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Do you personally support Russia's invasion of Ukraine? Why or why not?

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Countering Putin’s propaganda should become as much a focus for Washington as spreading the propaganda is for Putin. The U.S. doesn’t need to ban or censor propaganda. It can simply enforce the FARA disclosure requirements that applied to Nazi and Soviet propaganda. Americans would then know when the “news” they see online is funded by the Kremlin and other hostile foreign powers. The Biden administration should insist on detailed warnings on websites, YouTube and other platforms whenever their users see disinformation online.

Silicon Valley platforms served as Putin’s useful idiots for years by distributing his disinformation and even helping to fund it. They should make amends by providing their users with clear warnings about the nature of these websites and channels. Until then, Putin’s propagandists will find new ways to promote their false information and to cash in on advertising revenues from unsuspecting Western companies.

Pro-Putin "Christians" should be banned or deleted off the board before CB's advertisers find out CB is promoting a terrorist nation, before the government steps in and enforces the The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and forces Christianly Board to comply with legislation. That might embarrass the hell out of CB's owners and administrators.
It's very hard to get any information about what Russia is doing for many years now, you never hear the other side of the story ever !

Not to mention the Warfare against Trump is totally disgusting one sided filth mongering and even to silence Trump the way they did is totally insane ! and typical of all Socialist ! They hate freedom of speech, for that will expose them for what they are Devils !
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
It's very hard to get any information about what Russia is doing for many years now, you never hear the other side of the story ever !

Not to mention the Warfare against Trump is totally disgusting one sided filth mongering and even to silence Trump the way they did is totally insane ! and typical of all Socialist ! They hate freedom of speech, for that will expose them for what they are Devils !
True indeed, but the media ALWAYS tries to hide the truth.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
True indeed, but the media ALWAYS tries to hide the truth.
I myself grew up always to hate the Russians because they were Communist !
But I am not ignorant of the Russians like most people are who I come across, for they do not care, nor bothered to understand the issues truly.
So I have always had an ear to the ground on such things be it Russia and anywhere in the world in fact.
I wright it all down in many books and have many TV recordings I keep of such things for years.
I do not know of anyone who is so dedicated as myself on such issues.

After the Wall came down a lot of information cam out about Russia etc and all that changed about when Obama got in to power and the MSM just wiped anything to do with Russia in a big way, so we could not understand what is going on not to mention from then on we got out right childish propaganda that only a simpleton would swallow, Crap like Russia is Communist still etc etc. bastardising everything about Putin just like they do with Trump ! it's the same deal total Warfare against anyone who they do not like, I remember the total Warfare against Pope JP2 and Pope Ben, it was every night news that the Pope was a idiot etc etc but then look when Pope Frances came in, He is not attacked at all, because he is a Godless bastard just like them, who is of this world in fact, who are full of delusions and deceptions.

As for Russia I was glad to see the wall come down and had high hopes of that the mending would come between everyone so we would have a much better world for all. But the Democrats worked too destroy all that and some very wealthy Republican grubs are Satanist as well. they do nothing but try and undermine the Russian peoples prosperity. Not to mention they only work too inflame hatred and problems for all, just as they do in the USA with blacks issues etc. it's they who have undermined the blacks too be keep them down and try to foster a under class and undermine the middle class to fail or struggle so hard.

Look at all of the Democrats leadership they are all very wealthy and they are just playing the lower class for total fools. They create the problems for them.
How you doing to build a society on nonsense ! dribble and blaming everyone but yourself and wallowing in trash that such Socialist play out, the old blame game and handouts ! that wins the day with Socialist ! but what is needed is for all is a good look at themselves and get on with a life where you take responsibility. Look at all the white trash that are no better than the rest, we have 3rd generation dole bludgers now who are nothing but no hoppers who get about causing trouble, thinking that the world owes them a living.
Or some fool who is say only 10% aboriginal claiming to be an Aboriginal, so as to get the benefits. yet the Government give such the red carpet treatment. Such morons say to me Welcome to Country ! I am more Australian than they are in fact, so don't come that nonsense with me! and we have to endure paying respect for the local so called Abos who are no more than me. It's all Socialist inspired nonsense that is cunningly played out so as to dominate over everyone.
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.

I admit, I respected some parts of Russian culture in the past, even watched some of their movies, I don't necessarily "hate" their people. But after the Ukraine crisis erupted, my opinion of Russia also significantly changed. 9 million Ukrainians right now are without electricity, and that is among those who remain, 14 million Ukrainians have fled their country altogether; they lack basic things we take for granted every single day of our lives.

And the Ukrainians are also Christians, almost as conservative, traditional and family-centered as the Russians are, but they don't invade their Christian neighbors.

I used to browse Russia Today frequently, it sometimes did provide alternative voices and "interesting, different points of views" on certain issues, but after the war broke out, I can't even bear to visit that site once.

Yes, the West is more unbalanced and materialist than Russia in some ways, yes, there is deep hostility towards faith and spirituality in our modern culture, and I am also uncomfortable at some of the changes in American politics and society...but it wasn't the West or Ukraine who ever invaded Russia in the past century or so.

I mean, I would LOVE it if history had gone differently, if Russia had joined NATO to help us contain China and the threat of religious extremism in the Middle East, both of which I frankly think is even now a much worse and more dangerous threat in the future. But that can only be in an alternate timeline, not this one. Even Iranian women have protested against their dictatorship much more than Russian men have!

The Russian people have freely made their choice on which side to fight for, they STILL support Ukraine even as of December 2022, and only God knows what will come of them when tomorrow comes. :(

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Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
Censorship is the fallback when you’ve lost the argument but think power - abuse of power - will achieve your goal.

I don't think Putin is a wonderful person though...I was watching this interesting and very forthright debate between Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and someone who blamed NATO for the war in Ukraine, it was very fascinating.

Again, just because Biden and Harris are not great leaders doesn't mean that Putin and his oligarchs are any better.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
I don't think Putin is a wonderful person though
True. Putin is a dictator also but he is fighting the enemies of the new world order, the globalists. Do you understand that this conflict is even about from Russia's perspective?

It is axiomatic that the first casualty of war is the truth, displaced by propaganda.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Joe Biden backed up a Clown Zelensky because both are Clowns in fact !
The War in Ukraine is because no one truly cares about the people of Ukraine in fact !
No one could be so stupid to work to try and move Putin's hand to go to War. That's what Biden did !

Biden clearly kicked off this War with no regard for the Ukraine people at all.

The real issue here is with very wealthy people who stand too make a killing regarding Oil and Gas.
If they did not find the masses of oil and Gas in Ukraine Biden could not care less.

One thing different in this War is that the USA can not win a War with the power it has picked on, Russia is not something to be played with, like they have done to the Arab States, such are nothing at all compared to the out right might of Russia, one is totally insane to take them on !
Sadly many like Biden are of a 5yo mentality thinking that the Nuclear Weapons will never come out !

I had a Freemason mate claiming years ago that every Nation regardless should have Nuclear Weapons ! Iran as well ? I said No ! No way at all ! and old mate went right off his rocker pushing for all to have such insanity.

I wish Russia never got such Weapons, that was the Jews that got them that rubbish, so as to play there games on the World.

If Russia never got the Nuclear Bombs Communist Russia would of failed much earlier.

Look at the Communist they lord it all over their people, so that no one questions their Leadership or else ! Now look at the Joe Biden's of the world they are on the same path as the Communist in fact and Putin has said so clearly for years that the USA is heading the same way that Russia was in fact.
Putin's Russia is not Communist in fact but Russians are not like the West is placard, one can not run Russia like the USA because it would fail badly ! as the USA is failing in fact it's like a cancer ! not to mention so is the UK, Canada, Australia you name it, It's Leaders are all of Criminal intent over the people. it's set to make us all fail. The economy will crash ! The People have been set up ! and we do not need any Wars period !!!

This year I would not be surprised we will see a Nuclear Bomb go off on some City ! could be 100 times bigger than what the little ones that was put on Japan ? You do not play stupid games with Russia, no one could be that pathetic, but Joe Biden clearly is !

Remember Trump had a phone call from Russia to him and his adds did not bother to respond dismissing the call and when Trump found out, he was totally peed off ! he said Don't you know that Russia is the 2ed most powerful nation on earth ! the one that can wipe the USA of the fact of the earth ! what stupid pathetic morons.

Joe Biden has to be stoped ! he is a 5yo at best a brat.


New Member
Nov 14, 2022
Cape Coral
United States
This post is the founding, iconic act of Russian Orthodox Christianity. As the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters its second week, our screens are filled with images of families separating and a country torn .


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Really? On this Forum???
Yup. See page 1. Putin's decree of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values placates the population into thinking Russia has some kind of moral superiority over the "Satanic West", that pales in comparison to the murder and torture of civilians, throwing millions of children into the dark and cold of winter, bombing hospitals and schools, turning whole cities into rubble, looting and raping, all sanctioned by "moral" Putin's gospel of death. Putin is sacrificing his own country just to stay in power, while being kept alive with western medicine. Go figure.

Putin is losing, and losing badly Too bad it's at the expense of a country that just wants it's independence from a genocidal psychopath.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I admit, I respected some parts of Russian culture in the past, even watched some of their movies, I don't necessarily "hate" their people. But after the Ukraine crisis erupted, my opinion of Russia also significantly changed. 9 million Ukrainians right now are without electricity, and that is among those who remain, 14 million Ukrainians have fled their country altogether; they lack basic things we take for granted every single day of our lives.

And the Ukrainians are also Christians, almost as conservative, traditional and family-centered as the Russians are, but they don't invade their Christian neighbors.

I used to browse Russia Today frequently, it sometimes did provide alternative voices and "interesting, different points of views" on certain issues, but after the war broke out, I can't even bear to visit that site once.

Yes, the West is more unbalanced and materialist than Russia in some ways, yes, there is deep hostility towards faith and spirituality in our modern culture, and I am also uncomfortable at some of the changes in American politics and society...but it wasn't the West or Ukraine who ever invaded Russia in the past century or so.

I mean, I would LOVE it if history had gone differently, if Russia had joined NATO to help us contain China and the threat of religious extremism in the Middle East, both of which I frankly think is even now a much worse and more dangerous threat in the future. But that can only be in an alternate timeline, not this one. Even Iranian women have protested against their dictatorship much more than Russian men have!

The Russian people have freely made their choice on which side to fight for, they STILL support Ukraine even as of December 2022, and only God knows what will come of them when tomorrow comes. :(

I can say that I had no love for Communist Russia but I did have hope for the Russian people after the walls came down, I was so thankful that mess was gone and how Great Putin was in building such a nation turning it around, that's a massive victory that no political leader could pull off in my era.

The world nowadays Government wise nowadays has no Grace ! and that's a fact, Christianity has Failed and we can see that in our Governments in fact, who could say that any of our Governments are worthy Christians. The Rats are in every Government of the World and they are out of control !

The Russian people must be understood, one has to understand their culture and History and have so respect regarding such, not to mention the Issue with Ukraine is a violation of the people in the area under fire ? Not to mention if their was a Vote in the Lands no one clearly would of been killed, and no War in fact ! But for outsiders who wanted a War in fact.

A filthy Anti-Christ like Zelensky has no Grace in fact ! he is as carnal as they come, a filthy dog in bed with the creep show, loving the murder going on. Such could come to a Town you live in and no good come out of such at all, start to finish and beyond, not to mention such a ones voice is worth nothing to leadership of such trash that have no Grace. They want what they want and to hell with the people that have to endure under Tyrants like Zelensky. Would you like to be under Zelensky and his Terror over the Ukraine people ! truly he is not democratic at all in fact. It's an outright Evil Government ! Who can truly say it's not ?

Sit down and work it out Zelensky without the murdering, but as the Bible informs us such ask amiss. He has no Grace ! he is an idiot moron sacrificing people for what ?
Is Russia going to back down, clearly not ! They can not afford to and not to mention Biden brought it on. It's all a big joke to him. But we have to pay for it all.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
No one wants to look at how Russia has been played by the West. It's easier to believe the propaganda.Who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, making Germany and France suffer this winter with insufficient natural gas? Who has the means and motive? Who gets hurt? Russia. Who benefits? The US.


Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
While Putin is a dictator, so is Zelensky, and so is Biden. So there is no difference there. Zelensky is a schemer and a scammer, and succeeding in scamming the West, while Putin has stolen billions from his own country, and Biden is throwing away trillions on foolish ventures and the destruction of America.

But here's why Putin shines in comparison to evil Biden. Putin is totally opposed to Western Satanism and the corruption that it promotes. In fact he lambasted the West for abandoning all standards and values and choosing insanity.

Western ‘Satanism’
Now they have moved on entirely, to a radical denial of moral norms, religion, and family …” “The dictatorship of the Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all. This is a complete denial of humanity, the overthrow of faith and traditional values. Indeed, the suppression of freedom itself has taken on the features of a religion: outright Satanism.
And the East has its own form of Satanism. We meust remember the whole world lies in the lap of the wicked one and the whole world will fall under teh seduction of the antichrist (as afar as nations go)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2022
United States
This is the same as when Hitler tried to take over all of Europe!
Putin needs puttin down!

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
This is the same as when Hitler tried to take over all of Europe!
Putin needs puttin down!
If Putin went ? who do you think you are playing with then ! Andy Pandy ?
Is it Andy Pandy who comes in next ?

Look at how the Satanist lefty's treated Trump, such attacks that are on par with Putin, no worse ! Shows how delusional they are.

I fear that Communism will take over Russia again and the USA Democrats have been pushing like hell for years to bring that about in fact. It's a New Age Communism that the Democrats peddle and it's an Anti-Christ creep show of total degenerates deranged Fags, like I seen pushed in Gay Pride week just gone. Incest openly displayed and idolised by all on TV. Such Pride in it !
Not one commented on such being wrong, or else the threats would start by the Pride.

Do we know anything truly about Political Party's in Russia by the MSM, Oh no signal, is it ! or to deranged to explain the truth of such Party's what they are truly on about.
The idiot leader who was poisoned by ? his own Party most likely or himself ? but if Putin wanted him dead ? What is wrong with that scenario ? Oh Putin failed to kill him, so say the MSM in fact, what morons ! and then they bag Putin that he failed ! Putin never tried nor cared less about the idiot, he was not a threat at all to Putin's Party. This dude is a degenerate Sodomite Party Leader that is backed up by the USA Democrats.
But it's hard to find out what goes on in Russia Political Party's because the West does not truly report on such openly. for we maybe educated on the subject. We are being kept in the dark like mushrooms.

Anyone who bags Trump is an idiot ! typical of just a Media indoctrinated Dupe and it's the same deal with Putin.

Like how could anyone bag Putin in regards to Russia, must be off with the pixies delusional.
Oh remember all the Communist leaders of Russia, they were all total dipstick trash idiot morons that I would not give the time of day to, I would have them killed on the spot, they were openly mass murders in fact, who undermined the Russian people as the treatment of the Russians was a total Hell hole.
Putin is nothing like them at all, and if anyone claims such, is a total moron who does not have a clue about reality.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2022
United States
If Putin went ? who do you think you are playing with then ! Andy Pandy ?
Is it Andy Pandy who comes in next ?

Look at how the Satanist lefty's treated Trump, such attacks that are on par with Putin, no worse ! Shows how delusional they are.

I fear that Communism will take over Russia again and the USA Democrats have been pushing like hell for years to bring that about in fact. It's a New Age Communism that the Democrats peddle and it's an Anti-Christ creep show of total degenerates deranged Fags, like I seen pushed in Gay Pride week just gone. Incest openly displayed and idolised by all on TV. Such Pride in it !
Not one commented on such being wrong, or else the threats would start by the Pride.

Do we know anything truly about Political Party's in Russia by the MSM, Oh no signal, is it ! or to deranged to explain the truth of such Party's what they are truly on about.
The idiot leader who was poisoned by ? his own Party most likely or himself ? but if Putin wanted him dead ? What is wrong with that scenario ? Oh Putin failed to kill him, so say the MSM in fact, what morons ! and then they bag Putin that he failed ! Putin never tried nor cared less about the idiot, he was not a threat at all to Putin's Party. This dude is a degenerate Sodomite Party Leader that is backed up by the USA Democrats.
But it's hard to find out what goes on in Russia Political Party's because the West does not truly report on such openly. for we maybe educated on the subject. We are being kept in the dark like mushrooms.

Anyone who bags Trump is an idiot ! typical of just a Media indoctrinated Dupe and it's the same deal with Putin.

Like how could anyone bag Putin in regards to Russia, must be off with the pixies delusional.
Oh remember all the Communist leaders of Russia, they were all total dipstick trash idiot morons that I would not give the time of day to, I would have them killed on the spot, they were openly mass murders in fact, who undermined the Russian people as the treatment of the Russians was a total Hell hole.
Putin is nothing like them at all, and if anyone claims such, is a total moron who does not have a clue about reality.
Anyone who bags Trump is an idiot ! typical of just a Media indoctrinated Dupe and it's the same deal with Putin.
This is YOU, correct?
I live in America, you don't.
Biden, Trump, Obama ect are & were presidents of the USA, correct?
These are NOT your presidents, correct?
This is the OP, correct?
I gave my answer to the OP, not you so back off!

Ignore goes to you!

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Anyone who bags Trump is an idiot ! typical of just a Media indoctrinated Dupe and it's the same deal with Putin.
View attachment 30170View attachment 30171
This is YOU, correct?
I live in America, you don't.
Biden, Trump, Obama ect are & were presidents of the USA, correct?
These are NOT your presidents, correct?
View attachment 30172
This is the OP, correct?
I gave my answer to the OP, not you so back off!

Ignore goes to you!
No one supports the War bro ! but it exist because the powers that be want War !
They brought it on ! they forced Putin's hand in fact and they got what they wanted and escalated it all, why because that's what they wanted.
If they did not want a War they would not of brought it on, Biden is the one who brought it all on !
Now if Biden did not push like a total idiot to create the War, it would of never happened in fact, because it would of been worked out.

If Trump was in power, no War would of took place.

It's only the MSM who paint anyone who they don't like with total prejudice 24/7 They outright attack full on slandering tactics like a witch hunt ! so all the dupes think Oh no ! Trump is what the MSM Claim, because they can not truly think for them selves because they have never truly had to think past their own nose. So they idolise the MSM ! Ok just like in Nazi Germany, they swallowed it all hook line and sinker ! like the Pied Piper !

The Majority of people are not educated enough to truly understand the workings of the MSM.
The MSM all over the world is the same trash nowadays, they are no serious to the duty's that real Journalism was all about at all.

I respect true real Journalism. but such people under the MSM are owned nowadays, just as it was in Nazi Germany and any Communist run Country.

Do you claim that one can not know what goes on because you do not live their ? How about Band Aid ? Look at the godforsaken Media then ! they gave all that money to who ! the Murdering Mob. and it worked like a charm ! Look at all the stupid white people around the world ! they gave money to kill the poor Black people in fact ! Oh hang on they did not know that was the case ! but the MSM just was all one sided. But I remember in the Pubs people were asking how the money would be handled ? but the Media shut such down ! with standover tactics, to shut any such up !

Also I seen the same tactics used on a QLD Premier that Trump had to deal with. so I seen the workings, so I understand the nature of such a beast. But many do not understand such workings at all, they are delusional ! because they are under the deception.

I listened to all that Trump had to say !

Now as to me living here ? and the issue of the USA is that if the USA does down the drain, then so does Australia automatically !
Not everyone just looks to their back yard you know, some do have relations like my self in the USA and etc.
So when ones business relies on understanding and having a handle on the rest of the world, one has to be tuned in on the reality's and not just some dingbat who only swallows the SMS trash, that works to delude people.

You know what, just because the Main Stream Media say something, does not mean that it's true.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time !

My opinions on Putin are not based on the SMS but what I have gathered over the years, that does not mean that I support him totally, just as I have my reasons why I do not support Biden or my Australian PM because I smell a Rat ! I would not trust such people at all because they are truly filthy outright grubs. They have no morals because they are trash !
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