Bible alone question

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Active Member
Jun 26, 2022
New Roads , Louisiana
United States
Your proof texting, twisting, ignoring context, and rambling has nothing to do with truth. The life long brain washing you have received at the hands of your masters has served them well.
Mar 6:3 - Is not this the carpenter,the son of Mary, the brother of James,and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon?and are not his sisters here with us?And they were offended at him.
Mar 6:4 - But Jesus said unto them,A prophet is not without honour, but inhis own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house. Scripture proves beyond any doubt that Joseph and Mary consummated their marriage and had children. You can keep following and believing lies Or turn to Jesus and be free.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Temporarily Mary filled the role of Jesus’ legal mother.
Spiritually Jesus who IS Spirit, has no mother.

never been interested in never ending “dialog” just doing what scripture says Jude 1:3 contend for thee faith!

Providing info


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
Wow, I never knew that both God and Jesus were evil, picking and choosing individuals for salvation.

Your words not mine. Again, I repeat. Jesus said, "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you." [John 15:16].

I hope I am not picked then cause I would never want to serve a god that would choose to give life to some of His sons and not others.

You have it all wrong [as usual]. God chose to give life to ALL of His children and NEVER to others. Romans 9:20-25 reads:
20) Nay but, O Man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
21) Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
22) What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
23) And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of his mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

24) Even us, whom he had called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?
25) As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people, and her beloved, which was not beloved.

Course, it may just be your understanding of the passages, what do you think Jun, is God evil?

YOUR words and question. Jesus said,
"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God." [Mark 10:18].

I say that you have the choice sir, you personally choose to serve Him if you personally desire.[/QUOTE]

Again, not understanding Scripture, "there is none, no, not one, that seeks after God [Romans 3]. If there is none that has the capacity nor the desire to seek God, who then can become saved? NONE..., NADA..., ZERO..., ZILTCH!!!

He offers life to all, all you have to do is accept the requirements, and His honor obligates Him to accept.

I've already commented on this. But if I may ask, "Where do you read that God honors and obligates Himself to honor anyone who accepts Him?

If God's word is not worth the paper it is written on, what hope does any of us have sir.

The paper that you speak of is called the Bible and everything written in it are true and trustworthy for they are the words of God. If you desire to become saved then leave your denomination.

To God Be The Glory
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Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
There was NEVER a privilege of everlasting life "offered" to us! Life everlasting was GIVEN to those whom God desired to save. John 3:16

You are in error! Jesus said, "Ye have NOT chosen me, but I have chosen you." John 15:16

to redeem the sins of all those that God elected/chosen to salvation. Matthew 1:21

"There is none righteous no, not one; there is none that seeks after God." Romans 3

to redeem the sins of all those that God elected/chosen to salvation. Matthew 1:21
Actually sir Jesus said this:
(Luke 4:43) . . .“I must also declare the good news of the Kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent.” That was the primary reason he was sent, and like you stated to redeem any who chose to stand on Jehovah's side of the issue was another reason; and the third reason was to prove that man could live sinless.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
Your words not mine. Again, I repeat. Jesus said, "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you." [John 15:16].

You have it all wrong [as usual]. God chose to give life to ALL of His children and NEVER to others. Romans 9:20-25 reads:
20) Nay but, O Man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
21) Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
22) What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
23) And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of his mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

24) Even us, whom he had called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?
25) As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people, and her beloved, which was not beloved.

YOUR words and question. Jesus said,
"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God." [Mark 10:18].

You are right sir, they were your words not mine. You are the one that stated very clearly that God chooses who has a relationship, I say He offers to draw close to anyone who chooses to draw close to Him. Now it is very true that I plant, my brothers and sisters water, and God does make it grow, but He would never reject anyone who was seriously seeking Him. If He does not "choose" you sir, it is because you did not choose Him.

If you are talking about everlasting life, I fully agree with you Jun, as He will only give it to His children. But like I stated the invite to become one of His children is open to all. As far as this life, every living thing is alive through God Jun, so in that aspect He gives life even to those who choose not to be among His children. He makes it rain upon the unrighteous as well as the righteous sir.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
If you are talking about everlasting life, I fully agree with you Jun, as He will only give it to His children. But like I stated the invite to become one of His children is open to all.

I want you to remember the phrase you quoted above, "everlasting life" because you twist everything I say.
I have given you the Scripture reference John 3:16 and still you did not comprehend the gist of it all. Many, and you are not an exception, have misunderstood this most quoted verse in the world.

As far as this life, every living thing is alive through God Jun, so in that aspect He gives life even to those who choose not to be among His children. He makes it rain upon the unrighteous as well as the righteous sir.

True, God makes it rain upon the unrighteous as well as the righteous, and He SUSTAINS every living thing on earth, but GOD NEVER GAVE "EVERLASTING LIFE" TO EVERY LIVING THING OR EVERYONE! That is reserved for His ELECT only. Those whom He CHOSE in eternity past before the foundation of the world.

To God Be The Glory


Active Member
Jul 13, 2022
United States
The Old Testament quote about a virgin was not actually about Jesus. It was about the sign for those people well before his birth. Then we testament author hyperlinked back to it.
So there was two boys born as a sign. The one in the tanakh and the one who is the son of God. It should be noted that the word is equally translated as young woman and does not necessarily mean virgin. After all the boy born in the Old Testament was not a son of a virgin presumably. Perhaps the spirit worked in a way similar to inspiration and adoption.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
I want you to remember the phrase you quoted above, "everlasting life" because you twist everything I say.
I have given you the Scripture reference John 3:16 and still you did not comprehend the gist of it all. Many, and you are not an exception, have misunderstood this most quoted verse in the world.

True, God makes it rain upon the unrighteous as well as the righteous, and He SUSTAINS every living thing on earth, but GOD NEVER GAVE "EVERLASTING LIFE" TO EVERY LIVING THING OR EVERYONE! That is reserved for His ELECT only. Those whom He CHOSE in eternity past before the foundation of the world.

To God Be The Glory

I definitely agree that most people can quote Jn 3:16 yet few know what it says. I will be glad to tell you and all you had to do is ask. We can learn a lot from breaking down a verse, so lets do that. The verse says: Joh 3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

We learn that God is not His son here, and because He loves humans which are referred to as the world, He sent His son who was Jesus, giving him as a sacrifice to open the way for those humans to have everlasting life, in other words never die. That is what it is saying Jun. Do you agree? If not, please render me your understanding of it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
I want you to remember the phrase you quoted above, "everlasting life" because you twist everything I say.
I have given you the Scripture reference John 3:16 and still you did not comprehend the gist of it all. Many, and you are not an exception, have misunderstood this most quoted verse in the world.

True, God makes it rain upon the unrighteous as well as the righteous, and He SUSTAINS every living thing on earth, but GOD NEVER GAVE "EVERLASTING LIFE" TO EVERY LIVING THING OR EVERYONE! That is reserved for His ELECT only. Those whom He CHOSE in eternity past before the foundation of the world.

To God Be The Glory

all men are redeemed Jn 1:29


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
We learn that God is not His son here,

If Jesus is NOT God then He cannot be a Savior because only God can take away sins! You must contend also with John 8:24.

and because He loves humans which are referred to as the world,

The "world" here really means the "universe" which means that in all the universe, Christ is the ONLY SAVIOR!

He sent His son who was Jesus, giving him as a sacrifice to open the way for those humans to have everlasting life, in other words never die. That is what it is saying Jun. Do you agree? If not, please render me your understanding of it[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately I do not agree! Here is how I understand John 3:16, where many have failed.
The word "so" can be translated as "thus" or "in this manner." And, the word "whosoever" must be qualified and it is they who are the "believers only." And, does not mean "each and every." And, the rest is found in John 8:44.
We can render John 3:16 this way:
"For God in this manner [so] loved the world [cosmos] that he gave [not offered] his only begotten Son, that whosoever [believers only,] believeth in him [those whom God saved before the foundation of the world] should not perish, but have everlasting life.

In post #287 you said that Christ was "offered" and therefore makes sense to you that people can choose or reject Christ. But that can't be so because of what we read in John 3:16.

May God give you wisdom.

To God Be The Glory
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
all men are redeemed Jn 1:29

If that is true, then rightly so that there will no one can be subject to go to hell, yet we know hell will heavily be populated! It bewilders me why all Catholics think they have the correct interpretation of Scripture.

All I can say is: What? came the word out from you only? or came it unto you only?

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
If Jesus is NOT God then He cannot be a Savior because only God can take away sins! You must contend also with John 8:24.

The "world" here really means the "universe" which means that in all the universe, Christ is the ONLY SAVIOR!

Hasn't God delegated the authority to take away sins Jun?
(Mark 2:7-12) . . .Who can forgive sins except one, God?” 8 But immediately Jesus discerned by his spirit that they were reasoning that way among themselves, so he said to them: “Why are you reasoning these things in your hearts?. . .in order for you to know that the Son of man has authority to forgive sins on earth—” he said to the paralytic: 11 “I say to you, Get up, pick up your stretcher, and go to your home.” 12 At that he got up and immediately picked up his stretcher and walked out in front of them all.. . .
(John 20:21-23) . . .Just as the Father has sent me, I also am sending you.” 22 After saying this he blew on them and said to them: “Receive holy spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven; if you retain those of anyone, they are retained.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
Hasn't God delegated the authority to take away sins Jun?
NEVER in a million years! Didn't you admit that God is the only one who can forgive sins in Mark 2:7? Why change after reading John 20?
You do know that after making a conclusion on a particular matter, we are to search the scriptures if there is something else that we might have missed, just as the Bereans searched the Bible to see if what Paul said was so.
John 20 can better be explained and understood which has parallel meaning with Matthew 18:18, and there we read:
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
If you can find someone who reads and speaks Greek he will translate the above verse this way: "Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall having been bound in heaven: and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall having been loosed in heaven."
This can also be seen in Matthew 16:19.

So the prior action, you see, is in heaven.

I hope this helps.

To God Be The Glory
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Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
NEVER in a million years! Didn't you admit that God is the only one who can forgive sins in Mark 2:7? Why change after reading John 20?
You do know that after making a conclusion on a particular matter, we are to search the scriptures if there is something else that we might have missed, just as the Bereans searched the Bible to see if what Paul said was so.
John 20 can better be explained and understood which has parallel meaning with Matthew 18:18, and there we read:
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
If you can find someone who reads and speaks Greek he will translate the above verse this way: "Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall having been bound in heaven: and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall having been loosed in heaven."
This can also be seen in Matthew 16:19.

So the prior action, you see, is in heaven.

I hope this helps.

To God Be The Glory

I see, well not everyone accepts all Scripture sir. I personally choose to believe what Jesus said. That is why you have to take the Bible as a whole Jun.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
I see, well not everyone accepts all Scripture sir. I personally choose to believe what Jesus said. That is why you have to take the Bible as a whole Jun.

ha ha ha, that's funny Robert. I thought you knew Jesus wrote the Bible. Oh I forgot. You don't believe or teach that Jesus is God. Sorry.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
ha ha ha, that's funny Robert. I thought you knew Jesus wrote the Bible. Oh I forgot. You don't believe or teach that Jesus is God. Sorry.

No I rather believe the Bible and that the author is Jehovah sir, 2 Tim 3:16. Why do you think the God of Jesus is lesser than the one He anointed? I personally believe we have hope, and that Jesus' words were true, what do you find fictitious in his teachings? And since you feel Jesus lied, what hope do any of us have?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
If Jesus is NOT God then He cannot be a Savior because only God can take away sins! You must contend also with John 8:24.

The "world" here really means the "universe" which means that in all the universe, Christ is the ONLY SAVIOR!

You forgot Lk 1:47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

Lk 2:10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
If that is true, then rightly so that there will no one can be subject to go to hell, yet we know hell will heavily be populated! It bewilders me why all Catholics think they have the correct interpretation of Scripture.

All I can say is: What? came the word out from you only? or came it unto you only?

you confuse redemption with salvation They are not the same

Redemption, Justification, Sanctification, and Salvation!

Redemption: 100 percent the work of God, thru the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ! All mankind are redeemed in Christ! Eph 2
Galatians 2:16 3:13
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law...
Christ alone accomplished the redemption of mankind apart from any works on our part!

(Redemption is not Salvation)
Rom 5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

Justification: our acceptance of redemption thru faith and baptism! Become a disciple and member of Christ and His Church! Jn 3:5 acts 2:38 Mk 16:16 He who believes and is baptized shall be saved. 1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. Galatians 3:27
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

Sanctification: the life of grace in the holy sacrifice of the mass and sacraments, prayer, virture, and good works, the just living by faith, and faith working thru love! Phil 1:29 called to suffer with Christ.
All done in Christ thru His grace! Jn 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Salvation: a christian in the state if grace at the moment of death we enter into the salvation of the Lord! Mt 24:44-47 faithful servant! Jn 15:1-5 abide in me. Mt 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Heb 3:14 For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;
Heb 6:11 And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end:
Heb 4:14 For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;
Rom 13:11 ...for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

Suffering required for glorification with Christ!

Romans 8:17
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

2 Timothy 2:12
If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:

Justification and salvation are not the same rom 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

The redemption was accomplished by Christ with no participation on our part!

then when we believe in him and his redemption we are justified in that faith and baptism!

then we are in Christ and his church by grace faith and baptism we practice good works (prayer, alms, fasting, virtues charity, other sacraments etc.

then when we are faithful to Christ and in his grace at death enter salvation!

Titus 2:14
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, (redemption) and purify unto himself a peculiar people, (justification / baptism notice purify / wash) zealous of good works. (Sanctification) Matt 24:13 endures to the end Shall be saved.