Cowardly: Churches Wanting To Be Known For What They Stand For?

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Are American Churches Cowardly For Avoiding What They Stand Against?

  • No. Churches need to be the voice in our community pointing only to God.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. Not preaching what the Word says on issues of the day is irresponsible shepherding the flock.

    Votes: 6 100.0%

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
I've heard this expressed too many times. It seems many American churches do not want to offend, have succombed to politica correctness. They express this as wanting to be known for what they stand for not what they stand against. Isn't this really the same thing? Aren't churches making themselves irrelevant in the public square by singing kum-by-ya, while the society rages on issues of the day?
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I've heard this expressed too many times. It seems many American churches do not want to offend, have succombed to politica correctness. They express this as wanting to be known for what they stand for not what they stand against. Isn't this really the same thing? Aren't churches making themselves irrelevant in the public square by singing kum-by-ya, while the society rages on issues of the day?
Political Correctness is now their god ! period ! clearly they have tossed out Jesus Christ in fact !

I seen this abomination in my Childrens Christian school taking place in fact ! The Head of the School was not a Christian in fact ! well never was, but was being lead by the Priest to be a Christian and he as a Priest was a abomination ! good for nothing moron, not to mention a sook ! who had his nose out of joint from me pointing out that he was out of line and become angery and run away. my Nipper was the number one in religious studys proven and he stormed off in a great huff !


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Political Correctness is now their god ! period ! clearly they have tossed out Jesus Christ
I'm reading a book now called No More Christian Nice Guy. It says the same thing; that churches have jettisoned the masculine and good Jesus for a feminized and nice Jesus, lacking any power of transformation for fear it might hurt anyone's delicate sensibilities.

At my church, influence is the IDOL that truth (and Jesus) is sacrificed. Their forrays into politics is a disgusting presentation supposing Christians are facilitators only and not participants in the American political process. They've made themselves irrelevant but at least they feel good that they did not offend anyone.

The irony is in their quest to gain influence, they've lost the capacity to influence me.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
That usually means, "the Church is not standing up for my particular political beliefs". The left complains the Church isn't standing up against materialism and the oppression of minorities, the poor, and women by those who have power, and they're not feeding the poor, visiting the imprisoned, caring for the sick, etc. all of which are biblical principles. The right complains that the Church is soft on sexual purity (and especially homosexuality), and so on.

But Wisdom is vindicated by her children...
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Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
United States
I've heard this expressed too many times. It seems many American churches do not want to offend, have succombed to politica correctness. They express this as wanting to be known for what they stand for not what they stand against. Isn't this really the same thing? Aren't churches making themselves irrelevant in the public square by singing kum-by-ya, while the society rages on issues of the day?
It's one of those situations where social and political issues meet protected religious liberties, but to further complicate the issue the largest and best media outlets to reach the most people are tightly controlled. Yes, people from the church can get on some of these platforms, but they also reserve the right to censor whatever messages they wish.

I also think they don't want another Christian baker who very publicly fought his way through the courts for what he believed in and came out victorious multiple times. Stories like this inspire others. They don't want the church to feel like they have any victories like that again because it would only empower and embolden people to speak out.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
I also think they don't want another Christian baker who very publicly fought his way through the courts for what he believed in and came out victorious multiple times.
That's a given. The question is why don't Christian leaders seem to want to advance Christian principles in society in a meaningful way, i.e., enter the field of political discourse.

Seems to me religion is pretty useless if its just go to a building one hour a week and the rest of the time we are at the mercy of the winds of changing evil. Of the top 20 issues of the day, churches should unite on what the Bible informs us about those issues. Conversely, if the Bible is useless in how to live today, it's not a good testimony to its eternal truth. Seems the churches stance is, forget all that, just sing kum-by-ya.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
United States
That's a given. The question is why don't Christian leaders seem to want to advance Christian principles in society in a meaningful way, i.e., enter the field of political discourse.

Seems to me religion is pretty useless if its just go to a building one hour a week and the rest of the time we are at the mercy of the winds of changing evil. Of the top 20 issues of the day, churches should unite on what the Bible informs us about those issues. Conversely, if the Bible is useless in how to live today, it's not a good testimony to its eternal truth. Seems the churches stance is, forget all that, just sing kum-by-ya.
I think the church should be very outspoken about issues regarding sin. Afterall, nowadays Christian beliefs are considered extreme in the West, but on the other hand it is always those who are the loudest about their extreme beliefs that often get the most attention. Perhaps now is a good time for the church to kinda "wake up" and start speaking out. If they can't get an online platform to be heard then bring it into the town square.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Perhaps now is a good time for the church to kinda "wake up"
In the past, these "wake up's" were called revivals. Prophecy says instead that there will be a great falling away.

I see why. They're too scared to stand up to criticize, to offend. So, its easier to make yourself irrelevant.

In the book I'm reading No more Christian Nice Guy, the author bemoans the cancer of sacrificing good for nice, losing all strength. Sealing the border, locking up criminals, hanging corrupt politicians is all good but none of it is nice.


May 20, 2024
Balsall Heath
United Kingdom
I believe pastors these days care more about getting paid then the servicing of the flock. For example, when i used to go to church the assistants who never got paid for their work, looked after the members with advice and counselling and even support such as making calls, and offering services etc. But since a few years ago they help in the service and everyone goes home. The end is nigh. The pastors are worse they preach and then go home. The services are short and the pastor says almost exactly what the bible says.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I believe pastors these days care more about getting paid then the servicing of the flock. For example, when i used to go to church the assistants who never got paid for their work, looked after the members with advice and counselling and even support such as making calls, and offering services etc. But since a few years ago they help in the service and everyone goes home. The end is nigh. The pastors are worse they preach and then go home. The services are short and the pastor says almost exactly what the bible says.
My nippers school got a Pathetic RC Priest in the last 2 years and i heard him say to one woman, In this job !
I was shocked to hear such a claim as calling the Priesthood a Job ?
It's a Vocation ! for Christ Sake.
A calling ! but never would one of God, call such a Job. :rolleyes:o_O:mad: it just goes to show how low the bar has been lowered.
Then again, such a moron will run away from being questioned on such nonsense that they say, i called him out on it and other thins that he was saying. 40 years ago such that he has said would of got him picked up and tossed out of the Church door directly by the people who knew better, than to swallow all of his nonsence. calling everyone Awesome ! that's not truel at all in fact. only Satan would tempt people with nonsense claiming that they all are Awesome !


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
I was shocked to hear such a claim as calling the Priesthood a Job ?
It's a Vocation ! for Christ Sake.
All jobs are vocations. They are synonymous. See sense 2 from Definition of VOCATION
vo·ca·tion vō-ˈkā-shən
Synonyms of vocation
: a summons or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action
especially : a divine call to the religious life
: an entry into the priesthood or a religious order
: the work in which a person is employed : OCCUPATION
: the persons engaged in a particular occupation


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
United States
In the past, these "wake up's" were called revivals. Prophecy says instead that there will be a great falling away.

I see why. They're too scared to stand up to criticize, to offend. So, its easier to make yourself irrelevant.

In the book I'm reading No more Christian Nice Guy, the author bemoans the cancer of sacrificing good for nice, losing all strength. Sealing the border, locking up criminals, hanging corrupt politicians is all good but none of it is nice.
And yet goodness is a fruit of the Spirit, but niceness isn't. Also, God is never called nice in the Bible, but He's called good. Not being nice is not necessarily equal to being bad. It's just doesn't feel nice when peoples' pet sins are not validated, enabled, or pandered to. It requires stepping on some toes, so to speak, and not itching some ears. Probably doesn't feel nice now, but maybe they'll thank us later.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Not being nice is not necessarily equal to being bad. It's just doesn't feel nice when peoples' pet sins are not validated, enabled, or pandered to.
You got that right!

Calling out people's sins are almost immediately met with "that's not nice." And speak the truth in love has been taken to mean coddle someone in pandering to their sin, making them feel good about it - as if the Biblical command is for us to NOT hate sin and be angry with sin as God does. NOTE: v 19 makes the church complicit in not opposing Cultural Marxists who stir up conflict in the community.

16 There are six things the LORD hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies

and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Proverbs 6:16-19
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Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
United States
You got that right!

Calling out people's sins are almost immediately met with "that's not nice." And speak the truth in love has been taken to mean coddle someone in pandering to their sin, making them feel good about it - as if the Biblical command is for us to hate sin and be angry with sin as God does. NOTE: v 19 makes the church complicit in not opposing Cultural Marxists who stir up conflict in the community.

16 There are six things the LORD hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies

and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Proverbs 6:16-19
I have no problem not being nice about that and will readily agree I am not nice about it.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
All jobs are vocations. They are synonymous. See sense 2 from Definition of VOCATION
vo·ca·tion vō-ˈkā-shən
Synonyms of vocation
: a summons or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action
especially : a divine call to the religious life
: an entry into the priesthood or a religious order
: the work in which a person is employed : OCCUPATION
: the persons engaged in a particular occupation
No worthy Priest would claim it just a Job !

Like a wage earner that just starts the day and works 8hr day and is gone out the gate on the dot on the 8hr's are up regardless ?

A real Priest works 24/7 regardless, if he is worthy to that possition regarding God. so it's not a occupation it's a Vocation ! he is not employed at all in fact, a real true Preist serves Christ Jesus, not the Church denomination as his Lord !
That's the reason why nowadays we have good for nothing so called Priest ! For they have sold their Soul to a bastard denomination, so they follow the lead of the bastard denomination first and foremost, not Christ Jesus that's for sure.

I was once going to become a Priest you know and i did understand the issue of what being a Priest involved, it was a huge task that you were to take on with all your being 24/7, not a Job !
A Vocation is a calling in fact regarding God !

I could say that my Trade is a vocation but it's not the same thing as serving Christ Jesus at all ! for i could change my work, but a real Priest does not change serving Christ Jesus ever, one is never off the Job.
Like i could say, sorry dude i am not interested at all in talking about my Trade to anyone anymore ? or if still in the Trade, well bro i have done my 8hr's, so begone ! for i have no interest at all in talking to anyone on such a subject at all, now football or betting on the Horses i am up for they may say, but my work is just a Job and i demand to be payed regardless, because i have better things to do ? as i am not married to it ?

Now if one owned a Business, well you never stop working it's a 24/7 Vocation in fact, that you live sleep 24/7 the brain is never out of gear like an employee that is off the job ? So the owner is Married to the Buisness, as a Real Priest is Married to God in fact ! if not they are not worthy of God as a Priest !

I see people who go into Business for themselves, thinking it's a 9 to 5 job and they fail big time, for they know nothing at all truly what is truly involved.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The use of the word ‘just’ is inapplicable and does not change the fact they are synonyms.
P1. A =B.
P2. A is just A.
C. A is just B.
You are correct he did not say it's 'just' a Job.

I seen it as such, as just like any joe blow see their job ?
Like we see nowadays that most people turn up to work when the feel like it, as they please.
Big change to my days working for someone and you are 5 min late and you were seen as a total idiot for that, regardless what happened flat tyre = comment that's no excuse ! if you did not bother to turn up on the day, you got the arse directly on the spot, back them days !

Any Priest in Australia that called being a Priest was a Job, would never say such a bumb down word in fact, regarding their being a Priest ! and the same in the UK i am sure, but in the USA who knows, maybe they do use such a word ! but we as sure as hell would never heard the word it's a Job coming from a Priest. Never ! never ever ! But this so called Priest was an American of African decent.

Nor would one hear a Priest say, You are all Awesome ! and to say to turn to say such to the person next to you, on both sides ? The stupid Principle turned back to me and said i was Awesome ! i dismissed her directly by waving my hand at her, away !

The only thing i remember in Bible study that was Awesome, was that we had an Awesome God ! Period ! and never used such a word as it is tossed about nowadays, like awesome wheels man ! Awsome car dude ! Such is a working of the Devil ! as i see it, such is a workings of Satanic corruption.
So if i were to say or a Priest were to point out, That we have an Awesome God ! the power to that effect has been robbed in fact ! because a dumbed down generation will not pick up on such ? it's like talking to a slob.

It's like in a profession one will use words worthy of such, when dealing with others in the same pro, and never in general regards the public could use. But in the USA i have found that they use a lot of such back the front and we Aussies are like what the hell ! why are they puting it that way, it's down right stupid ! Like saying African American, only a retard would say such total nonsense in Australia ! it's a working of the Devil out right ! because if one is born in the USA, then such a one would be an American of African decent, period ! The Devil is in the detail in fact because one is dead wrong in fact and a outright lie ! not to mention an outright bigoted racist blight moronic in fact !
Same with the so called 'Job' card tossed around from a Priest = the Devil is in the detail ! and then i think directly that he is a retard ! he should not say such at all. because it's an offense !

Sadly in Australia the younger generations are picking up all of the USA trash talk from TV and movies. lacking any depth is the problem, because such is so shallow in fact. and this is why criminal actions can get away with it ! because shallow is so shallow ! it's like one is on a druged up induced stuppa, in a bubble ? of your own little world ? that one miss what is being convey, because they are not truly awake in fact !
That's why with Israel being attacked now, can be peddled as if it's all Israels fault ! The State of Israel has done nothing wrong. they were so cunningly attacked and still under attack in fact ! but the MSM paint another picture for shallow people to swallow.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
You are correct he did not say it's 'just' a Job.

I seen it as such, as just like any joe blow see their job ?
Well, some people substitute "career" for vocation with the "just" implied when "job" is invoked. To say a professional position is "just a job" means the expectations are not fulfilling the vocational desire. I suspect this is what the priest was getting at, which is a statement of humility.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

Cowardly: Churches Wanting To Be Known For What They Stand For?​

ahhhhhh, how shocking! tut tut. It goes without saying, I'm not one of them.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Well, some people substitute "career" for vocation with the "just" implied when "job" is invoked. To say a professional position is "just a job" means the expectations are not fulfilling the vocational desire. I suspect this is what the priest was getting at, which is a statement of humility.
Labourers would call it a Job ! because that is all that it is too such a one, as can not think past such a point.

Not to mention nowadays people call a Labourers a Tradie ? nowadays ! I stop them and point it out, such is not a Tradesman but only a Labourer and they all say what is the diffrence.

We had people who were only just a supervisor, but then such idiots got Licensed to claim that they were Builders :jest: 3rd rate idiots is all that they truly are. so the Devil is in the detail, back when the Socialist Government worked to let that BS happen.

When we all had to pay to get Lic for working in a trade, the Socialist Government claimed to be cleaning up the Contractor Game, but in fact not at all, it only got worse year after year in fact. more yobbo's ! and the average person thinks, Oh look Joe blow has a Licence to do such and have 100% faith in such ! and when i point out No ! they will not bother to listen at all, for they think that they are on a winner ! they are that shallow. they do not bother to listen, so good luck i say, you will need it fool !

You know what, i am buying a new Rolls Royce for the price of a China made poverty car.
See one has to understand the key to words truly and take note somewhat.

It's like the Government of ones Nation may be taking you all for a ride, who is to say that they will not work so as to undermine a Nation for some intent that they truly have ? and use the Tax payers money to pull it all off !
I have found out that more than half the people will be glad to take one for a ride nowadays and be proud of undermining them.
A Nation like that is set to fail badly.

Old mate Priest was not as you claim, he was 3rd rate ! and a sook who ran away from me directly or became nasty up to me and i calmed him down but he could never go deep on issues regarding the RCC or Christ Jesus, for he was pushing Socialistic garbage claiming such to be Christian ? I caught him out and like any Socialist, they hate that and can not stand being expossed as a fool ! he was all about mans works with spiritual dribble. he was not coming from the Holy Spirit at all in fact.