A Closer Look at the Genesis Creation Account

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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
There is a lot of conjecture passed off as scripture on this thread. The creative “days” do not need to be 24 hour periods, and no one seems to understand that in the big scheme of things, nothing is altered by seeing them as extended periods of creation, not *poofing* like magic.
Actually it does. Unless you want the evening and the morning to be something other than the evening and morning

I believe that the Bible does not go against science in this respect. The Bible is not anti-science because science is the study of what God created. Many Christians are themselves scientists who know where to draw the line between fact and theory. It’s a pity that YEC’s cannot see that line and deny everything. This is not an either/or question...there is middle ground that allows true and provable science to agree with the Bible. It does so in many ways if you just open your eyes and see that this solves so many dilemmas that YEC’s have created by sticking blindly to their 24 hour literal days.

The bible does not go against science

God is able to create things using the laws of science he created, in a day.

it makes no sense for God to create something, then have to wait a few million years for it to age enough so he can put mankind in it. It makes more sense to believe God created i t in an aged state, ready to be used the day he created it.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
That is just the point....Jesus could not be Adam’s biological progeny because Adam and his wife became genetically corrupted by sin. It had to be genetic because all of their offspring inherited the same defects. (Romans 5:12) Jesus was a perfect creation of God like Adam was in the beginning. His life was transferred to the womb of a Jewish virgin so that Jesus could never be corrupted by sin unless he too chose to disobey his Father. He had free will and that is why the devil tempted him. Unlike Adam, Jesus maintained his loyalty to God.

In order to redeem the human family, Jesus had to surrender his perfect sinless life for the one Adam lost for his children. Only then could the scales of justice be balanced. No sinful human had the redemption price.
Hence the virgin birth

Mary gave birth to his humanity. God entered the body at birth

Well first of all it must be stated that Jesus never interfered with the politics of the nation that dominated his people. He was neutral with regard to political power and never ever spoke of political interference even though his nation was oppressed by Rome at the time. Jesus had the power to command angelic forces that could have eliminated the Roman Empire and freed his people, but he never did. It was not the time to remove the political powers whom God had handed over to the devil (Luke 4:5-7)....that was set for the “time of the end”, spoken about in the prophesies of Daniel. In the meantime Jesus did admonish his disciples to be “NO PART OF THE WORLD”, which included its politics. He said that his Kingdom was not exercised through political power. (John 18:36)

In the time of the present world powers, constantly at odds with each other over something, there would basically be two world alliances who would constantly be engaged in pushing each other. In the book of Daniel they are identified as “the king of the North” and the “king of the South” (Daniel 11:40).....we saw how these alliances created a clear division between these two blocks of nations in the two world wars of last century. These powers still push each other and threaten war, but the time will come when God will intervene and put them both out of existence, and then He will bring in the rulership of his own Kingdom and undo all the damage done by worldly powers under the control of the devil. (Daniel 2:44; 1 John 5:19)

We are very close to that time right now because the present world rulership is the last one mentioned in the book of Daniel. It is in the days of the present “kings” that God will act and bring in his rulership...the one we were meant to have from the beginning....the one we never even got a chance to experience. (Revelation 21:3-4) These are exciting times.....

No sure about this, Rome has not ascended to power yet. although if and when europe truly combines its forces. It will be a superpower again.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
OK....lots to address and way off topic....but it’s my thread and this needs a response to counter the false claims you have made.....

What you are stating is that God's plan isn't working and that The Body of Christ is fractured and filled with false doctrines formed by an apostate church.
This is a complete lack of understanding what the Sovereignty of God means. Your faith is flawed. God has everything under control!
No, actually it is in recognition of the presence of the “weeds” that Jesus said would be sown in the same “field” as he sowed the “wheat”. (Matthew 13:24-30; 36-42) This occurred “while men were sleeping”....which could mean after the death of the apostles, or when those who led the church went to sleep spiritually. The apostasy was beginning while the apostles were still alive, so it means that the spiritual contamination of Christianity is as old as “the church” itself, after the apostolic period. (2 Thessalonians 2:7)

If it was foretold to happen this way, then yes, God has everything under control, including taking note of those who followed the church into that mire of false worship. Roman Catholicism, like all the other branches of the Catholic Church that identifies with a particular nation, is not the Christianity founded on the teachings of the Master. Christianity has no nationality. Nor does it teach the traditions of men as doctrines.
Catholicism is the "mother"....but she has many daughters...many of whom are estranged from her, but still carry her defective genes (errors).

Everyone who was written into the Book of Life from the foundatuon of the world is accounted for. No one has been lost. Christ has accomplished all that He has set out to in the hearts of people. He factors our flaws into His plan - even yours.
So you are a predestinationist? To throw “the book-of-life” argument into the conversation is to throw a boomerang. Why? Because if one’s being in the book of life means he is predestined to salvation, then it can be shown that such predestination can fail, and if it fails, the doctrine’s very foundation crumbles.

To those who prove faithful, Jesus promises: “I will by no means blot out his name from the book of life.” (Revelation 3:5) This indicates that names can be blotted out. If this ‘blotting out’ were impossible, Jesus’ promise would be meaningless.

"The founding of the world" was the birth of Adam's children.....not the creation of the planet. "Koʹsmos" is the "world of mankind". (Matthew 25:34)

The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches in 95 AD proves that sin, false doctrines abounded. Two churches were faithful and the rest were rebuked and needed to repent - no different from today. No church is perfect, some are more fruitful than others. There are 2.65 billion Christians - I mean people who believe that Jesus died for their sins and rose from the dead on the third day. They put their faith in Him - it was given to them. They trust the promises of Jesus. He says believe in Me and you will be saved.
Nope, it says that if these congregations, (not denominations) didn’t get their act together and repent they would answer to Jesus for their failure.

What did Jesus mean when he said “believe in me”? What does “believing” involve? (James 2:19)

Another aspect is that John was transported in time to “the Lord’s day” so those admonitions apply to all those whom God’s spirit has anointed for a role in heaven as “kings and priests”. (Revelation 20:6) Only when the King returned was the “first” resurrection to take place. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17) No one was to go to heaven before Jesus returned. So the "elect" slept in death as Paul says......

"But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as indeed the rest of mankind do, who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead, so also God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep through Jesus. 15 For we say this to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive, who remain, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord." (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 NASB)

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I know JW's well, have them in my family. I love them. But they don't believe they are even saved, they are not sure. They somehow have to earn it and maybe sometime after Paradise comes they may receive salvation. They don't believe they are born again - think, I guess, that means the Resurrection. And spiritually, do they have an invisible self, one who communes with the Holy Spirit, Who lives inside them? This does not compute to them. To them, the Holy Spirit is a force. Their spirit is then a force, energy like the wind. Like a person gets motivated, enthusiastic about something - that is their sense of what their spirit is. That is part of our spirit, but it is more than a forceful, willful action. Our mind, will, emotions, the inner self that has been purified is our spirit, a person. We died to our old self and are made a new creature - NOW.
The JW, when they die, believe they go in the ground and sort of out of existence, a soul sleep if you will and their energy/force goes back to God. What goes back to God, a memory of who we were in God's mind? Still, we have to ask, is their uncertainty of their salvation true faith. Heb. 11:1 says faith is a sure thing, a substance, a confidence. Do you believe in Jesus' promise or not?
Oh now it becomes clear......however, by what you have said here, you really haven't truly listened to them though, have you?
We do believe that we are saved, but only if we obey the teachings of Jesus to the letter. If we fail to obey our Lord and King, by not “doing the will” of his Father, then he will disown us. (Matthew 7:21-23) We have to "endure to the end", obedient in the faith to be saved. (Matthew 24:13) it’s not over till it’s over. Conditions apply.

Earn salvation? No way!.....it is a priceless gift granted by the Father because of faith in the blood of his son....but it is conditional, just as continuing life was in the garden of Eden....they had to obey Jehovah's command. There was only one...a simple one, but they let a deceiver rob them of it.
James wrote...
"But someone may well say, “You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”. . . .But are you willing to acknowledge, you foolish person, that faith without works is useless?. . . . You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. . . . For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead." (James 2:18-26 NASB)
Use it or lose it....Faith is active, not passive.

If we fail to obey the teachings of Jesus Christ to the letter...that means no excuses for why we don't follow all of them, then no one should be surprised at the judgment if Jesus says "I never knew you"...(Matthew 7:21-23)

Since those who are anointed with God's spirit as a token of their choosing, "know" that they are part of that heavenly class, and they also know exactly what they will be doing in heaven, we who are not of the "elect" have no envy at all. Since it is God who chooses them, we trust that he has better knowledge of individuals than we do. They will make the best rulers the world of mankind has ever had. They did not volunteer for that position....God chose them for it.
They alone will be "born again" as spirit beings in order to leave this earth and be resurrected to continue life in heaven. There is no other reason to be "born again" except as a new creation. It is not something that happens in the flesh.

God's spirit is his power, directed to whom and to where he wants it exercised. It empowers people, helps people, comforts people, fills people, and it was used by God to create the universe.
The word "spirit" in the Bible has many meanings....not just one. This is where a good concordance is your friend.
Strongs has this explanation.....”Spirit”...
"πνεῦμα pneûma, pnyoo'-mah; from G4154; a current of air, i.e. breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i.e. (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, demon, or (divine) God, Christ's spirit, the Holy Spirit:—ghost, life, spirit(-ual, -ually), mind."

So not one word with one meaning....

Other scriptures that render "spirit" as follows...
"Blessed are the poor in spirit G4151, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matt 5:3)

"Now when evening came, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed; and He cast out the spirits G4151 with a word, and healed all who were ill." (Matt 8:16)

"Then it goes and brings along with it seven other spirits G4151 more wicked than itself, and they come in and live there; and the last condition of that person becomes worse than the first." (Matt 12:45)

"He said to them, Keep watching and praying, so that you do not come into temptation; the spirit G4151 is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matt 26:41)

"but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit G4151 never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”
(Mark 3:29)

"Sighing deeply in His spirit G4151, He said, “Why does this generation demand a sign? (Mark 8:12)

Are you getting the range of meanings.....? It’s the same word.

We have no belief in an immortal soul because the Bible simply does not teach that there is an invisible 'self' that just inhabits our body.
Only those who will become rulers in heaven with Christ will have their bodies transformed in order to exist there.
A "soul" is not a disembodied spirit....it is a living breathing creature.....both animals and man are called souls. Both breathe the same air and die the same death. (Ecclesiastes 3:19-20)

The Bible teaches that we die and return to the dust, as God told Adam. (Genesis 3:19) There is no mention of an afterlife of any sort. The ancient Jews did not believe in an afterlife...they believed in resurrection....a return to life...i.e. a restoration of a person's life. Jesus demonstrated that resurrection to the family of his friend Lazarus.....
John 11:11-14....
"This He said, and after this He said to them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going so that I may awaken him from sleep.” 12 The disciples then said to Him, “Lord, if he has fallen asleep, he will come out of it.” 13 Now Jesus had spoken of his death, but they thought that He was speaking about actual sleep. 14 So Jesus then said to them plainly, “Lazarus died".
So Christ himself said that Lazarus was "sleeping"...he hadn't gone anywhere because he was still in his tomb. Jesus called him out of there and gave him back to his family and friends. This is what he promises to do in the future...(John 5:28-29)

Lazarus' sisters believed in the resurrection too as it says in the following verses...
"So then Martha, when she heard that Jesus was coming, went to meet Him, but Mary stayed in the house. 21 Martha then said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 Even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You.” 23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise from the dead.” 24 Martha said to Him, “I know that he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.

What resurrection was Martha talking about.....? When was "the last day" according to Jewish understanding?

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
So you think only a few centuries after Christ, the Church became apostate. That would imply that the gospel did not get spread throughout the world or a false gospel got spread. Was God's love missing for 1500 years or so ... until Charles Taze Russel came along to set things straight!
Actually the weeds almost choked out the wheat completely. A few brave souls dared to expose the church for its heresies, but many paid with their lives.
“The church” itself kept the Bible away from the people so that they had no opportunity to read it for themselves.
The only reason why Martin Luther was able to post his thesis was because he was a priest who actually read God’s word and saw how far his corrupted church had strayed from its teachings. He just wanted the church to clean itself up....but he touched a nerve with the people and it resulted in a mass protest movement which came to be called the Reformation.

The Catholic Church carried the gospel (along with many flaws) for a 1000 years or so until God intervened and the Reformation split the Church and brought more Biblical truth and cleaned house a bit , a major adjustment. Oh they still hold onto their traditions and false doctrines - but they believe the essentials as we all do, they have faith in Christ and do good - most of the time.
You actually believe that the Reformation cleaned up Christianity?
All it did was remove some of the more obvious heresies....and then it broke up the church into thousands of disunited fragments. Christendom’s theology is based on Catholic doctrines, not the Bible.
At the judgment, Jesus tells those who believe that he is their “Lord”, that they have done many impressive things “in his name”......and yet, he says that he “never knew” them. “NEVER” means “not ever”.

God's love and His Light has been shining down on the world. We could not have accomplished all that we have in history and persevered without it.
Where have you ever seen God's love shining on a world so alienated from him? It was only evident on those who dared to live and teach his truth, and these were few and far between down through the ages.....but a few brave souls lit up the darkness....leading up to the last days when a major cleansing and refining was to begin. (Daniel 12:13-14) Again, a few brave souls disconnected themselves from Christendom completely and purged themselves of all her false doctrines. They went back to the Bible, and starting in Genesis, they allowed the Bible to teach them God’s truth, without any of the additions adopted over many centuries of apostasy.
Gradually they proved to themselves what the Bible really taught....and would never set foot in Christendom again.

We can surely see the world in God's hand throughout history. We can see the faithful men who lived and died serving the Lord and his fellow man in every generation.
Yes we can....but the faithful often had to step outside of the Church’s teachings to do it. Who was it who mostly persecuted and killed the ones who dared to take them to task down through history? Both Christendom and Judaism silenced those who were sent to correct them.....and for the same reasons.

It makes me sad to see people clinging to beliefs that Christ never taught, and were never true in the first place.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Actually it does. Unless you want the evening and the morning to be something other than the evening and morning
How many hours are there between "evening and morning"? Evening to evening or morning to morning would be a 24 hour day......evening to morning is not a 24 hour day. So yes, it does mean something different to what many imagine it to mean.

The bible does not go against science

God is able to create things using the laws of science he created, in a day.
God is the ultimate scientist...but he is a Creator, not a magician.

it makes no sense for God to create something, then have to wait a few million years for it to age enough so he can put mankind in it. It makes more sense to believe God created i t in an aged state, ready to be used the day he created it.
That is an opinion, not a fact. Using the information available from the scriptures and to whom Genesis was given originally, Jehovah purposely did not include details that would have confused them.....like the existence of microscopic creatures that are a beneficial part of nature. It would take thousands of years for man to gain enough knowledge to find them and identify them....and then to appreciate Israel's quarantine laws thousands of years before we knew why he implemented them.

What is time to an infinite Being? We are only confined by time because of the rotation of our planet.....how long are the days on other planets? It depends on how fast they spin.

How long is a "day" on earth compared to the other planets in our solar system? Time is relative. God does not exist in a realm where time means anything finite.

Hence the virgin birth

Mary gave birth to his humanity. God entered the body at birth
Where does it say that in the Bible? God transferred the life of his son to the womb of a Jewish virgin. Mary gave birth to a male child who was 100% human, but he was not "Almighty God" inhuman form.

For the redemption of mankind, Jesus needed to be the equivalent of Adam, not the equivalent of God. God is immortal and cannot die.....so can mere humans kill God?
The trinity is not only illogical, it is unscriptural. It places God's created son on equal footing with his God and Father...a clear breach of the first Commandment. (Exodus 20:3)

No sure about this, Rome has not ascended to power yet. although if and when europe truly combines its forces. It will be a superpower again.
Rome was the ruling power when Jesus walked the earth. He said that the "Gentile Times" had to run their course and have power over Israel....and there were still two kingdoms to go until God's Kingdom was to come and replace them.

Luke 21:24 Jesus said....
"...Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled."
So, as Daniel had foretold, nations that had subjugated Israel, began with Babylon and the march of world powers to follow, were Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Britain and finally in "the time of the end", an alliance with the USA which formed the Anglo-American dual world power....the last ruling entity on earth before God crushes all corrupt human rulership out of existence, and brings in the rule of his Kingdom, (Daniel 2:44)......the one Jesus taught us to pray for. (Matthew 6:9-10)

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
This is rich coming from one who specializes in false doctrines.
Prove them false sunshine...

I was raised with your false doctrines, so there is nothing you can raise that I have not researched.

I know what the Bible teaches, and I know what it doesn't........

Please tell me something I don't know....I'm all ears.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Prove them false sunshine...

I was raised with your false doctrines, so there is nothing you can raise that I have not researched.

I know what the Bible teaches, and I know what it doesn't........

Please tell me something I don't know....I'm all ears.

Oh, please can you actually tell us something that is true, rather that demand that we must tell you something that you do not know.

Well I am a Callithumpian, and it seems that you do not like anyone who is a social reformer.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Jesus could not be Adam’s biological progeny

The Bible has gone to a great deal of care tracing Jesus Christ's biological
ancestry back to David, Abraham, Noah, and finally to Adam and Eve where
the very first prophecy concerning Jesus appears in Gen 3:15 which says:

"I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring
and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

Eve's offspring have all been Adam's too because her entire body was constructed
with material taken from his.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Oh, please can you actually tell us something that is true, rather that demand that we must tell you something that you do not know.

Well I am a Callithumpian, and it seems that you do not like anyone who is a social reformer.
My Dad always said he was a Callithumpian....I never knew what that meant.....

Everything I post on these boards is the truth as I understand it. It is the result of 50 years of exploring the Bible’s teachings as they were understood by those to whom they were written. I like to compare translations and delve into original language words. So what about you? What is it that you find so unbelievable in my posts? It is all supported by scripture.

What on earth is a social reformer....and what does that have to do with anything....?
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The Bible has gone to a great deal of care tracing Jesus Christ's biological
ancestry back to David, Abraham, Noah, and finally to Adam and Eve where
the very first prophecy concerning Jesus appears in Gen 3:15 which says:

"I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring
and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

Eve's offspring have all been Adam's too because her entire body was constructed
with material taken from his.
Jesus was not related biologically to either Mary or Joseph because sin contaminated their DNA. It was an inherited flaw that was passed on from generation to generation, so it had to be genetic. (Romans 5:12) If Jesus had inherited his mother’s sin, he could not have redeemed the human race.

A sinless life had to be offered to pay the debt that Adam left to his children. So God implanted the life of his son into the womb of Mary, but for all intents and purposes, no one knew but Mary and Joseph, the circumstances of the birth of their firstborn. It was assumed that he had the genealogy of both parents.....dating back to Adam, who was also a created “Son of God”. Humans are never called “sons of God” unless they were created by him. They are referred to as a “son of man” meaning that they are created by humans through natural means....so Jesus was referred to as both, because he was the “Son of God”....and because he became a human through human birth.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Rev 22:16 . . I am the offspring of David

The Greek word translated "offspring" is genos (ghen'-os) which basically
refers to kin, viz: one's relatives.

Christ's kinship with David is quite a bit more specific in Rom 1:1-3 where it

"Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to
the flesh"

The Greek word translated "seed" in that passage is sperma (sper'-mah)
which is a bit ambiguous because it can refer to spiritual progeny as well as
to biological progeny; for example:

Gal 3:29 . . If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed.

That seed is obviously spiritual progeny; whereas David's is biological
because it's "according to the flesh" i.e. his physical human body.

Seeing as Jesus' dad Joseph played no role in his son's conception, and his
wife was a virgin at the time, then Jesus' biological association with David
defaults thru his mother, i.e. Mary was biologically related to David; which
places her baby in David's tribe; the tribe of Judah. (Heb 7:14)

This fact may be somewhat insignificant to most Gentiles-- other than their
interest in Christ's connection to Abraham's promises --but Jesus'
association with David is extremely important to the Jews because in order
to validate Jesus' right to rule over the land of Israel, he absolutely must be
biologically situated in the Davidic dynasty: no getting around it. (2Sam 7:8
17 and Ps 89:3-4)
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Actually the weeds almost choked out the wheat completely. A few brave souls dared to expose the church for its heresies, but many paid with their lives.
“The church” itself kept the Bible away from the people so that they had no opportunity to read it for themselves.
The only reason why Martin Luther was able to post his thesis was because he was a priest who actually read God’s word and saw how far his corrupted church had strayed from its teachings. He just wanted the church to clean itself up....but he touched a nerve with the people and it resulted in a mass protest movement which came to be called the Reformation.

You actually believe that the Reformation cleaned up Christianity?
All it did was remove some of the more obvious heresies....and then it broke up the church into thousands of disunited fragments. Christendom’s theology is based on Catholic doctrines, not the Bible.
At the judgment, Jesus tells those who believe that he is their “Lord”, that they have done many impressive things “in his name”......and yet, he says that he “never knew” them. “NEVER” means “not ever”.

Where have you ever seen God's love shining on a world so alienated from him? It was only evident on those who dared to live and teach his truth, and these were few and far between down through the ages.....but a few brave souls lit up the darkness....leading up to the last days when a major cleansing and refining was to begin. (Daniel 12:13-14) Again, a few brave souls disconnected themselves from Christendom completely and purged themselves of all her false doctrines. They went back to the Bible, and starting in Genesis, they allowed the Bible to teach them God’s truth, without any of the additions adopted over many centuries of apostasy.
Gradually they proved to themselves what the Bible really taught....and would never set foot in Christendom again.

Yes we can....but the faithful often had to step outside of the Church’s teachings to do it. Who was it who mostly persecuted and killed the ones who dared to take them to task down through history? Both Christendom and Judaism silenced those who were sent to correct them.....and for the same reasons.

It makes me sad to see people clinging to beliefs that Christ never taught, and were never true in the first place.
The views of the JW org are so incompatible with Orthodox Christianity that we cannot really have a meeting of minds. There is no where to go, a wall separates us. This is exactly how I have resolved getting along with some of my family members - not discussing religion at all. It is really taboo and a waste of time. So to keep the peace, we just live without much sharing our Biblical views only in a general, non-confrontational sense.
Actually since you think an evening translates as millions of.years long, just think of me taking a nap for a few hundred thousand years. Take care, bye bye!
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The views of the JW org are so incompatible with Orthodox Christianity that we cannot really have a meeting of minds. There is no where to go, a wall separates us. This is exactly how I have resolved getting along with some of my family members - not discussing religion at all. It is really taboo and a waste of time. So to keep the peace, we just live without much sharing our Biblical views only in a general, non-confrontational sense.
Actually since you think an evening translates as millions of.years long, just think of me taking a nap for a few hundred thousand years. Take care, bye bye!
I understand.....I too have relatives who are not JW's, but fortunately none of them are remotely interested in religion as the majority of Aussies aren't, so it never comes up. But you are right about what you say....we have an unbridgeable chasm between us and I am very happy about that actually because it shows an absolute separation as Jesus said there must be of the "wheat and the weeds"...we will just differ as to who owns what label....
Jesus created an absolute separation between his disciples and the 'orthodoxy' of his day. I believe that he has done that again.

But hey.....go in peace....enjoy your nap....


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
When God created the heavens and the Earth, He brought everything into existence in one almighty act of power......but we Earthlings have no way to know how he did it, or how long it took him in earth time...
God gave us earthlings a book. In it we find how long it took and what was done.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Rev 22:16 . . I am the offspring of David

The Greek word translated "offspring" is genos (ghen'-os) which basically
refers to kin, viz: one's relatives.

Christ's kinship with David is quite a bit more specific in Rom 1:1-3 where it

"Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to
the flesh"

The Greek word translated "seed" in that passage is sperma (sper'-mah)
which is a bit ambiguous because it can refer to spiritual progeny as well as
to biological progeny; for example:

Gal 3:29 . . If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed.

That seed is obviously spiritual progeny; whereas David's is biological
because it's "according to the flesh" i.e. his physical human body.

Seeing as Jesus' dad Joseph played no role in his son's conception, and his
wife was a virgin at the time, then Jesus' biological association with David
defaults thru his mother, i.e. Mary was biologically related to David; which
places her baby in David's tribe; the tribe of Judah. (Heb 7:14)

This fact may be somewhat insignificant to most Gentiles-- other than their
interest in Christ's connection to Abraham's promises --but Jesus'
association with David is extremely important to the Jews because in order
to validate Jesus' right to rule over the land of Israel, he absolutely must be
biologically situated in the Davidic dynasty: no getting around it. (2Sam 7:8
17 and Ps 89:3-4)

I can see that that your research is all correct....except the part that infers that Jesus carried any of Mary's DNA in his genetics.
His "flesh" was not of Adam, but of God "through" Mary as Jesus was the product of holy spirit.
As far as anyone knew, Jesus was the biological son of Joseph and Mary....no DNA tests in those days.....

Anyone born of a Jewish mother is Jewish. So Mary and Joseph could both trace their ancestry back to Abraham, and Jesus inherited that that lineage by being born of his Jewish mother....and Joseph was believed to have been his biological father.

And I can understand that this is why the Catholic church had to invent the immaculate conception of Mary so as to explain why Jesus had no sin.
But then they had to ask if Mary's mother also had to have an immaculate conception so as to bear Mary without sin....?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
The clear statements of a morning and evening are obviously referencing the 24 hour rotation of the earth that causes each 24 hour cycle to consist of a morning and evening.

God could have done it in six seconds, but took six days as the prophetical foreshadow of there being 6 thousand years, or prophetical days, from Adam to the return of Christ, with the millennium being the
Seventh day, aka Gods rest for His people that remains - thus the 4th command for rest each 7th day of the week, was also a shadow of that.

This is called the sabbath-millennium, as taught by early church fathers such as Barnabas in chapter 15 of his epistle.

And that is why scripture says that the sabbaths were shadows of what is yet to come.

Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

Col 2:17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
And I can understand that this is why the Catholic church had to invent the immaculate conception of Mary so as to explain why Jesus had no sin.
But then they had to ask if Mary's mother also had to have an immaculate conception so as to bear Mary without sin....?
Mary was never with a man, so what is immaculate conception other than that?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
Sheffield, Yorkshire, home of Robin Hood.
United Kingdom
I have nothing to repent from.....I am not altering the true nature of Jesus' God....the church did that many centuries ago.
If Jesus was always God, where is he in the OT? Why did no ancient prophet ever speak of this three headed god?
If God can be in three places at once, and have a conversation with himself in each place...that makes him three gods, not one.

In English.....please....who speaks like that in the 21st century...?

"But regarding the Son He says,

“Your throne, God, is forever and ever,
And the scepter of righteousness is the scepter of His kingdom.
9 You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness;
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You
With the oil of joy above Your companions.”

Paul is quoting Psalm 45:6-7...
"Your throne, God, is forever and ever;
The scepter of Your kingdom is a scepter of justice.
7 You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness;
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You
With the oil of joy above Your companions.”

The preceding verses say that God is speaking, not that he is being addressed; and the following verse uses the expression “God, YOUR God,” showing that the one addressed is not the Most High God but is a worshiper of that God. Hebrews 1:8 quotes Psalm 45:6, which originally was addressed to a human king of Israel. Obviously, the Bible writer of this Psalm did not think that this human king was Almighty God.

”10 You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth,
And the heavens are the works of Your hands;
11 They will perish, but You remain;
And they all will wear out like a garment,

Again, quoting the Psalms....
Psalm 102:25-27....
"In time of old You founded the earth,
And the heavens are the work of Your hands.
26 Even they will perish, but You endure;
All of them will wear out like a garment;
Like clothing You will change them and they will pass away.
27 But You are the same,
And Your years will not come to an end."

Yes, Jesus was the agency “through whom” all creation came to be. (Colossians 1:15-17)
Jesus is not the Creator.

Yes, the pre-human Jesus was at his Father’s side in creation. (Proverbs 8:30-31)
We are body, soul and spirit, we are three, yet we are one.