Covid, Masks, and back to normal

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:21‬ ‭KJV‬‬
Sound it out sister . Its the hill of truth that the true lambs chose to die upon . No selling out for the lambs .
They hear and heed ONLY the voice of JESUS . THEY LOVE THE TRUTH and THUS they are well planted in their bibles .
Anything else is but as the smell of the largest splatter of dung .
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
Heaven bound
United Kingdom
To whoever is here right now and to whoever will show up later , ITS HIGH TIME TO PRAISE THE GLORIOUS LORD .
LET THE LORD BE PRAISED . LET us grow in the grace and learn to not trust in man or in our own selves but rather in the LIVING GOD
Oh let the glorious wonderful biblical Lord Jesus be praised. Let us keep marching on in our KJV bibles.

Dance a jig to the Lord.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
Heaven bound
United Kingdom
Sound it out sister . Its the hill of truth that the true lambs chose to die upon . No selling out for the lambs .
They hear and heed ONLY the voice of JESUS . THEY LOVE THE TRUTH and THUS they are well planted in their bibles .
Anything else is but as the smell of the largest splatter of dung .
Spot on right.
It’s Lord praising time.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Ah man, come on. It’s not quite that adamant.
Remember I said I recently took antibiotics? I’m still taking them.
I forgot to wear my mouth guard one night so I grinded my teeth all night. I’ve forgot it other times too, and I wake up with one tooth hurting bad and real sensitive for a few days. But occasionally it doesn’t just go back to normal and instead results in an infection under the tooth, which happened this time. My jaw began to swell and I asked God to heal it. He didn’t. I woke the next morning looking like a chipmunk and in such bad pain I almost passed out. Dentist couldn’t fit me in for 30 more hours. I prayed again, asking God to heal it. Woke next morning with fever and even more pain and so much swelling that everyone gasped when they saw me.
Waited until appt at 1:15 and went and got antibiotic. Was in so much pain and lethargy I couldn’t even drive myself.

Should I have kept waiting for God to heal me and not gotten antibiotic? Does it mean I don’t trust Him if I take the antibiotic? He didn’t heal me even though I asked and believe He could have healed me if He wanted to. It doesn’t make me stop trusting Him even though He didn’t answer as I had hoped.

I realize there’s a difference. One is an immediate and current sickness and one is a potential sickness. I could get COVID. I still would trust Him if I did. I still would ask to be healed. I still would go to the hospital if He didn’t heal me and I started having real trouble breathing. Granted, I wouldn’t go for fear of dying but rather to try to alleviate discomfort or pain.

I don’t know, I’m just rambling now I guess. I never fear what could possibly happen to me, I just deal with whatever is currently happening to me.
With your tooth I know what that is all about, oh boy the pain the pain. my tooth looked totally fine but it was an abscess under the tooth. I had to wait 4 days in real pain. Dentist said I could keep the tooth but I said rip the bastard out I had enough as I was about to start punching out the walls and funny that that type of pain happened late at night about 11 to 12 was the worst, come sun down it got worse and then 11 to 12 wham ! the drugs that I got over the counter were just rubbish for that pain, but you can not get better ones because of all the bloody drug addicts have stuffed that all up. So I had to endure that pain because of them idiots. tell you what I was angry about that I was shafted like that because of idiots like them.
I should of sued because of that, but then again I should of went in to the dentist regardless and demanded pain med script.

I have been shot 4 times with broken bones and that was not that bad a pain if you did not move.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I believe what I believe. God is correct. I will change my answer for Him when and if He advises me to do so. That is at the moment the only answer you will receive from me. Have a very good day and give God the glory!

You still evade my question, full of pride... Tsss

Don't worry about it

The vaccine is your saviour
Jesus Christ is my saviour

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ

Why won't you answer my question?
I asked you three times but u just keep avoiding it

God cannot possibly be telling people that its toxic while telling others that its not...
Can we at least agree on that?


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
I live in California and while the Governor put some restrictions on mask wearing that everyone had to comply with, he recently relaxed those restrictions. I believe the restrictions in the state, concerning mask wearing, are still tougher than the CDC's restrictions for the country. Yet, at least around where I have been, it seems like nobody is aware of the relaxations of the marks orders by either the CDC or the Governor of the state.

It seems that the society still has this extreme fear, not based on science, not based on government recommendation, and not based on the laws of the land. It's like we have gotten into something (in our heads) that we can get out of.

Now I am fully vaccinated, because of the science, the government recommendations, and even the laws and rules that are around. It of course was the most logical reasoning based on the information available. It seems to me that people are operating their lives on fear instead of logic based reasoning. Or maybe with are just such creatures of habit? I mean when we were first told to wear masks people didn't want to do that either and the numbers seemed to be worse at that point in time than now and real reason that we stood a good change of getting it.

Now I wear the mask still because everyone else is. I did go into the market once but everyone else was wearing their masks. So maybe it's the fear of pear pressure, and I have that too? I don't want to make people feel uncomfortable, but I hate wearing a mask. It's hard to breath, it fogs up my glassed, it distracts me and even partially blocks my vision (though not much), it feels like I don't have as much freedom, it is something else I have to remember to do (put on the mask), and frankly it doesn't feel as healthy (constantly have to breath through a mask that is probably collecting a bunch of particles and germs just from the air coming and going through it (so do I want it the closest thing to me?)

Anyway - what are others thoughts on this?

You know what I went to the grocery store and there is a mask requirement but not really enforced too much. I did not wear one because it was dirty, but when I got in an aisle with a couple of elderly people above me and behind me, I slipped it on.

Not because I actually think it will do anything, but to make them more comfortable. The Bible says we should be considerate to other people so we cant be put to shame. That's just my take.

I went to another store where you'll get kicked out, and I didn't wear a mask, only because I was absent minded and forgot. I didn't realize it until I got to the register, apologized, slipped it on, lady just laughed and said it was okay.

I'm not sticking anything in arm for anyone, but I really don't care about covering my face for a little bit minutes.

But I do think it is the most selfish and stupid thing to expect kids to do. Not in schools, either let the children breathe fresh air or take them out. It is physically, psychologically, and developmentally unsafe for them. It is abusive.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
With your tooth I know what that is all about, oh boy the pain the pain. my tooth looked totally fine but it was an abscess under the tooth. I had to wait 4 days in real pain. Dentist said I could keep the tooth but I said rip the bastard out I had enough as I was about to start punching out the walls and funny that that type of pain happened late at night about 11 to 12 was the worst, come sun down it got worse and then 11 to 12 wham ! the drugs that I got over the counter were just rubbish for that pain, but you can not get better ones because of all the bloody drug addicts have stuffed that all up. So I had to endure that pain because of them idiots. tell you what I was angry about that I was shafted like that because of idiots like them.
I should of sued because of that, but then again I should of went in to the dentist regardless and demanded pain med script.

I have been shot 4 times with broken bones and that was not that bad a pain if you did not move.

Pain meds don’t work on toothaches like that. At least for me they don’t. The only thing that works in that for me is to take a big shot of NyQuil and mercifully fall asleep so I can be out of the pain for a bit. Pain meds do not dampen toothache pain. I guess you could take enough to knock you out though…


New Member
Oct 30, 2021
In my province of Ontario, Canada the Premier announced he was keeping the mask mandate for stores in effect until next March! His feeling was winter is worst for possible covid resurgence so lets get out of the coming winter and then see about dropping the masks. I tend to think he just wants to do everything possible to never let it be said the covid became stronger again during his watch which I'm not sure is fair. To look at other regions and countries around the world and ask what various U.S. states are doing and asking what's the consensus and try to go along with that would have been the better approach. I wonder if it speaks to Canadians (of which I am one) who are perceived as being more passive then we should that government knows this and that they can get away with it. It does seem most places are saying enough is enough when it comes to extreme mask wearing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I wonder if the PLA of China has to wear masks while they train in our country. Either many of my countrymen are extremely stupid or are alright with becoming communists. I should include denial in that. We have more "ostriches" than Australia!
On the upside, the store shelves (that you are allowed to purchase from) are still overflowing with cheap trinkets, I mean consumer goods, from China. What a co-incidence!

Sgt. Pepper

Active Member
Oct 31, 2021
North Texas
United States
I'm vaccinated, but I still respect the request to wear a mask and practice social distancing if it's required when I'm in a store or restaurant. I wear a mask whenever it's required to enter a business, but I don't wear a mask when it isn't required. Honestly, I don't like to make a fuss about things, and disrupt other people. I make an effort to live at peace with other people because (1) I care about my personal witness, and (2) We're all in this world together, and we need to take care of each other. Life is hard enough with the pandemic. I want to lift people up, not tear them down.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I'm vaccinated, but I still respect the request to wear a mask and practice social distancing if it's required when I'm in a store or restaurant. I wear a mask whenever it's required to enter a business, but I don't wear a mask when it isn't required. Honestly, I don't like to make a fuss about things, and disrupt other people. I make an effort to live at peace with other people because (1) I care about my personal witness, and (2) We're all in this world together, and we need to take care of each other. Life is hard enough with the pandemic. I want to lift people up, not tear them down.
That's what i do as well but I am not Vaccinated and nor are you in fact.
You have taken an experimental drug, that is not a Vaccine at all. Vaccines are not made that way at all in fact and never were remotely something like what they are forcing people to be Jabbed with, that's the whole point. they are lying ! they are of their farther of lies that Jesus pointed out. they are at war on the people, they are Waring with the people playing everyone for a fool, I know war tactics and this war is different to the normal game play, but is a out right war to be sure that they are waging on the people, as every tactic used is text book game play, Adolph Hitler would be proud of them tactics, because he wrote the book on creating delusions and deception and lead a Nation down the path of Hellfire.

Why would anyone accept a experimental drug jabbed into you and fact is this is some way out their experimental drug, not to mention such a thing like that has never been used at all, it's all voodoo dribble. it's not safe or effective at all, no one can prove such at all in fact. I am totally sick of all the lies and the Nazi like tactics being promoted 24/7 just on that account alone it reeks of Satanic intent that is the most rude I have ever come across in my life by far, to me it's like seeing the Jews taken away on railways and who is going to speak up about such a thing. I am extremely angry about such that is taking place :mad: so I will speak out about such regardless.
As a Christian I have to warn people where I see such grave depravity taking place.


New Member
Nov 1, 2021
United Kingdom
This whole virus and mask situation is really scary, and a lot of people, unfortunately, underestimate all the danger that surrounds us. And now there are strong restrictions almost everywhere to keep people safe, but a lot of people are getting a little tired of it, partly me too. I wonder if there's any other country where I wouldn't worry so much about it and calm down a little bit? Because sometimes the thought and desire to move somewhere where I will not be a slave to these "restrictions" and "prohibitions", as in terms of finances it is realistic to implement but is it worth it?
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