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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

If you have sin, you are not forgiven. = thats why you have it.
If you have sin, you are not born again yet, or you would not have any.

So, Christ has your sin, or you have it, Reader.
No other option is available.
See Jesus on the Cross for the final answer.

Think on that,..... as you read this verse... 1.) ."God hath made JESUS...to be sin for us".



See, When we are born again, we are "made free from sin" by the "one time eternal sacrifice of Jesus".

Now....Carnal Christians see themselves as sinners, needing to confess because they have no actual understanding of the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement, or the New Covenant.

Under the NEW Covenant, = "I will remember your sin no more"... God says.
And who are you to argue?

God, sees the REDEEMED for ETERNITY... through the Blood of the Lamb..., as an "heir of God, "Made righteous" having become a "new creation in Christ".

And a heretic jumps up and says......"well what about 1 John 1:9"..

A.) Its not doctrine for the Christian, as a Christian is IN CHRIST and there is no sin found there.

So, read 1 John 3:9, as that one is for the blood bought born again.

Heretic Q.) why then does the apostle say...,"If we say we have no sin"..

Well, ... They said that, and he is talking to them, about them, while doing what preachers do.

Listen Reader.....Preaches always include themselves within the context of bringing someone to Christ.

It like this..
If i am preaching, and i say to a room of unbelievers, or one on the street....."WE all need Christ as our Savior"

Well, i ALREADY HAVE HIM< but they dont........yet, i just said """WE"""
See how i put both of us in the same light?
That what Apostles do. That is what Evangelist's do. Its what we do when we are soul winning.

So, that is what the Apostle is doing, when He said "WE"....
He did say "we", but he's only talking about them...

Now, Lets say some of you come to my NT Class.

The first thing i will teach you, is... = to Trust your Bible, and to LOVE IT, and put your Greek and your commentaries in a box, and forget them.

And then, we get into this the very first day, first hour.....>1.) "rightly dividing" the word, ...vs...wrongly dividing it..
Because that is the whole game, set, and match.

So then.... How do you wrongly divide the NT?
All you have to do, is not understand that some verses are not given to the Born again Christian, as doctrine, or instruction.
Just take a verse aimed at a OT Jew, or a Tribulation Jew, or a gentile unbeliever, and apply it to YOURSELF, and you have found some deception.
And Reader, avoiding people who will do this to you from a Pulpit, or on a "christian forum", is impossible unless you have been taught how to understand the BLOOD OF JESUS as your SALVATION, and what that means.

Q.) When is the last time your Pope, Bishop, Preacher, Pastor, said....>"Im going to preach a series on the BLOOD OF JESUS, as the NEW TESTAMENT and the NEW Covenant as the only reason that God accepts you and keeps you".


Uh huh....

So, to wind this up... You have to be taught how to learn to see the entire word of God, through the LENS of the Cross of Christ.. As His Crucifixion changed everything regarding "rightly dividing the word"....regarding anything that is a bible verse.
All verses in the NT have to be discerned in light of the CROSS.

Let me give you 2 simple examples...

There is a verse or a few that say..."" that if you dont forgive, then God wont forgive you.""

Yet, once the Cross is Raised, the born again thereby..... are eternally forgiven,.... and so, Paul says we are to forgive, because we are already FORGIVEN...
See how that changed from..."do this to be forgiven"....vs..."do this because you have now been forgiven".

= "rightly divide" the word.

That is "rightly dividing" the NT, based on the Light of the Cross revealing Blood Covenant CHANGES.

Let me show you another one....
= God deals with sinners as sinners.
God deals with the born again, as His Children, and that is completely different, regarding His methods and eternal outcome.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
ALL sin and come up short each day but PTL born-again believers are forgiven.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
ALL sin and come up short each day but PTL born-again believers are forgiven.

Let me show you this.. Reader

1.) works of the flesh.

such as...

Bad attitude.
Anger in your heart.

Q.) So, why is it, that if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious, but BORN AGAIN... "In Christ", "one with God".. that all of that on the list, is this..

A.) """For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's sins against them.... And he gave us this wonderful = message of reconciliation.""

So, why is it, that if you are an unbeliever,...not born again... and you have a moment of pride filled pure hatred, = you have sinned... but if you are a born again believer, you are alway this... = """ Where there is no LAW, there is no Transgression""".

See that Reader?

The born again, exist in the Kingdom of God. = NOW.... We are born again into it. We exist there, right now.. and there is no LAW there.
So, There is now nothing that can define you as a sinner, ever again.
1.) Because "Christ has redeemed us from the CURSE of the LAW"..
2.) Because "Jesus is the END OF THE LAW....,.for righteousness, for everyone who Believes'""..

What does all this mean. ?????
What is the "simplified and amplified" version?

It means that God never again sees the born again a sinner, 2 Corinthians 5:19......= because He has created you as a NEW CREATION IN CHRIST..... to eternally exist "not under the law, but under Grace".

This does not mean you will be perfect in your behavior 24/7........it means that you have been born again as "Made Righteous"... and never anything less, based on the Blood of Jesus.
It means that God sees the born again, as if he is looking at Jesus, Himself, and that is because the born again are "IN CHRIST">.."ONE with God".

See it?

This is why the NT says the born again are a "SON/Daughter" of God.... exactly Like Jesus.
This is why the NT says the born again have become a SAINT.


"Heir of God"
"Joint Heir with Jesus"
"Temple of the Holy Spirit"
"seated in Heavenly places in Christ"
"As Jesus IS.... so are the born again.. = in THIS World".

Reader, BELIEVE IT, and let this Grace of God, this SALVATION that is the Gift of God..... become your renewed mind, and in that you will find deliverance from "flesh" and protection from deceived HERETICS who want to make you believe you have sin, and can lose your salvation.

Get your MIND Of FAITH right, and you are finally "walking in the Spirit".


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Let me show you this.. Reader

1.) works of the flesh.

such as...

Bad attitude.
Anger in your heart.

Q.) So, why is it, that if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious, but BORN AGAIN... "In Christ", "one with God".. that all of that on the list, is this..

A.) """For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's sins against them.... And he gave us this wonderful = message of reconciliation.""

So, why is it, that if you are an unbeliever,...not born again... and you have a moment of pride filled pure hatred, = you have sinned... but if you are a born again believer, you are alway this... = """ Where there is no LAW, there is no Transgression""".

See that Reader?

The born again, exist in the Kingdom of God. = NOW.... We are born again into it. We exist there, right now.. and there is no LAW there.
So, There is now nothing that can define you as a sinner, ever again.
1.) Because "Christ has redeemed us from the CURSE of the LAW"..
2.) Because "Jesus is the END OF THE LAW....,.for righteousness, for everyone who Believes'""..

What does all this mean. ?????
What is the "simplified and amplified" version?

It means that God never again sees the born again a sinner, 2 Corinthians 5:19......= because He has created you as a NEW CREATION IN CHRIST..... to eternally exist "not under the law, but under Grace".

This does not mean you will be perfect in your behavior 24/7........it means that you have been born again as "Made Righteous"... and never anything less, based on the Blood of Jesus.
It means that God sees the born again, as if he is looking at Jesus, Himself, and that is because the born again are "IN CHRIST">.."ONE with God".

See it?

This is why the NT says the born again are a "SON/Daughter" of God.... exactly Like Jesus.
This is why the NT says the born again have become a SAINT.


"Heir of God"
"Joint Heir with Jesus"
"Temple of the Holy Spirit"
"seated in Heavenly places in Christ"
"As Jesus IS.... so are the born again.. = in THIS World".

Reader, BELIEVE IT, and let this Grace of God, this SALVATION that is the Gift of God..... become your renewed mind, and in that you will find deliverance from "flesh" and protection from deceived HERETICS who want to make you believe you have sin, and can lose your salvation.

Get your MIND Of FAITH right, and you are finally "walking in the Spirit".


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
John 1:8-10 ESVIf we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

If you have sin, you are not forgiven. = thats why you have it.
If you have sin, you are not born again yet, or you would not have any.

So, Christ has your sin, or you have it, Reader.
No other option is available.
See Jesus on the Cross for the final answer.

Think on that,..... as you read this verse... 1.) ."God hath made JESUS...to be sin for us".



See, When we are born again, we are "made free from sin" by the "one time eternal sacrifice of Jesus".

Now....Carnal Christians see themselves as sinners, needing to confess because they have no actual understanding of the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement, or the New Covenant.

Under the NEW Covenant, = "I will remember your sin no more"... God says.
And who are you to argue?

God, sees the REDEEMED for ETERNITY... through the Blood of the Lamb..., as an "heir of God, "Made righteous" having become a "new creation in Christ".

And a heretic jumps up and says......"well what about 1 John 1:9"..

A.) Its not doctrine for the Christian, as a Christian is IN CHRIST and there is no sin found there.

So, read 1 John 3:9, as that one is for the blood bought born again.

Heretic Q.) why then does the apostle say...,"If we say we have no sin"..

Well, ... They said that, and he is talking to them, about them, while doing what preachers do.

Listen Reader.....Preaches always include themselves within the context of bringing someone to Christ.

It like this..
If i am preaching, and i say to a room of unbelievers, or one on the street....."WE all need Christ as our Savior"

Well, i ALREADY HAVE HIM< but they dont........yet, i just said """WE"""
See how i put both of us in the same light?
That what Apostles do. That is what Evangelist's do. Its what we do when we are soul winning.

So, that is what the Apostle is doing, when He said "WE"....
He did say "we", but he's only talking about them...

Now, Lets say some of you come to my NT Class.

The first thing i will teach you, is... = to Trust your Bible, and to LOVE IT, and put your Greek and your commentaries in a box, and forget them.

And then, we get into this the very first day, first hour.....>1.) "rightly dividing" the word, ...vs...wrongly dividing it..
Because that is the whole game, set, and match.

So then.... How do you wrongly divide the NT?
All you have to do, is not understand that some verses are not given to the Born again Christian, as doctrine, or instruction.
Just take a verse aimed at a OT Jew, or a Tribulation Jew, or a gentile unbeliever, and apply it to YOURSELF, and you have found some deception.
And Reader, avoiding people who will do this to you from a Pulpit, or on a "christian forum", is impossible unless you have been taught how to understand the BLOOD OF JESUS as your SALVATION, and what that means.

Q.) When is the last time your Pope, Bishop, Preacher, Pastor, said....>"Im going to preach a series on the BLOOD OF JESUS, as the NEW TESTAMENT and the NEW Covenant as the only reason that God accepts you and keeps you".


Uh huh....

So, to wind this up... You have to be taught how to learn to see the entire word of God, through the LENS of the Cross of Christ.. As His Crucifixion changed everything regarding "rightly dividing the word"....regarding anything that is a bible verse.
All verses in the NT have to be discerned in light of the CROSS.

Let me give you 2 simple examples...

There is a verse or a few that say..."" that if you dont forgive, then God wont forgive you.""

Yet, once the Cross is Raised, the born again thereby..... are eternally forgiven,.... and so, Paul says we are to forgive, because we are already FORGIVEN...
See how that changed from..."do this to be forgiven"....vs..."do this because you have now been forgiven".

= "rightly divide" the word.

That is "rightly dividing" the NT, based on the Light of the Cross revealing Blood Covenant CHANGES.

Let me show you another one....
= God deals with sinners as sinners.
God deals with the born again, as His Children, and that is completely different, regarding His methods and eternal outcome.
When we see everybody else's sin and none of our own we dish out the platitudes, advice and judgements wholesale and pride ourselves for our generosity.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Who finds this God inspired scripture hard to understand?? John 1:8-10 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Who finds this God inspired scripture hard to understand?? John 1:8-10 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Clear as crystal.


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Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Even as a Born Again, we still sin in the flesh?....

And when I have done something wrong....I don’t ask for forgiveness, because my sins have been forgiven.

I ask God to help me with my wrong doing......he gave me a conscience? and it was heightened when I became Born Again?

Are you saying we can’t lose fellowship no matter what we do?

I know I will never lose the Holy Spirit as he resides in my heart permanently.

I know 100% that I am a child of God....he will never leave nor forsake me....he teaches me to walk in the Spirit and my flesh dies each day....as I submit to his will....


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Even as a Born Again, we still sin in the flesh?....

Romans 8:9

"""But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.... Now if any man/woman have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."""

And when I have done something wrong....I don’t ask for forgiveness, because my sins have been forgiven.


See, Salvation does not make your behavior perfect... but it does make you "the righteousness of God, in Christ", for as long as God lives.

The Blood Atonement is Eternal.

I ask God to help me with my wrong doing......he gave me a conscience? and it was heightened when I became Born Again?

One of the ways we know we are born again, is because we become "sin sensitive', once we are born again.
We, begin to notice sinfulness, as that is the Holy Spirit and our conscience as "one".
We SEE sin... because the Holy Spirit in us causes us to become sensitive to what isn't HOLY.

Are you saying we can’t lose fellowship no matter what we do?

You can't stop being born again.
You can never stop being a "Son/Daughter of God".
What can happen, is that the mind in the believer can lose real faith, and when that happens, they only see themselves as "what i did wrong', vs, .. "im always the righteousness of God, in Christ".

So, there is the mind of Christ, that is God's perspective, regarding every believer at all times as : = "Made righteous". "One with God" "In Christ".

Here is the mystery.., God sees us as He sees Christ., once we become born again 'in Christ'.

And then there is the carnal minded Christian, who only sees themselves as "what i did wrong" instead of only seeing themselves as God sees them, .. which is..."having become the Righteousness of God, in Christ".

I know I will never lose the Holy Spirit as he resides in my heart permanently.

You can never stop being Born again.
You can never Stop God from evaluating you as "redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb". = "made righteous".

I know 100% that I am a child of God....he will never leave nor forsake me....he teaches me to walk in the Spirit and my flesh dies each day....as I submit to his will....

We are God's not because we try to be good, but because God has accepted us and forgiven us forever, as proven by NEW BIRTH, ..having become a "new creation in Christ'.... based only on the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.

God only accepts us and keeps us based on the merit of JESUS, who is our "one time Eternal Sacrifice for sin".


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Romans 8:9

"""But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.... Now if any man/woman have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."""


See, Salvation does not make your behavior perfect... but it does make you "the righteousness of God, in Christ", for as long as God lives.

The Blood Atonement is Eternal.

One of the ways we know we are born again, is because we become "sin sensitive', once we are born again.
We, begin to notice sinfulness, as that is the Holy Spirit and our conscience as "one".
We SEE sin... because the Holy Spirit in us causes us to become sensitive to what isn't HOLY.

You can't stop being born again.
You can never stop being a "Son/Daughter of God".
What can happen, is that the mind in the believer can lose real faith, and when that happens, they only see themselves as "what i did wrong', vs, .. "im always the righteousness of God, in Christ".

So, there is the mind of Christ, that is God's perspective, regarding every believer at all times as : = "Made righteous". "One with God" "In Christ".

Here is the mystery.., God sees us as He sees Christ., once we become born again 'in Christ'.

And then there is the carnal minded Christian, who only sees themselves as "what i did wrong" instead of only seeing themselves as God sees them, .. which is..."having become the Righteousness of God, in Christ".

You can never stop being Born again.
You can never Stop God from evaluating you as "redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb". = "made righteous".

We are God's not because we try to be good, but because God has accepted us and forgiven us forever, as proven by NEW BIRTH, ..having become a "new creation in Christ'.... based only on the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.

God only accepts us and keeps us based on the merit of JESUS, who is our "one time Eternal Sacrifice for sin".
Romans 8:9

"""But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.... Now if any man/woman have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."""
Yes, I know I am in the Spirit..100% ..but our flesh still does what the flesh does, does it not?

I’m with you now, re: being in the Spirit and not the flesh...so, by the Spirit we are being made into the image of Jesus?

See, Salvation does not make your behavior perfect... but it does make you "the righteousness of God, in Christ", for as long as God lives.

The Blood Atonement is Eternal.

Yes, God is helping me understand through you....where have you been?...you are about the only one I understand on here?
One of the ways we know we are born again, is because we become "sin sensitive', once we are born again.
We, begin to notice sinfulness, as that is the Holy Spirit and our conscience as "one".
We SEE sin... because the Holy Spirit in us causes us to become sensitive to what isn't HOLY.
Oh Brother, I have missed Gods Spirit talking to me through you....Amen to your post.
You can't stop being born again.
You can never stop being a "Son/Daughter of God".
What can happen, is that the mind in the believer can lose real faith, and when that happens, they only see themselves as "what i did wrong', vs, .. "im always the righteousness of God, in Christ".

So, there is the mind of Christ, that is God's perspective, regarding every believer at all times as : = "Made righteous". "One with God" "In Christ".

Here is the mystery.., God sees us as He sees Christ., once we become born again 'in Christ'.

And then there is the carnal minded Christian, who only sees themselves as "what i did wrong" instead of only seeing themselves as God sees them, .. which is..."having become the Righteousness of God, in Christ".

You can never stop being Born again.
You can never Stop God from evaluating you as "redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb". = "made righteous".

We are God's not because we try to be good, but because God has accepted us and forgiven us forever, as proven by NEW BIRTH, ..having become a "new creation in Christ'.... based only on the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.

God only accepts us and keeps us based on the merit of JESUS, who is our "one time Eternal Sacrifice for sin".
Excellent commentary and Gods truth...please post more...I miss hearing the word of God through you..imo.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Yes, I know I am in the Spirit..100% ..but our flesh still does what the flesh does, does it not?

I’m with you now, re: being in the Spirit and not the flesh...so, by the Spirit we are being made into the image of Jesus?

Yes, God is helping me understand through you....where have you been?...you are about the only one I understand on here?

Oh Brother, I have missed Gods Spirit talking to me through you....Amen to your post.

Excellent commentary and Gods truth...please post more...I miss hearing the word of God through you..imo.

-Blessings <
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
When we see everybody else's sin and none of our own we dish out the platitudes, advice and judgements wholesale and pride ourselves for our generosity.

Then dont do that, @quietthinker.

See it?

Instead, give God constant praise for the Cross of Christ, as its due to the finished work of Jesus on the Cross that someone like me, and someone like YOU, are allowed to belong to God's Family.

John 14:6
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
What’s the point of confessing our sin, when Jesus already died for our sin, our sin is erased as soon as we become “ Born Again “.....


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
If you have sin, you are not forgiven. = thats why you have it.
If you have sin, you are not born again yet, or you would not have any.
Exactly!!.....Praise God for that heart revelation.

We must be “ Born Of The Spirit “. “ Spirit gives birth to spirit “....


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What’s the point of confessing our sin, when Jesus already died for our sin, our sin is erased as soon as we become “ Born Again “.....

That 1st John verse, is not talking to born again believers.

So when you find someone who has been badly taught, regarding the NT...
In other words, to this person.. they believe that every verse in the bible is aimed right at them.
They do not understand that many verses are not pointed at the born again = as doctrine.

And....One of the easiest ways to get this clarified regarding your bible study, is to find out if the VERSE was given to the JEWS, before Jesus was Crucified.
Just look for that, and that will show you many verses that are not FOR the Body of Christ, as DOCTRINE.
So, what we do is use the Cross to filter verses so that we can see if the verse is meant for the JEW before Jesus was Crucified, vs.. the Body of Christ who is now under a : new Covenant that was created BY the Cross of Christ as the Blood Atonement.

So, we the Born again....always study verses IN LIGHT OF THE CROSS. and that will help us to not wrongly point a verse at ourselves as doctrine, that was only given to the House of Israel...
And some verses in the NT are prophetic, and are talking about what is going to take place in the Trib and Grt Trib.
Some of later Matthew is all about that, and many Christians who are really bad bible students, try to point those verses at believers who are where we are now...= "in the TIME....of the GENTILES".

These people can't discern the bible, and they dont understand that Christianity is Spiritual and the word of God is to be "rightly Divided" and "spiritually discerned".

So, a person who is in a cult, or has been taught all their Theology by a Heretic... .... these people are never taught what i just showed you.

And a new believer... has the same issue, as They only know that "Jesus saved me"..
They have no "theology" yet, and that is the PRIME TIME For The Devil to grab them with Catholicism and Calvinism and Mormonism and JW, and all the other cults, as this untrained in the Doctrine of Paul baby Christian, has no way to KNOW who is lying, and who is sent by the Devil to them.

They think.. "Oh that person sounds like they know all about the bible", .. and this person only knows all about John Calvinsim, or the cutl of mary, and the new believer has no idea about that.. as they dont know any BIBLE YET.. So, they are HOOKED, and faith ruined.

So, to talk a bit now about why other people get so mislead regarding the Bible... And these are those who read it a lot, but are not church goers....
ts because they run in there, and find some verse that is aimed at OT Jews, or unbelievers, and they try to do it. They believe the verse is for them....And then the devil shows them more verses that just keep tying them into a confused theological mess.
Listen Reader.. the devil does not just temp you to enjoy some carnal behavior.
The Devil is a Theologian who will lead you into a CULT MIND....using the bible, as you read it.
See, the battlefield for your Christianity, is in your mind, and so that is where the Devil shows you things to confuse you, using the bible.

This is why God sends Teachers... Its so that they can keep you away from HERESY that will destroy your faith and your discipleship.

So, What a situation a believer have become who is just all tied up with bad theology...., that someone has to try to UNTIE< and that is always a difficult job because the person has PRIDE about their confusion..... and they want to FIGHT YOU, and DENY YOU, and REFUSE to listen.
Not that many can be recovered once they are "subverted within themselves"... And that means when their deception has become so locked down.. to the point that even simple truth about the Cross, is to them LIES LIES LIES, then most are unreachable.

They will tell you crazy theology that is just remarkably backwards, such as.. ."you have to be born again, before you can believe in Jesus".

See that? They can be that decevied, theologically ,and once they become that "subverted within themselves",.. .. they then hear TRUTH as LIES., and that is basically "too far gone".
So the only hope for that one, is that they are born again, as that can't changed, yet, they can't be helped.

That's your Hyper Calvinist or Most Catholics and JW's., just to name a few.


So, here is what we know,...
We know that you can't have sin and be "one with God" "in Christ".

All sin has to be resolved before you can exist in the KOG, as Born Again, as "In Christ and One with God".

You must have .. all of it forgiven....... to be joined to God, or otherwise He would be joining your sin.
That's not going to happen.. So, once you are ETERNALLY Forgiven, then God gives you the new birth, and you become a "new Creation IN CHRIST".... "Made Righteous"... . Forever.
And if the person can't understand that all their sin was dealt with by Christ who also took the LAW off of us so that the Law can't define us as a sinner or our carnality as sin, any more, ever again, then you find them chasing a couple of verses that they believe they have to obey to keep getting their sin re-forgiven... and that is why you find these "chronic confessors" who believe that Christianity is "sin, confess, repeat".

These people believe that "Christianity is sin, confess, and repeat"...

On this forum the worst 2 who teach that nonsense, are NetChaplin and Ronald Nolette.. .as that is their theology... but they are not the only two.. They are just the LOUDEST to SHOUT IT.

And they'll run to Romans 7, where Paul is beginning to teach about "that which i hate i do, and that which i want to do, i cant do"... and they dont read the rest of His teaching that is not just in that Chapter.... and if they did, or if their pastor or pope had read it, then they would not have been taught that Paul is teaching that you stay there as a : Hebrews 6:1.
See, Paul was teaching that when you try to be "right with God" by "performance" and by "lawkeeping" and you are born again, then you find a WAR happens inside you, in your emotions and your mind, and you become confused and unsettled, and that is the Spirit and the old man of the Flesh, in a battle inside you, and you can't make it stop...
So, that is why Paul teaches all about "not being under the law" and "being made free from sin, .. and "The old man is crucified with Christ"... as the rest of His teaching that these heretics never read and that their heretic POPE or Pastor, never understood.

The end of Paul teaching on this is....>"Christ always gives me the VICTORY".. over the flesh, the world, and the devil.

That is the END of the teaching that began as.. "that which i want to do, i can't do"...

These Heretics and their Heretic Pastors and Pope's never read the rest of Paul's Doctrine.. His Teaching..

What does that lead to if you are one of those ??? It leads to people who believe that they still have their sin, so they try to get rid of it...... over and over., and that becomes their entire lifetime.. That is all they can do.. That is their "Christianity".. and so they believe that is YOURS ALSO.
And they will teach you that nonsense on THIS FORUM and on every other one. And their church-cult teaches this same JUNK Theology.

Whereas..... a born again believer, who has been taught the very basics of REDEMPTION, and what it means to be "FORGIVEN".....

= They have actually read these 2 verses below and understand them, as does their Pastor and Teacher.

1.) "God hath Made JESUS....to be SIN.....for us"....


2.) "Jesus is the ONE TIME...... ETERNAL Sacrifice for SIN"...

So, there goes your sin .... READER....if you are born again.

Jesus has become it ALL, as THE """one time ETERNAL sacrifice"" for it = ALL.

All gone.
Jesus has your sin, and the born again have been "made righteous".. They have become "THE righteousness of God, in Christ", forever.

Now the heretic and their Pastor will read those verses...... and because they are badly taught and because they dont understand the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, will try to twist the verses like this......

= "Well, only the sin you committed up until the day you were saved are forgiven". .. So, now you have to confess all the new ones"".

See that?
That is one of the most repeated heresies you'll run into on a Forum .

That is someone who does not understand the word """ETERNAL....."

So when they read...>"Jesus is the ONE TIME....ETERNAL..= Sacrifice for our sin">.. they then say...>>""""ummm, not quite,.. let me show you a verse over there that is talking to unbelievers about confessing sin".... is what they will do to try to deny that Jesus is our ONE TIME...= ETERNAL Sin Bearer..

And why is Jesus our ETERNAL SIN BEARER...??? ITS because= ""GOD HATH MADE Jesus to be SIN... for us"""".

Jesus took our lifetime of sin upon Himself and took it to the Grave, and Rose again from the Dead without it.
He does not have it now, and neither do the BORN AGAIN who are... "made free from sin"... who are a "new creation in Christ", who have become = "THE righteousness of GOD.... In Christ".

See, the born again are ""One with God".. "IN Christ'... "seated in Heavenly places",.. And there is no sin found there.

The born again are become..

"AS JESUS IS..... so are the born again, in THIS WORLD">..... and there is no sin found there.
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Mar 9, 2023
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So when you find someone who has been badly taught, regarding the NT...
In other words, to this person.. they believe that every verse in the bible is aimed right at them.
They do not understand that many verses are not pointed at the born again = as doctrine.
I agree on this..Amen!


Well-Known Member
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Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
All gone.
Jesus has your sin, and the born again have been "made righteous".. They have become "THE righteousness of God, in Christ", forever.
Amen!!....that enemy will not be deceiving me no more....

Jesus has our sin and took our sin, for all of those who are “ Born Again “.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
See, the born again are ""One with God".. "IN Christ'... "seated in Heavenly places",.. And there is no sin found there.

The born again are become..

"AS JESUS IS..... so are the born again, in THIS WORLD">..... and there is no sin found there.
Amen!!...there is no sin found in the heart/ spirit of a Born Again....the Holy Spirit cannot indwell a sinner....


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I agree on this..Amen!

Thanks for reading.
Its been edited a bit more, as i needed to change some spelling and so forth.
Then i posted it as a Thread., and changed it some more.

Now.....Notice how these verses work as one.

"He that is spiritual, discerns all things".

"The bible must be spiritually discerned" or "rightly Divided".

So, that is "rightly dividing the bible" by "spiritually discerning it"...

That is not just READING>.. that is "receiving the revelation from it".

The Holy Bible is a book of Light.. Its a Spiritual Book that REVEALS the word... into the "eyes of our understanding".

That's inside us, and that is not the Mind..
The bible is not created to be understood as if its a dictionary.
Its created to REVEAL Hidden Truths, as revelation.... given by the Spirit of God, INTO our Born again Spirit.

That is "Discernment".
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