Donald Trump says he will be a 'dictator'...

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Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
He is such a hateful person. Why would an evangelical love him?
How would any Christian want Biden over Trump? Hateful? Give me a break. He took this country back from hate filled Democrats and RINOS, as much as that ilk would let him.

Those who hate Trump don't know what they're talking about. And if they think the 2020 election wasn't rigged , doubly so.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Yep, and without oil to make gasoline for the military tanks and trucks.View attachment 38758
Biden is a Communist ! and everything he is doing is him trying to undermine the USA in fact !
He is working to bring the USA to it's knees ! bankrupt the Nation and as always work to try and create division within the Nation peddling race hatred card full on like a total jerk ! whipping such up for all he can in fact, he needs to create such rubbish ! and get such people on his side but in fact it's his lot who are the racial prejudice morons !

Trump did more for the blacks in the USA ever in fact, but Obama and Biden only worked so as to corrupt all people and leave them in the ditch in fact, wallowing in the mire that they created in fact !

Anyone who wanted to have a future was set under Trump, for if you look after the Nation the Nation will look after you in the long run, but Baby Bush, Obama and Biden have poisoned such a Well ! for they are clearly Satanist who took the USA for a ride ! working so as to undermining everything thing that was worthy of God ! For they empower everything that is of the lowest denominator in fact. empowering all the grubs from the bottom lowest class to the highest wealthy class, it's all the Grubs that have been empowered !

I am sure they want the USA to become Communist in fact, no one could be so stupid ! For they truly want power over the people Total power over everyone ! then they can go on their beloved genocide spree that Communism is renowned for and that being the most murderous Governments in history by far in fact, Hitler does not even come close to such numbers !
Talk to any Communist and peoples lives mean nothing to them in fact ! that's why they can kill baby's up to 9 months in the womb ? Talk about Depraved ! That's who they are and the Bible warns us of such, who are of their father. who was a murder and a liar from the beginning !


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
How would any Christian want Biden over Trump? Hateful? Give me a break. He took this country back from hate filled Democrats and RINOS, as much as that ilk would let him.

Those who hate Trump don't know what they're talking about. And if they think the 2020 election wasn't rigged , doubly so.
Why does everyone assume that just because someone doesn't agree with Trump, that they would prefer Biden?? Do you understand that you're being played by the 2-party system?
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Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
Why does everyone assume that just because someone doesn't agree with Trump, that they would prefer Biden?? Do you understand that you're being played by the 2-party system?

Yes, and those that don't vote for Trump obviously vote for biden


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Yes, and those that don't vote for Trump obviously vote for biden
If you're a Christ follower, (IF votes actually decided who gets into the WH) you wouldn't place your vote of approval on either evil choice. Whatever you come into agreement with, you'll have. Both are evil.

Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
If you're a Christ follower, (IF votes actually decided who gets into the WH) you wouldn't place your vote of approval on either evil choice. Whatever you come into agreement with, you'll have. Both are evil.

Sounds like Christians should sit down shut up and let the unbelievers run things which will lead to them killing all the Christians like they did in Roman times
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Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
Why does everyone assume that just because someone doesn't agree with Trump, that they would prefer Biden?? Do you understand that you're being played by the 2-party system?
However,we know someone will be president.

And being all candidates for 2024 are more of the same old same, and Biden is running for re-election when patently mentally unfit, I much prefer a man, Trump,who knows how to run a corporation when America is exactly that.

Article 25 was a constant threat against Trump all through his first term. As I recall that article has not been levied toward Biden. He is far more qualified to be ejected from the office under the 25's authority and yet, he remains in office.

There has to be a rule against a presidential candidate suffering dementia

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Why does everyone assume that just because someone doesn't agree with Trump, that they would prefer Biden?? Do you understand that you're being played by the 2-party system?
What are your options?

A 3 or multi party system when no one will ever have a real majority vote or a dictatorship.

We are very close, if not already in with the dictatorship end.

The people have no say in any part of their lives when a puppet master can dictate that the gasoline powered automobile will cease to be available in the very near future and to ensure that this country is forbidden to pump its own oil for the production of such.

Or we must go to alternate energy so we can shut down any production of natural gas for home heating and cooking... and just as soon as they get that accomplished they can cut off exports to the world and force them
to bow down to the puppet masters puppet.

I am so looking forward to air force one being solar powered or battery operated like the electric cars will be .

In fact. I think they should be the trial for such an endeavor. (You are right... not a Christian thought but still)

And the forced alterations in our food supply.

Cut out meat and eat bugs instead.

Genetically altered fruits and veggies.sad-eyes-smiley-emoticon.gif

And now we have all those prescription drug shortages.

You think we are not in a dictatorship.... I could write a book.

There iis not a single aspect of your life or mine that is not under some sort of government control.

And dont you forget it when and if you walk into that polling place because it was the "take down of Trump" that I firmly believe was orchestrated starting with the Chicom's Wuhan lab leak and Fauci with Covid.

People have greatly slowed down getting non effective boosters for that.... so they had to come up with another (Pfizer and Moderna) (Rather then tackle the needed drug shortages) and that is for RSV, which hits kids mostly but they managed to get the seniors running scared on this one.....

I will say this.

For anyone that hates Trump and that does not want him back in office.... you deserve Biden's re-election so that by the end of 2025 Kamala will be in the oval.... (At least that is their plan and if something doesn't foil the puppet master... she will get a second term after.)

Enjoy it and all they will do for you.... NOT
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
This is the 18th page of a false premise that Donald Trump said that He would be a dictator if he became president again.

As an outsider to the politics of the USA, this thread is presenting a lie in that Donald Trump stated that He would only be a dictator for one day if he became president.

Now I do not care who becomes president of the USA at the next election as it will have no direct impact on my life in a different country/nation.

If this is a forum made up of predominately "Christian" membership, then one would expect to see the "Christians" telling the truth in respect to what others state and not take their words out of context. But we know that they also take the scriptures out of context and why should this topic be any different.

Oh well, we can only hope that attitudes will change for the better.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The President of the USA does have an impact on Australians in fact, just look at the fuel prices for one, it's all Joe Biden's baby, he created our stupid pathetic high prices, and such leads to everything going up and inflation as well, is all Joe Biden's handy work in fact not to mention the War in Israel and Ukraine are all Joe Biden's creation in fact !

Joe Biden is a mad man totally evil in fact ! I suspect that his first wife found out just how much of a monster he truly was and went out and drove head on into a truck killing her self ! I would not be surprised.

Socialism is so cunning in leading the people astray, it's a work of art, if one truly understands how Hitler got such power as with Stalin etc then you will know how such evil truly works, for they claim to own you all in fact ! and they can do whatever they like with you all in fact. because you become a Slave to the System.
The rights that they peddle is all total BS ! not to mention depraved. it's all a game that they play on the shallow simpletons who back such depravity up. Take 9 month old in the womb for example to be killed, they take pride in such in fact and such just goes by without a peep ! that's how pathetic our Nations are now ! so what's next ? if one can do that, they can get away with anything ! Such happened in Nazi Germany and every Communist Nation and no one could say anything in fact and the Media in every such went along with it all in fact !

The MSM are way out of control with going along against Trump ! and Trump is totally Correct about that they will be coming after you all next with such Stalin Hitler type tactics, that's what it truly is in fact ! only morons swallow that type of mud sling ! for they are desperate as hell because Trump will expose the Satanic Communist and Nazi filthy low life grubs for what they truly are in fact.
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Dec 10, 2023
United States
The President of the USA does have an impact on Australians in fact, just look at the fuel prices for one, it's all Joe Biden's baby, he created our stupid pathetic high prices, and such leads to everything going up and inflation as well, is all Joe Biden's handy work in fact not to mention the War in Israel and Ukraine are all Joe Biden's creation in fact !

Joe Biden is a mad man totally evil in fact ! I suspect that his first wife found out just how much of a monster he truly was and went out and drove head on into a truck killing her self ! I would not be surprised.

Socialism is so cunning in leading the people astray, it's a work of art, if one truly understands how Hitler got such power as with Stalin etc then you will know how such evil truly works, for they claim to own you all in fact ! and they can do whatever they like with you all in fact. because you become a Slave to the System.
The rights that they peddle is all total BS ! not to mention depraved. it's all a game that they play on the shallow simpletons who back such depravity up. Take 9 month old in the womb for example to be killed, they take pride in such in fact and such just goes by without a peep ! that's how pathetic our Nations are now ! so what's next ? if one can do that, they can get away with anything ! Such happened in Nazi Germany and every Communist Nation and no one could say anything in fact and the Media in every such went along with it all in fact !

The MSM are way out of control with going along against Trump ! and Trump is totally Correct about that they will be coming after you all next with such Stalin Hitler type tactics, that's what it truly is in fact ! only morons swallow that type of mud sling ! for they are desperate as hell because Trump will expose the Satanic Communist and Nazi filthy low life grubs for what they truly are in fact.
I think he already has.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
Nah, not mine. It is the truth.

The RINOGOP and others are fearful of losing a vote if they agree.

All the more reason I will vote Trump....

Do not count on the SCOTUS for any reason to help Trump... unless it fits this agenda.... JESUIT

I posted this above but incase you missed it Ill repeat it here.....

Everyone knows, or should of the high number of Catholics on the bench BUT are you aware of the Jesuits?

CLARENCE THOMAS attended College of the Holy Cross, an elite Catholic college in Mass Jesuit

NEIL GORSUCH attended Georgetown Preparatory School, an exclusive Jesuit high school

BRETT CAVANAUGH attended Georgetown Preparatory School, an exclusive Jesuit high school

SONIA SOTOMAYOR also served with Jesuit Father Joseph O’Hare, (AN INFLUENCER OF HERS)?
the retired president of Jesuit Fordham University, on a New York City campaign finance review council, and O’Hare told CNS that when he knew her beginning in the late 1980s “she was indeed a practicing Catholic. He said he has no reason to think that has changed They have stayed in touch intermittently, and he said she gave his name as a reference for her FBI background check.”

4 Jesuit connections, plus

AMY CONEY BARRETT NOTRE DAME who while not Jesuit educated belongs to a very select...The People of Praise, a secretive Christian faith group that counts the conservative supreme court justice Amy Coney Barrett as a member, considered women’s obedience and subservience to men as one of its central early teachings,

Plus 2 normal Catholics.... Roberts and Alito.

So nothing is certain unless it falls under the Jesuit guidlines, and that is a fact.
I think it will be overruled on the amendment that was used as that was for the civil war so not really applicable.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Joe Biden is a mad man totally evil in fact ! I suspect that his first wife found out just how much of a monster he truly was and went out and drove head on into a truck killing her self ! I would not be surprised.

The above is wrong on so many levels and should have never been said. It's fine if you hate the man, but the above should have never been uttered, ever.

You do realize that also killed in that accident was their one year old daughter as well?

I ask you to edit that out of your post and I will delete this one once you do.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The above is wrong on so many levels and should have never been said. It's fine if you hate the man, but the above should have never been uttered, ever.

You do realize that also killed in that accident was their one year old daughter as well?

I ask you to edit that out of your post and I will delete this one once you do.
I fear that Joe Biden is the most evil man ever in History period ! no one could be so disgusting, just look at his works ! totally Satanic ! He has no regard for life at all in fact !
He has kicked off 2 Wars for a start, being Ukraine and now the attack on the Jews ! things like that are so creepy ! and no one could say that this was not Joe Bides fault ! because it is in fact out right his fault !

Why would any one want to give them people who attacked Israel any regard at all ! hey they brought it on ! they wanted to attack Israel in fact, they did it, they started it ! with the help of Joe Biden giving them the Weapons in fact ? not in a direct way ? but yes no one could be so stupid ! but he hides his cards well ! but at the end of the day yes he helped such take place totally ! and when you can see the snail trail, such leads back to the Socialist brotherhood that's all behind all of this in fact !
Real bright leaving all them weapons in Afghanistan ! Biden should get a Medal for that o_O :rolleyes: Oh and another Medal for the Ukraine black market giving USA Weapons to trash that used such to attack the Jews in fact ! Because them Medals are worthy of a Satanic dog that he truly is in fact !

Thank you Joe Biden for the Weapons use to attack the Jews, that's what is written on the Medals in fact ! Satan's hero !
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
I fear that Joe Biden is the most evil man ever in History period ! no one could be so disgusting, just look at his works ! totally Satanic ! He has no regard for life at all in fact !
He has kicked off 2 Wars for a start, being Ukraine and now the attack on the Jews ! things like that are so creepy ! and no one could say that this was not Joe Bides fault ! because it is in fact out right his fault !

Why would any one want to give them people who attacked Israel any regard at all ! hey they brought it on ! they wanted to attack Israel in fact, they did it, they started it ! with the help of Joe Biden giving them the Weapons in fact ? not in a direct way ? but yes no one could be so stupid ! but he hides his cards well ! but at the end of the day yes he helped such take place totally ! and when you can see the snail trail, such leads back to the Socialist brotherhood that's all behind all of this in fact !
Real bright leaving all them weapons in Afghanistan ! Biden should get a Medal for that o_O :rolleyes: Oh and another Medal for the Ukraine black market giving USA Weapons to trash that used such to attack the Jews in fact ! Because them Medals are worthy of a Satanic dog that he truly is in fact !

Thank you Joe Biden for the Weapons use to attack the Jews, that's what is written on the Medals in fact ! Satan's hero !

I will agree to disagree.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
10 million have come over the border in 3 years. That is more than the population of 41 states. So Biden just added another state filled with people who we don't know, don't speak the language, are breaking the law so we can expect that any law means little them, with their hands out for a free living, free stuff and some intent on doing harm to us - actually we can't afford any of them!
Few may have a plan to work hard but likely they will contribute to the destruction of a once great nation. If only 1 in 1,000 are terrorists and/or just hardened criminals, that means we have 10,000 bad people. Keep in mind, it only took 19 men to plan and implement 9/11.

A large portion of these illegals - if nothing else - are a huge financial drain.
I would vote for anyone who plans to stop this infiltration AND cuts off welfare for anyone who is not a legal citizen.
A stern message should be broadcast to these immigrants: What was your plan, to come and work hard, learn and be a productive perain who contributes or to suck from society like a parasite?

Go home, we are broke!.

The Bible says, "If you don't work, you don't eat!" So that will be our motto and yours. Accept it or get the heck out of here.