The reason that believers and fake believers, reject eternal security, is simply because they do not understand that Jesus is Salvation, and not their self effort.
So, its really just a matter of wrong belief, that is based on not comprehending that : Jesus is Salvation.
See, once you recognize that JESUS is Salvation, then you go to Him for it, and that ends, "enduring" and "water baptism" and "commandment keeping" and "law keeping" and "trying to imitate some idea you have of how to try to behave like Jesus" and all of this SELF EFFORT (LEGALISM)..... that has no means to deal with your SIN.
See, Salvation, is based on one thing only...
Has GOD dealt with all your sin, yet, or not? ?????????????????????
If He has then "God hath made Jesus to be SIN... for us'' .. because "Jesus is the one time ETERNAL sacrifice for SIN".
See, God was in the world 2000 yrs ago, as JESUS the Man, and He went to the Cross to deal with the sin of the world.
2 Corinthians 5:19 and John 3:17 and Romans 4:8
And, He did.
And every single person who will go to the Cross of Christ Believing in Jesus, .. God will receive your faith instantly.. and take that Blood and Death that Christ has offered as the one time ETERNAL Sacrifice for YOUR SIN... and apply it to you. = "SAVED".
And once that NEW COVENANT = BLOOD Atonement...... is applied to you, then your sin is now on JESUS and God's Righteousness has now become the "imputed righteousness of Christ".
You now become "THE... righteousness OF GOD.... in Christ"...
The "GIFT of Salvation" and "the Gift of Righteousness".
And now that ALL your sin is gone, you are then birthed by the Holy Spirit into GOD's Spirit, as "born... .again"... and that is described in the New Testament.... as being "IN Christ". and "Translated from darkness .. TO Light"..... Having become "one with GOD".
See all that?
You didnt do it...
God did it all for you, if you are born again...
And this SALVATiON that is God's SON Offered for your SIN...., once applied.... to you.... will be completed by GOD, just as it is begun by God, Himself.
Philippians 1:6
So, READER.... learn to believe all this, and you can have divine confidence that is REAL FAITH in CHRIST.
And to have that is to have : ETERNAL Security.
The reason that believers and fake believers, reject eternal security, is simply because they do not understand that Jesus is Salvation, and not their self effort.
So, its really just a matter of wrong belief, that is based on not comprehending that : Jesus is Salvation.
See, once you recognize that JESUS is Salvation, then you go to Him for it, and that ends, "enduring" and "water baptism" and "commandment keeping" and "law keeping" and "trying to imitate some idea you have of how to try to behave like Jesus" and all of this SELF EFFORT (LEGALISM)..... that has no means to deal with your SIN.
See, Salvation, is based on one thing only...
Has GOD dealt with all your sin, yet, or not? ?????????????????????
If He has then "God hath made Jesus to be SIN... for us'' .. because "Jesus is the one time ETERNAL sacrifice for SIN".
See, God was in the world 2000 yrs ago, as JESUS the Man, and He went to the Cross to deal with the sin of the world.
2 Corinthians 5:19 and John 3:17 and Romans 4:8
And, He did.
And every single person who will go to the Cross of Christ Believing in Jesus, .. God will receive your faith instantly.. and take that Blood and Death that Christ has offered as the one time ETERNAL Sacrifice for YOUR SIN... and apply it to you. = "SAVED".
And once that NEW COVENANT = BLOOD Atonement...... is applied to you, then your sin is now on JESUS and God's Righteousness has now become the "imputed righteousness of Christ".
You now become "THE... righteousness OF GOD.... in Christ"...
The "GIFT of Salvation" and "the Gift of Righteousness".
And now that ALL your sin is gone, you are then birthed by the Holy Spirit into GOD's Spirit, as "born... .again"... and that is described in the New Testament.... as being "IN Christ". and "Translated from darkness .. TO Light"..... Having become "one with GOD".
See all that?
You didnt do it...
God did it all for you, if you are born again...
And this SALVATiON that is God's SON Offered for your SIN...., once applied.... to you.... will be completed by GOD, just as it is begun by God, Himself.
Philippians 1:6
So, READER.... learn to believe all this, and you can have divine confidence that is REAL FAITH in CHRIST.
And to have that is to have : ETERNAL Security.
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