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  1. G

    We are all His Children! The Lord fathers all of us!

    Hi there, The great thing for me, today, is to realise that God is Father to us all. Whether mature or fledgling, strong or weak, God is Father to us all. The childish have a language, that God loves and understands - it is a blessing to have my childish needs understood by God! How do we...
  2. G

    Were the Apostles, words in the flesh - because the Word in Flesh dwelt in them? (full?)

    Hi there, So just to broaden the horizon of theology a little, let us consider the Apostles. Were the Apostles, words in the flesh - because the Word in the Flesh dwelt in them? This seems to echo the thoughts that "scripture has said 'ye are gods'" and "they will all be taught by God". In...
  3. G

    Nothing is so important, as that you learn not to resist God's Will (stiff-necked?)

    Hi there, So I had a personal revelation, that I wanted to share. The idea is simple: God's Will is first. How ever you identify, whatever you think you are, you can remain as you were, if you submit to the Will of God. You were not in times past against God, you did not do evil, in principle...
  4. G

    Please pray for the lovers of God

    Hi there, So I was going to request a different kind of prayer, but the Lord sort of lead me to be a little more selfless. Hence the prayer request for the lovers of God (of which there is at least one). I'm not praying that they all have passion at once, or the strength to hold out for a long...
  5. G

    Nothing proves there is a God, only that certain things that are among things here are *for* God (peace?)

    Hi there, So basically the best you can prove, is that the overwhelming set of things that know God, are for God. God's proof is a converted life. We don't need to do more than that (believe in God). The Devil will object, that we don't know God like we should or that we are not enough "for"...
  6. G

    What are people at the end of time like? (you?)

    Hi there, So Jesus talks about "men's hearts failing them, for fear of the things to come" (Gospels, from memory). I hazard that this can be interpreted a step further: at the end of time, men will have lots of problems. By problems I mean mental instability, ill health, doubts...
  7. G

    I'm sorry I hated you (Church), the cares of this life choked me (forgiving?)

    Hi there, So I will keep it brief, so as not to weary you: my family went through a very trying time, all sorts of things, financially also and I began to rebel against the faith. I didn't know how to keep myself clean and fed my soul with anti-Christian music. It reached the point where I...
  8. G

    Newbies! You've got to learn to "back yourself" - there are decisions you would never make, if you had the right faith!

    Hi there, So in a few short words, I grew up in a wealthy family, in a wealthy area, going to a wealthy Church. Then the Devil snatched it all away and I made some very poor life choices. Then I came back to the faith and started to pick up the pieces. That's the short of it. But this is what I...
  9. MatthewG

    Where do you place your confidence?

    A short 6 minute video for your consideration.
  10. G

    It's OK to be stupid, as long as being stupid doesn't put you in the way of the Devil (unaided).

    Hi there, So yes, I have come to the conclusion that I have been tempted to be so smart it is "sin". I have approached being smart from all kinds of angles, been too verbose and have complicated what I mean. All this I have done, in order to be assiduous in my own estimation. The problem is I...
  11. G

    Pray for the One that lead you to Christ! Don't let sin, evil or the Devil get between you!

    Hi there, So this is just a shout out to all the people who have developed the germ of faith, having been watered by the Lord and given the soil of His Church. You need to pray for the One that lead you to Christ! Say "Lord, thank you for the One that lead me to You, protect and keep them, in...
  12. G

    Theology is neither here nor there, but have you submitted to God? (poised?)

    Hi there, So it dawned on me recently that what you say is neither here nor there: but what saves! Jesus Himself said "chasing after Me to be the Christ, is nothing to Me" (paraphrase gospels, from memory) that is "when they say 'here is the Christ' or 'the Christ is there', do not go after...
  13. G

    Jesus is in our midst, on these forums!

    Hi there, Jesus said, "wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there in the midst of them" (gospels, from memory). Well, if we are united around this website, Jesus is united with us! I don't know what else to say, this is just so great! Lord willing, Jesus will be in our midst...
  14. G

    The Devil isn't interested in you overcoming mental health struggles "once and for all" - its a daily struggle you have to take one day at a time

    Hi there, So I have schizophrenia (which means my neurological wiring is limited) and I struggle because the Devil does not respect that I need space. I have fought the Devil many a time and have always believed that if I just inch further to recovery, I will be better off. I have never doubted...
  15. G

    You use your Heavenly body to work; if you don't work, you fall to Earth - not that falling to Earth doesn't give you rest, but it doesn't empower you

    Hi there, So from the title of this thread, you should already be able to work out that they purpose in Heaven is to empower. The joy you get from serving the Lord, is from serving, and while waiting on the Lord serves, the Lord is not always there. If the Lord is not there, you need to be...
  16. G

    A lot of God's Will is preventative - "if they build the tower of Babel, there is nothing they won't be able to do" (Gen 11:6)

    Hi there, So there are times when God's prevention is obvious: the people of Noah's day, Sodom and Gomorrah, Achan. But a lot of times God's prevention is a lot more subtle: if you had got on that plane you'd be dead, Joseph fed his family during famine, if you hadn't been schizophrenic you...
  17. G

    The world cycles through happy times and sad times, is this spitting in the wind? (Solomon?)

    Hi there, So, just like El Nino and La Nina, there is a pattern of behaviour throughout the world. This pattern, at its peak is greatly shared happiness and at its trough is privately withheld sadness. This is our humanity. The same is true of our relationship with the Lord: sometimes we are...
  18. G

    "There make ready" - does faith in Jesus mean everything is provided for? Or do you still need to bring what He commands together? (free?)

    Hi there, So this is a little like a gestalt, where you look at something one way and then you look again and see it another way. The thing I am talking about seeing is the furnished upper room. Jesus said "“Go into the city, and a man carrying a jug of water will meet you. Follow him, and...
  19. G

    It is important not to try to take territory from the anti-christ - just as God does not use the chisel to sever the wood from the lathe (center?)

    Hi there, So in respect of the anti-christ, what believers typically do is locate some verse in the Bible that says "this is who he is" as if knowing who he is is a defence against him encroaching on the world. The problem comes when we try to inhabit the same world as the anti-christ. If we...
  20. G

    The first thing that God creates (in the womb) is the *Spirit*, then comes the flesh (remember?)

    Hi there, So we are all children of God, right? And what does that mean, but that we are heirs of spirit? And why? Because we were created as spirit-beings from the very outset and thus understand that all things of God have a spiritual significance. Does this empower us? Yes, but it also...