Does Reputation Matter?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
To God, I do not believe it does. Yeshua, who had the fullness of God within him, whom was born of flesh and spirit. Did not make himself as someone with a reputation. Our perception has to be seen within this, while people love to feel good, be praised, be liked, and all of these things. They are good. However, Yeshua did not make his life of one of reputation. He was a servant to all, and most of all Yahavah, his Father. Do you have to be loved by others? No. Not everyone Jesus came crossed loved him, I remember that Yeshua even loved the person whom was rich and who walked away. That speaks volumes. While Yeshua stated to go give to the poor and rid of all that he had, the rich man went away sad. This encounter was to distinguish priority.

If you make your reputation one of priority, that is all you will fall back on, the self. This typically can cause pride in a person. "Look at me, and what I did!" Aren't I great! These are things which are of a perception which can be good. If you are proud of yourself, I don't think that is a bad thing, but when you start priding it around and say look at what I did. It's reminiscent of what the the bridegroom who didn't get enough oil. They came back, after the fact, knocking on the door saying "Haven't we done all these great things in your name Lord?" As they knocked on the "door," the response from within side (I believe this was showcasing those whom continued to be watchful of the coming of the LORD's Day, when they would be rescued and those outside for not repenting where pretty much slaughtered during the besiege of Jerusalem in 70Ad) "I don't know you."

See, I believe what happens is that our perception and the way we see things typically get blurred when our flesh runs us over, like a cup overfilled with water runs over. Typically these are times when things need to be looked at, and not just the scripture but ourselves as a whole. James talks about "walking away from the mirror and not remembering who you are (or something to this effect.) All of have fallen short of the glory of God. To think we are something that we are not we are only fooling ourselves in the end. Reputation is important to a whole lot of people, to me my reputation doesn't matter anymore because I really don't care if people define me as a good person or a bad person. Jesus was not concerned with this matter either, so therefore why make it of such an importance? I get, loving oneself is to acquire wisdom, and loving your neighbor as yourself is to impart wisdom, but the only good wisdom comes from Yeshua, whom has become our wisdom, in conjunction with the holy spirit/spirit of Christ while looking faithfully to God in whom we should serve.

If life is all about pleasing people, where is there anytime to please God? Aren't we suppose to look to God despite what people may "think of you?" If the focus is "I worry about what people may think of me." That may be a personal thing one needs to address to Yahavah, and ask him to help you overcome this fear, of what people think of oneself because in my own personal mind...

If you worry about what people think of you, you are more susceptible to following under what people say, rather than the things of what God thinks about you. And what God thinks about you, is that he loves you, cares for you, and desires for you to look towards him, and not our own abilities in what we can do personally because while we can be used for the work that God has created us to do if we so allow him to work in and through us and "those who love God, works all good according to those called to his purpose." Why should you worry about people will think of you? Think of what Jesus did, he never made himself a person of reputation, he went about his life serving God, and if people listened to his message, and if you are a Gentile and gave yourself over to Faith, you were made right with God, if you were a Israelite and gave yourself over in repentance, then they were made right with God. Today it is all faith based, though in time you may start to "change your mind" about the way you may think about certain things, as you turn yourself more over to God, having the "mind of Christ."

Philippians 2:
7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
While Jesus did die on the cross, he was also risen again by the holy spirit of God. The resurrection plays an important role in becoming spiritually alive.

Do this make sense to you? If it does, then that is great, if it doesn't please feel free to ask any questions if you would like to concerning this original post and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability, and hopefully by the spirit.
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Windmill Charge

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2017
United Kingdom
" Does Reputation Matter?"
Depends what you mean. If you are a skilled tradesman and someone starts saying your work is sub standard etc it will damage your reputation and the amount of work available to you.
If you are also a Christian, that slandering of your professional reputation also affects your Christian witness.

In a society increasingly hostile to Christianity we can expect this to happen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I don’t think reputation matters, unless you care what people think about you. I get everyone likes to be liked and what not, if your good at some type of trade, sure it’s good to have a good reputation, but what does that mean to God?

Nothing. Jesus made himself of no reputation, and it’s not reputation that gets us to God. It’s Yeshua, and his righteousness.

This is the point. Jesus is the only who can help us love God and love our neighbor as yourself.

There are always gonna be people who love you and hate you. That’s the reality, Yahavah can even make your enemies be at peace with you.

When man’s ways pleases Yahavah, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

How can a person please Yahavah? By faith.

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Yahavah, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

“Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all. See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
‭‭I Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭14‬-‭18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
A Business is all about setting a image ! regardless what it is truly. Political Party's, you name it !


Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Personally I think what is said below takes time to grow and mature in our spirit as children of God, it doesn’t happen overnight,imo...

The biblical meaning of reputation is represented in a man who carries the attributes of God: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

As the old man fades into the background, the New Man starts to shine from within our hearts/ spirit....we are being transformed daily into the image of Jesus, how exciting to know that in our heart/ spirit, just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I matters that a Christian person has a reputation for living righteously. It may go unnoticed and unremarked but as soon as somebody purporting to be a Christian steps out lf line the world is on to it.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I matters that a Christian person has a reputation for living righteously. It may go unnoticed and unremarked but as soon as somebody purporting to be a Christian steps out lf line the world is on to it.
The worldly people love to see such as that ! and will in fact spend most of their day on working to undermine one who says one is a Christian !

I have seen people on the Job site, hear that i am a Christian, and they full on directly jump up into Malice mode like a Dog with rabies ! spend their whole day's in trying to undermine you.

And i do not talk about Christ Jesus, unless one ask of me.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
To God, I do not believe it does. Yeshua, who had the fullness of God within him, whom was born of flesh and spirit. Did not make himself as someone with a reputation. Our perception has to be seen within this, while people love to feel good, be praised, be liked, and all of these things. They are good. However, Yeshua did not make his life of one of reputation. He was a servant to all, and most of all Yahavah, his Father. Do you have to be loved by others? No. Not everyone Jesus came crossed loved him, I remember that Yeshua even loved the person whom was rich and who walked away. That speaks volumes. While Yeshua stated to go give to the poor and rid of all that he had, the rich man went away sad. This encounter was to distinguish priority.

If you make your reputation one of priority, that is all you will fall back on, the self. This typically can cause pride in a person. "Look at me, and what I did!" Aren't I great! These are things which are of a perception which can be good. If you are proud of yourself, I don't think that is a bad thing, but when you start priding it around and say look at what I did. It's reminiscent of what the the bridegroom who didn't get enough oil. They came back, after the fact, knocking on the door saying "Haven't we done all these great things in your name Lord?" As they knocked on the "door," the response from within side (I believe this was showcasing those whom continued to be watchful of the coming of the LORD's Day, when they would be rescued and those outside for not repenting where pretty much slaughtered during the besiege of Jerusalem in 70Ad) "I don't know you."

See, I believe what happens is that our perception and the way we see things typically get blurred when our flesh runs us over, like a cup overfilled with water runs over. Typically these are times when things need to be looked at, and not just the scripture but ourselves as a whole. James talks about "walking away from the mirror and not remembering who you are (or something to this effect.) All of have fallen short of the glory of God. To think we are something that we are not we are only fooling ourselves in the end. Reputation is important to a whole lot of people, to me my reputation doesn't matter anymore because I really don't care if people define me as a good person or a bad person. Jesus was not concerned with this matter either, so therefore why make it of such an importance? I get, loving oneself is to acquire wisdom, and loving your neighbor as yourself is to impart wisdom, but the only good wisdom comes from Yeshua, whom has become our wisdom, in conjunction with the holy spirit/spirit of Christ while looking faithfully to God in whom we should serve.

If life is all about pleasing people, where is there anytime to please God? Aren't we suppose to look to God despite what people may "think of you?" If the focus is "I worry about what people may think of me." That may be a personal thing one needs to address to Yahavah, and ask him to help you overcome this fear, of what people think of oneself because in my own personal mind...

If you worry about what people think of you, you are more susceptible to following under what people say, rather than the things of what God thinks about you. And what God thinks about you, is that he loves you, cares for you, and desires for you to look towards him, and not our own abilities in what we can do personally because while we can be used for the work that God has created us to do if we so allow him to work in and through us and "those who love God, works all good according to those called to his purpose." Why should you worry about people will think of you? Think of what Jesus did, he never made himself a person of reputation, he went about his life serving God, and if people listened to his message, and if you are a Gentile and gave yourself over to Faith, you were made right with God, if you were a Israelite and gave yourself over in repentance, then they were made right with God. Today it is all faith based, though in time you may start to "change your mind" about the way you may think about certain things, as you turn yourself more over to God, having the "mind of Christ."

While Jesus did die on the cross, he was also risen again by the holy spirit of God. The resurrection plays an important role in becoming spiritually alive.

Do this make sense to you? If it does, then that is great, if it doesn't please feel free to ask any questions if you would like to concerning this original post and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability, and hopefully by the spirit.
Sure it matters in this life. One of God's purposes for us is to develop our character. He wants us to be responsible. For example, there are many scriptures that rebuke laziness, those who make excuses to not work and escape responsibility. Sluggards and sloths have a reputation. If a kid is spoiled, lives off his parents into his 20's and 30's, doesn't seek work or help, what kind of character is that - not a godly person, not even close to a model citizen.
A hundred years ago young men were booted out of the house at 18. But it was okay, because they already knew how to run the farm, they already knew a trade and how to do business because they worked alongside their Dads from a young age learning their father's trade. Kids today are a different story - not all, but many. Reputation of being spoiled is an embarrassment to the parents, a disapppointment. And this is even more expected of a believer. Scripture says if you do not support your family, you are worse than an unbeliever.

And you misinterpret the scripture about Jesus. He had a reputation, just not as being God.

who, as He already existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself by taking the form of a bond-servant and being born in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death: death on a cross. Phil. 2:6-8 NASB
The NKJV says in verse 7, " made himself of no reputation". Which in other words means emptied himself of his glory of God, and did not think equality with God to be grasped, (or having that reputation), understood.

People believed in Him because He was an example of pure character, because He was the exact expression of God in the flesh. He was a carpenter first, an obedient Son of Man; then the rest is clear Who He was - supported by what He did and how he lived.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
The only the character being built is the new man in Christ? And not everyone loved Christ. So does the reputation matter to people or to God? The answer to me, is that God is simply looking at the heart for him. Not the reputation sustained throughout life. Reputation goes up and down, and no one is perfect. God wasn't looking at Jesus' reputation, he was looking at Yeshuas heart for the love for him, and others.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
To God, I do not believe it does. Yeshua, who had the fullness of God within him, whom was born of flesh and spirit. Did not make himself as someone with a reputation. Our perception has to be seen within this, while people love to feel good, be praised, be liked, and all of these things. They are good. However, Yeshua did not make his life of one of reputation. He was a servant to all, and most of all Yahavah, his Father. Do you have to be loved by others? No. Not everyone Jesus came crossed loved him, I remember that Yeshua even loved the person whom was rich and who walked away. That speaks volumes. While Yeshua stated to go give to the poor and rid of all that he had, the rich man went away sad. This encounter was to distinguish priority.

If you make your reputation one of priority, that is all you will fall back on, the self. This typically can cause pride in a person. "Look at me, and what I did!" Aren't I great! These are things which are of a perception which can be good. If you are proud of yourself, I don't think that is a bad thing, but when you start priding it around and say look at what I did. It's reminiscent of what the the bridegroom who didn't get enough oil. They came back, after the fact, knocking on the door saying "Haven't we done all these great things in your name Lord?" As they knocked on the "door," the response from within side (I believe this was showcasing those whom continued to be watchful of the coming of the LORD's Day, when they would be rescued and those outside for not repenting where pretty much slaughtered during the besiege of Jerusalem in 70Ad) "I don't know you."

See, I believe what happens is that our perception and the way we see things typically get blurred when our flesh runs us over, like a cup overfilled with water runs over. Typically these are times when things need to be looked at, and not just the scripture but ourselves as a whole. James talks about "walking away from the mirror and not remembering who you are (or something to this effect.) All of have fallen short of the glory of God. To think we are something that we are not we are only fooling ourselves in the end. Reputation is important to a whole lot of people, to me my reputation doesn't matter anymore because I really don't care if people define me as a good person or a bad person. Jesus was not concerned with this matter either, so therefore why make it of such an importance? I get, loving oneself is to acquire wisdom, and loving your neighbor as yourself is to impart wisdom, but the only good wisdom comes from Yeshua, whom has become our wisdom, in conjunction with the holy spirit/spirit of Christ while looking faithfully to God in whom we should serve.

If life is all about pleasing people, where is there anytime to please God? Aren't we suppose to look to God despite what people may "think of you?" If the focus is "I worry about what people may think of me." That may be a personal thing one needs to address to Yahavah, and ask him to help you overcome this fear, of what people think of oneself because in my own personal mind...

If you worry about what people think of you, you are more susceptible to following under what people say, rather than the things of what God thinks about you. And what God thinks about you, is that he loves you, cares for you, and desires for you to look towards him, and not our own abilities in what we can do personally because while we can be used for the work that God has created us to do if we so allow him to work in and through us and "those who love God, works all good according to those called to his purpose." Why should you worry about people will think of you? Think of what Jesus did, he never made himself a person of reputation, he went about his life serving God, and if people listened to his message, and if you are a Gentile and gave yourself over to Faith, you were made right with God, if you were a Israelite and gave yourself over in repentance, then they were made right with God. Today it is all faith based, though in time you may start to "change your mind" about the way you may think about certain things, as you turn yourself more over to God, having the "mind of Christ."

While Jesus did die on the cross, he was also risen again by the holy spirit of God. The resurrection plays an important role in becoming spiritually alive.

Do this make sense to you? If it does, then that is great, if it doesn't please feel free to ask any questions if you would like to concerning this original post and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability, and hopefully by the spirit.
Sampson's look/appearance superceded his reputation. But Paul and others say reputation matters.
"Lead such lives that...." in Titus and Timothy and Peter.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Here is what Yahavah says.

“But Yahavah said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For Yahavah does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but Yahavah looks at the heart.””
‭‭I Samuel‬ ‭16‬:‭7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I guess Jesus making himself of no reputation means nothing?

Like I stated before Reputation doesn’t matter. It’s the heart of the human being. Looking to Yahavah and in Christ loving Him and loving others.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
To God, I do not believe it does.
Jesus gained a reputation for doing miracles, and He pointed to that reputation as the evidence of the truthfulness of His claim to be the Christ.

1 Timothy 3:7 KJV
Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

Elders/overseers and deacons are to have a good reputation.

Our reputation is what people know us for, whether for good or evil. We should be known as lovers of God, lovers of man, and doers of righteousness.

Much love!

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Sure it matters in this life. One of God's purposes for us is to develop our character. He wants us to be responsible. For example, there are many scriptures that rebuke laziness, those who make excuses to not work and escape responsibility. Sluggards and sloths have a reputation. If a kid is spoiled, lives off his parents into his 20's and 30's, doesn't seek work or help, what kind of character is that - not a godly person, not even close to a model citizen.
A hundred years ago young men were booted out of the house at 18. But it was okay, because they already knew how to run the farm, they already knew a trade and how to do business because they worked alongside their Dads from a young age learning their father's trade. Kids today are a different story - not all, but many. Reputation of being spoiled is an embarrassment to the parents, a disapppointment. And this is even more expected of a believer. Scripture says if you do not support your family, you are worse than an unbeliever.

And you misinterpret the scripture about Jesus. He had a reputation, just not as being God.

who, as He already existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself by taking the form of a bond-servant and being born in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death: death on a cross. Phil. 2:6-8 NASB
The NKJV says in verse 7, " made himself of no reputation". Which in other words means emptied himself of his glory of God, and did not think equality with God to be grasped, (or having that reputation), understood.

People believed in Him because He was an example of pure character, because He was the exact expression of God in the flesh. He was a carpenter first, an obedient Son of Man; then the rest is clear Who He was - supported by what He did and how he lived.
Reputation in regards this world is one thing and regards God is another.
Both have to be handled.

People of this world ? do they truly care in regards others ? How can they ? if they are Lost !
Sure good intentions are on the cards ? but regards God, not everything of that ilk is directed towards Grace ?

You know being or coming across as being only nice to others, may not always be the answer ? because the devil may be in such a detail in fact ! but like a dad with his Son, one has to be solid ? or come across sharp at times, for that is showing Love and respect for one in fact. it's not nasty or malic etc, but good guidance for one to be directed !

I pointed out to a mate what i thought about him, just off the cuff !
I had pointed out such many times before, but this time he got offended !
I said half of what he says is mainly nonsense or BS ! other than that, i can put up with him. but has he got older he became weaker in the mind. more of a sook ! and would go get his wife for supporting him.
The elavator never did go all the way to the top when talking to him and he would missunderstand, like say, 1+1 is 2 but he thinks such is say 11 ? that's something like what i was dealing with !
If i agreed with him he thinks it's 100% with him ? but that's not always so infact.
He is a far right Wing idiot ! and a Socialist dipstick, not that he understands that. a radical nut case ! he is all about pushing things on people ? his will ! trying to be dominating ! because fundamentaly he has no Grace ! he thinks people have to be pushed around ! to his will ? Of late I think he has become a lefty and fliped his Lid !

But hey ! I have to speek the truth to him, I will not play living a lie regarding him, just to keep him happy with me.

I have mates from childhood who I have argued with full on in debating things and hey they are the best mates to have, because we have learned from ioning out issues ! even tho if we do not totaly agree on some things, that's good ! I like people to be open about what they think and will bother, so we can both can sit down and listen.
It's not about if we do not agree, that such will become an issue ! that one will go off in a childish huff, about we do not agree on something.

I met a dude on Sunday and he said Oh we are on the opp devide of Political ! as if we could not get on ? like a brat child, that will toss a fit of rage.
Well I have mates who are Socialist and even Communist, but that does not mean that we can not get on, as their are some things we get on about just fine, like cars bikes etc. even with such as that we do not see eye to eye on, but hey ! but I respect that they have an opinion ! it does not mean that I have to like such a car or bike in the same regards they do, but I may understand why they do and good on them ! I do not want everyone to be the same.


Sep 25, 2024
A Business is all about setting a image ! regardless what it is truly. Political Party's, you name it !
the Kingdom of Heaven and repentance that Jesus preached is not a business of course, but what Jesus preached was not then and today to people's liking. Not everyone wants to repent, they believe yes but do not want to change.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Jesus gained a reputation for doing miracles, and He pointed to that reputation as the evidence of the truthfulness of His claim to be the Christ.

1 Timothy 3:7 KJV
Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

Elders/overseers and deacons are to have a good reputation.

Our reputation is what people know us for, whether for good or evil. We should be known as lovers of God, lovers of man, and doers of righteousness.

Much love!
like a man of God does not have to be liked ! That is not his office in fact ! but respected yes !
And how does one get true respect ? one earns it rergardless what one thinks of him.
By thinks ? what one thinks ! does not mean Knows !
People can think anything ? thinking does not mean such is solid !


Sep 25, 2024
I guess Jesus making himself of no reputation means nothing?

Like I stated before Reputation doesn’t matter. It’s the heart of the human being. Looking to Yahavah and in Christ loving Him and loving others.
Of course you are right making a reputation in this corrupt world, is this important?? It is Not! what counts is do God's will the rest is not important. we have to think of GOD first and what he wants for us not what we want.



Sep 25, 2024
like a man of God does not have to be liked ! That is not his office in fact ! but respected yes !
And how does one get true respect ? one earns it rergardless what one thinks of him.
By thinks ? what one thinks ! does not mean Knows !
People can think anything ? thinking does not mean such is solid !
was Jesus respected? NOT! He was put to death! He was respected only by those follow him and love him , the rest do not care, they go their own way.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
like a man of God does not have to be liked ! That is not his office in fact ! but respected yes !
And how does one get true respect ? one earns it rergardless what one thinks of him.
By thinks ? what one thinks ! does not mean Knows !
People can think anything ? thinking does not mean such is solid !
I think it's more like this . . .

1 Peter 2:11-12 KJV
11) Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;
12) Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.

The day will come when they will have to admit the truth. So . . . are we living such to be the true example of righteousness? God help me!!

Much love!