Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Feb 6, 2018
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No matter what is and what is coming we must cling only more unto Christ .


Now remember this:

Matt 24:
[21] For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
[22] And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
[23] Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
[24] For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

^ That has been a puzzlement to me...

How could a man IN Christ...
Having Gods Power within the man...
Remotely BE TRICKED to Reject The Lord God?

The Wicked have been doing LAB Works for quite some time, per usual out of the Public eye... developing one of their Best things since sliced bread, "treatments" to manipulate the Brain, to Reject God!

They will be Foiled yet again.

Be Warned... they are Not Trustworthy!

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
---------Will the Clinton machine be at it again, soon?-------

How rotton is the world?
We can be wise as serpents and as innocent as doves. I do not know the Clintons or who or what was out to get them or they others.
In the real world many crimes go unseen and unpunished. But like sin, in the end Gods judgement will fall.

I remember all the discussion about top secret information, how so and so was a traitor. And it turns out often the information is known by the other side anyway. What people cannot stop is real power, real productivity, real economic success. Violent people often end up dead from violent means. As ordinary citizens we can observe, and praise God he has delivered us from this, but by His grace, we do not walk there.

Clearly Bill Clinton was a flawed man, to have an affair with an intern. And also probably a string of other affairs over the years though denied.
If you tread the world between the legal and the dark world, certain associates can well get involved, so maybe these folk are simply best avoided. One of the problems of "power" is it comes as a gift from the influential, to buy favours, one way or another. It is naive to think this does not create problems, but from a social perspective, few will get caught. Just look at Al Capone.

It is why I do not like politics, or these murky places. And on average power shifts and one group replaces another.
There are no innocents in this circus, so why look towards what if's, but rather to the Lord and His ways.

It is the salt of the earth, the light in a dark place that brings reality and perspective to the schemes of man.
Praise God it is 2020, soon to be 2021, and we have not blown ourselves up in a nuclear war, or a plague that wiped most out, or civil war pitting family against family, but we are progressing slowly on.

God bless you
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Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I think it's moving rather quickly myself.
We have neighbours turning in neighbours for not wearing a mask in their own backyard.

You should watch the Documentary Clinton Cash, or Hillary's America.
Could be if you don't know the Clinton's, your odds of ending up in a body bag are less than those who do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I think it's moving rather quickly myself.
We have neighbours turning in neighbours for not wearing a mask in their own backyard.

You should watch the Documentary Clinton Cash, or Hillary's America.
Could be if you don't know the Clinton's, your odds of ending up in a body bag are less than those who do.

Nero was a nutcase emperor who killed lots of people. Why do you expect justice works in the world?
And there are millions of crazies out there doing terrible things, but I can just stand in the Lord and walk with Him.

Somehow you believe dealing with this group or that group is much more important than this other issue.
I work with what is in front of me, and try and be a blessing to those I meet.

There is a notion of heroism with whistle blowers. In reality often the issues will come out some other way, and can be brought into the open in due time. And the minor problems some bring are actually nothing compared to the issues actually going on, which also will be ignored and things shifted about. To give you an idea of such a situation. A marketing director in a big bank decided they could offer a short-term mortgage loan, funded from the currency markets, to borrows in a housing boom market. Sounds good, until you find out he borrowed $200 billion which he had to recycle every 2 years, with a capital base of $4 billion. It should have been illegal, because he would bankrupt the whole industry, cause a banking collapse and a run on the financial banking world-wide. So what happened is the people who learnt him the money wanted it back, the markets froze, and only the government could honour the debt, and stop the rot.

Now who was actually to blame for this? The financial regulators who should have banned such a venture. But who would listen to them or know this caused part of the 2008 financial collapse. If as an individual you shouted about this absurd problem, no one would respond because it was too big for anyone to respond to. There is no idealism as such, there are times and places where some will listen, or it is just the fruit of the actions that bring about change.

God bless you

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... I love Trump ..
Two witness? Equated with Biblical Witnesses?
I'm not sure HOW MANY OTHER POLITICIANS you've chanted "We Love You", along with tens of thousands of other people.

I've certainly never seen such a thing in my fairly significant lifetime, or in History, even when Obama was speaking to a black audience. They never chanted such a thing, or anywhere close.

And how many times have you heard people chanting "Fight For Trump"? -- Is this NORMAL in a political rally, or is this UNIQUE IN HISTORY where the ONLY OTHER CITED SIMILAR OCCURRENCE was when Jesus entered Jerusalem?

Now I've heard people clap and cheer over an "arrival" or at a good speech, -- but NEVER chanting "We Love You" and "Fight For Trump". But maybe I've led a sheltered life. Maybe my TV News wasn't as robust as some other venues. And having said this, I've never even heard such a thing from ROCK STARS, MOVIE STARS, MILITARY HEROS, or even the PIZZA DELIVERY GUY!

It seems to me that when the Two Witnesses are on earth, we WILL see that type of LOVE and APPRECIATION from those people from ALL WALKS OF LIFE and ALL FAITHS standing in unison in their expressions. -- But then again, we'll also always have Doubting Thomases! :)

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
We are not done yet.

... they forgot Mary Mahoney:

Meet Mary Caitrin Mahoney -
The death of Mary Caitrin Mahoney. Mahoney was a former Clinton White House staffer until 1995 who became friends with a young intern by the name of Monica Lewinsky. After her time in the White House, Mahoney took a job as the night manager of a Georgetown-area Starbucks. And in 1997, she was murdered in an apparent "robbery."

What they did was deflate her right front tire so that when her Starbucks closed, she'd be alone in the parking lot. But a co-worker was leaving with her and stayed to fix her tire, so the assassins ushered them both back into the Starbucks where they were found murdered with no robbery, and nothing taken.

Welcome to "Clinton" politics.
Bobby Jo

-- Oops, they DID include Mary Mahoney!!!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Nero was a nutcase emperor who killed lots of people. Why do you expect justice works in the world?
And there are millions of crazies out there doing terrible things, but I can just stand in the Lord and walk with Him.

Somehow you believe dealing with this group or that group is much more important than this other issue.
I work with what is in front of me, and try and be a blessing to those I meet.

There is a notion of heroism with whistle blowers. In reality often the issues will come out some other way, and can be brought into the open in due time. And the minor problems some bring are actually nothing compared to the issues actually going on, which also will be ignored and things shifted about. To give you an idea of such a situation. A marketing director in a big bank decided they could offer a short-term mortgage loan, funded from the currency markets, to borrows in a housing boom market. Sounds good, until you find out he borrowed $200 billion which he had to recycle every 2 years, with a capital base of $4 billion. It should have been illegal, because he would bankrupt the whole industry, cause a banking collapse and a run on the financial banking world-wide. So what happened is the people who learnt him the money wanted it back, the markets froze, and only the government could honour the debt, and stop the rot.

Now who was actually to blame for this? The financial regulators who should have banned such a venture. But who would listen to them or know this caused part of the 2008 financial collapse. If as an individual you shouted about this absurd problem, no one would respond because it was too big for anyone to respond to. There is no idealism as such, there are times and places where some will listen, or it is just the fruit of the actions that bring about change.

God bless you
@FollowHim You know the expression: "You don't have to be crazy to work here; but it helps..."

Historians speak of "politicians bribing the voters with their own money"'s illusory...
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
... they forgot Mary Mahoney:

Meet Mary Caitrin Mahoney -
The death of Mary Caitrin Mahoney. Mahoney was a former Clinton White House staffer until 1995 who became friends with a young intern by the name of Monica Lewinsky. After her time in the White House, Mahoney took a job as the night manager of a Georgetown-area Starbucks. And in 1997, she was murdered in an apparent "robbery."

What they did was deflate her right front tire so that when her Starbucks closed, she'd be alone in the parking lot. But a co-worker was leaving with her and stayed to fix her tire, so the assassins ushered them both back into the Starbucks where they were found murdered with no robbery, and nothing taken.

Welcome to "Clinton" politics.
Bobby Jo

The Democrats have had "a backdoor mob" for eons. The KKK a long running standing with Political Dems, The Hollywood Mobsters "hitmen", Antifa...all collecting "payouts" to do "supposed" disconnected "dirty work"... Hillary injected the Tactics with Steroids!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I think Hillary is the most Wicked woman to have ever walked this Earth. Definitely a Shame upon America.
She and Billy are still well connected with the CIA. As so is Barack - an asset of the CIA...I've got a copy of Barak's birth certificate from one of his brothers in Kenya, and the same style from the British Archives....he was illegit, thru and thru and he knows it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I'm not sure HOW MANY OTHER POLITICIANS you've chanted "We Love You", along with tens of thousands of other people.

I've certainly never seen such a thing in my fairly significant lifetime, or in History, even when Obama was speaking to a black audience. They never chanted such a thing, or anywhere close.

And how many times have you heard people chanting "Fight For Trump"? -- Is this NORMAL in a political rally, or is this UNIQUE IN HISTORY where the ONLY OTHER CITED SIMILAR OCCURRENCE was when Jesus entered Jerusalem?

Now I've heard people clap and cheer over an "arrival" or at a good speech, -- but NEVER chanting "We Love You" and "Fight For Trump". But maybe I've led a sheltered life. Maybe my TV News wasn't as robust as some other venues. And having said this, I've never even heard such a thing from ROCK STARS, MOVIE STARS, MILITARY HEROS, or even the PIZZA DELIVERY GUY!

It seems to me that when the Two Witnesses are on earth, we WILL see that type of LOVE and APPRECIATION from those people from ALL WALKS OF LIFE and ALL FAITHS standing in unison in their expressions. -- But then again, we'll also always have Doubting Thomases! :)

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo

How many times have you seen a Daily Four Year long Assult on a US President?

Amid the Four year Long daily Assault Against Trump...he continued standing for America... and that is why without reservation Liberty loving people of all walks of life can let Trump know how they feel about him.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
We are not done yet.

Clash Daily put out a list for numbers 34-44:

Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

Danny Casolaro – Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.

Paul Wilcher – Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno three weeks before his death

Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guarantee scandal.

Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.

Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee, died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton’s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.

Barry Seal – Drug running pilot out of Mena, Arkansas, death was no accident.

Johnny Lawhorn Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guarantee. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released.

Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994 when his plane exploded.

47. Jeffery Epstein: Epstein who was charged with child sex trafficking and was awaiting trial died by “hanging himself” which is very hard to believe. Most believe he was taken out and evidence backs this theory up. Bill Clinton had close ties with Epstein and even visited his island where he took underage girls to be sex slaves.

48.Seth Rich: A DNC committee member who was murdered after receiving two gunshot wounds to the back. Rich’s death was claimed to be a result of an attempted robbery, but that doesn’t seem possible being his wallet was never touched.

49.Klaus Eberwein: Was a former Haitian government official that was found dead in his room from a gunshot wound in the head. Eberwein was supposed to appear before the Haiti Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission where many speculated he was going to call out the Clinton Foundation for misusing donations for earthquake victims.

49-83. People on Flight with Ron Brown: We covered Ron Brown earlier on the list but left out the 34 others that were on the flight with him. To recap Ron Brown was the United States Secretary of Commerce during the first term of President Bill Clinton. Brown and 34 others died in a plane crash in Croatia. The strange part about the rash was both Brown’s autopsy show he had a major wound to his head that looked to be from a gunshot. The navigation chief at the Croatian airport responsible for the GPS location of Brown’s plan was found dead with a bullet hole through his chest just before he was going to be interviewed by the Air Force. Brown has a lot of inside knowledge on Clinton’s dirty dealing in Croatia and in Asia, maybe he, unfortunately, knew too much which ultimately led to his assignation.

85-89. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods: These four men died under the eye of Hillary Clinton. Both Smith and Woods filed a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton for wrongful death and defamation. The lawsuit even stated that Hillary’s use of a private email server contributed to their sons’ death.

90. Beranton Whisenaut: was a young Federal prosecutor that was found was up on a beach in Florida. Many believe he was murdered because of his role in an investigation involving former DNC head and current South Florida congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz who was a known affiliate of Hillary Clinton.

91-93. JFK Jr. and his wife and Sister-in-law: Like many on this list mysteriously died in a plane crash. So, how is JFK Jr’s death tied to the Clinton’s? Let’s take a look when Daniel Moynihan announced he was retiring his Senate seat representing New York, John F Kennedy Jr. expressed interest in claiming the seat. JFK Jr. wasn’t the only person interested in the seat Hillary Clinton knew Bill’s time in office would come to an end and the Lewinksy scandal coming to light Hillary wanted to have a political career of her own. On July 6th Clinton filed her paperwork with the Federal Election Committee to officially run for the open Senate seat. Just 10 days later on July 16, 1999, Kennedy’s plane went crashing in Massachusetts. With the Clinton’s past of several associates dying in plane crashes and then all of the sudden the man who would absolutely destroy Hillary in the polls mysteriously dies in a plane crash it definitely raises eyebrows. Many believe JFK Jr. didn’t die in the crash and believe he is looking to make a return back to the political scene very soon and expose the deep state once and for all.

This concludes the “Clinton Kill List” I’m sure they’re more names to add to the list being Hillary and Bill are both highly connected to the CIA and other deep state operatives.

The post Updated Clinton Kill List: The List of People “Who Mysteriously Died” After Being Associates With The Clintons appeared first on We Love Trump.

---------Will the Clinton machine be at it again, soon?-------
An elected serial killer couple. "representatives" of we the people.

Yes, I have no doubt the machine will be at it again should the scheme to steal the election be foiled come January 6th. JBigman foolishly has already said he'd fake an illness in order to resign. Should he never be confirmed as president, thus a tool for the Klingons and other enemies of America, both foreign and domestic, I expect him to die of a heart attack. KH, depending on how much she knows, could be the victim of a lethal crime.
Not to mention each and every person involved at the highest levels of the Dominion system.

And of course, President Trump. If the devils can't get him out of office one way.....
Wonder why no one has ever thought about putting the target on the other foot?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I don't know if anyone posted this yet.
Bill Barr on Pan Am 103 Flight Bombing

Lockerbie.... Another US CIA false flag event blamed on 2 Libyan Intel was a CIA Drug event.....

Here's an excerpt I have from around 1990...

The Truth about Lockerbie, and Pan Am 103, and Drugs

The C.I.A. drug trade through the Syria and Iran was going pretty sweet for Syrian C.I.A. contractor Monzer al-Kassar.

He gives the suitcase, C.I.A. agents clear the suitcase through to New York. When the suitcase of drugs was switched for a bomb in Dec 21, 1988, it was cleared as usual. Central Intelligence Agent Charles McKee was aboard, as were 4 other agents, all killed. At the crash scene, CIA agents posing as Pan Am employees walked away with a suitcase.

First, the press had word of a Syrian or Palestinian suspect, but when wind of the C.I.A. involvement began to surface, the C.I.A. needed a scapegoat. The socialist isolationist country is always the best bet, because they are enemies of the U.S. by their mere existence, so bombing and/or sanctions always needs a good excuse. C.I.A. killed two birds with one stone, and pinned the Flight 103 bomb on Libya.

Barr knew about this all along.....he is a liar...than the real targets were intelligence agents working for the CIA


Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
How many times have you seen a Daily Four Year long Assault on a US President? ...
Exactly CORRECT. -- So how many times did the Religious Leaders attack the Prophets and Jesus?
See the parallel?​

Amid the Four year Long daily Assault Against Trump...he continued standing for America... and that is why without reservation Liberty loving people of all walks of life can let Trump know how they feel about him.
Exactly CORRECT. -- And amid the persistent assaults against the Prophets and Jesus, that's why the True Believers revered the Prophets and welcomed Jesus singing HOSANNA and waving Palm Branches, to let Jesus know how they feel about him.
See the parallel?

Of course we WILL CLEARLY KNOW if and when Trump & Pence are lying dead in the streets. But the Prophetic Timing suggests this point in History, and their WORKS point to these two men as the Prophesied TWO WITNESSES.

Bobby Jo :)
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... Barr ... is a liar...that the real targets were intelligence agents working for the CIA


... and it cooks me to no end hearing from every news agency and government official, including Trump & Pence, that Arab's were responsible for 9/11, among SCORES of other "operations" blamed elsewhere ...

Can we say "INSIDE JOB"/"FALSE FLAG"?!?

Bobby Jo
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