Does God have a plan for us?

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
What ev's can believe whatever you wish....I am going by what the Bible seem to ignore vast parts of it, accepting a manipulation its contents to suit your own beliefs......Jesus will be the judge.....we can let him do his job.

If you think that God cannot provide and protect the contents of his own instruction manual for the human race, and somehow only reveal the truth to you.....I'm sorry but I find that just a tad delusional. Seriously, I have never heard of anyone who believes the things that you do....?

Who taught you these things? Who corrupted the Bible in your mind? Please don't tell me it was Jesus.....
I am sorry you don't/can't see past self righteousness AJ.


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Feb 6, 2018
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I disagree that we are all being individually scrutinised by if he is interested in those who are not interested in him.....or cares about those who wear a label but have no real interest is serving the interests of the true God by obeying the teachings of his Christ.

Still disagree. Sort of a parallel of a human parent with multiple children having an vested interest in each individual child.

In the times when he has acted to demonstrate his displeasure with man’s wicked activities, he sent his prophets to warn them of what he was about to do so that no one could ever accuse him of being unjust....not giving due warning so that people could have an opportunity to change their ways (like the flood of Noah’s day, Sodom and Gomorrah, or Jonah’s preaching in Nineveh e.g.) Only those who responded and acted on the warning were ever spared. For Nineveh it was the whole city because they repented. In the flood God spared only 8 obedient people. But for Sodom and Gomorrah, apparently no repentance was possible as God told Abraham. (Genesis 18:29-33) To which time period did Jesus liken his return? (Matthew 24:37-39)

Warnings always come after Knowledge of options of DO this, expect this result. DO that, expect that result. Without the Knowledge, the individual has no accountability.
It is the Knowledge Jesus taught, and Jesus sent others to teach, and some men do, and some men do not.
AND some men go beyond, Teaching their Mind-full thoughts of philosophies as Gods Truths.....AND the Very Purpose of having a record of Gods Word in written text....For the individual Hearing to Read in the Text For Verification of what they Heard.
IF you have noticed over the course of the last explosion of Literacy and availability of the written Scriptural Text......AND what I would say is GOOD.....and where there IS GOOD....Evil and Wickedness is on it’s heels....
Regarding that...also an explosion of Advocating Philosophies, (in schools, in churches), Multiply VERSIONS of Scriptural Texts being written and published and advocated, AND Including the Teaching Biblical Texts being unworthy for sole Verification. (Lending to trusting Philosophies of men, as you can see regularly quoted even on this forum.)

Considering THAT ^^ you should notice a HUGE Difference in Division even on this forum...of men claiming the “same” “label of sorts”....but their “source” for their claiming that “label” is NOT the SAME.

Observing, WHO claims WHAT and their “source”, is plain to see.

Continued to your next points.


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Feb 6, 2018
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From the first century, when Jesus taught his disciples to preach about God’s kingdom, and now, especially in this “time of the end”, Jesus has assigned his disciples a very important work (foretold in Matthew 24 when he gave the “sign of his presence”) which was the preaching of the “good news of the kingdom” and it was to be carried out on a global scale right to “the end.” (Matthew 24:14) don’t we have to ask why? If Jesus is “walking arm in arm” with us and leading us to the truth, why are there so many who claim Christ as their “Lord and Savior” who are disagreeing so vehemently over doctrine? Why the disunity?

Daily babes are being naturally born. Everyone goes through the same as ADAM. Learning little by little, bit by bit. And as was demonstrated with ADAM; the Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL, IS in this world.
As was demonstrated with ADAM, God warned Adam to ignore that ONE tree, WHILE God was “teaching” ADAM “GOOD”.
WHY? Inanutshell, God “teaching” Adam GOOD, was preparing Adam FOR “protection” (the whole armor of God)...AGAINST the world’s Evil and Wickedness.
It’s the model for human parents. Keep your little ones AWAY from the world, UNTIL they are “prepared” WITH Good, to Stand AGAINST evil and wickedness...(not be fooled, sucked in with cunning, flattering, enticing words to go along with evil and wickedness).

For the last century and increasing...the World Advocates, Promotes, and establishes “the enticement of easy” ... For households (For example: that DO have two parents), for the Dad to be Away from the Home, 19-12 hours a day, Away from the home 3-4 full days or more......AND the Mother the same....AND the children? From infancy, baby’s, toddlers, little children, growing children, teens.....all FORMATIVE WHAT? Be in the care, taught by strangers long hours each day, day after day FOR YEARS. AND WHAT are these little Children Taught by these strangers? Biblical Principles? Gods Word? No. Rather Philosophies men OF the world have devised, printed in texts, published, and Required all children alike be Taught from such texts. And the children... Praised, told they are Excellent, given Honors for gobbling up the Corrupt teaching. And Do these children KNOW it is in complete OPPOSITION to Gods Word? No. Because they were NEVER suited up with the Armor of God.
(And to mention, the few children who ARE “suited” with the Armor of God, and stand up against the philosophical Teaching of men....are Targeted as whackos, being belligerent, trouble-makers, disobedient, and outcasts, on the crap list....opposed to their, “honored” list.)

Daily in life, and on this forum, not difficult to observe, WHO was “conditioned” HOW, during their own formative years, and the Division.

Continued to your next point.


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Feb 6, 2018
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If Christ was leading us all, we would all be in agreement. (1 Corinthians 1:10) The fact that we are not, is because Jesus warned about the “weeds” sown by the devil....these are counterfeit Christians who are leading people away from God by teaching satanic lies as Christian truth. These “weeds” are found to have no similarity with the “wheat” at the time of the “harvest” where is Christ in all of this?

Christ is AVAILABLE to ALL.
But Christ is NOT LEADING ALL.
Back to my point of Philosophies of Men.
When Philosophies of Men are at the ROOT of teaching the very young in Schools, and the Parent sends the child to the Schools...The child doesn’t analyze whether the teaching is good or not. Schools advocate the teachings, Parents send them there....must be okay.
Parents more and more are in the discovery of WHAT their children’s minds are being filled with...and learning it is deliberately be Hidden from the Parents. Uh oh....for the 12 year old, being mindfully conditioned with mans philosophical teaching...for 6-8 years already....Strife and Confusion for that child whose parent is now saying oops. How does that young child then decide what IS good, after years of “kudos” and “honors” for accepting Philosophies of men?

And for the child taken to church once a week for a couple of hours...
Again the parents and children ARE separated, Adults here, children there.
The same thing occurs in many churches. A mention of Christ Jesus’ Name, then on to the Philosophical teachings. Toss in one of the NEW Biblical Version Texts....and the Literacy becomes advantageous for reading Corrupted texts.
And whoop, whoop, everyone FEELS GOOD ABOUT .... off to eating out... picking and choosing whatever food ... we want...and no mess to contend with....oh, oh, the joy.... Oh, oh, thank you Jesus, I feel sooo good about “myself”....the World is Right, it’s all about “me”....let’s go play. :rolleyes:

All are NOT arm in arm “WITH” Jesus.
All are NOT “IN” Christ.
It’s an Offering by Christ Jesus.
It’s a Choice by men.
And there IS a huge difference, between a man ONLY being “WITH” Jesus, and a man being “WITH Jesus and IN Christ”.

Where IS Christ? Everywhere. Christ IS the Power of God. Christ IS Unseen. ONLY the REFLECTION of Gods Power does a man SEE.
Watch a lightening bolt, a mountain blow its top, the clouds block the sun, the calm of the Oceans turn to 40 foot waves, the wind twirl in a tornado lifting plant life from it roots, the moon which has no light of it’s own, turn to appearing as a huge ball of are observing the REFLECTION of Gods Power.

Continued to your next point.
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Feb 6, 2018
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What has this got to do with the average person who sees no “works” of Jesus in their lives or in themselves? Do you imagine that all Christians must manifest some miraculously acquired connection with Christ in order to become his disciples? That was the case of Christ’s elect...but it was not the experience of all.

Paul addressed the Corinthians saying....”Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother, 2 unto the church of God which is at Corinth, even them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place, their Lord and ours. (1 Corinthians 1:1-2)
Not all are called to be “saints”....yet we all serve the same “Lord”.

There is something called.....TASTING.
Men do it all the time... with FOOD, with IDEAS.
Men take a new food on their tongue, taste it, decide yes or no if they like it.
If they like it, they EAT it. If they don’t like it, they SPIT IT OUT.
Same with IDEAS, they take into their MINDS. They mull it over, decide if it LOGICALLY makes sense, and Embrace it....or mull it over, decide it does not make LOGICAL sense, and Reject it.

God ALSO has a teaching of ......TASTING.
Hear His word, TASTE like it....TASTE some more and more.
Hear His word, and YOU DON’T LIKE what you are TASTING...SPIT it out.

Gods Teaching IS.......WHILE a man IS TASTING His Word.....
........God Spirit WILL BE “WITH” that man.
........God SHALL “freely” give His Spiritual Blessings, to that man.
IF and WHEN that man decides, he does NOT LIKE what he is TASTING...
Again, that mans OPTION, to Spit it out.

However, IF and WHEN that man decides, he DOES “heartfully” LIKE what he is TASTING... and “heartfully” decides TO EAT what he is TASTING.....the man “heartfully” declares his decision.

(And to note a difference....between the mind and the heart. Each, the mind of a man and the heart of a man, has thoughts. The mind is logical, deciding between THIS and THAT. The heart is simply the mans truth, without the weighing, picking and choosing between “this and that”.
For know YOUR name. You do not stop and wonder, gee is my name “this or that”....
For can choose between this number and that number to play a can try to make mindful logical deductions between this number and that number....and MAYBE you mindful logical deduction will prevail in a win, maybe a loss.)

A Heartful declaration TO God, of a mans decision to EAT His Word, IS HEARD, loud and clear By the Lord God. Quickly God looks into that mans Heart, and IF that declaration IS from that mans HEART....
Immediately...Gods Promises of HIS WORKS “IN” that man (for EATING His Word) ARE manifested IN that individual man.
** It is NOT, by rituals of men, but rather EXPRESSLY BY Agreement OF that one individual man, who has decided and declared his own freewill;
to “Heartfully EAT’ the word of God.
** And what IS DIFFERENT?
The Lord God Power, is NOT ONLY “WITH” that man, BUT ALSO “IN” that man.
** And what else IS DIFFERENT?
The assured guarantee, that FOREVER, God will be “WITH” that man, and that man “WITH” God....
** How is that assured guarantee of God Forever “WITH” that man Effected and KEPT Forever?
BY the POWER of God .. “IN” that man.

And who shall believe that?
The same who believes God IS the ALL-Mighty.
The same who believes Gods Word IS faithful and True.
The same who believes GREATER is He that IS IN YOU, than he that is IN the world.

And again, that hangs on Individuals personal freewill choosing what they believe.

Individuals open their own ears and eyes, in wonderments of this and that.
From the simplicity of seeing the moon not lit, to observing it hanging in the sky, shining partially or fully. Wondering, what man or statue has replicated that ability....none...and that simple thing should peek a prudent person’s WHAT did hang the moon and sun in the sky’s.

If a man IS seeing Gods Works, and Rejecting them....listen carefully to their WHY....and demand to know their alternative....and proof thereof replicated.
Just only goes so far in discovery of truths....then fizzles when men begin to use philosophies as the basis for “their truths”.

So...I don’t believe individuals SEE “no works” of God. It’s all around everyone of us.

And ALL serving the same ONE Lord? Yes.
Jesus came to DIVIDE...

Luke 12:
[51] Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
[43] So there was a division among the people because of him.

And? What are men DOING? Dividing themselves, one from another... Effecting the WILL of the Lord.

Continued to your next point.


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Feb 6, 2018
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When Jesus comes to judge the world he tells the “goats” that they never supported his “brothers”. But the “sheep” did. So who are the “sheep” who support Christ’s “brothers”? Christ and his “brothers” (his elect) are all said to be “sons” of God....the elect are “sons” by adoption.

Flat out the “sheep” belong to the “Shepard”; the Lamb of God.
Flat out the “goats” belong to the “Enemy of God”; Satan.

The People, called by “sheep or goat”....all hangs on the People’s own innate FREEWILL to choose by which “name” they desire to BE called; effect is Expressly BY “whom” they desire as their “MASTER”.

It is effected as such.......For mankind......exercise YOUR Choose.
No one IS FORCED to even exercise their own Freewill TO CHOOSE.
A man can completely IGNORE choosing to be called, a sheep or a goat.
A man can completely IGNORE choosing one to BE “their Masters”.

HOWEVER, Gods TRUTH expressly REVEALS....a FAILURE TO Choose;
SHALL Result in God rejecting them, and by default they WILL end up being a “goat” and “Satan their Master”....and Satan stands ready and willing to DIRECT such persons with his own cunning masterful power.

Matt 12:
[30] He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.
[23] He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.

There is a dilemma...Some people KNOW the consequences for failure to Choose, Some people KNOW but don’t care. Some people do NOT KNOW but don’t care to Hear the truth.
And SOME people, have concluded, IF God is GOOD, he will observe a person’s “behavior” of doing right....and DICIDE for that person, to scoop them up unto God, BECAUSE of that person’s “doing right”.

Nope. The Same remains. IF a man makes no choice to be WITH God, by default he is Against God...and that Judgement shall stand.
Regarding “works” of all men. Their “works”....are a different Judgement., and men shall be rewarded for their “good works”, and all other “works” burned...of all men, saved or not.

1 Pet 1:
[17] And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear:

Rev 2:
[23] And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

Rev 20:
[13] And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

Not all Christians have the “heavenly calling” (Hebrews 3:1)....only Christ’s “brothers” will have that privilege....

A calling occurs....BEFORE one IS made a “BROTHER IN Christ”.

The First and following in Order calling has ALREADY WILLING Hebrews, then the WILLING Tribesmen, then the WILLING Jews, and again to all the WILLING Tribes, and then to the WILLING Gentiles....the calling CONTINUES, as men continue to reproduce....
* The calling of the GENTILES, they being the last to be called......BEFORE, the Tribulation of God BEGINS....thus the Rapture occurs...calling UP off the face of the Earth...ANY and ALL...Hebrews, Tribesmen, Jews, Gentiles...
WHO “responded and answer the calling”, making their choices...WITH or WITHOUT God.
THEN Gods Tribulation....Separating the already DIVIDED WITH GOD....
DURING the Tribulation....——>
* A period of time, the UNDECIDED Can MAKE their choices, observing their “window of opportunity TO CHOOSE”, is coming to a close.
DURING the Tribulation....——>
* Once AGAIN God CALLS Hebrew/Jewish/Tribesmen of Each Tribe of ISRAEL, Expressly TO COME and HEAR the Gospel, (expressly to Mt Zion), taught to their ears, BY Hebrew/Jewish/Tribesmen of EACH Tribe of ISRAEL....that they can individually TRUST WHAT they HEAR, from the SOURCE they ARE Hearing....and CHOOSE....yea or believe or not.
Choose yea....they shall be soul saved, spirit quickened, and BODILY KILLED, by Gods Enemy, Satan, who was given Power, a short time to wield power over the earth and it’s occupants.
Choose yea....and their saved soul and quicken spirit SHALL rise up to heaven, and their BODY lay dead and rot, UNTIL the works ON earth are finished, and God raises up their BODY’S in Glory, at the First collective Resurrection.

so what of Christ’s other disciples...the ones mentioned in Revelation 21:2-4....these are earthly subjects of God’s heavenly kingdom. Jesus gives all of these ones ample opportunity to respond to the preaching that he has been directing all through these “last days”. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Just covered that.

No miracles....just people with the right heart condition responding to the good news and becoming Christ’s disciples, who will enjoy living under the rulership of his kingdom. These come out of the world and live according to Christ’s teachings. They are one united global brotherhood who all speak in agreement. (1 Corinthians 1:10) This is what separates them from Christendom.....they have no beliefs in common with the “weeds” when the harvest is carried out.

Sure there ARE miracles....Choosing God and His Christ, DURING the Tribulation.....When their BODYS DIE, are dead, know nothing.....Their Saved soul and their Quickened their spirit.....which IS precisely LIFE in their souls and LIFE in their spirit....RISE UP by the Power of God TO HIS Heavenly Kingdom....and for those who reject...?
Should their BODY’S become Dead during the destruction...their spirit is not “born again”, and simply their natural spirit (which is their truth in their heart), becomes dead with their flesh body, and their LIVING SOUL, is sent to hell, as they chose, to BE WITHOUT God....there they remain without God, WAITING for Judgement.
Should the (unsaved) BODY’s remain alive THROUGH the duration of the Tribulation...they shall suffer the End Days of God Tribulation of Gods VENGEANCE....horrific suffering, that they must endure, BECAUSE they can not KILL their own bodys, and end the suffering.

This is how I see the situation....

Thank you for your efforts and quotes of sharing your perspective.
Many of us may be on the same narrow path, Yet I content we are all at different distances. No one knows what others do, reading, studying, concluding in our minds or soliciting God for His Understanding.
My view is based on very long hours of in-depth studying of Scripture and non-stop Asking God for His Understanding of His Word.

God Bless,


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I used to go to Mormon church where they always said God has a plan for us and would explain it as the Mormon beliefs. I've had Catholic revelations I think now and think I am non-denominational for the moment as I don't believe all the Catholic teachings either.

But sometimes I wonder if God has a plan for me. I am mentally disabled and not a functioning person in the world. I think people that have jobs and families would say that is Gods plan for them and to bring them to God. I lost my family (wife and kids) because of my mental disability, but I still have my family I was born into.

Now I serve my family as best as I can and have been for some time. I feel the Holy Spirit when I do that.

Lately I've been feeling a little lost and like God doesn't have a plan for me. So I'm asking people to share the Plan God has for them.
God has a plan for each us when and if we choose Him. How many choose themselves instead of God? Just mouthing the right choice is certainly not enough...

"So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.

He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.

He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep" John 21:15-17


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
One thing I remember was that when I left school at 17, my dad decided I would go to secretarial college. I learned to type. It was no use to me in the jobs my dad found for me. BUT when I became a Christian in two different church fellowships I edited and published the church's monthly newsletter and was able to reach people through that.
I published a paper for the very first non-Catholic church I attended. The only job I liked better in the church was teaching Sunday School to a pre-school age class. I always loved those little kids...

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I am sorry you don't/can't see past self righteousness AJ.
Save your pity for the day of judgment QT.....who knows who will be the object of God’s righteous anger....? Not you or me. Jesus knows and that is all that counts.

The day will come soon enough and then we will all know.....
Your constant negativity and personal judgment is getting that all you have?

Your ‘truth’ is not my ‘truth’.....OK? It never will be. Keep your judgments to yourself.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Your ‘truth’ is not my ‘truth’.....OK? It never will be. Keep your judgments to yourself.
Is that because exposure of a failing Watchtower theology is hard to admit AJ. Is it because others reading these interactions might come to an awareness previously fudged?

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Is that because exposure of a failing Watchtower theology is hard to admit AJ. Is it because others reading these interactions might come to an awareness previously fudged?
Are you serious? Is there something that leads you to believe that you have some credibility here?
I have yet to see you interact with anyone who actually understands or agrees with your own position. I believe that your replies are more about supporting your own insecurity.

I have no choice but to put you on ignore. Good bye is me who feels sorry for you.
We will all stand or fall by our own choices.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
I have no choice but to put you on ignore. Good bye is me who feels sorry for you.
and herein are your contradictions revealed AJ because you actually do have a choice and your choice is to not to take responsibility for your choice.