Faith-based tattoo: as a result of one, did you ever talk with someone? (Poll included)

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Faith-based tattoo: as a result of one, did you ever talk with someone?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
My oldest has a tattoo on his shoulder. It's the Tasmanian Devil. In one hand, he has a bloody axe. In the other, he is holding Bugs Bunny's head! His mother (rest her soul) was responsible for that. Took him for it when he was 15. Didn't tell me until after.
I don't think my other son has any, which is surprising. My daughter-in-law either just got one or is getting one. I don't see what all the fuss is about, but then again I'm old. I guess.
@Truman Well, I see....So were you surprised that your son's mother was so evidently keen for your son to be tattooed? :)

It used to be a man thing, decades ago, but it's now the case that in a family it's the womenfolk that will likely be as keen - or keener - than the menfolk to do it. (Including now your daughter in law, evidently.)

I saw these two quotes, one academic and the other from the Bible Belt:

An academic quote, from seanmcdowell dot org:

Nearly 4 in 10 Millennials have a tattoo, roughly 50% have 2 to 5 tattoos, and 18% have 6 or more.12 In her book GENERATION ME, sociologist Jean Twenge wrote, “Tattoos are a medium for self-expression and the communication of individuality. They fit the generational trend perfectly: they are outward expressions of the inner self. They allow you to be different and unique. It’s so important to be an individual, and to communicate that fact to others, that young people routinely tattoo it onto their skin.”

A quote from someone from the Bible Belt:

QueenCat said:
Around here (Bible Belt), it is common, especially among evangelical Christians, for the girls under about 40 to have religious tattoos. More do than don't, especially when you get to the under 30 crowd. I hardly know any female at church that is under 30 that does not have a tattoo.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I was a little surprised that she went ahead with it without talking to me, but whatcha gonna do?


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
That looks like my daughter's tat of Palms 23. Yea we only knew her from when my wife was in the sick.
@soul man Now that it can be done with such social confidence, small wonder that so many Christian young ppl get faith based tattoos from age 18 or so.

I guess, if the Christian young man or woman really seems keen to do it, Christian parental advice may well appropriately be: "Well, then, don't be shy...!" right?


Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
West Virginia
United States
"Fear no Evil" Psalms 23 is what i have. I have paranoid thoughts. Plus im a very logical person. I feel like I've faced many demons in my life, either manmade or otherwise. That have tested my faith. I technically wouldn't call myself Christian, but i believe in the Christian Creed and would call Christian Kin. The reason its so personal for me, is I have seen a Spiritual Face (only way i can describe it), and have felt the Fear of the Lord and was gifted wings by the holy spirit.

I also share a kindred with the Apostle Thomas. My name is Thomas, and my faith is grounded and what I've seen. Those are my wings. Thats how my faith started. Just like him, i didnt fully believe that God exists, and didnt think about him until I saw and expierenced something that is not possible.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
"Fear no Evil" Psalms 23 is what i have. I have paranoid thoughts. Plus im a very logical person. I feel like I've faced many demons in my life, either manmade or otherwise. That have tested my faith. I technically wouldn't call myself Christian, but i believe in the Christian Creed and would call Christian Kin. The reason its so personal for me, is I have seen a Spiritual Face (only way i can describe it), and have felt the Fear of the Lord and was gifted wings by the holy spirit.
@AceWestfall08 Well, Hebrews 12.2 exhorts readers to keep 'looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross...' It's so good to keep focused on Him and His work at the cross for sinners; it's easy to get distracted by feelings.

So you did include a verse quote in your tattoo.

So are you done inking now, or maybe you might have more in mind...? Faith based tattoo designs seem to have a proven record of causing faith discussions; all the young ppl with Bible verses tattooed that I have spoken with seem to have have them done as a witness tool.


Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
West Virginia
United States
@AceWestfall08 Well, Hebrews 12.2 exhorts readers to keep 'looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross...' It's so good to keep focused on Him and His work at the cross for sinners; it's easy to get distracted by feelings.

So you did include a verse quote in your tattoo.

So are you done inking now, or maybe you might have more in mind...? Faith based tattoo designs seem to have a proven record of causing faith discussions; all the young ppl with Bible verses tattooed that I have spoken with seem to have have them done as a witness tool.

I got 2 dragons, a wolf, an eagle, a lion, a cross that has angel wings, and "fear no evil -psalms 23". I might get a sparrow tattoo


Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
West Virginia
United States
I am well aware. I have studied Christianity and Gnosticism intensely the past 10 years. Its my main hobby.

When I felt the fear of the Lord, i felt terrified and i thought i was going to be smited by god on the spot and die, and then i felt this reassuring feeling and my mind took control of itself and these thoughts with an audible voice came "thomas you are the lonely sparrow, but i have given you wings, oh what mighty wings they are spread them and fly!"


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
I am well aware. I have studied Christianity and Gnosticism intensely the past 10 years. Its my main hobby.
@AceWestfall08 It's always good to approach Bible reading and study as a sinner in need of a Saviour: I love the fact that the Saviour is the central theme of all the Scriptures.

A lot of young ppl seem to use Scripture tattoos as one - among various - evangelistic tools. (Maybe you have met some of them?)


Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
West Virginia
United States
Don't Misquote me. I said I believe in God. My allegiances go with the force that "Swore by his great name, i was his".
He never told me his name, it might as well been Jesus. In my opinion its better that way, so I can come to him on a level basis and be real with him. I think its better than being a groupie.

....and I am aware of Abraham's Oath

16So because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to vomit you out of My mouth! 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have grown wealthy and need nothing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked. 18I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, white garments so that you may be clothed and your shameful nakedness not exposed, and salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see.…

Thats how I feel about the "Christian Jesus". I don't deny God. But i'm willing to buy. I know the story, inside and out.

Christian TV and the Evilangelists Disgust me. Its not personal to them.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Don't Misquote me. I said I believe in God. My allegiances go with the force that "Swore by his great name, i was his".
He never told me his name, it might as well been Jesus. In my opinion its better that way, so I can come to him on a level basis and be real with him. I think its better than being a groupie.

....and I am aware of Abraham's Oath
Well, the Name of the exalted One at the right Hand of the Father is indeed revealed... :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
@AceWestfall08 PS: My wife and I talked to a young lady with the whole of John 3.16 tattooed on her wrist area; it was her favorite verse and mine also; and I reckon it has led to a lot of other conversations also....Yours is a rib tattoo, right?