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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

The reason that believers and fake believers, reject eternal security, is simply because they do not understand that Jesus is Salvation, and not their self effort.

So, its really just a matter of wrong belief, that is based on not comprehending that : Jesus is Salvation.

See, once you recognize that JESUS is Salvation, then you go to Him for it, and that ends, "enduring" and "water baptism" and "commandment keeping" and "law keeping" and "trying to imitate some idea you have of how to try to behave like Jesus" and all of this SELF EFFORT (LEGALISM)..... that has no means to deal with your SIN.

See, Salvation, is based on one thing only...

Has GOD dealt with all your sin, yet, or not? ?????????????????????

If He has then "God hath made Jesus to be SIN... for us'' .. because "Jesus is the one time ETERNAL sacrifice for SIN".

See, God was in the world 2000 yrs ago, as JESUS the Man, and He went to the Cross to deal with the sin of the world.

2 Corinthians 5:19 and John 3:17 and Romans 4:8

And, He did.
And every single person who will go to the Cross of Christ Believing in Jesus, .. God will receive your faith instantly.. and take that Blood and Death that Christ has offered as the one time ETERNAL Sacrifice for YOUR SIN... and apply it to you. = "SAVED".
And once that NEW COVENANT = BLOOD Atonement...... is applied to you, then your sin is now on JESUS and God's Righteousness has now become YOURS...as the "imputed righteousness of Christ".

You now become "THE... righteousness OF GOD.... in Christ"...



The "GIFT of Salvation" and "the Gift of Righteousness".

And now that ALL your sin is gone, you are then birthed by the Holy Spirit into GOD's Spirit, as "born... .again"... and that is described in the New Testament.... as being "IN Christ". and "Translated from darkness .. TO Light"..... Having become "one with GOD".

See all that?
You didnt do it...
God did it all for you, if you are born again...

And this SALVATiON that is God's SON Offered for your SIN...., once applied.... to you.... will be completed by GOD, just as it is begun by God, Himself.

Philippians 1:6

So, READER.... learn to believe all this, and you can have divine confidence that is REAL FAITH in CHRIST.
And to have that is to have : ETERNAL Security.
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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States

The reason that believers and fake believers, reject eternal security, is simply because they do not understand that Jesus is Salvation, and not their self effort.

So, its really just a matter of wrong belief, that is based on not comprehending that : Jesus is Salvation.

See, once you recognize that JESUS is Salvation, then you go to Him for it, and that ends, "enduring" and "water baptism" and "commandment keeping" and "law keeping" and "trying to imitate some idea you have of how to try to behave like Jesus" and all of this SELF EFFORT (LEGALISM)..... that has no means to deal with your SIN.

See, Salvation, is based on one thing only...

Has GOD dealt with all your sin, yet, or not? ?????????????????????

If He has then "God hath made Jesus to be SIN... for us'' .. because "Jesus is the one time ETERNAL sacrifice for SIN".

See, God was in the world 2000 yrs ago, as JESUS the Man, and He went to the Cross to deal with the sin of the world.

2 Corinthians 5:19 and John 3:17 and Romans 4:8

And, He did.
And every single person who will go to the Cross of Christ Believing in Jesus, .. God will receive your faith instantly.. and take that Blood and Death that Christ has offered as the one time ETERNAL Sacrifice for YOUR SIN... and apply it to you. = "SAVED".
And once that NEW COVENANT = BLOOD Atonement...... is applied to you, then your sin is now on JESUS and God's Righteousness has now become YOURS...as the "imputed righteousness of Christ".

You now become "THE... righteousness OF GOD.... in Christ"...



The "GIFT of Salvation" and "the Gift of Righteousness".

And now that ALL your sin is gone, you are then birthed by the Holy Spirit into GOD's Spirit, as "born... .again"... and that is described in the New Testament.... as being "IN Christ". and "Translated from darkness .. TO Light"..... Having become "one with GOD".

See all that?
You didnt do it...
God did it all for you, if you are born again...

And this SALVATiON that is God's SON Offered for your SIN...., once applied.... to you.... will be completed by GOD, just as it is begun by God, Himself.

Philippians 1:6

So, READER.... learn to believe all this, and you can have divine confidence that is REAL FAITH in CHRIST.
And to have that is to have : ETERNAL Security.
I don't think you understand the debate.
99% of what you wrote everybody agrees with.
It's not a misunderstanding of initial salvation that is to debate.
The debate is, can I get so vile ,can I Stray so far away, that I can't find my way back.
The debate is not whether or not God keeps his end of the "bargain". The debate is, if the prodigal had not turned back, where would he be?
There's other scriptures too, such as, "......the last state is worse than the first".
There's another scripture that talks about suffering shipwreck. And it is those people that have strayed from the faith. In other words they had to have a ship before they could be Shipwrecked.
So to think that the debate is entirely wrapped up on initial salvation, is not the issue at hand.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
It's not a misunderstanding of initial salvation that is to debate.

Once a person understands that God accepted them "while they were YET a sinner" "ungodly", and took them for eternity, based on the Cross of Christ, then the person has understood Salvation, and not until.

When they dont understand this, then they dont yet understand the finished work of Christ, on the Cross that God accepted to accept them, and nothing else will God accept, as He provided nothing else.

See, you dont offer YOURSELF..... as "all have sinned".....So, God offers JESUS, as your Salvation, as its Christ's Blood and Death that God accepts to save you and Keep you saved..

Nothing else.

Let me show you a verse.

"where SIN abounds, Grace more abounds"..

See that?

So, Reader.....What you have to understand is that God on the Cross, shedding His Blood and Dying, is more than enough to keep you saved.
As Jesus is the Savior of the WORLD, so, that is certainly enough to deal with Your sin...

So, its PRIDE that believes..."well, i can OUT-SIN, God's Son's Sacrifice".

Do you See that kind of backwards CARNAL thinking that has pride at the Root?

So, once a person understands that Jesus is the "ONE TIME = ETERNAL Sacrifice".. for Sin", ...they'll stop trying to argue that they can sin more than God's Cross of Christ has already dealt with, 2000 yrs ago.

Another way to see their issue, is that, they believe that "God started my salvation, and as long as im good enough later on, He'll keep me".

See that?
That is a person who DOES NOT Trust in Christ...they instead trust in SELF ....

"as long as I dont"... "As long as I do this, and that".

See it?
That is faith in SELF righteousness, that has NO FAITH IN Christ.

What is the real proof you have faith in Christ?
You'll believe that Jesus KEEPS you saved, and if you don't, then you dont understand SALVATION Yet, and your faith is broken, or you are only water baptized and religious.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Faith in Christ, the real faith....BELIEVES that Jesus who saved you keeps you saved.

That's REAL Faith. that pleases God.

And once you step out of that, and into...>"well what if i do this".. and "what if i do that"..
You are now doubting God's Salvation = who is JESUS.
And that type of faith, is NO FAITH in Christ, and in fact, insults the Cross and God's Grace.

Try to wrap your belief system around this fact.
You can trust God who saved you when you came to Him with a LIFETIME OF SIN..... and He forgave you all... and that means, that Jesus's Sacrifice is your Eternal Security.
You can TRUST IN Jesus who saved you, and not because you are good or bad... but because He died to do so.
You can TRUST this Fact.
See Jesus rose from the DEAD to prove that Your Salvation is "finished", as He stated from the CROSS.

"God who began Salvation, in the born again, will HIMSELF = be FAITHFUL to complete it".

You can Trust God.
Your Salvation is not in your hands, its in God's control,
because = Jesus didn't FAIL you, and never will.
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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States

Faith in Christ, the real faith....BELIEVES that Jesus who saved you keeps you saved.

That's REAL Faith. that pleases God.

And once you step out of that, and into...>"well what if i do this".. and "what if i do that"..
You are now doubting God's Salvation = who is JESUS.
And that type of faith, is NO FAITH in Christ, and in fact, insults the Cross and God's Grace.

Try to wrap your belief system around this fact.
You can trust God who saved you when you came to Him with a LIFETIME OF SIN..... and He forgave you all... and that means, that Jesus's Sacrifice is your Eternal Security.
You can TRUST IN Jesus who saved you, and not because you are good or bad... but because He died to do so.
You can TRUST this Fact.
See Jesus rose from the DEAD to prove that Your Salvation is "finished", as He stated from the CROSS.

"God who began Salvation, in the born again, will HIMSELF = be FAITHFUL to complete it".

You can Trust God.
Your Salvation is not in your hands, its in God's control,
because = Jesus didn't FAIL you, and never will.
I understand all that. Maybe better than you do.
By omitting the other side of the picture, you have confidence.
So that is not at all impressive.

Psssst...that same author of salvation, gave the formula or instructions for harlotry.
Hello...breaking the marriage covenant.
Breaking covenant

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
nowhere in your doctrine do you address the believers role in the covenant.
Paul does.
The bible does.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
nowhere in your doctrine do you address the believers role in the covenant.

The NT which is the New Covenant, is written in the Blood of Jesus, Signed by the Death of Christ, and Proven by the Resurrection of Jesus.

You dont have a "role" in that, but you apparently have been told by a CULT, that you do... @rebuilder 454 .

A.) No you dont.

See, God created Salvation, as a "GIFT" and your part in it, is to receive it by faith.

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
The NT which is the New Covenant, is written in the Blood of Jesus, Signed by the Death of Christ, and Proven by the Resurrection of Jesus.

You dont have a "role" in that, but you apparently have been told by a CULT, that you do... @rebuilder 454 .

A.) No you dont.

See, God created Salvation, as a "GIFT" and your part in it, is to receive it by faith.
That is beyond ignorant to think the covenant is between God and nobody.

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States

Faith in Christ, the real faith....BELIEVES that Jesus who saved you keeps you saved.

That's REAL Faith. that pleases God.

And once you step out of that, and into...>"well what if i do this".. and "what if i do that"..
You are now doubting God's Salvation = who is JESUS.
And that type of faith, is NO FAITH in Christ, and in fact, insults the Cross and God's Grace.

Try to wrap your belief system around this fact.
You can trust God who saved you when you came to Him with a LIFETIME OF SIN..... and He forgave you all... and that means, that Jesus's Sacrifice is your Eternal Security.
You can TRUST IN Jesus who saved you, and not because you are good or bad... but because He died to do so.
You can TRUST this Fact.
See Jesus rose from the DEAD to prove that Your Salvation is "finished", as He stated from the CROSS.

"God who began Salvation, in the born again, will HIMSELF = be FAITHFUL to complete it".

You can Trust God.
Your Salvation is not in your hands, its in God's control,
because = Jesus didn't FAIL you, and never will.
Nobody questions it.
Because it is not the issue.

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
1) you are unaware of the other side of the osas debate.
2) you have revealed your basis of your entire doctrine as " the new covenant is between God and nobody"

All i can do is SMH


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
That is beyond ignorant to think the covenant is between God and nobody.

English is not your first language.
Ok, i understand.

So, what i wrote said that YOU have no ROLE... in SALVATiON...

As SALVATION is "Christ on the Cross"... John 3:16.

That is not your ROLE.... as i told you.

See... JESUS is Salvation, and that is not your ROLE.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
1) you are unaware of the other side of the osas debate.

First of all, if you need to obsess on OSAS, then do so, somewhere else, as this Thread is not related to that religious cult concept... @rebuilder 454

OSAS, is a cult idea, that originally came from religious Jews, who were attacking Paul and Jude....so, that is about 2000 yrs ago.
These people, these hyper religious nuts, said to Paul...."You are teaching that we are to SIN< so that GRACE will come".

See that?

Now, in these end times.... the way these HERETICS attack Paul's "Gospel of Grace" is to categorize it as "License to sin" or "OSAS", as that is the new bumper sticker that defines these self righteous Heretics.

Its the same "religious spirit" that causes people to accuse God's Grace of being "license to sin".

Its OF THE Devil.

So, these HERETICS, are all obsessed with "OSAS"... Its like a drug to them.. THey need to talk about it.. they have a neurotic compulsion to try to always redefine "The GIFT of Salvation" as "OSAS". and "license to sin".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Lets look at this... Reader...

"ETERNAL"....... security.

Who is that?
And where did that begin.?
And why is that continued?

Here is a clue(s) for you Student of the WORD, and word.

1.) """In Christ
2.) One with God "
3.) Born .., again"
4.) Heir with God"
5.) joint Heir with Jesus"
6.) Christ IN YOU the Hope....of Glory.""""

Now let me show you the = "Hope of Glory".

Listening on the inside yet? As that is how you HEAR.

A.) The HOPE OF GLORY>.... = This is 2-fold..

1.) Heaven is Glory

2.) Jesus is GLORY and "we beheld His Glory". See, Jesus is Heaven's Hope for us all, sent from Heaven to The Cross.... so that by This Hope and this BREAD come down from Heaven, we might all receive this HOPE by FAITH... and become ... born again.

And what did this HOPE tell us all to do?

A.) "You must be born... again"... or you have no hope in this world and no Hope of receiving Eternal Life which is : Eternal Security.

How do you know if you have it?

This is how you know... = You have become "The Temple of the Hope... The Temple of the Holy Spirit", and "GOD is A Spirit", and "Christ is THAT Spirit".

And that SPIRIT is our Eternal Hope.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

its like this..

Since Jesus came out of the Tomb, BODILY, and not as "a spirit" as the LYING JW's Teach.... there are always doctrines, and devils, and the demonic.
And what Satan does, is counterfeit Truth and provide spirituality that seems "like Jesus". or seems "like Christianity".

Reader....The Devil does not come to you, as a red suited snake man, with a pitch fork.
In Fact, when dealing with Christians, he mainly comes as a person who talks "christianese" and teaches a blend, a hybrid type of... ONE THING..


See, the DEVIL hates The Cross, and He hates the Grace of God... so, He always teaches SALVATiON as The Cross + Something..

The Cross + your self effort.
The Cross + your commandment keeping
The Cross + water baptism

Its because once you add to the Cross, you deny it.

See, if the Devil can keep you from real Salvation, then he has you, because you'll go to Hell when you die.
And if you are saved and he can destroy your understanding of The Cross, and regarding God's Grace, then he has you.
He's ruined your Christianity because he has changed your discipleship into something that is Theologically False.

So, how to you spot a real teacher.????
Here is how.
Notice what they TEACH, and how it either offends the Cross of Christ.... or their teaching gives all Credit Due to Christ on the Cross, where Eternal Salvation was purchased by the Blood and Death of Jesus, and proven by His Resurrection.

Now see how i just described that?
If you are born again, you FELT THAT......because that is the Holy Spirit, and when the HS that is in you, gets around teaching that gives all Credit for Salvation to Jesus, alone, then the Holy Spirit confirms this in you, as a sort of energetic, or inner connecting with the Teacher's words.
See, when TRUTH goes in your ear gate or eye gate, the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Truth, confirms it in you.
You come ALIVE....
You get a Quickening...

But here is the downside.
When you are deceived, and fallen from Grace, then the Devil's lies, can give your FLESH a FEELING< and you'll think that's God.

Here is how to HEAR the difference....

A.) A real Teacher, will not try to associate doing works and keeping commandments and water baptism, as if these, are somehow equal to the Cross of Christ. Or what is worse...they WILL proclaim their literal equivalency as being a part of God's Salvation, as if the CROSS Of Christ is only a part of God's plan of eternal redemption.

Now, notice what im getting you to understand? ???? See how im taking you away from SELF effort, and performance, and commandments and water baptism... when i talk to you about Salvation?
That is what you must learn to Hear, so that when you are listening to some Pastor or Pope or Minister, talk about salvation and eternal life... you have to hear when they do not go directly to the Cross of Christ, and stay there.

And that is how you DISCERN, = false Teachers and Preachers and Pope's and ministers, as false devil led people, who preach, and teach, and have churches, YET.....never do they have the Cross of Christ as their CORE Belief System regarding their SALVATION Theology.

Who does?

GOD.. and JESUS.. and PAUL.... and all of the ministers who are real.