Hell and he even offered to go in their place ! Why did Paul say they were damned ? They, using the Law, were trying to establish “ their OWN Righteousness”—— they refused to do it God’s Way.....Faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus plus Nothing...
“If keeping the Law could save anybody.....Jesus died in Vain”
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Here’s your Vaunted Law , in all of its described by Paul....

Many Christians give lip service to the fact they live in the New Covenant.

The truth however is that because they fail to realise they are no longer under the law they are really still living in an Old Covenant reality.

Here are 37 scriptures that prove that Christians are not under the law!

The law is an unbearable yoke. (Acts 15:10)

The law reveals sin but cannot fix it. (Romans 3:20)

If the law worked then faith would be irrelevant. (Romans 4:14)

The law brings wrath upon those who follow it. (Romans 4:15)

The purpose of the law was to increase sin. (Romans 5:20)

Christians are not under the law. (Romans 6:14)

Christians have been delivered from the law. (Romans 7:1-6)

The law is good, perfect and holy but cannot help you be good, perfect or holy. (Romans 7:7-12)

The law which promises life only brings death through sin. (Romans 7:10)

The law makes you sinful beyond measure. (Romans 7:13)

The law is weak. (Romans 8:2-3)

1 Corinthians
The strength of sin is the law (1 Corinthians 15:56)

2 Corinthians
The law is a ministry of death. (2 Corinthians 3:7)

The law is a ministry of condemnation. (2 Corinthians 3:9)

The law has no glory at all in comparison with the New Covenant. (2 Corinthians 3:10)

The law is fading away. (2 Corinthians 3:11)

Anywhere the law is preached it produces a mind-hardening and a heart-hardening veil. (2 Corinthians 3:14-15)

The law justifies nobody. (Galatians 2:16)

Christians are dead to the law. (Galatians 2:19)

The law frustrates grace. (Galatians 2:21)

To go back to the law after embracing faith is “stupid”. (Galatians 3:1)

The law curses all who practice it and fail to do it perfectly. (Galatians 3:10)

The law has nothing to do with faith. (Galatians 3:11-12)

The law was a curse that Christ redeemed us from. (Galatians 3:13)

The law functioned in God’s purpose as a temporary covenant from Moses till John the Baptist announced Christ. (Galatians 3:16 & 19, also see… Matthew 11:12-13, Luke 16:16)

If the law worked God would have used it to save us. (Galatians 3:21)

The law was our prison. (Galatians 3:23)

The law makes you a slave like Hagar. (Galatians 4:24)

Christ has abolished the law which was a wall of hostility (Ephesians 2:15)

Paul considered everything the law gained him as “skybalon” which is Greek for “poop”. (Philippians 3:4-8)

1 Timothy
The law is only good if used in the right context. (1 Timothy 1:8) (see next verse for the context)

It was made for the unrighteous but not for the righteous. (1 Timothy 1:9-10)

The law is weak, useless and makes nothing perfect. (Hebrews 7:18-19)

God has found fault with it and created a better covenant, enacted on better promises. (Hebrews 8:7-8)

It is obsolete, growing old and ready to vanish. (Hebrews 8:13)

It is only a shadow of good things to come and will never make someone perfect. (Hebrews 10:1)

Well there you have it… 37 scriptures that make a very convincing arguement.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
For those who base their salvation on their ability to keep from sinning (i.e. their works or law-keeping), they are required to keep the whole law (Galatians 3:10, James 2:10, Matthew 5:48)...every letter in the Old testament and in the New.

Tsk...tsk....How deceived some people can be about their Salvation ! We ALL know that the KEY to getting Saved is having the Super Memory and the Good LUCK to remember, confess and apologize for EVERY SIN that we have committed in our lives in-order to be Saved.
I haven’t seen you touch upon that subject for awhile, JBF to update all of us on that Doctrine Of yours.....or have you finally REPENTED of that Perverted addition to Paul’s Gospel ?
Don’t be so shy about it ! Proclaim it from the roof tops if it is True! If you no longer believe in that Hogwash , let us know.....
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