Anti-reformers month

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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Hail Mary! Full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women,
Lk 1:28 blessed is the fruit of thy womb, (Jesus) Lk 1:42 Holy Mary, mother of God, Lk 1:43 pray for us sinners, now,
rev 5:8 and at the hour of our death, Matt 24:13 amen!
You can talk directly to God the Father himself.
You don't need Mary.

Stop listening to fake apostle priests.
That's what cults do. They say you are dependent on them for access to God. And that without them you are lost.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
May I ask what you mean by reformed, I think I know what it means but I want to be sure,can someone take the time to explain to me?

You see I was Baptized in a Catholic Church my family is Catholic, which is Christian all the same as are other denominations, it's just the system they have that takes them away from the true word of God, I have since stopped going by the title Catholic, as I'm sure many have read on here and I've explained why I did, so no need to go into that story.

I simply believe in God the Father and his only begotten son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and though it is sometimes hard for me, because I'm a very emotional person and let anger get the best of me, I try to follow God's commandments, though I am not perfect, so yes I do son, but ask for forgiveness and repent.

Does this make me reformed, or must one take on a title of Protestant to be reformed? Which I don't.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
You can talk directly to God the Father himself.
You don't need Mary.

Stop listening to fake apostle priests.
That's what cults do. They say you are dependent on them for access to God. And that without them you are lost.

Have to tell ya, I've learned alot (on this forum) about the "specifics" of the Catholic religion, and the "division" of those who are Catholic.
On one hand there are the Catholics who are engaging in conversations IN Christ, and on the other hand there are the Catholics promoting and engaging in conversations IN Mary.
The "IN" Mary is a cultist man-made over the top Bizarre group. The more they advocate to exalt Mary, Mary, Mary, the more they "tarnish" her reputation as any other Biblical example of a willing servant of God.

The Lord God Almighty IS the Master "OF" the willing to BE "with" Him.
* No "earthly" created being, IS the "WAY" to BE "with" their Lord God Almighty Master.
* No "earthly" created being, IS greater or equal to their Lord God Almighty Master.
* No where does Gods Word preach or teach...BELIEVE IN The Lord God Almighty and ...
Moses, Abraham, Issac, Jacob, David, Gods sent Apostles, Joseph or Joseph's wife Mary or a man appointed pope.

It's astounding really. Of all the Biblical examples of the earthings serving God...
We discover their roles in preaching and teaching the Word of God to others...but that does not "apply" to Joseph or his wife Mary.

Think about ^ that!

Glory to God,



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
May I ask what you mean by reformed, I think I know what it means but I want to be sure,can someone take the time to explain to me?

You see I was Baptized in a Catholic Church my family is Catholic, which is Christian all the same as are other denominations, it's just the system they have that takes them away from the true word of God, I have since stopped going by the title Catholic, as I'm sure many have read on here and I've explained why I did, so no need to go into that story.

I simply believe in God the Father and his only begotten son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and though it is sometimes hard for me, because I'm a very emotional person and let anger get the best of me, I try to follow God's commandments, though I am not perfect, so yes I do son, but ask for forgiveness and repent.

Does this make me reformed, or must one take on a title of Protestant to be reformed? Which I don't.

I would say "reform", religiously, IS "following one "form" of religious doctrine, and then "changing" to follow Gods "formed" doctrine.

I would say that hangs on, men having "followed" a Catholic "formed" doctrine, then decided to set aside the Catholic 'formed' doctrine and instead 'elect' to follow Gods "doctrine" as revealed exclusively in Scripture.

A "doctrine" has multiple meanings... particularly;

* A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief, as by a religious, political, scientific, or philosophic group; dogma.

* A rule or principle of law especially when established by precedent.

* One doctine IS based on "the acceptance of A BELIEF, "OF a group of men."

* One doctrine IS based on "the acceptance of A BELIEF, "per A LAW".

Religious Reforming, is basically, having HAD accepted "A group OF mens BELIEFS"...
Then "Rejected"....."A group OF mens BELIEFS"
and "ACCEPTED instead" Gods Lawful Beliefs, VOID of "political", scientific, philosophical" influences 'OF' men.

Glory to God,
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
May I ask what you mean by reformed, I think I know what it means but I want to be sure,can someone take the time to explain to me?
There's more to it found in the details, but this is the basic understanding of Calvinism, a.k.a. reformed theology:

Authority of Scripture. Reformed theology teaches that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, sufficient in all matters of faith and practice.​

Sovereignty of God. Reformed theology teaches that God rules with absolute control over all creation. He has foreordained all events and is therefore never frustrated by circumstances. This does not limit the will of the creature, nor does it make God the author of sin.​

Salvation by grace. Reformed theology teaches that God in His grace and mercy has chosen to redeem a people to Himself, delivering them from sin and death. The Reformed doctrine of salvation is commonly represented by the acrostic TULIP (also known as the five points of Calvinism):​

T - total depravity. Man is completely helpless in his sinful state, is under the wrath of God, and can in no way please God. Total depravity also means that man will not naturally seek to know God, until God graciously prompts him to do so (Genesis 6:5; Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 3:10-18).​

U - unconditional election. God, from eternity past, has chosen to save a great multitude of sinners, which no man can number (Romans 8:29-30; 9:11; Ephesians 1:4-6,11-12).​

L - limited atonement. Also called a “particular redemption.” Christ took the judgment for the sin of the elect upon Himself and thereby paid for their lives with His death. In other words, He did not simply make salvation “possible,” He actually obtained it for those whom He had chosen (Matthew 1:21; John 10:11; 17:9; Acts 20:28; Romans 8:32; Ephesians 5:25).​

I - irresistible grace. In his fallen state, man resists God’s love, but the grace of God working in his heart makes him desire what he had previously resisted. That is, God’s grace will not fail to accomplish its saving work in the elect (John 6:37,44; 10:16).​

P - perseverance of the saints. God protects His saints from falling away; thus, salvation is eternal (John 10:27-29; Romans 8:29-30; Ephesians 1:3-14).​

The necessity of evangelism. Reformed theology teaches that Christians are in the world to make a difference, spiritually through evangelism and socially through holy living and humanitarianism.​

Other distinctives of Reformed theology generally include the observance of two sacraments (baptism and communion), a cessationist view of the spiritual gifts (the gifts are no longer extended to the church), and a non-dispensational view of Scripture. Held in high esteem by Reformed churches are the writings of John Calvin, John Knox, Ulrich Zwingli, and Martin Luther. The Westminster Confession embodies the theology of the Reformed tradition. Modern churches in the Reformed tradition include Presbyterian, Congregationalist, and some Baptist.​
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
You can talk directly to God the Father himself.
You don't need Mary.

Stop listening to fake apostle priests.
That's what cults do. They say you are dependent on them for access to God. And that without them you are lost.
exactly Mary was just a human being like us. no special powers


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
Wow ferris, you did that better than i thought you would. ANDDD you even snuck in the Westminster confessions!!! You sly dog. Im gonna turn everyone on this forum into a calvinist yet. :D:D:D:D:D:D

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Im gonna turn everyone on this forum into a calvinist yet. :D:D:D:D:D:D
Probably not.
Calvinism is fading away.
More and more people are moving away from Calvinism. They call themselves four point Calvinists, or have certain Calvinist views but insist they are not Calvinist. It's on it's way out.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Though it's very unpopular for me to say, I believe that over the next x-amount of time, so is the church. By that I mean that the Kingdom of Heaven is going back to Israel, (I believe that it has already begun), of which the church is part. Some orthodox Jews agree with that. Probably not many.
I'll be hiding under my bed, away from my computer! Lol
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
It seems that Calvinist doctrines have been formulated to preserve it's fundamental misunderstanding of 'election'. IOW, it's concept of election is what steers the whole ship. It shapes and crafts all it's thinking based on it's foundational presupposition about election. All scripture and theological thought has to be bent and shaped to fit it's initial belief about election.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Though it's very unpopular for me to say, I believe that over the next x-amount of time, so is the church. By that I mean that the Kingdom of Heaven is going back to Israel, (I believe that it has already begun), of which the church is part. Some orthodox Jews agree with that. Probably not many.
I'll be hiding under my bed, away from my computer! Lol
I see it.
We're well on our way to thoroughly ruining the original church of the Apostles.
It's so puffed up with leaven right now.
The apostasy is almost complete.
Then, presumably, God will turn his full attention to the Jews and their end time redemption as a people.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
How about individuals seeking the Lord through His word and His Spirit? Utilizing the gifted people the Lord gives us.
I don't know everything, just that I haven't been a part of a "church" since '99. This is my fellowship here and I'm doing fine.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I see it.
We're well on our way to thoroughly ruining the original church of the Apostles.
It's so puffed up with leaven right now.
The apostasy is almost complete.
Then, presumably, God will turn his full attention to the Jews and their end time redemption as a people.
We are all His people. We are supposed to love everybody. I don't believe anybody's any better than anyone else. I've been friends with just about every kind of person one can think of.
It's just when stuff interferes, stagnates, limits growth, and causes division and strife, it needs to be looked at again. Or just discarded.
I know the difference of the saved and the unsaved. Love is the key. 1 Cor 13
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
How about individuals seeking the Lord through His word and His Spirit? Utilizing the gifted people the Lord gives us.
I don't know everything, just that I haven't been a part of a "church" since '99. This is my fellowship here and I'm doing fine.
That's also my opinion of where we're at.
I think it's every man and his Bible for himself now, fellowshipping and sharing with others doing the same thing.
Just my opinion. But it feels like that's where we're at.

I had hoped for years that we could somehow pull at least some of the organized church back to it's Biblical roots of how to meet and study and worship together, but I had to come to the realization that's probably not going to happen. The closest thing we're going to get, if we get anything, is devout Christians are going to be meeting in secret in neighborhood groups if/when the proverbial feces hits the fan. Watch China, folks. They seem to be the ones messing things up for the whole world right now and causing the disruptions that will force us underground (pandemics, war, crashing economies...). They're doing a bang up job so far.
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