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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
It has been pointed out to me that my posts have a tendency to be provocative and may lead to controversy. I agree that I enjoy talking about ideas that may not be safe - admittedly, I have difficulty talking about ideas that are family friendly just to make sure that no one will be offended. The same is true when it comes to humor - just because it is safe does not mean it is funny. Anyway, my question is this; does discussing topics that you know will spark strife equal being unloving? Is it hateful to talk about provocative topics? Is disagreement or even a difference in opinion the same thing as a personal attack?

IMO, people are responsible for their own emotional response and reactions, but according to Paul, we should not eat meat offered to idols because it might offend some Christians - so does that comment by Paul govern all of our interactions with each other? It seems to me that discussion is the point of a message board - and discussion may lead to extreme ideas; however, many people seem to be looking for absolutes, rather than discussion - or at least, trying to determine the right answer in a discussion as soon as possible. What do you think?
Jul 6, 2011
The reference to Christ's teaching that the apostle Paul makes is regarding diet. Christ's NT teaching specifically says all food is clean but not to discourage people who wish to follow dietry laws.
This woud not be the case with other things that are only error, sexual immorality for example is the usual issue, some may well be offended by the teaching on that.
Remember all scripture is usefull for teaching, encouraging, rebuking and correcting so that God's people are equipped for every good work.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
It has been pointed out to me that my posts have a tendency to be provocative and may lead to controversy. I agree that I enjoy talking about ideas that may not be safe - admittedly, I have difficulty talking about ideas that are family friendly just to make sure that no one will be offended. The same is true when it comes to humor - just because it is safe does not mean it is funny. Anyway, my question is this; does discussing topics that you know will spark strife equal being unloving? Is it hateful to talk about provocative topics? Is disagreement or even a difference in opinion the same thing as a personal attack?

IMO, people are responsible for their own emotional response and reactions, but according to Paul, we should not eat meat offered to idols because it might offend some Christians - so does that comment by Paul govern all of our interactions with each other? It seems to me that discussion is the point of a message board - and discussion may lead to extreme ideas; however, many people seem to be looking for absolutes, rather than discussion - or at least, trying to determine the right answer in a discussion as soon as possible. What do you think?

I disagree with everything you said!!!! (just kidding...;) )

We speak with each other on these forums to edify one by edify I mean build up...not by playing it nice with carnal emotions and feelings but doing what is right for growth for all concerned. It is good practice to be able to discuss difficult subjects with civility. I suppose that many just want to ram their doctrines down other's throats...but these tend to drift away after their tanks go empty! :)

So post on!!!!


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I disagree with everything you said!!!! (just kidding... ;) )

We speak with each other on these forums to edify one by edify I mean build up...not by playing it nice with carnal emotions and feelings but doing what is right for growth for all concerned. It is good practice to be able to discuss difficult subjects with civility. I suppose that many just want to ram their doctrines down other's throats...but these tend to drift away after their tanks go empty! :)

So post on!!!!


Yeah, I agree that we are supposed to be edifying each other, but I am a bit confused about your distinction between the truth and feelings? The truth is objective, but our understanding of the truth is based on our strengths and limitations. Our mind and our feelings are equally effected by the Fall and equally redeemed by Christ. It often seems as if some Christians think that Christ came to strip us of our silly emotions so that we can live for ever as fully mind. All attempts at dividing mind from emotion, physical body from spirit, and religion from the Body of Christ are vain and rooted in Gnosticism.

More and more I am becoming convinced that thinking about theology and doctrine out loud is shunned in many Christian circles. Rather than encouraging freedom of thought, many Christians demand 'right thinking', which often means, the most surly and sarcastic speaker wins.


New Member
Aug 22, 2012
I came here to be challenged, and I believe that by trying, testing, and questioning what I believe, I can separate what is necessary from what is not necessary...
I know that I am not going to agree with everyone, and that everyone is not going to agree with me...

I have seen though, that there are allot of people involved in Christian discussions who expect everyone to listen to their views and interpretations, but they are not willing to listen to anyone else. I must admit that I am irked by this...

...Not everyone can be the teacher, but students can always study together... But it seems all of the students want to be the teacher! Students trying to be teacher usually equates to the self edifying 'look-at-me' syndrome that always indicates a fall in the near future.

I still get a little perturbed by everyone wanting to completely separate feelings, from Truth, from belief... I feel the Spirit of God, when I am paying attention, I know what His influence feels like, and I believe in it as the Truth. I have faith that He won't lead me into untruth... I know others hear His voice... To me I feel His direction, like someone's hand on my shoulder pointing me in the right direction, and so I describe God's direction as such...

I also am aware that although God is unchanging, people are changing. People each have different needs, strengths, and weaknesses, and so God works with the individual in ways that are suitable to them... Not everyone will have been lead to certain conclusions yet, so I try to keep that in mind when I am in a conversation... Not only for other individuals, but because I know that they might have some insight I do not...

So many Christians don't believe that they could be wrong, or maybe only see a small fraction of the whole picture... For some reason, many Christians who believe they are very understanding of the Word expect all others to have the same revelations they do, and to come to the same conclusions... But no one is going to have all of the same revelations, because each person had to come to their conclusions by a different route.

There is a definite need to challenge the traditions, and ask hard questions that tend to take Christians out of our comfort zone. I think communication is the way to do it... The traditions may not need to be changed, but if no change in tradition is required, there is certainly a need to re-evaluate our attitudes and eliminate what doesn't need to be there...
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Eltanin - very thoughtful post - thanks!


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
I think it depends on how we approach these sensitive topics. A lot of topics may not be PC, but still very important in a biblical context, in regards to our lives. So, yeah, I'd say it's fine to bring up topics that others may find controversial (let's face it, there's always someone out there that will find anything controversial!), but it doesn't hurt to keep in mind that others may be sensitive to things, and they may have very, very good reasons for that sensitivity. That's where compassion, empathy and love comes in...dealing with these things carefully so as we don't poke hurting people!

Oh, and I would have to say that we must be careful about assuming that people are responsible for their own emotions and reactions. How they respond, word they are responsible. But I don't necessarily see that we should feel free to do and say anything we choose and place any consequences of hurt feelings on other people. In my opinion we need to be very careful here...because on one end of the spectrum we could tell a joke that may be slightly offensive to big deal; but on the other end of the spectrum we have truly atrocious behaviours perpetrated by people who don't give a moments consideration to how people feel. Of course I'm not saying that anyone here approaches that kind of behaviour, but I do feel we need to be careful in how we view these things...lest we begin to slide....just my opinion.


New Member
Apr 27, 2012
I agree and disagree. My standpoint is to consider ever idea, every teaching just as we are encouraged to do. There is no fear in perfect love. Some of my own ideas i will put forward nto as me trying to procliam truth but to be able to consider what i might or might know is true or off the mark. Having this freedom is a Blessing because what it does do in fact is reinforce that Jesus is the only Truth