Defending the Trinity

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New Member
May 20, 2013

Of the Council of Nice, 352 A.D., where the doctrine of the Trinity was first officially formulated, the well-known trinitarian historian Mosheim, a Lutheran, admits (Century 4, Part 2, Chapter 3, Section 1)

"....the discussions concerning the three persons in the Godhead, among those who approved the decisions of the council of Nice.

"There is so little clearness and discrimination in these discussions, that they seem to rend the one God into three Gods.

"Moreover, those idle fictions, which a regard for the prevailing opinions of the day had induced most theologians to embrace, even before the time of Constantine, were now in various ways confirmed, extended and embellished.

"Hence it is that we see on every side evident traces of excessive veneration for saints in heaven, of belief in a fire to purify souls on leaving the body, of partiality for priestly celibacy, the worship of images and relics, and for many other opinions which, in process of time, almost banished the true religion, or at least very much obscured and corrupted it.

"Genuine piety was gradually supplanted by a long train of superstitious observances, which were derived partly from a preposterous disposition to adopt profane rites.

"To the temples, to water consecrated with certain forms, and to likenesses of holy men, the same efficacy was ascribed and the same privileges assigned, as had been attributed to the pagan temples, statues and lustrations before the advent of Christ."

This is a trinitarian's description of conditions in the Catholic Church during the time the doctrine of the Trinity was being formulated and imposed.
In the same chapter, Section 5, Mosheim says:

"The doctors who were distinguished for their learning explained the sacred doctrines after the manner of Origen (see notes below on Origen) on whom they fixed their eye - in accordance with the principles of that philosophy which they learned in their youth at school, namely, the Platonic philosophy as corrected by Origen.

"Those who wish to get a full insight into this subject may examine Gregory Nazianzen among the Greeks and Augustine among the Latins who were regarded in the subsequent ages as the only patterns worthy of imitation, and may be fitly styled, next to Origen, the parents and supporters of philosophic or scholastic theology. They were both admirers of Plato."


Gregory made a significant impact on the shape of Trinitarian theology among both Greek- and Latin-speaking theologians, and he is remembered as the "Trinitarian Theologian". Much of his theological work continues to influence modern theologians, especially in regard to the relationship among the three Persons of the Trinity
A significant impact you say!...

If you ever wanted to apply a divine judgement here it is Rev 22:18,19


New Member
Apr 2, 2014
Purity I see you left the History Lesson of the Council of Nicea 325 A.D. what a nice guy...go ahead and add-onto, I only know a part...

Constantine orders it because the issue had come to a head, and he feared uprisings among the nuevo-Jews, the older counterparts notoriously notheaded against certain Roman customs, and potentially lethal to his new regime...

Out of 1800 bishops in his empire only 300 or so attended, most of these arguably pro-choice, I mean pro-JisG. Like after the first round of debate, only 4-5 were opposed. After the second round only one, Arius who was deposed.

The conclusion of the Council: The essence, substance, BEING of God is the same as Jesus.

What I have against it;

1) Where was the authority? Constantine was not even a baptized Christian, much less a Holy Spirit Believer.
2) The arguments hinge upon Greek philosophical constructs and dynamics, not revelation a la old testament prophet or even one like Paul who carried the day at the Council of Jerusalem
3) In light of (2) above the Council was determined BY VOTE not by one man (Paul) rebuking Peter and them ALL understanding this rebuke came from God...
4) As emperor Constantine gave an hours long speech which obviously held his own personal belief. That Jesus was most definitely God. It is possible in my mind that HE KNEW the outcome from the start and was the planner OF said vote.
5) The vote did not reflect the actual view of even democratic majority. Proof: the subsequent overturning and return to Arius' position in succeeding Councils.

and 6) the term OUSIA is unknowable now and was unknowable then for God. For who can describe the substance or essence or being or species or genetics or biological makeup or DNA of God??

And IF they could not then and can not now, then HOW THE HECK were they able to make statements such as JESUS HAS A HOMOOUSIA with the Father?


New Member
May 20, 2013

I struggle with the pretence of it all.

No matter how you wrestle with the doctrine of the Trinity, it cannot give you anything but an all-powerful, all-knowing, immortal, untemptable God going through the pantomime of pretending to grow, pretending to learn, pretending to overcome weakness, pretending to struggle with temptation, pretending to pray for help, pretending to receive strength through angels from a part of himself, pretending to receive commands and instruction (from himself), pretending to obey and submit his will to a co-equal part of himself.

Illogical and unreasonable in all its parts.

and 6) the term OUSIA is unknowable now and was unknowable then for God. For who can describe the substance or essence or being or species or genetics or biological makeup or DNA of God??

And IF they could not then and can not now, then HOW THE HECK were they able to make statements such as JESUS HAS A HOMOOUSIA with the Father? was in the Greek East that Christians began to reflect on the common nature, ousia, of Father, Son and Spirit and to ask the question, What constitutes their to theion, their divine reality? A Greek doctor like Athanasius uses the language of homoousia, sameness of being, to say that, when we speak of Father and Son, we are not dealing with generic identity, as we should be were we to affirm two Gods. Rather, we are talking about a numerically identical reality that is one-in-two, by virtue of the origin the one takes from the other.2 This was clarified by Athanasius’s successors, the Cappadocian Fathers, who regarded the divine Persons as the expressions—at once distinct yet exhaustive—of the unique, concrete ousia. For St Gregory of Nyssa, for example, each divine Person differs from the others only by the way he makes their single ousia exist. Hence the search for identifying idioms, characteristics or signs (idiomata, charakteres, semeia) which will uncover the tropoi or ‘manners’ in which the Persons let the divine nature be. Discovering Aquinas - Aidan Nichols

I am continually impressed how Trinitarian's can actually speak as though they both understand and use these philosophical terms regarding "common nature"...they haven't a foggiest clue how to reconcile 1 Tim 6:16 with Rom 8:3.

What a maze! and the Word is meant to give wisdom to the simple?

Quote: "numerically identical reality that is one-in-two"

Maybe wormwood can be given a please explain?

History lesson on Christianity:

The victory of the council of Nicæa over the views of the majority of the bishops was a victory only in appearance. It had, to be sure, erected a mighty fortress, in which the defenders of the essential deity of Christ might ever take refuge from the assaults of heresy; and in this view it was of the utmost importance, and secured the final triumph of the truth. But some of the bishops had subscribed the homoousion with reluctance, or from regard to the emperor, or at best with the reservation of a broad interpretation; and with a change of circumstances they would readily turn in opposition. The controversy now for the first time fairly broke loose, and Arianism entered the stage of its political development and power. An intermediate period of great excitement ensued, during which council was held against council, creed was set forth against creed, and anathema against anathema was hurled. The pagan Ammianus Marcellinus says of the councils under Constantius: “The highways were covered with galloping bishops;” and even Athanasius rebuked the restless flutter of the clergy, who journeyed the empire over to find the true faith, and provoked the ridicule and contempt of the unbelieving world. In intolerance and violence the Arians exceeded the orthodox, and contested elections of bishops not rarely came to bloody encounters. The interference of imperial politics only poured oil on the flame, and embarrassed the natural course of the theological development.

The personal history of Athanasius was interwoven with the doctrinal controversy; he threw himself wholly into the cause which he advocated. The question whether his deposition was legitimate or not, was almost identical with the question whether the Nicene Creed should prevail.

Eusebius of Nicomedia and Theognis of Nicæa threw all their influence against the adherents of the homoousion. Constantine himself was turned by Eusebius of Caesarea, who stood between Athanasius and Arius, by his sister Constantia and her father confessor, and by a vague confession of Arius, to think more favorably of Arius, and to recall him from exile. Nevertheless he afterwards, as before, thought himself in accordance with the orthodox view and the Nicene creed. The real gist of the controversy he had never understood. Athanasius, who after the death of Alexander in April, 328,1 became bishop of Alexandria and head of the Nicene party, refused to reinstate the heretic in his former position, and was condemned and deposed for false accusations by two Arian councils, one at Tyre under the presidency of the historian Eusebius, the other at Constantinople in the year 335 (or 336), and banished by the emperor to Treves in Gaul in 336, as a disturber of the peace of the church.

Soon after this Arius, having been formally acquitted of the charge of heresy by a council at Jerusalem (a.d. 335), was to have been solemnly received back into the fellowship of the church at Constantinople. But on the evening before the intended procession from the imperial palace to the church of the Apostles, he suddenly died (a.d. 336), at the age of over eighty years, of an attack like cholera, while attending to a call of nature. This death was regarded by many as a divine judgment; by others, it was attributed to poisoning by enemies; by others, to the excessive joy of Arius in his triumph.2

On the death of Constantine (337), who had shortly before received baptism from the Arian Eusebius of Nicomedia, Athanasius was recalled from his banishment (338) by Constantine II. († 340), and received by the people with great enthusiasm; “more joyously than ever an emperor.”3 Some months afterwards (339) he held a council of nearly a hundred bishops in Alexandria for the vindication of the Nicene doctrine. But this was a temporary triumph.

In the East Arianism prevailed. Constantius, second son of Constantine the Great, and ruler in the East, together with his whole court, was attached to it with fanatical intolerance. Eusebius of Nicomedia was made bishop of Constantinople (338), and was the leader of the Arian and the more moderate, but less consistent semi-Arian parties in their common opposition to Athanasius and the orthodox West. Hence the name Eusebians.1 Athanasius was for a second time deposed, and took refuge with the bishop Julius of Rome (339 or 340), who in the autumn of 341 held a council of more than fifty bishops in defence of the exile and for the condemnation of his opponents. The whole Western church was in general more steadfast on the side of the Nicene orthodoxy, and honored in Athanasius a martyr of the true faith. On the contrary a synod at Antioch, held under the direction of the Eusebians on the occasion of the dedication of a church in 341,2 issued twenty-five canons, indeed, which were generally accepted as orthodox and valid, but at the same time confirmed the deposition of Athanasius, and set forth four creeds, which rejected Arianism, yet avoided the orthodox formula, particularly the vexed homoousion.3

Thus the East and the West were in manifest conflict.

To heal this division, the two emperors, Constantius in the East and Constans in the West, summoned a general council at Sardica in Illyria, a.d. 343.4 Here the Nicene party and the Roman influence prevailed.5 Pope Julius was represented by two Italian priests. The Spanish bishop Hosius presided. The Nicene doctrine was here confirmed, and twelve canons were at the same time adopted, some of which are very important in reference to discipline and the authority of the Roman see. But the Arianizing Oriental bishops, dissatisfied with the admission of Athanasius, took no part in the proceedings, held an opposition council in the neighboring city of Philippopolis, and confirmed the decrees of the council of Antioch. The opposite councils, therefore, inflamed the discord of the church, instead of allaying it.

Constantius was compelled, indeed, by his brother to restore Athanasius to his office in 346; but after the death of Constans, a.d. 350, he summoned three successive synods in favor of a moderate Arianism; one at Sirmium in Pannonia (351), one at Arelate or Arles in Gaul (353), and one at Milan in Italy, (355); he forced the decrees of these councils on the Western church, deposed and banished bishops, like Liberius of Rome, Hosius of Cordova, Hilary of Poitiers, Lucifer of Calaris, who resisted them, and drove Athanasius from the cathedral of Alexandria during divine service with five thousand armed soldiers, and supplied his place with an uneducated and avaricious Arian, George of Cappadocia (356). In these violent measures the court bishops and Eusebia, the last wife of Constantius and a zealous Arian, had great influence. Even in their exile the faithful adherents of the Nicene faith were subjected to all manner of abuse and vexation. Hence Constantius was vehemently attacked by Athanasius, Hilary, and Lucifer, compared to Pharaoh, Saul, Ahab, Belshazzar, and called an inhuman beast, the forerunner of Antichrist, and even Antichrist himself.

Thus Arianism gained the ascendency in the whole Roman empire; though not in its original rigorous form, but in the milder form of homoi-ousianism or the doctrine of similarity of essence, as opposed on the one hand to the Nicene homo-ousianism (sameness of essence), and on the other hand to the Arian hetero-ousianism (difference of essence).

Even the papal chair was desecrated by heresy during this Arian interregnum; after the deposition of Liberius, the deacon Felix II., “by antichristian wickedness,” as Athanasius expresses it, was elected his successor.1 Many Roman historians for this reason regard him as a mere anti-pope. But in the Roman church books this Felix is inserted, not only as a legitimate pope, but even as a saint, because, according to a much later legend, he was executed by Constantius, whom he called a heretic. His memory is celebrated on the twenty-ninth of July. His subsequent fortunes are very differently related. The Roman people desired the recall of Liberius, and he, weary of exile, was prevailed upon to apostatize by subscribing an Arian or at least Arianizing confession, and maintaining church fellowship with the Eusebians.2 On this condition he was restored to his papal dignity, and received with enthusiasm into Rome (358). He died in 366 in the orthodox faith, which he had denied through weakness, but not from conviction.

Even the almost centennarian bishop Hosius was induced by long imprisonment and the threats of the emperor, though not himself to compose (as Hilary states), yet to subscribe (as Athanasius and Sozomen say), the Arian formula of the second council of Sirmium, a.d. 357, but soon after repented his unfaithfulness, and condemned the Arian heresy shortly before his death.

The Nicene orthodoxy was thus apparently put down. But now the heretical majority, having overcome their common enemy, made ready their own dissolution by divisions among themselves. They separated into two factions. The right wing, the Eusebians or Semi-Arians, who were represented by Basil of Ancyra and Gregory of Laodicea, maintained that the Son was not indeed of the same essence (ὁμο-ούσιος), yet of like essence (ὁμοι-ούσιος), with the Father. To these belonged many who at heart agreed with the Nicene faith, but either harbored prejudices against Athanasius, or saw in the term ὁμο-ούσιος an approach to Sabellianism; for theological science had not yet duly fixed the distinction of substance (οὐσία) and person (ὑπόστασις), so that the homoousia might easily be confounded with unity of person. The left wing, or the decided Arians, under the lead of Eudoxius of Antioch, his deacon Aëtius,1 and especially the bishop Eunomius of Cyzicus in Mysia2 (after whom they were called also Eunomians), taught that the Son was of a different essence (ἑτεροούσιος), and even unlike the Father (ἀνόμοιος), and created out of nothing (ἐξ οὐκ ὄντων). They received also, from their standard terms, the names of Heterousiasts, Anomaeans, and Exukontians.

A number of councils were occupied with this internal dissension of the anti-Nicene party: two at Sirmium (the second, a.d. 357; the third, a.d. 358), one at Antioch (358), one at Ancyra (358), the double council at Seleucia and Rimini (359), and one at Constantinople (360). But the division was not healed. The proposed compromise of entirely avoiding the word οὐσία, and substituting ὅμοιος like, for ὁμοιούσιος of like essence, and ἀνόμοιος, unlike, satisfied neither party. Constantius vainly endeavored to suppress the quarrel by his imperio-episcopal power. His death in 361 opened the way for the second and permanent victory of the Nicene orthodoxy.

"What an ecclesiastical mess!"...this is what happens when you combine state and religion with platonic influence.



Active Member
Feb 28, 2014
Quote from Floyd.
© "Having His name, and His Father's name written on their foreheads." This joint naming, although implicit for thousands of years in Scripture, and confirmed by our Lord, "those that have seen me, have seen the Father," (Jn. 14:9,) is here a unique occurrence and is a first in Scripture. In Zech. 14:9, we read;"And Jehovah shall be King over all the earth: in that Day shall there be one Jehovah, and His Name One (united)."
I have wrestled with this verse and the KJV version, which hath not the Son's name written upon their foreheads. I will not argue the KJV is the true version, since I have not much evidence for that which I would rather see, the original name only, YHWH Elohim, obviously which would tie into my theology more cohesively.

The reason why I wrestled with this verse is because in two places further in Revelations, the Mark of the Beast is said to be on the Deceived One's forehead instead of what God said to put in Deut 6:4...


So that no one may ( B)buy or sell, except those with the (c)mark, or the (c)name of the beast, or the (c)number representing his name.

(a) At the time the Holy Spirit penned these words via. John on Patmos, the world (then known) was a much smaller place than now. However, with modern communications and travel speeds some would say that in fact it is smaller in the sense of actions etc. Many commentators on Scripture cannot agree on who is marked, and many prefer to say Israel only is involved. It is true that the meaning can seem ambiguous, but it is the opinion of the writers that possibly all peoples of the world are involved, where Jews of the Diaspora are living, but that the Jews are the primary target. There are a number of compelling reasons for this conclusion. The debate hinges for some on the simple Greek translation of the word for "earth," (Ge) as in V.8 and in many places. The definition for (Str. 1093,) is wider than the Comp (App. 129:4,) but both generally agree. Verse 7 in this case supports the view of world-wide application, i.e. "over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." The fact is that there are many more Jews still dispersed throughout the world than in Israel, its present borders could not hold them! The present population of Israel is probably less than that of New York alone! All the Jews outside the focal point (Israel) of these future events will be affected and involved, because Antichrist will be seeking them out. That is the reason that our Lord is so emphatic in His statement regarding "His brethren," in Matt. 25:40 (see Matt. 25: 31-46,) and our Lord's comments and actions are internationally focused as is clear from His words in Matt. 25. This fact augers for the same emphasis in V 17 statement.
God has sealed people in the forehead, prior to great trouble in the past, (Ezk. 9:4) (Rev. 7:3.) This marking by Satan is the anti-thesis, and is his promise of protection to his people.

( B) So the worshippers of this future Antichrist figure, are also marked to allow permit to "buy and sell," (trade etc.,) which will be strictly controlled, making life for those outside the favour of this Satanic system very hard. It has to be remembered that this state of affairs is only 3½ years in duration, however most people will not know this, and they will be controlled to such an extent that such information the Bible holds will not be easily available and in any case will not be understood, hence the special Holy Spirit upholding of the groups mentioned in the early chapters.
(c) "Mark, name, or number;" these terrible symbols, will denote more than just permit, (to trade etc.,) but will also denote ownership! Satan will own these individuals in the same way, and to the same degree as the heavenly beings that are his. Regarding the angels of heaven that followed and belong to Satan, according to Rev. 5:11, the original Hebrew words mean "countless numbers," this means that as one third of heaven's angels that followed Satan cannot be numbered (by humans,) but the number almost certainly will be much larger than the human population that are marked. In the year 1999, the population of earth reached 6,000,000,000 (6 billion,) this number given by the U.N. If current projections are correct, by 2020 approx. 20 billion people may inhabit the planet (projections vary.) (In 2014, the number is just under 7.5 billion).
Numbers of people will be large, but compared with heaven's population the numbers are probably small. It is worth reiterating here the reason Satan will work so hard against Israel; his purpose is to annihilate Israel. If he were to succeed, the promises to Abraham by Jehovah would be null and void, as Jehovah has promised that Israel will never cease to be a nation (Jer. 31:35-37) and Satan would become ruler of the earth and will have successfully challenged Almighty God! He will use all natural and supernatural means at his disposal, including the earth's population, of which he needs as many as he can get, as the human race is the main target after his success in heaven! Therefore his methods are subtly tailored to try to entrap as many of the unwary as possible, to augment his success in heaven! As seen above, Satan has under his control countless angels, and also humans who are marked and who worship him openly, to be able to live and trade during his power period on earth! Satan's people however have been converting to him since the flood, and prior to that since Eden. His methods are varied, some easy to see such as open pagan worship in its multitude of forms. However in these times, the methods blend into the credible, so that many so-called "christian" groups say they have the "truth," but in reality are a perverted form of "christianity."

However in these times, the methods blend into the credible, so that many so-called "christian" groups say they have the "truth," but in reality are a perverted form of "christianity."

This is what is being offered here in the responses to the defence of God's Trinity. The purpose always is to denigrate the Salvation Plan of Jehovah Zebaoth in Christ Jesus; our beloved Lord!
It is the opinion of the writer that the Moderators should only allow a certain level of such posting, as it is offensive in the extreme to the true Christian; and it becomes repetitive to the point of negation of the Statement of Faith on the Board!


Rocky Wiley

Active Member
Aug 28, 2012
Southeast USA
Wormwood said:

Here are some other words you wont find in the NT:

Oneness, Pentecostal, Calvinist, Arminian, Amillennial, Post-Millennial, Pre-Millennial, Dispensational, Wesleyan, Catholic, Lutheran, Unitarian, Arian, Modalism, Creationism, Evolution, and the list can go on and on. Whether or not the word is in the Bible is irrelevant. The question is whether or not the concept that the word represents is in the Bible.

Trinitarians believe in one God with one nature consisting of three persons. I also don't find any Jew ever believed the Messiah and Savior of the world would wash feet and die on a cross. So what exactly is your point?
My point is that God is a Spirit, John 4:24 , not a person. One can not make a person out of a Spirit, let alone three. The Jews in the generation Jesus came were so blind they could see nothing of truth. To see what God said in truth one has to read about those of truth, Jesus is a good place to start and Moses would be another.


Apr 9, 2013
United States
Rocky Wiley said:
My point is that God is a Spirit, John 4:24 , not a person. One can not make a person out of a Spirit, let alone three. The Jews in the generation Jesus came were so blind they could see nothing of truth. To see what God said in truth one has to read about those of truth, Jesus is a good place to start and Moses would be another.

God can be both person and Spirit. Person, as it refers to the Deity comes from the Greek word persona which has to do with intellect, will, volition, emotion and so forth.


I love the historical revisionist work you do. Nothing like quoting only a small portion of something from one particular person and leave the avalanche information that shows overwhelming emphasis for the overall story out. It's kinda like when one of my kids is kicking, hitting, pushing and annoying another one for long periods of time and the other child finally snaps and calls the former a jerk. When the former child tells me what happened and ONLY says, "She called me a jerk" she is telling a half-truth, or more correctly misleading me with a very small part of the story. We call that deception where I am from.

Let's look at what Wikipedia says more fully since you want to use this source to prove the Trinity false...

Of these controversies, the most significant developments were articulated in the first four centuries by the Church Fathers[31] in reaction to Adoptionism, Sabellianism, and Arianism. Adoptionism was the belief that Jesus was an ordinary man, born of Joseph and Mary, who became the Christ and Son of God at his baptism. In 269, the Synods of Antioch condemned Paul of Samosata for his Adoptionist theology, and also condemned the term homoousios (ὁμοούσιος, "of the same being") in the sense he used it.[34]
So, looks like your views that closely reflect Adoptionism was condemned in 269...well before Gregory was even born. This was not an ecumenical council nor was it something railroaded by Constantine for his purposes of unifying the empire. This was what simple believers gathered together to approve what they accepted as a unified body. And that decision was essentially...Purity's view is pure heresy and is to be condemned by Christians.

Wikipedia also teaches you that Ignatius of Antioch attests to the Trinity as early as 110AD, and we also learn that the word "Trinity" was used in the 2nd century...a hundred years before Constantine or Gregory.

Purity, simply because you don't have the "foggiest clue" about something does not mean that others do not. I don't have the "foggiest clue" as to how a nuclear reactor works, but it doesn't mean they don't work. You keep pointing to Scriptures about the humanity of Jesus or his death to discount the idea that Jesus was divine. This is not a problem for Trinitarians as we understand "fully human" to mean just that..."fully human."

I will not deny what history records. You are correct that there was early disagreement and debate on this issue. Constantine certainly did push for a resolution on this issue (his primary concern was unification of his empire). Yet, while the actual language of the Trinity and early concepts of how Father, Son and Spirit related may have been something up for debate among early Christians and something in which there was some early disagreement, let us be clear:

They were quite unified on particular views they agreed to be heretical. You and nothead would have been overwhelmingly dismissed as heretics...of that you can be sure.

You and nothead seem to be continually implying that any disagreement or uneasiness about Trinitarian language by any scholar today or historically, automatically implies that your views are right and Trinitarians are wrong. This is seriously misguided and deceptive. There is NOTHING in Christian history that even remotely suggests that the views either of you have presented were ever seriously considered by the early Church. Rather, the views the two of you have promoted here were quickly and decisively condemned about as quickly as they started. So while Trinitarian language and concepts took some time to establish, the denouncement and condemnation of your views did not. They were NEVER embraced by the church but were swiftly condemned.


New Member
Apr 2, 2014
Let's look at what Wikipedia says more fully since you want to use this source to prove the Trinity false...

Of these controversies, the most significant developments were articulated in the first four centuries by the Church Fathers[31] in reaction to Adoptionism,Sabellianism, and Arianism. Adoptionism was the belief that Jesus was an ordinary man, born of Joseph and Mary, who became the Christ and Son of God at his baptism. In 269, the Synods of Antioch condemned Paul of Samosata for his Adoptionist theology, and also condemned the term homoousios (ὁμοούσιος, "of the same being") in the sense he used it.[34]

You are arguing Purity's excerpt which was extensive and plethorific with a general statement from WIKI which covers 4 centuries in a single sentence? Em?

Smooth move, slickster. Who is being deceptive? Of course MANY will consider these to be heresies. However the good guys are also coming out of these convenient BOXES of categorical heresy you portray. For instance which of the ECF'S before 355 A.D. were orthodox (your orthodoxy) according to the EQUALITY (absolute) of the Three?

A noted trin scholar from a generation ago:

WIKI reference since you like WIKI so much:

According to R.P.C. Hanson, "with the exception of Athanasius, virtually every theologian, East and West, accepted some form of subordianationism at least up to the year 355; subordinationism might indeed, until the denouement of the controversy, have been described as accepted orthodoxy.

subordinationism, wiki.

Now he isn't talking about subordination of OFFICE or ROLE or INTERHARMONIC Gods being HUMBLE to each other in a manifested ACTION. He is speaking of absolute subordination which INCLUDES Purity's SEMI-OUSIAN bishops, SEMI-ARIAN 'heretics' and ARIAN rebels.

Wikipedia also teaches you that Ignatius of Antioch attests to the Trinity as early as 110AD, and we also learn that the word "Trinity" was used in the 2nd century...a hundred years before Constantine or Gregory.
Quite likely only a mention of the three in close proximity, which are ALWAYS in the NT EVERYWHERE. However, just because the THREE are in close proximity in the Bible it does NOT mean they are EQUAL in absolute ousia, being, ontology, kind, species or substance or essence.

Do you understand that this was the issue then and this is the issue NOW? The dividing line of proto-orthodoxy NOW has nothing to do with what it was THEN? I quote Hansen over and over here and it has not sunk in. IF it is true THEN all of your blubberings about TRINITY is moot, since yeah the Three are mentioned in close proximity OFTEN usually the Son with the Father and the Holy Spirit as the emanation among us.

Purity, simply because you don't have the "foggiest clue" about something does not mean that others do not. I don't have the "foggiest clue" as to how a nuclear reactor works, but it doesn't mean they don't work. You keep pointing to Scriptures about the humanity of Jesus or his death to discount the idea that Jesus was divine. This is not a problem for Trinitarians as we understand "fully human" to mean just that..."fully human."
NO trinitarian has the foggiest clue of which they speak. Onliest thing they THINK they know is that somehow three Gods make one God. And THIS is totally not the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. OR the One True God of the Jews.

I will not deny what history records. You are correct that there was early disagreement and debate on this issue. Constantine certainly did push for a resolution on this issue (his primary concern was unification of his empire). Yet, while the actual language of the Trinity and early concepts of how Father, Son and Spirit related may have been something up for debate among early Christians and something in which there was some early disagreement, let us be clear:

They were quite unified on particular views they agreed to be heretical. You and nothead would have been overwhelmingly dismissed as heretics...of that you can be sure.
Quite true at this particular Council. But if you read again you will see maybe not so true in the succeeding ones still in the fourth century. You are assuming THIS one is orthodox, and THIS view is only a window in time AT the point of Constantine's primal dominance. However it can be seen as moot since again HE was not even a baptized Christian, much less a Spirit-filled believer. Actually by this time I believe the upper room experience had been lost.

You and nothead seem to be continually implying that any disagreement or uneasiness about Trinitarian language by any scholar today or historically, automatically implies that your views are right and Trinitarians are wrong. This is seriously misguided and deceptive. There is NOTHING in Christian history that even remotely suggests that the views either of you have presented were ever seriously considered by the early Church. Rather, the views the two of you have promoted here were quickly and decisively condemned about as quickly as they started. So while Trinitarian language and concepts took some time to establish, the denouncement and condemnation of your views did not. They were NEVER embraced by the church but were swiftly condemned.

The first two generations were relatively pristine faith. I showed you the earliest Creeds. Do I have to show them again? Lettuce consider what you consider heretical. Then compare this to the Creeds I showed you. Jesus is not God. The Creeds do not show he IS GOD. As a newcomer and instigator OF new Creed, his position AS GOD would be the first article of ANY CHRISTIAN CREED just as it is in the Athansian Creed. Do you understand this, sir?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
I struggle with the pretence of it all.

No matter how you wrestle with the doctrine of the Trinity, it cannot give you anything but an all-powerful, all-knowing, immortal, untemptable God going through the pantomime of pretending to grow, pretending to learn, pretending to overcome weakness, pretending to struggle with temptation, pretending to pray for help, pretending to receive strength through angels from a part of himself, pretending to receive commands and instruction (from himself), pretending to obey and submit his will to a co-equal part of himself.

Illogical and unreasonable in all its parts.
This would be the mystery of the fully man and fully God. The only pretense we are working with is that an omnipotent God would be beyond our full understanding. And, of course, he would.

It's sort of like trying to cram a 1 TB hard drive into a 1 GB hard drive. It just won't work because the latter doesn't have the full capacity of the former. We do not have the room nor the capacity to fully grasp something that can be three persons but the same being, so we are confined to the notion of body equating being. I could charge any denier of the trinity with this pretense of narrow sight, and for the record, I do just that because that's the crux of the argument.

Titus 2:11-13
For the grace of God has appeared with salvation for all people, instructing us to deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way in the present age, while we wait for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Jesus came to earth as fully God and fully man to show his children what any parent worth a salt will do. Jesus showed them how to live while he atoned for our sins and took the punishment that we should otherwise bear. That's hardly pantomiming anything, because the latter is something you'll never be able to handle and the former is something that you'll never be able to do. In fact, it's quite logical in the realm of parenting.

God should define us, rather than the opposite.


New Member
Apr 2, 2014
Floyd said:
Quote from Floyd.
I have wrestled with this verse and the KJV version, which hath not the Son's name written upon their foreheads. I will not argue the KJV is the true version, since I have not much evidence for that which I would rather see, the original name only, YHWH Elohim, obviously which would tie into my theology more cohesively.

The reason why I wrestled with this verse is because in two places further in Revelations, the Mark of the Beast is said to be on the Deceived One's forehead instead of what God said to put in Deut 6:4...


So that no one may ( B)buy or sell, except those with the (c)mark, or the (c)name of the beast, or the (c)number representing his name.

(a) At the time the Holy Spirit penned these words via. John on Patmos, the world (then known) was a much smaller place than now. However, with modern communications and travel speeds some would say that in fact it is smaller in the sense of actions etc. Many commentators on Scripture cannot agree on who is marked, and many prefer to say Israel only is involved. It is true that the meaning can seem ambiguous, but it is the opinion of the writers that possibly all peoples of the world are involved, where Jews of the Diaspora are living, but that the Jews are the primary target. There are a number of compelling reasons for this conclusion. The debate hinges for some on the simple Greek translation of the word for "earth," (Ge) as in V.8 and in many places. The definition for (Str. 1093,) is wider than the Comp (App. 129:4,) but both generally agree. Verse 7 in this case supports the view of world-wide application, i.e. "over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." The fact is that there are many more Jews still dispersed throughout the world than in Israel, its present borders could not hold them! The present population of Israel is probably less than that of New York alone! All the Jews outside the focal point (Israel) of these future events will be affected and involved, because Antichrist will be seeking them out. That is the reason that our Lord is so emphatic in His statement regarding "His brethren," in Matt. 25:40 (see Matt. 25: 31-46,) and our Lord's comments and actions are internationally focused as is clear from His words in Matt. 25. This fact augers for the same emphasis in V 17 statement.
God has sealed people in the forehead, prior to great trouble in the past, (Ezk. 9:4) (Rev. 7:3.) This marking by Satan is the anti-thesis, and is his promise of protection to his people.

( B) So the worshippers of this future Antichrist figure, are also marked to allow permit to "buy and sell," (trade etc.,) which will be strictly controlled, making life for those outside the favour of this Satanic system very hard. It has to be remembered that this state of affairs is only 3½ years in duration, however most people will not know this, and they will be controlled to such an extent that such information the Bible holds will not be easily available and in any case will not be understood, hence the special Holy Spirit upholding of the groups mentioned in the early chapters.
(c) "Mark, name, or number;" these terrible symbols, will denote more than just permit, (to trade etc.,) but will also denote ownership! Satan will own these individuals in the same way, and to the same degree as the heavenly beings that are his. Regarding the angels of heaven that followed and belong to Satan, according to Rev. 5:11, the original Hebrew words mean "countless numbers," this means that as one third of heaven's angels that followed Satan cannot be numbered (by humans,) but the number almost certainly will be much larger than the human population that are marked. In the year 1999, the population of earth reached 6,000,000,000 (6 billion,) this number given by the U.N. If current projections are correct, by 2020 approx. 20 billion people may inhabit the planet (projections vary.) (In 2014, the number is just under 7.5 billion).
Numbers of people will be large, but compared with heaven's population the numbers are probably small. It is worth reiterating here the reason Satan will work so hard against Israel; his purpose is to annihilate Israel. If he were to succeed, the promises to Abraham by Jehovah would be null and void, as Jehovah has promised that Israel will never cease to be a nation (Jer. 31:35-37) and Satan would become ruler of the earth and will have successfully challenged Almighty God! He will use all natural and supernatural means at his disposal, including the earth's population, of which he needs as many as he can get, as the human race is the main target after his success in heaven! Therefore his methods are subtly tailored to try to entrap as many of the unwary as possible, to augment his success in heaven! As seen above, Satan has under his control countless angels, and also humans who are marked and who worship him openly, to be able to live and trade during his power period on earth! Satan's people however have been converting to him since the flood, and prior to that since Eden. His methods are varied, some easy to see such as open pagan worship in its multitude of forms. However in these times, the methods blend into the credible, so that many so-called "christian" groups say they have the "truth," but in reality are a perverted form of "christianity."

However in these times, the methods blend into the credible, so that many so-called "christian" groups say they have the "truth," but in reality are a perverted form of "christianity."

This is what is being offered here in the responses to the defence of God's Trinity. The purpose always is to denigrate the Salvation Plan of Jehovah Zebaoth in Christ Jesus; our beloved Lord!
It is the opinion of the writer that the Moderators should only allow a certain level of such posting, as it is offensive in the extreme to the true Christian; and it becomes repetitive to the point of negation of the Statement of Faith on the Board!

Are you instigating a mass response to get us out of here? Purity has three times as many posts as you. He has TENURE in other words.

Also you are SURE what the Mark of the Beast is? There are many more SURE it is 666 or 616, sir. Your OPINION may have sway with some. I might read this excerpt AGAIN except you just said I don't belong here or should post less.

Is there a limit on our postings? The truth will not be denied, even IF YOU CANNOT HANDLE IT, sir. Famous quote, Jack Nicholson, my rendering of.

This would be the mystery of the fully man and fully God. The only pretense we are working with is that an omnipotent God would be beyond our full understanding. And, of course, he would.

Fully man and fully God ain't in the Bible sir. I know you MEAN well.

It's sort of like trying to cram a 1 TB hard drive into a 1 GB hard drive. It just won't work because the latter doesn't have the full capacity of the former. We do not have the room nor the capacity to fully grasp something that can be three persons but the same being, so we are confined to the notion of body equating being. I could charge any denier of the trinity with this pretense of narrow sight, and for the record, I do just that because that's the crux of the argument.
All you are saying is that the paradigm 3 Persons in 1 Being is inadequate language. I agree and would further posit it is FALSE language ALSO not in the Bible, sir.

It is inadequate 1) because as you say a BODY of God is not a BEING of God, most evident when you SEPARATE the three-headed God of ancient trinitarian paintings into three. But then again if you DON'T separate, you have a might odd looking God which Moses never saw a part of, who only had ONE FACE he could not see.

Kind of implicative to a God which never was? Something evil this way comes, sir. And this evil is your own construct.

Titus 2:11-13
For the grace of God has appeared with salvation for all people, instructing us to deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way in the present age, while we wait for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
There are three TRIN versions of this verse, the last one as The Trinity Delusion describes:

A third translation set does not attempt to rule out that Jesus is called "God" nor do these versions change the noun "glory" into the adjective "glorious."

looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus. (NASB).
awaiting our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. (RSV).
while we wait for the blessed hope--the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. (NIV).

Jesus came to earth as fully God and fully man to show his children what any parent worth a salt will do. Jesus showed them how to live while he atoned for our sins and took the punishment that we should otherwise bear. That's hardly pantomiming anything, because the latter is something you'll never be able to handle and the former is something that you'll never be able to do. In fact, it's quite logical in the realm of parenting.
Nice try but again FULLY MAN and FULLY GOD don't make a LICK of sense no way no how. They are diametrically opposed entities WHEN MERGED. We are made in the IMAGE of God, but that don't mean you can MERGE man and God.

Jesus said he did not know:

1) who touched his hem
2) who would sit at his left and right hands (HIM of course, who sits at the right hand of God)
3) what the name of Legion was
4) why God separated from him at death
5) who was going to hell and should give up right away to be his disciple (nothead's add-on)
6) when he would come back to earth, Houston.
So then how is it that FULLY GOD don't know these things? GOD DOES.

God should define us, rather than the opposite.

Your mysterious undefinable God defines nothing a common man can figure out.


Apr 9, 2013
United States

Subordinationism in forms of Arianism and so forth were condemned while their proponents lived. It is quite different from the teaching of subordination in the Bible (however some early quotes used designating subordinationism is NOT a defense of Arianism and other heresies as you have implied, but are often used as defenses for Trinitarian views as the article states). This is why Arians and Adoptionists were quickly condemned. They were not arguing subordination, but attempting to strip Christ of his divine nature...which was immediately designated as heresy. Yes, there were proponents of it, and they were labeled heretics very quickly in all their forms leading up to the 4th century until an official position of the relation of Father, Son and Spirit was agreed upon as it best reflected revelation from Scripture. 4th century agreement on Trinitarian doctrines does not mean subordinationism (in forms of Arianism and other concepts that denied Christ's divine nature) were not denounced until the 4th century. Clearly it was denounced far earlier than that.

Consider this Trinitarian scholar on the topic of subordination:

This leads to the issue of the subordination of the Son to the Father. Without doubt the Bible speaks of such subordinationism. "The Father is greater than I," says Jesus (John 14:28). Christ is the Father’s servant (Isa 52:13; 53:11; Matt 20:28; Phil 2:7); he came to do the Father’s will: "Yet not as I will, but as You will" (Matt 26:39; see 26:42). "I do not seek my own will, but the will of Him who sent Me" (John 5:30; see 4:34; 6:38). "Behold, I have come … to do Your will, O God" (Heb 10:7). "God is the head of Christ," says Paul (1 Cor 11:3). "Christ belongs to God," says 1 Cor 3:23. How shall we explain such passages? The question is whether they imply an eternal subordination of the Son to the Father, or whether they apply only to the relation between the incarnate Logos and the Father...

These are best understood as referring to the role of servant which the Logos voluntarily assumed as a result of the incarnation. There was no relationship of subordination among the three persons of the Trinity before this. The subordination of the Son to the Father is functional, not ontological. It has to do with the Son’s office and work, not his person. Jesus Christ the God-man is the Father’s servant, and he does the will of the Father; but this is an aspect of the humiliation that he freely chose to endure for the sake of our salvation.

-Jack Cottrell, PhD
Trinitarians may debate about when the subordination role came into play, whether it was eternal or assumed during the incarnation. But, let us be clear, subordination between Father and Son is not an anti-Trinitarian concept.


Active Member
Feb 28, 2014
To notHead:
Regarding "666 or 616"; at this stage in time, nobody knows who this is!

[SIZE=14pt]Here is (a)[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]wisdom.[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt] Let him that hath (a)[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]understanding [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]count the number of the beast: for it is the number [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]of a [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]( B)[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]man; [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt] and his number is ( B)Six hundred threescore and six.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt](a) Not surprisingly this verse is the most widely known verse of Revelation, by many types of groups worldwide including those of the Enemy. "Wisdom, understanding;" the Greek (Sunesis = wisdom) renders; insight, understanding, capacity to comprehend, use of thought. These qualities are prerequisite to the task.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]( B) Here the beast equated to [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]a "man," and his "number," 666. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Much has been written on this subject, and will continue to be so. It is almost certain that [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]the identity of the man will not be known until the[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]time of the[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] events.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] However, the principle of the calculation are already well understood. In ancient times letters of the alphabet served as numbers, and many and various devices ensued, i.e. riddles etc. Various attempts at naming 666 in the early church were attempted including Nero Caesar, by Gematria (substitution of numbers by letters of Hebrew alphabet.) In this process the 22 symbols of the Hebrew alphabet are numbered. The first ten, from 1-10. The next 8, from 20 - 90 in intervals of ten. The final 4 are 100, 200, 300 & 400. If any language can lay claim to valid use by Gematria, it is the original Hebrew. This is because the language in its original form was given by Almighty God to His people. Many will cry against that statement, but they are the same people who cannot understand the Holy Scriptures. The Bible cannot be understood unless a person:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]1) Reveres God, and sincerely studies His Word, (Isa. 29:11-13.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]2) Must want to know His Word, (Psm. 119:162), and rejoice in it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]3) Must labour (work at) the Word, as a task (which becomes joyful) (2 Tim. 2:15.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The statement is made by the Holy Spirit in His Word that "it is perfect," (Psm. 12:6,) "and purified 7 times." For such a statement to be made by Almighty God, means He is using the perfect language (Hebrew) to convey His message. It is a fact that Daniel 2:4 to 7:28 is written in Aramaic/Chaldee, but that is to differentiate the Gentile historic section, and to compare it to the Jewish prophetic section (in Hebrew) regarding "the time of the end," (Comp. page[/SIZE] 1178.) The fact that the New Testament is in Greek, means the Holy Spirit has refined the use for His purpose, and that therefore the Greek possibly can be used also for Gematria. [SIZE=12pt]However; when the "time of the end," is reached, Hebrew and Greek Gematria can be cross checked! [/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]There has been recently a translation from Aramaic of the "Pshitta," which is reputed to have been held by the "Eastern church," unsullied by translation to "Western languages." This was/is being undertaken by an ancient languages scholar in the USA, and makes interesting reading. It can be used for comparison; See: [/SIZE] Ancient Aramaic Manuscripts, Pshitta O and A:[SIZE=medium] (Separate study.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The argument is presented by some scholars, that there are many errors in Scripture. By others that many parts are written after prophetic fulfilment. These are inevitable attacks. Those who are sincere go on to study the Word [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]with their minds and hearts stayed on Christ / Jehovah God,[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]and come to realise that the so called errors are Satanically inspired and conspired over the centuries, by human and demonic interference.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Where the Bible uses numbers therefore it is extremely important, and careful note must be taken as to meaning. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]It is noteworthy that SSS = 666 in this method[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] which forms the symbol of Isis, which derived from Egypt; which derived from Babylon; [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]and which the Roman church adopted; (Isis and Horus)[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt](mother and child,) so as not to anger the Roman pagans. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]This has led to the major error/perversion in the Roman[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]church of "Maryology," (worship of Mary,) as intercessor for sinners to God,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] removing at a stroke the unique work of our Lord and Saviour on the cross.[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt] All of which together with the priestly confessional system totally undermines [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]the truth of access to God through[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]Christ our Lord (Acts 4:12.)[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] SSS is also the secret symbol of the[/SIZE] [SIZE=13.5pt]"Old Mysteries[/SIZE]," [SIZE=12pt]all of which emanate from ancient Babylon. They spread across the world, to China and the Far East via. India; to Europe via. Egypt, and Greece; to South America via. the mid. - Atlantic islands. These carriers are now known by genetic testing to be Iberian, the same tests show Siberian and Polynesian genetics in the north and south American Indians, which according to archaeological dating is many thousands of years before Columbus! Also, in South America there is evidence of an African type "Civilisation," now apparently extinct which flourished thousands of years ago. The remaining ruins show prolific Negroid facial features! Latterly to the so called "new world countries," by emigration. In the case of Europe, the Greek teachings of Plato, Socrates and others entered the Christendom teachings, and have led to many errors now taught in official theology.[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]Satan heads up all of these false ideas and religions, and in his final attempt on earth, will bring all of the above into play, as he captures the hearts and minds of people in each country.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]666 was the secret symbol [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]of the ancient pagan mysteries connected with the worship of the Devil,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] and the number has some surprising meanings already known. For example, the Romans only used six of their letters as numbers i.e. D,C,L,X,V,I. As shown below they total 666![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] D = 500) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] C = 100) 600[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] L = 50) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] X = 10) 60[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] V = 5) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] I = 1) 6 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] 666[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]When using the Greek language for Gematria, 666 becomes SSS, the ancient mysteries symbol, as S = 6. A special form of S was used called "STIGMA," which means [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]MARK, by branding!! [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] This was used on cattle, slaves, soldiers etc., by those that owned them. Some remarkable historic facts are: (Numbers in Scripture: Dr. E.W. Bullinger.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]1) The duration of the old Assyrian Empire, 666 years.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]2) Jerusalem trodden down by Rome 666 years.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]3) Goliath was 6 cubits tall, had 6 pieces of armour, his spear 600 shekels of iron (1 Sam. 17:4-7,) (Goliath was considered Nephilim!)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]4) Nebuchadnezzar's "image," 60 cubits tall, 6 cubits broad (Dan. 3:1,) and was worshipped when music played on 6 specific instruments.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]5) 666 talents of gold brought to Solomon in a year (1 Kings 10:14.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The number of man in Scripture is 6,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] and where it is at its maximum concentration is 666! (As 3 in Scripture denotes completeness.) Man has ruled the world disastrously since Adam. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] When the 666[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]is finished, God's rule on earth begins, and lasts 1000 years,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] prior to the new heaven and earth (Rev. 21:1.) [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] The rule on earth will have Christ Jesus at the focal point of power and rule (Jerusalem,) (Zech.) etc. There is much that can be said about the number[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]888,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] but put simply it is the number of the name of Jesus in Greek Gematria.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] The Hebrew (SH'MONEH,) from the root (SHAH'MEYN,) "to make fat," "cover with fat," "to super abound," is the Hebrew number 8 by Gematria. It also represents in Scripture, "resurrection," "regeneration," "a new beginning or commencement!" Hence the perfect completeness (3) of 8 = 888 = Jesus Christ in Millennial. The number 8 permeates the whole of Scripture, which speaks of CHRIST![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]See the whole of Chapter CHAPTER 13 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Regarding your comment re. this Board; and your heretical contributions; they are so far from the "Statement of Faith" which we are supposed to subscribe to, to be allowed to participate; that I am surprised that you are allowed as much rope as you have been![/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]From what I perceive of you and Purity; you seem totally intent on trying to destroy the basic and fundamental Truth of Christ and His work; which attacks the Plan of Salvation of our God![/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]This will have its reward for your ilk, and probably at the "Great White Throne "![/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]You must see that you are doing the work of the great enemy Satan!!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]I pray you will relent, prior to leaving this life![/SIZE]


New Member
Apr 2, 2014

Subordinationism in forms of Arianism and so forth were condemned while their proponents lived. It is quite different from the teaching of subordination in the Bible (however some early quotes used designating subordinationism is NOT a defense of Arianism and other heresies as you have implied, but are often used as defenses for Trinitarian views as the article states). This is why Arians and Adoptionists were quickly condemned. They were not arguing subordination, but attempting to strip Christ of his divine nature...which was immediately designated as heresy. Yes, there were proponents of it, and they were labeled heretics very quickly in all their forms leading up to the 4th century until an official position of the relation of Father, Son and Spirit was agreed upon as it best reflected revelation from Scripture. 4th century agreement on Trinitarian doctrines does not mean subordinationism was not denounced until the 4th century. Clearly it was denounced far earlier than that.
You make fun of my 'elohim' base, but it comes into play here and now.

1) the Jew's own word was 'elohim' as our word is 'God.' Their word including any angelic being in the positive sense. Jesus was in this category so of course the Greek THEOS and our own word GOD will be at issue with it.
2) before this word 'elohim' was the word 'el.' This word was gradually supplanted in my view because the old 'el' had connotations which the One True God did not like.

For instance he had no horns as depicted in Ugaritic cave drawings, he had no wife and he had no children, or SONS for us to argue over. Not biological sons, anyway.

Anyways, I am going too far back into remedial history, for my handicapped patient who needs remedial therapy. Lettuce peruse the time of Jesus.

Elohim included 5 classes of being according to the TRIN scholar Michael Heiser. IF Jesus was known to be 'elohim' but not YHWH Elohim then three things will happen.

1) he will be differentiated from God as LORD since all angels, messengers, saints come back to earth and messiahs are also LORD.
2) he will be UNDER God subordinately but still an elohim in heaven
3) he will be described as UNDER GOD but over the angels

In fact this is exactly what happens in scripture. Most trin proof texts have Jesus doing exactly what an ELOHIM will do, come to us as spirit, advise us, comfort us, serve as object of veneration and prayer.

However the FIRST problem will arise as to exactly what divinity Jesus has...ELOHIM kind, or GOD ALMIGHTY kind. And that is exactly what happened, sir.

Consider this Trinitarian scholar on the topic of subordination:
Yeah that is the dominant paradigm. Amongst youall. I know this one intimately. It is wrong. See above.

Trinitarians may debate about when the subordination role came into play, whether it was eternal or assumed during the incarnation. But, let us be clear, subordination between Father and Son is not an anti-Trinitarian concept.

This is why I say "absolute subordinationism" since your hero has a quasi-sorta version. Hansen quote MEANS absolute subordinationism. Tertullian WAS an absolute subordinationalist.

This is WHY he ain't no saint in the Catholic Church, sir.

Floyd said:
To notHead:
Regarding "666 or 616"; at this stage in time, nobody knows who this is!

[SIZE=14pt]Here is (a)[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]wisdom.[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt] Let him that hath (a)[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]understanding [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]count the number of the beast: for it is the number [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]of a [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]( B)[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]man; [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt] and his number is ( B)Six hundred threescore and six.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt](a) Not surprisingly this verse is the most widely known verse of Revelation, by many types of groups worldwide including those of the Enemy. "Wisdom, understanding;" the Greek (Sunesis = wisdom) renders; insight, understanding, capacity to comprehend, use of thought. These qualities are prerequisite to the task.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]( B) Here the beast equated to [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]a "man," and his "number," 666. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Much has been written on this subject, and will continue to be so. It is almost certain that [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]the identity of the man will not be known until the[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]time of the[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] events.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] However, the principle of the calculation are already well understood. In ancient times letters of the alphabet served as numbers, and many and various devices ensued, i.e. riddles etc. Various attempts at naming 666 in the early church were attempted including Nero Caesar, by Gematria (substitution of numbers by letters of Hebrew alphabet.) In this process the 22 symbols of the Hebrew alphabet are numbered. The first ten, from 1-10. The next 8, from 20 - 90 in intervals of ten. The final 4 are 100, 200, 300 & 400. If any language can lay claim to valid use by Gematria, it is the original Hebrew. This is because the language in its original form was given by Almighty God to His people. Many will cry against that statement, but they are the same people who cannot understand the Holy Scriptures. The Bible cannot be understood unless a person:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]1) Reveres God, and sincerely studies His Word, (Isa. 29:11-13.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]2) Must want to know His Word, (Psm. 119:162), and rejoice in it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]3) Must labour (work at) the Word, as a task (which becomes joyful) (2 Tim. 2:15.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The statement is made by the Holy Spirit in His Word that "it is perfect," (Psm. 12:6,) "and purified 7 times." For such a statement to be made by Almighty God, means He is using the perfect language (Hebrew) to convey His message. It is a fact that Daniel 2:4 to 7:28 is written in Aramaic/Chaldee, but that is to differentiate the Gentile historic section, and to compare it to the Jewish prophetic section (in Hebrew) regarding "the time of the end," (Comp. page[/SIZE] 1178.) The fact that the New Testament is in Greek, means the Holy Spirit has refined the use for His purpose, and that therefore the Greek possibly can be used also for Gematria. [SIZE=12pt]However; when the "time of the end," is reached, Hebrew and Greek Gematria can be cross checked! [/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]There has been recently a translation from Aramaic of the "Pshitta," which is reputed to have been held by the "Eastern church," unsullied by translation to "Western languages." This was/is being undertaken by an ancient languages scholar in the USA, and makes interesting reading. It can be used for comparison; See: [/SIZE] Ancient Aramaic Manuscripts, Pshitta O and A:[SIZE=medium] (Separate study.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The argument is presented by some scholars, that there are many errors in Scripture. By others that many parts are written after prophetic fulfilment. These are inevitable attacks. Those who are sincere go on to study the Word [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]with their minds and hearts stayed on Christ / Jehovah God,[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]and come to realise that the so called errors are Satanically inspired and conspired over the centuries, by human and demonic interference.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Where the Bible uses numbers therefore it is extremely important, and careful note must be taken as to meaning. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]It is noteworthy that SSS = 666 in this method[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] which forms the symbol of Isis, which derived from Egypt; which derived from Babylon; [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]and which the Roman church adopted; (Isis and Horus)[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt](mother and child,) so as not to anger the Roman pagans. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]This has led to the major error/perversion in the Roman[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]church of "Maryology," (worship of Mary,) as intercessor for sinners to God,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] removing at a stroke the unique work of our Lord and Saviour on the cross.[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt] All of which together with the priestly confessional system totally undermines [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]the truth of access to God through[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]Christ our Lord (Acts 4:12.)[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] SSS is also the secret symbol of the[/SIZE] [SIZE=13.5pt]"Old Mysteries[/SIZE]," [SIZE=12pt]all of which emanate from ancient Babylon. They spread across the world, to China and the Far East via. India; to Europe via. Egypt, and Greece; to South America via. the mid. - Atlantic islands. These carriers are now known by genetic testing to be Iberian, the same tests show Siberian and Polynesian genetics in the north and south American Indians, which according to archaeological dating is many thousands of years before Columbus! Also, in South America there is evidence of an African type "Civilisation," now apparently extinct which flourished thousands of years ago. The remaining ruins show prolific Negroid facial features! Latterly to the so called "new world countries," by emigration. In the case of Europe, the Greek teachings of Plato, Socrates and others entered the Christendom teachings, and have led to many errors now taught in official theology.[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]Satan heads up all of these false ideas and religions, and in his final attempt on earth, will bring all of the above into play, as he captures the hearts and minds of people in each country.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]666 was the secret symbol [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]of the ancient pagan mysteries connected with the worship of the Devil,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] and the number has some surprising meanings already known. For example, the Romans only used six of their letters as numbers i.e. D,C,L,X,V,I. As shown below they total 666![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] D = 500) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] C = 100) 600[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] L = 50) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] X = 10) 60[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] V = 5) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] I = 1) 6 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] 666[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]When using the Greek language for Gematria, 666 becomes SSS, the ancient mysteries symbol, as S = 6. A special form of S was used called "STIGMA," which means [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]MARK, by branding!! [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] This was used on cattle, slaves, soldiers etc., by those that owned them. Some remarkable historic facts are: (Numbers in Scripture: Dr. E.W. Bullinger.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]1) The duration of the old Assyrian Empire, 666 years.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]2) Jerusalem trodden down by Rome 666 years.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]3) Goliath was 6 cubits tall, had 6 pieces of armour, his spear 600 shekels of iron (1 Sam. 17:4-7,) (Goliath was considered Nephilim!)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]4) Nebuchadnezzar's "image," 60 cubits tall, 6 cubits broad (Dan. 3:1,) and was worshipped when music played on 6 specific instruments.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]5) 666 talents of gold brought to Solomon in a year (1 Kings 10:14.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The number of man in Scripture is 6,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] and where it is at its maximum concentration is 666! (As 3 in Scripture denotes completeness.) Man has ruled the world disastrously since Adam. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] When the 666[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]is finished, God's rule on earth begins, and lasts 1000 years,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] prior to the new heaven and earth (Rev. 21:1.) [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] The rule on earth will have Christ Jesus at the focal point of power and rule (Jerusalem,) (Zech.) etc. There is much that can be said about the number[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]888,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] but put simply it is the number of the name of Jesus in Greek Gematria.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] The Hebrew (SH'MONEH,) from the root (SHAH'MEYN,) "to make fat," "cover with fat," "to super abound," is the Hebrew number 8 by Gematria. It also represents in Scripture, "resurrection," "regeneration," "a new beginning or commencement!" Hence the perfect completeness (3) of 8 = 888 = Jesus Christ in Millennial. The number 8 permeates the whole of Scripture, which speaks of CHRIST![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]See the whole of Chapter CHAPTER 13 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Regarding your comment re. this Board; and your heretical contributions; they are so far from the "Statement of Faith" which we are supposed to subscribe to, to be allowed to participate; that I am surprised that you are allowed as much rope as you have been![/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]From what I perceive of you and Purity; you seem totally intent on trying to destroy the basic and fundamental Truth of Christ and His work; which attacks the Plan of Salvation of our God![/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]This will have its reward for your ilk, and probably at the "Great White Throne "![/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]You must see that you are doing the work of the great enemy Satan!!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]I pray you will relent, prior to leaving this life![/SIZE]

I can defeat you with a single verse which proves John was exactly as I am, sir. Call John the Disciple of Christ a heretic, but not nothead. He not smart enough, but his hero John is.

This is ETERNAL LIFE that they know YOU as the only True God, and Jesus Christ (me) that YOU have sent.


Apr 9, 2013
United States
Why don't you quote the actual cite or page of the book you are taking these references with regard to "Elohim." I have a feeling they are not saying what you are implying because no scholar or lexicon I have ever read makes these implications of "categories of Elohim" as if the meanings are all equally interchangeable. Lets look at some information regarding Elohim since you are intent to dig up this old corpse again...

Elohim is used 2,596 times in the OT.

ESV translates Elohim as God, god or gods - 2,580 times
NIV translates Elohim as God, god or gods - 2,580 times
KJV translates Elohim as God, god or gods, 2,582 times
NASB translates Elohim as God, god or gods, - 2,584 times
NRSV translates Elohim as God, god or gods, 2,555 times

Wow, that's pretty overwhelming as to the meaning of this word. Lets look at some lexicons shall we?

[SIZE=medium]& אֱלֹהִים[/SIZE]: I. [SIZE=15pt]אֱלוֹהַּ[/SIZE](ca. 60 ×), [SIZE=15pt]אֱלֹהַּ[/SIZE] Dt 32:17; 2 K 17:31 Kt, Hb 1:11f; Dn 11:38 †; most oft. in Jb (41 ×):—1. a God/god Ps 18:32, [SIZE=medium]kōl-ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lō[/SIZE][SIZE=small]a[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]h[/SIZE] any god Dn 11:37, [SIZE=medium]lōʾ ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lō[/SIZE][SIZE=small]a[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]h[/SIZE] non-god(s) Dt 32:17;—2. the true God Jb 3:4.
[SIZE=medium]II. אֱלֹהִים[/SIZE] (2250 ×), with waw Ps 18:47; 143:10; 145:1 †; cs. [SIZE=15pt]אֱלֹהֵי[/SIZE], sf. [SIZE=15pt]אֱלֹהַי[/SIZE], [SIZE=15pt]אֱלֹהָיו[/SIZE], [SIZE=15pt]אֱלֹהַיהֶם[/SIZE], [SIZE=15pt]אֱלֹהֵ֫ימוֹ[/SIZE]; w. pref. [SIZE=15pt]בֵּאלֹהִים[/SIZE], [SIZE=15pt]וֵא׳[/SIZE], [SIZE=15pt]כֵּא׳[/SIZE], [SIZE=15pt]לֵא׳[/SIZE]; but [SIZE=15pt]מֵאֱ׳[/SIZE] Ps 8:6 (ϝ [SIZE=15pt]מִן[/SIZE]):—1. gods, [SIZE=medium]kōl-ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhê mis/rayim[/SIZE] Ex 12:12, [SIZE=medium]ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhê hāʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhîm[/SIZE] God of gods Dt 10:17, [SIZE=medium]ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhîm ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]a[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]ḥērîm[/SIZE] (64 ×, ϝ ʾaḥēr), [SIZE=medium]b[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]nê (hā) ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhîm[/SIZE] Gn 6:2 sons of the gods (oth.: sons of God) Jb 1:6; 2:1; 38:7 †, cf. [SIZE=medium]b[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]nê ʾēlîm;[/SIZE]—2. as a sg.: God, Deity; a) fm. the form, occasionally construed as pl., [SIZE=medium]hitʿû ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhîm[/SIZE] Gn 20:13, [SIZE=medium]ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhîm ḥayyîm[/SIZE] living God Dt 5:23; construed as sg., [SIZE=medium]yhwh hûʾ hāʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhîm[/SIZE] it is Y. who is God Dt 4:35; occurs both w. & w/o def. art. w/o difference of mng. euphony & free choice?; c) God/god or goddess of a people, land, [SIZE=medium]ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhê yiśrāʾēl[/SIZE] Ex 5:1, [SIZE=medium]ʿaštoret ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhê ṣidōnîm[/SIZE] 1 K 11:5; d) God/god of a specific domain: [SIZE=medium]ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhê haššāmayim &ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]l. hāʾāreṣ[/SIZE] Gn 24:3, [SIZE=medium]ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]l. kōl-bāśār[/SIZE] Je 32:27; w. qualifying gen.: [SIZE=medium]ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhê ʿôlām[/SIZE] Is 40:28; e) God/god of individual: of David 2 K 20:5, [SIZE=medium]ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhê ʾābî[/SIZE] Gn 31:42;—3. misc. a) [SIZE=medium]hēbî ʾ ʾet-hadd[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]bārîm ʾel-hāʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhîm[/SIZE] bring cases before God (for judgment) Ex 18:19; Moses is lēʾlōhîm for Aaron (has the place of God) Ex 4:16; c) a spirit of the dead IS 28:13; d) w. or w/o art., like a proper noun, equivalent to & interchanging w. yhwh, difficult to distinguish from appellative use; in Ps 42–83 [SIZE=medium]ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhîm[/SIZE] is mostly a substitute for yhwh; e) [SIZE=medium]ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhîm[/SIZE] superlative? [SIZE=medium]rû[/SIZE][SIZE=small]a[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]ḥ ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhîm[/SIZE] mighty wind Gn 1:2, [SIZE=medium]n[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]śîʾ ʾ[/SIZE][SIZE=small]e[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]lōhîm[/SIZE] mighty prince Gn 23:6.[SIZE=12pt][1][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][1][/SIZE][SIZE=medium] William Lee Holladay and Ludwig Köhler, A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (Leiden: Brill, 2000), 16-17.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium] אֱלֹהִים[/SIZE] elohim (43b); pl. of 433; God, god:—divine(1), divine being(1), exceedingly(1), God(2326), god(45), God’s(14), goddess(2), godly(1), gods(204), great(2), judges(3), mighty(2), rulers(1), shrine*(1).[SIZE=12pt][1][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][1][/SIZE][SIZE=medium] Robert L. Thomas, New American Standard Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries : Updated Edition (Anaheim: Foundation Publications, Inc., 1998).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]430[/SIZE] [SIZE=16pt]אֱלֹהִים[/SIZE] [ʾelohiym /el·o·heem/] n m p. Plural of 433; TWOT 93c; GK 466; 2606 occurrences; AV translates as “God” 2346 times, “god” 244 times, “judge” five times, “GOD” once, “goddess” twice, “great” twice, “mighty” twice, “angels” once, “exceeding” once, “God-ward + 4136” once, and “godly” once. [SIZE=11pt]1[/SIZE] (plural). [SIZE=11pt]1a[/SIZE] rulers, judges. [SIZE=11pt]1b[/SIZE] divine ones. [SIZE=11pt]1c[/SIZE] angels. [SIZE=11pt]1d[/SIZE] gods. [SIZE=11pt]2[/SIZE] (plural intensive—singular meaning). [SIZE=11pt]2a[/SIZE] god, goddess. [SIZE=11pt]2b[/SIZE] godlike one. [SIZE=11pt]2c[/SIZE] works or special possessions of God. [SIZE=11pt]2d[/SIZE] the (true) God. [SIZE=11pt]2e[/SIZE] God.[SIZE=12pt][1][/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium][1][/SIZE][SIZE=medium] James Strong, Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon (Bellingham, WA: 2001).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]אֱלֹהִים[/SIZE]ʾĕlôhîym, el-o-heem´; plur. of 433; gods in the ordinary sense; but spec. used (in the plur. thus, esp. with the art.) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative:—angels, × exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), × (very) great, judges, × mighty.[SIZE=12pt][1][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][1][/SIZE][SIZE=medium] James Strong, vol. 2, A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (Bellingham, WA: 2009), 12.[/SIZE]

So, as we (I mean all us rational people) can clearly see, elohim, in its most base and clear sense (as in 99.9% of the time) is used in reference to God or gods. Thus, not only is Elohim used as "God" most of the time, there is no evidence that John was translating "Elohim" from the lips of Thomas. Even if he was...the primarly, overriding sense of the word Elohim is that which refers to "God." Not only that, but when it is used in reference to angels or judges, it is almost always used as a plural. So, your argument that John was speaking of Jesus as an "angel" or something like that is ridiculously unlikely as not only can you not prove that Theos was interpreted from Elohim but that John was interpreting "Elohim" in a way that is used 0.01% of the time! This is what is what we call far fetched and ignoring the plain meaning of words to make the Bible say what you want it to say.

You and Hanson need to get away from theology an get back to making bad music.

<- nothead's resource for serious theological inquiry :)


New Member
Apr 2, 2014
Wormwood said:
Why don't you quote the actual cite or page of the book you are taking these references with regard to "Elohim." I have a feeling they are not saying what you are implying because no scholar or lexicon I have ever read makes these implications of "categories of Elohim" as if the meanings are all equally interchangeable. Lets look at some information regarding Elohim since you are intent to dig up this old corpse again...

Elohim is used 2,596 times in the OT.

ESV translates Elohim as God, god or gods - 2,580 times
NIV translates Elohim as God, god or gods - 2,580 times
KJV translates Elohim as God, god or gods, 2,582 times
NASB translates Elohim as God, god or gods, - 2,584 times
NRSV translates Elohim as God, god or gods, 2,555 times

Wow, that's pretty overwhelming as to the meaning of this word. Lets look at some lexicons shall we?

[SIZE=medium] [/SIZE]

So, as we (I mean all us rational people) can clearly see, elohim, in its most base and clear sense (as in 99.9% of the time) is used in reference to God or gods. Thus, not only is Elohim used as "God" most of the time, there is no evidence that John was translating "Elohim" from the lips of Thomas. Even if he was...the primarly, overriding sense of the word Elohim is that which refers to "God." Not only that, but when it is used in reference to angels or judges, it is almost always used as a plural. So, your argument that John was speaking of Jesus as an "angel" or something like that is ridiculously unlikely as not only can you not prove that Theos was interpreted from Elohim but that John was interpreting "Elohim" in a way that is used 0.01% of the time! This is what is what we call far fetched and ignoring the plain meaning of words to make the Bible say what you want it to say.

You and Hanson need to get away from theology an get back to making bad music.

<- nothead's resource for serious theological inquiry :)
I will try to keep this short and sweet, since someone already complained me and Purity bullying this forum. This bodes ill for nothead who sometimes likes to be a bull in a china closet. Where all the Chinese collect their china.

Main reason why ELOHIM has to figure into this convo, even the outer meanings not usually meant by mentors:

1) the closest Jesus ever gets to claiming his divinity is the apparent claim in Jn 10 "I and my Father are one."
2) his explanation of his own statement is included in the chapter
3) his explanation includes this word "elohim." "Ye are gods" is really "Ye are elohim" in the Psalm 82.
4) Elohim as God Almighty Elohim does not fit since God CALLED THEM "elohim" until the Judges of Torah or Heavenly Court or whomever whatever they were were deposed as 'elohim' and would 'die like men.' See I don't even have to know they are "intermediate elohim" since all I know is that they cannot be YHWH Elohim. You get it?
Did the light bulb turn on, my brother? Are you understanding my position now and why TOO this word is so important?

NOW other verses come into play and into dovetailed harmony. Jesus COULD possibly be called "GOD" in the English and STILL not be God Almighty.

Why, um er um duh since he is ELOHIM and this gets naturally translated THEOS and there ain't no other translation THERE COULD BE especially since all translators are ALSO JisG, sir.


Apr 9, 2013
United States
Well I hope you don't think I am bullying. Just having a bit of fun since it seems you enjoy some friendly jabs. Ill try to respond to your points when I have time later.


New Member
Apr 2, 2014
Wormwood said:
Well I hope you don't think I am bullying. Just having a bit of fun since it seems you enjoy some friendly jabs. Ill try to respond to your points when I have time later.
Friendly jabs my patooty. But I still call you "brother," brother.

We are at war. This IS WAR. But I love my enemy brother. Even if he not too cognizant of what the Bible says. I loved them Japs and Koreans and Germans too.
Especially the Christian ones who was trying to kill me. Joke.


Apr 9, 2013
United States
Yes, well I enjoy your humor and try to add a little of my own. Besides, I have to try to bring some joy to this very sad method of biblical interpretation you have on display :).

Main reason why ELOHIM has to figure into this convo, even the outer meanings not usually meant by mentors:

1) the closest Jesus ever gets to claiming his divinity is the apparent claim in Jn 10 "I and my Father are one."
Well, this is pretty debatable. I think the "I am" statement is far more significant, personally as not only is Jesus implying the name of YHWH but was almost stoned as a result.

2) his explanation of his own statement is included in the chapter
Yes, and we already discussed the rabbinic teaching method going on here: If this lesser thing is much is this greater thing true. So, Jesus is saying, If God would call Israel "Elohims" in comparison to the nations surrounding them, HOW MUCH MORE is the Son of God truly God? That's the idea here. Jesus isn't saying he's just and Israelite as your interpretation would suggest. The Jews understood this which is why they tried to stone him.

3) his explanation includes this word "elohim." "Ye are gods" is really "Ye are elohim" in the Psalm 82.
Yes, look at the context. As noted above, the Jews knew what Jesus was saying and he certainly wasn't saying, "Im just using elohim in a metaphorical way as used of Israel in the Psalms." This interpretation makes no sense with the overall context.

4) Elohim as God Almighty Elohim does not fit since God CALLED THEM "elohim" until the Judges of Torah or Heavenly Court or whomever whatever they were were deposed as 'elohim' and would 'die like men.' See I don't even have to know they are "intermediate elohim" since all I know is that they cannot be YHWH Elohim. You get it?
Actually Elohim as denoting Israelites among the nations doesn't fit because if this was Jesus' point, then the entire discussion in John 10 makes no sense. Moreover, elohim in this Psalm is clearly being used as a comparison/contrast hyperbole. Israel were like gods before the nations because they held the very words of God and the presence of God was among them in the Temple. Per the lexicons above, the word DOES NOT MEAN Israelites. The reaction of the Jews makes it quite evident that Jesus did not mean this either!

We are at war. This IS WAR. But I love my enemy brother. Even if he not too cognizant of what the Bible says. I loved them Japs and Koreans and Germans too.
Especially the Christian ones who was trying to kill me. Joke.
Sheesh, how old are you WWII vet? 100? I better get to convincing you quick as you will likely be seeing Jesus for yourself soon and you better get this false teaching out of ya.


New Member
Apr 2, 2014
Yes, well I enjoy your humor and try to add a little of my own. Besides, I have to try to bring some joy to this very sad method of biblical interpretation you have on display :).
God's JOY is the pentecostal Baptism in the Holy Spirit. I received my historical baptism in 1982 give or take. It was an important date for ME, at least. Now you know I am at least 32.

Well, this is pretty debatable. I think the "I am" statement is far more significant, personally as not only is Jesus implying the name of YHWH but was almost stoned as a result.
They were debating over who his father was. Those close knew his father was Joseph. He was saying his Father was God. This erked them to no end, for the FATHER was not common terminology then for God and this is my newest theory. Neither was the SON OF GOD common terminology for the Messiah, so they were mostly erked by this TERMINOLOGY which Jesus used, calling his Father God.

And he even calls God THEIR potential Father if they were hearing Him, which they were not. So he didn't mean it in the EXCLUSIVE sense absolutely. In John 10 he says the same thing.

I told you why "I am" theology is not valid, from either Greek or Hebrew. Exodus 3 I WILL BE THAT WHICH I WILL BE is not "I am" at all but in the imperfect tense. And I WILL BE or the BEING ONE is the second clause not "I am."

And 'ego eimi' without a complement is still rendered "I am [he]" in the Greek. HE being the Messiah of course, most obvious to the Samaritan woman whom has NO IDEA the Messiah of the Samaritans would be God.

Yes, and we already discussed the rabbinic teaching method going on here: If this lesser thing is much is this greater thing true. So, Jesus is saying, If God would call Israel "Elohims" in comparison to the nations surrounding them, HOW MUCH MORE is the Son of God truly God? That's the idea here. Jesus isn't saying he's just and Israelite as your interpretation would suggest. The Jews understood this which is why they tried to stone him.
Um HOW MUCH MORE is all the way to the TOP?? WHOO HOO you went all the way to pure blasphemy, dude. Don't you realize IF he truly was saying he was God, THEN he truly was blaspheming? The INTERMEDIATE or LESSER station of the 'elohim' of Psalm 82 proves he was talking about HIMSELF as such. Not HOW MUCH MORE, sir.

That's like leading a horse to water in order to KILL it by drinking itself to death. NON SEQUITOR. Does not follow.

Yes, look at the context. As noted above, the Jews knew what Jesus was saying and he certainly wasn't saying, "Im just using elohim in a metaphorical way as used of Israel in the Psalms." This interpretation makes no sense with the overall context.
No he meant HE was literal 'elohim' under YHWH Elohim, and that THEY the 'elohim' of Psalm 82 WERE ALSO literal 'elohim,' in heaven.

Actually Elohim as denoting Israelites among the nations doesn't fit because if this was Jesus' point, then the entire discussion in John 10 makes no sense. Moreover, elohim in this Psalm is clearly being used as a comparison/contrast hyperbole. Israel were like gods before the nations because they held the very words of God and the presence of God was among them in the Temple. Per the lexicons above, the word DOES NOT MEAN Israelites. The reaction of the Jews makes it quite evident that Jesus did not mean this either!
Flail away, sir as it is apparent you knoweth knot of what nothead speaketh. THE SCRIPTURE CANNOT BE BROKEN. It WAS TRUE they were called 'elohim' by God and it was true what He called 'elohim' were truly 'elohim,' sir.

Sheesh, how old are you WWII vet? 100? I better get to convincing you quick as you will likely be seeing Jesus for yourself soon and you better get this false teaching out of ya.

Don't make me act coy. I am at least 21. Too old and you think me senile. Too young and I can't get no respect around here. Some of these women don't either know how old I am, and they WOULD treat me worse the younger I am. Especially if I am younger than them.

That's how I like it. Keep you all on the edge. What drama. What poignancy.

Rocky Wiley

Active Member
Aug 28, 2012
Southeast USA
Wormwood said:

God can be both person and Spirit. Person, as it refers to the Deity comes from the Greek word persona which has to do with intellect, will, volition, emotion and so forth.

I suggest to you that 'person' is probably not the proper word to use. I have searched to find where the word 'person' is used in reference to God. and there is only one:
2Co 2:10 To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ;

In this case it is used correctly, because Jesus was both a man in flesh and God in Spirit.

God has been pointed out to be our provider, our savior, our father, our healer and many more, but that does not make him a person. Even when scripture says that there are three that are in heaven it goes on to say that these three are one, which agrees with:
Heb 6:13 For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself,

Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:



New Member
May 20, 2013

I suggest to you that 'person' is probably not the proper word to use. I have searched to find where the word 'person' is used in reference to God. and there is only one:
2Co 2:10 To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ;
You mean the person of Christ don't you? Or more correctly the presence or sight of Christ.
Main reason why ELOHIM has to figure into this convo, even the outer meanings not usually meant by mentors:

1) the closest Jesus ever gets to claiming his divinity is the apparent claim in Jn 10 "I and my Father are one."
2) his explanation of his own statement is included in the chapter
3) his explanation includes this word "elohim." "Ye are gods" is really "Ye are elohim" in the Psalm 82.
4) Elohim as God Almighty Elohim does not fit since God CALLED THEM "elohim" until the Judges of Torah or Heavenly Court or whomever whatever they were were deposed as 'elohim' and would 'die like men.' See I don't even have to know they are "intermediate elohim" since all I know is that they cannot be YHWH Elohim. You get it?
Did the light bulb turn on, my brother? Are you understanding my position now and why TOO this word is so important?

NOW other verses come into play and into dovetailed harmony. Jesus COULD possibly be called "GOD" in the English and STILL not be God Almighty.

Why, um er um duh since he is ELOHIM and this gets naturally translated THEOS and there ain't no other translation THERE COULD BE especially since all translators are ALSO JisG, sir.
Wormwood - you cannot argue against these points which Nothead has put to you.

GODS: That is, God's appointed representatives, called "elohim" or "gods" in Psa 82:1-6. See Exo 7:1; Exo 21:6; Exo 22:8; Exo 22:28.
Angels also bear the Yahweh-name (Act 7:30).

I don't know how many times wormwood you need to keep hearing the same message proven time and time again from the Word and yet your resilience to the truth is only hurtful to yourself and others who hold sincere belief.