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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
You want to read Veritatis Splendor dear aspen, it may open your eyes.
Good idea. Everyone should read Veritatis Splendor, but not through the lens of blind prejudice. Then your hateful bigotry would be exposed.
I thought Vatican II good as well but now I know it was hijacked the Jesuits and there Satanic games in bed with the Freemasons and it's this mob of Satanist that worked to create WW1 and WW2 and will create WW3 they are under the influence of the Talmud Zionist Jews, much the same as the ones who worked to kill Jesus with there games.
You need to tell this to your doctor. The typical paranoid funnymentalist obsession with the Jesuits is the laughing stock of conspiracy theories. It's hate propaganda. Period. Not once have you posted a link to any Vatican II documents, but you pass yourself off as an expert.
That not to say that all Freemasons or Jews etc are bad but they are deluded and brainwashed into following such crap, as the leadership of such things knows how to play them for the fools they are.
Nobody can create false histories better than the SDA. If you are not a SDA, you sure mirror the same hatred and false histories as they do.

President Plutarco Calles, center, came to power to execute the Masonic plan to destroy the Church.
Your version: President Plutarco Calles, a Jesuit/Freemason collaborator, came to power to execute the Masonic plan to destroy the Church
Priest bravely faces a Freemason firing squad
Your version: "true believers" cleansing Mexico of Jesuits

The world ignored the Calles' government massacre of Mexican Catholics. No doubt you and your scions can caption this with your own false history.

Pope Frances is a Satanist and is in bed with all trying to create a BS religion where a idiot like him will be worshiped as god and he never gives way to Jesus Christ,
pope accept jesus.jpg

he is to Politically Correct to offend his Islam and Talmud mates with pointing to Jesus Christ as the only way, this bastard has turned away from Christ Jesus, he is doing the works of man

= Socialism but it will not work because such is the works of Anti-Christ and once you turn away from Christ Jesus that how it fails, the Jews failed every time they turned away from God and that was cause by cunning mob with in that worked away leading the Jews astray, the same game play is going on here.

YOU CAN DO NOTING WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST all is in vain without him, such people think that it is them who are bringing in the Kingdom of God, fact is people could not bring in jack, it's Jesus that brings it in. in his Majesty = coming in the Clouds, where we the faith full in his grace will meet him. such is not of our works but his working through us.

Socialism is mans madness it's we will do this as there foundation that's why they push Political Correctness, only devils push PCness Hitler was one and Stalin another, it's a great trick that fooled millions, there is no truth in the word Political and Political is never about right or wrong because it's about power over the people not Salvation, that's why Jesus said about the coin give to him what's his, but a true follower of Jesus knows who is who. we are not to have the government above us as our Lord like the Socialist want, that's the very mob who put Jesus up on the cross. that's what they think of him, they don't have the Holy Spirit in them at all, but the Stain of original Sin that they only abide in and it's works of madness.
PCness makes robot police out of people and they are marked men, just like Cain was, they can't see logic they are blinded by there own works and they don't care about right or wrong, you can not reason with them, because the truth is not in them. they become robots of the government, blind obedience to what ever Law it dictates, they don't question it at all because they know such is forbidden, the government dominates you totally aspen and you only become a number.
Your religion will not save you, only Jesus can do that and all others are works of man regardless.
Pope Frances is controlling his Church but who is leading him, it's not Jesus Christ that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Good idea. Everyone should read Veritatis Splendor, but not through the lens of blind prejudice. Then your hateful bigotry would be exposed.
You need to tell this to your doctor. The typical paranoid funnymentalist obsession with the Jesuits is the laughing stock of conspiracy theories. It's hate propaganda. Period. Not once have you posted a link to any Vatican II documents, but you pass yourself off as an expert.

Nobody can create false histories better than the SDA. If you are not a SDA, you sure mirror the same hatred and false histories as they do.

President Plutarco Calles, center, came to power to execute the Masonic plan to destroy the Church.
Your version: President Plutarco Calles, a Jesuit/Freemason collaborator, came to power to execute the Masonic plan to destroy the Church

Priest bravely faces a Freemason firing squad
Your version: "true believers" cleansing Mexico of Jesuits

The world ignored the Calles' government massacre of Mexican Catholics. No doubt you and your scions can caption this with your own false history.


You just blasted Reggie Belefonte with accusations and calling his view hate speech.

And then did exactly what you accuse him you include yourself in being one who delivers "hate speech" .... Correct?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
Ukrainians 5.5 - 7 million
Jews (of all countries) 6 million +
Russian POWs 3.3 million +
Russian Civilians 2 million +
Poles (Catholics) 3 million +
Yugoslavians 1.5 million +
Gypsies 200,000 - 500,000
Mentally/Physically Disabled 70,000- 250,000
Homosexuals Tens of thousands
Spanish Republicans Tens of thousands
Jehovah's Witnesses 2,500 - 5,000
Boy and Girl Scouts, Clergy, Communists, Czechs, Deportees, Greeks, Political Prisoners, Other POWs, Resistance Fighters, Serbs, Socialists, Trade Unionists, Others

What you don't see in any statistics are SDA's, or "Bible Christians" who railed against the alleged whore of Babylon, or the alleged anti-Christ Pope. The Nazis left them alone. Why? Because what they were doing was compatible with the intent of Geobble's propaganda machine.

We are in a culture that despises the Catholic Church, and you are feeding that contempt. You are doing the same thing as they did in Nazi Germany that made them exempt from arrest, you are just not aware of what you are doing. It's the same ignorance of all anti-Catholics. You think the Pope is a bad guy?
Well, Rollo, guess what. You have company.

As soon as Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was ousted from power on July 25, 1943, Adolf Hitler began hatching a plan to kidnap Pope Pius XII and plunder the Vatican. Clearly, the Fuehrer thought, the “Jew-loving” pope had encouraged King Victor Emanuel II and some rival fascist leaders to overthrow his Italian puppet.

More Proof of Hitler’s Plan to Kill Pius XII
Son of German Intelligence Officer Comes Forward

JUNE 16, 2009 ( New evidence published today by the newspaper of the Italian bishops gives more credence to the belief that Adolf Hitler had planned to either kidnap or kill Pope Pius XII.

It has long been conjectured that Hitler had ordered the SS commander in Italy, General Karl Wolf, to seize the Vatican and take the Pope.
Many people, at the time, thought Hitler was the anti-Christ.

pope-pius-in-prayer.jpg hitler.jpg
Many people today believe the Pope to be the anti-Christ.
In this scenario, the anti-Christ is plotting to kill the anti-Christ. It's perfectly logical for extreme anti-Catholics.

We don't have gas chambers or genocide of that scale. Instead, we have the Fuhrer of anti-Catholicism, anti-Protestantism, and
Antisemitism. You don't have to look far to see it's effects. Just brows some of the threads in here. A holocaust of words.

Rollo, you are on the wrong side.
Last edited:


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
For the 50th time, I guess you are the expert on what goes on in Catholic and Protestant.

I personally favor reading Daily instead of Hearing one or two times a week for an hour or so......Thus whomever you have decided; Catholics or Protestants are awarded your higher merits for speaking more Scripture during a single service is irrelevant to me.

I tend to agree with aspen, that Catholic Services are boring.

I find that sort of repetativeness more of a cultural thing, than a Protestant "thing".

That seems a bit contradictory to what aspen related, saying, Catholic sermons are gear toward a 3 year repetative cycle.

That's nice, but not unique. Sort of the high-light of a man who has actually become Converted, don't you think?

You can hear the entire Bible if you go to daily Mass over three years.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
You can hear the entire Bible if you go to daily Mass over three years.

Thanks for sharing. However I am content without "Going" anywhere and read and study things of my choosing, "without' the boredom.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Than they are not listening to the scripture or the homily.....Protestants have there pewsitters as well Taken
I haven't been an active Catholic since well before the Vatican II changes, but when I was there my interest was always held. It was to me never boring even though I could not go back. My road is ahead and what I see there is a brighter Light. I hope that some Catholics can also see that Light.

I have known a lot of pewsitters on both sides and they might as well go to the ballgame.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Good idea. Everyone should read Veritatis Splendor, but not through the lens of blind prejudice. Then your hateful bigotry would be exposed.
You need to tell this to your doctor. The typical paranoid funnymentalist obsession with the Jesuits is the laughing stock of conspiracy theories. It's hate propaganda. Period. Not once have you posted a link to any Vatican II documents, but you pass yourself off as an expert.

Nobody can create false histories better than the SDA. If you are not a SDA, you sure mirror the same hatred and false histories as they do.

View attachment 3441
President Plutarco Calles, center, came to power to execute the Masonic plan to destroy the Church.
Your version: President Plutarco Calles, a Jesuit/Freemason collaborator, came to power to execute the Masonic plan to destroy the Church
View attachment 3442
Priest bravely faces a Freemason firing squad
Your version: "true believers" cleansing Mexico of Jesuits

View attachment 3443
The world ignored the Calles' government massacre of Mexican Catholics. No doubt you and your scions can caption this with your own false history.

View attachment 3444

View attachment 3445
View attachment 3446[/QUOTE]
SDA ? who is this.

All the freemasons I have ever known hate the RCC totally and don't want to hear me for being a Catholic, they will not stand for it and flat refuse to listen.

Many Popes have pointed out what the freemasons are about, Pope Leo XIII stated that the ultimate aim is to overthrow of the whole religious, political and social order based on Christian institutions, for Naturalism.

I do like many a freemason personally and sure they are great people that I admire many things about, but they have been lead astray and do not know what freemasonry is all about anyway, just is it's the same with Christianity you have dilettantes, but they do take part for what ever reasons.

I despise fundamentalist as fools.

Jesuits may not all be corrupt but many are involved in so many shady deals and they are very cunning.

Vatican II documents ? why, do you think that they are going to expose themselves, no they work by stealth 2 steps forward and 1 back but in time they get to the point they want, they use the freemason tricks of slowly brainwashing the majority to follow there worldly works and cast Jesus aside as a side dish until they can get rid of him or play him for a fool, like we see nowadays, people say to me you don't believe that crap do ya or play out that Jesus was a poofter and all sorts of crap like Mary had other children or attack, claiming that Dan Brown has it all worked out you know and I say that I do have that idiots book and I also have the de-coding Da Vinci and I am not a novice to such, like they are and then they turn to me and say how do you know that the de-coding is right, oh boy ? one can never win, when you take on such ignorant people who don't understand the Holy Spirit at all.

Look if I were to take you back in time, say the 1970's or went back and got you from the 70's and then pop you into 2018 you would see just how much the RCC has changed it's spots, it's a disgrace and the proof is in the pudding, from around 1970's 90% went to church you know, yes they have been driven out because people don't have faith in the churches anymore and the priest are mainly gutless they will not speak out for fear of many things.

No mate the Christian Churches are being undermined like never before and Pop Frances is a creep show, I seen him kissing the hand of Rothschild, Rothschild was sitting down in a chair and all was done as if Rothschild was as Pope and Pope Frances did just as Priest do, in showing submitting to the pope, you can see it on u-tube I think it's called.

No mate don't just blindly follow anyone, you never know what is truly going on, but it's best to be on the look out about everything I say and sadly you think because I question things that I am the one who should consult a doctor, well I am not a dilettante and do not just blindly follow or submit to any man, no the Churches have a lot to answer for because they do things in stealth and cunning, they are not open but hide.

A true Christian has nothing to hide and is open to criticism, In fact he welcomes such.
I believe that Pope John Paul II and Pope Ben were good but the evil was so great around them that they did not have the power to deal with this mob of Satanist many priest hatted getting letters from the pope about stop being poofters. now under Frances the morons can absolve themselves for there sins, how Satanic !