First step of everlasting life

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Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
Very much so, but we do not live to earn salvation, but because of salvation.

From my understanding, few will attain to salvation. We live because God gave us life, those of us who will live eternally is living exactly for the reason you state, because of salvation, that is given to those who receive it through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
Through you translations out and ask the Father f

thats what’s wrong today. Some say I see it this way or that way. Or you have your opinion and I have mine. This has so much division. Let’s let God be true and every man a liar!

Yes sir you are exactly correct Dan. That is where the divisions come from. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, because of free will. And no one can force anyone to believe, Christians are seed planters, as you know it is God who makes those seeds of truth root in a heart.

You stated fact, every man is a liar, I certainly am, and I work very hard not to. But the only think that it is impossible for God to do is lie, and what a blessing that is. I find it very sad when a Christian lies, some among us lie quite regularly. I guess that I am not partial to hypocrites. Serious liars need to change for sure, as God has reserved a spot for them in the lake of fire. Rev 21:8


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
God calls all Arm, it is so sad that the majority do not choose Him. I actually do not believe that the most hate God, I think they really deep down do not believe He exists. What responsible person would refuse everlasting life? People want to live, and so many give so much for just a few more moments of possible life, so what sane person would turn down everlasting life for so little that Jehovah requires? The only possible reason is that people honestly do not believe it can happen.
You are unfortunately for all too close to where I am on this. I say unfortunately because of what it means to those who spend time going through whatever rituals they do without ever pressing in to get at least an idea of what God really has for them and even as you say, that He might really exist.

I am 77 now. When I was 6 years I remember being baptized in water in a Catholic mission church in California. I knew little or nothing really of God at that time but in the experience to this day I remember that I for the first time definitely in my life believed that God existed. Lots of ups and downs and ins and outs in lots of places over the years since then... but in the worst of my times [and some were very bad] that first encounter with God has never left me and God has kept me back many times from going from very bad places into a worse ones.

Much this occurred during the years when I was a 'back slid' Catholic from 1961 [high school graduation] until 1976 [when I really met the Lord] and began for real a journey with Him and toward Him that continues today.

How can people disbelieve in God when they have heard so much from parents, friends, ministers, etc.? That is the nature of the beast in men all by themselves. The parents, friends and ministers may or may not have had something from God, but it was not visible to so many. Their eyes were distracted.

Men need help, but they get involved in the things of the world that they love for the moment really more than anything else. They do not want to admit to the possibility of God because to them that means [they think it means] they would have to give up all of the good 'fun' they are having if they were to choose to serve God. They really do not have a clue as to what Reality is.

They live in a world of death and dreams, which will come to a final end when their allotted time here is done and there is no more Hope. Is even the 'fun' of the moment worth it? They have convinced themselves that it is and along with that, that there is nothing else better [no God!].

Help us all dear Lord!

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
John 17:3 offers us the first step of everlasting life, for it we must come to know God and His son Jesus.

How do we come to know them? Clearly the best way is to study the word of God in His Holy Bible that was given to us. It is the only book that was inspired by Him.

What can we expect to learn from the Bible? The Bible answers these important questions: How did life begin? Why are we here? Why do innocent people suffer? What happens when a person dies? If everyone wants peace, why is there so much war? What will happen to the earth in the future? The Bible encourages us to seek answers to such questions, and millions have found its answers very satisfying.

The first step is to become a child of God by trusting in the death and resurrection of jesus as the full payment for your sins. All the rest will follow in due course if you walk in obedience (not perfection but obedience)

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
You are unfortunately for all too close to where I am on this. I say unfortunately because of what it means to those who spend time going through whatever rituals they do without ever pressing in to get at least an idea of what God really has for them and even as you say, that He might really exist.

I am 77 now. When I was 6 years I remember being baptized in water in a Catholic mission church in California. I knew little or nothing really of God at that time but in the experience to this day I remember that I for the first time definitely in my life believed that God existed. Lots of ups and downs and ins and outs in lots of places over the years since then... but in the worst of my times [and some were very bad] that first encounter with God has never left me and God has kept me back many times from going from very bad places into a worse ones.

Much this occurred during the years when I was a 'back slid' Catholic from 1961 [high school graduation] until 1976 [when I really met the Lord] and began for real a journey with Him and toward Him that continues today.

How can people disbelieve in God when they have heard so much from parents, friends, ministers, etc.? That is the nature of the beast in men all by themselves. The parents, friends and ministers may or may not have had something from God, but it was not visible to so many. Their eyes were distracted.

Men need help, but they get involved in the things of the world that they love for the moment really more than anything else. They do not want to admit to the possibility of God because to them that means [they think it means] they would have to give up all of the good 'fun' they are having if they were to choose to serve God. They really do not have a clue as to what Reality is.

They live in a world of death and dreams, which will come to a final end when their allotted time here is done and there is no more Hope. Is even the 'fun' of the moment worth it? They have convinced themselves that it is and along with that, that there is nothing else better [no God!].

Help us all dear Lord!

Yes sir, my service to God has been very comparable. I wonder that as well, your post reminded me of Romans 1:20 that even if we had never been taught about Him, how His very creation should reveal His existence to us. I know so many do not know Him, and it is hard to accept that upon the return of Jesus that those who do not know God will be destroyed Thes 1:6-9 But I do fully realize that for nearly 2000 yrs now, and especially in these last days that God has seen to it that the good news of the Kingdom has been preached to the ends of the earth giving everyone the opportunity to come to know Him. No doubt soon Mat 24:14 will be fulfilled.

Fantastic on your age sir, I am 67, hang in there you definitely seem to be in great shape mentally. Live well and prosper as Spock would say.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Yes sir, my service to God has been very comparable. I wonder that as well, your post reminded me of Romans 1:20 that even if we had never been taught about Him, how His very creation should reveal His existence to us. I know so many do not know Him, and it is hard to accept that upon the return of Jesus that those who do not know God will be destroyed Thes 1:6-9 But I do fully realize that for nearly 2000 yrs now, and especially in these last days that God has seen to it that the good news of the Kingdom has been preached to the ends of the earth giving everyone the opportunity to come to know Him. No doubt soon Mat 24:14 will be fulfilled.
All we really need to do is get on God's side and stay there. Sounds simple doesn't it? People make it complicated:

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matt 11:28-30

Fantastic on your age sir, I am 67, hang in there you definitely seem to be in great shape mentally. Live well and prosper as Spock would say.
I know that God is still using me. I stay alert to the things of God by reading, praying, and interacting on forums like this. Before this Covid lockdown thing started I was visiting offline churches regularly as my own home 'church' had fallen apart. Now it is unlikely I will ever have another 'home' church' again, but the Internet has kept me connected.

My mind on the secular side started failing me years ago. Fortunately my wife [49 years next month] has always been here to support me on those things. I was always naive about a lot of things, whereas she had a sharp discernment about things even before we started serving God together.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
The first step is to become a child of God by trusting in the death and resurrection of jesus as the full payment for your sins. All the rest will follow in due course if you walk in obedience (not perfection but obedience)

Hi Ron, of course that is way down the line from first hearing about God sir. No doubt it is an early step of learning about God and Jesus. I think since so many can quote it, very early on most learn John 3:16, and recall learning it very early in their becoming a Christian.
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Daniel Veler

Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
Gulf port
United States
Matt 24:13- But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

And what you're in effect saying is we don't need BIBLES anymore...Just sad.
You have missed my point. I didn’t say that. All I wanted you to see all understanding comes from the Lord. A lost person who reads the Bible has no understanding. He uses human reasoning to satisfy his understanding. A saved person will be directed by the Holy Spirit.

soul man

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
United States
John 17:3 offers us the first step of everlasting life, for it we must come to know God and His son Jesus.

How do we come to know them? Clearly the best way is to study the word of God in His Holy Bible that was given to us. It is the only book that was inspired by Him.

What can we expect to learn from the Bible? The Bible answers these important questions: How did life begin? Why are we here? Why do innocent people suffer? What happens when a person dies? If everyone wants peace, why is there so much war? What will happen to the earth in the future? The Bible encourages us to seek answers to such questions, and millions have found its answers very satisfying.

Nice word Robert.

soul man

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
United States
Just wondering how did the earlier Christians come to know eternal life? Seeing they didn’t have bibles as we do today. Not to mention most didn’t even know how to read.

Good question - I would answer they probably didn't know. Not in the since of actually reading it. Not until Paul do we get answers because of his revelation to Penn God's ultimate plan. Paul deals with every aspect of 'the reason for all things'. Also Jesus talked about living forever and being eternal life but I don't know if they could really grasp the true meaning and what God was doing in and through creation. Just some thoughts.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
All we really need to do is get on God's side and stay there. Sounds simple doesn't it? People make it complicated:

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matt 11:28-30

I know that God is still using me. I stay alert to the things of God by reading, praying, and interacting on forums like this. Before this Covid lockdown thing started I was visiting offline churches regularly as my own home 'church' had fallen apart. Now it is unlikely I will ever have another 'home' church' again, but the Internet has kept me connected.

My mind on the secular side started failing me years ago. Fortunately my wife [49 years next month] has always been here to support me on those things. I was always naive about a lot of things, whereas she had a sharp discernment about things even before we started serving God together.

What is your take on Hebrews 10:24,25 Arm?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
What is your take on Hebrews 10:24,25 Arm?
I don't understand what you mean by the word or abbreviation, "Arm"?

But to the verses:

"And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Heb. 10:24-25

Most of my natural life I have been attending and belonging to [in a measure] one assembly or the other. There were two important exceptions prior to the present time.

As a very young Catholic (baptized at age 6) my older brother would take me with him to mass. No one else in our home attended anywhere in those days. When he pulled away from the CC [Catholic Church] and from me at the end of elementary school and into his high school, I plunged on alone. I was devout and sincere knowing mostly what God put in my heart. The nuns helped and one or two priests helped... but most of the time it was between me and God only. I was in submission as much as I was able at the time, but who knew that those words written in those verses of Hebrews even existed? Not me!

Growing in the Lord over the years from 1976 when as a type of Protestant I began reading the Bible and serving God for real, [or so I was thinking at the time] attending every service and prayer meeting held with the brethren was a given. I did not understand much as the Bible was a new thing to me but I followed the lead of one brother not in our assembly and primarily the pastor who I at first thought was like God himself. [I was very wrong about him, but that is another story.]

With my secular job we moved several times over the years and went through 7 pastors, but I was always there, assembling together, aside from the two exceptions I mentioned above. During the time of the 7th pastor, something that had been building in me came to the full and finally out of there I went when my mother died in 2006. Only one pastor after that, the 8th, and in many ways the best. He had [and has] a heart for God like probably no one else I have known. Now when he was put out of his assembly at the end of 2018, I followed [or went with] him.

Each Wednesday I gather together with that final old pastor alone for Bible study and prayer. He is beloved in many places, but seemingly not so much in Nazareth, even though his little mobile home sits immediately behind the church building. He is just short of 96 years old, a widower of more than 8 years, but there we are gathered together in His Name in our weekly meeting!

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matt 18:20

I would still attend a place where more of God's people met I guess if God were to lead me there, but with the lockdown situation and my wife's dependence on me and my old pastor's dependence on me and my own physical diminishing, it has not been happening.

When I was young I did not preach or teach [except for one wonderful Sunday School period with the preschoolers], but in those years before God called me out of that last assembly I was doing both more and more frequently.

Give God the glory!
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Daniel Veler

Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
Gulf port
United States
The Second Mystery - Eternal Life

If you come to understand this mystery you will be able to understand a lot of the parables. Ask God for understanding.

Most people believe in an afterlife. They define eternal life as something we come into after death. They believe that the eternal life that Christ spoke about meant in everlasting life in heaven. With this type of reasoning, they will never understand what it is nor be grounded in hope. By not understanding eternal life you will never have the assurance of salvation. You will go through life hoping that when you die you will go to heaven. This is not hope. If you believe Eternal life is to live forever, you have missed the mark through your human reasoning. Eternal life isn’t something you come into after death. But something you come into before death. Human reasoning is what deceives people. Whether you do it yourself for except others who teach this false doctrine.

What they haven’t considered is everyone lives forever. If your lost – you go to the Lake of Fire throughout all eternity and if your saved you go to Heaven. In either place you live forever. The definition of Eternal life is not defined as to live forever. Those that believe and teach such things do so much damage. They hide the truth that gives us the assurance of salvation and by doing so send so many people to hell.

Scholars such as John H. Leith assert that eternal life is never described in detail in the New Testament, although assurances are provided that the faithful will receive it. Suggesting that we will receive it after death. This is his human reasoning. A lot of people believe what he said.

Here is his quote:

Reference: Basic Christian doctrine by John H. Leith 1993 page 296

“Scholars such as John H. Leith assert that eternal life is never described in detail in the New Testament, although assurances are provided that the faithful will receive it.”

D. A. Carson suggest that eternal life is explicitly defined in John. This is the quote he used for his reasoning.

John 17:3

“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”

Carson explains this verse to mean, “Eternal life turns on nothing more and nothing less than knowledge of the true God.” Carson fell short of his understanding, through his human reasoning, which built the foundation of a lie. The devils acknowledge God but are condemned. He was saying eternal life was by acknowledgment only. This verse is meant to be a personal knowledge given only by God. It is not an acknowledgment of the Everlasting One.

John 17:3 does tell us the definition of eternal life but Carson, like Judas didn’t understand what he was told, in Carson’s case he didn’t understand what he read. There is no justification for ignorance, seeing it is God who gives us understanding. Having knowledge of something does mean you understand.

You might ask; Why haven’t they understood? The reason being is because they haven’t asked God for understanding. By receiving understanding from God verifies He is in us, which is the definition of eternal life.

Here is the definition of eternal life.

John 17:1-3

“These words spoke Christ, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, FATHER, the hour is come; glorify your Son, that your Son also may glorify you: As you have given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as you have given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”

D. A. Carson said that acknowledgment was the only requirement. This is where his human reasoning came in. But did you notice the definition? It is to know the Father and the Son, our Savior. This is speaking of a personal relationship with them not the knowledge of Him only. Many are taught today that there is a God and that His Son came and died for our sin. But they have not understood. Carson believed if you accept that there is a God and His Son that is all you need to be saved. James wrote that the devils believe in God but are not going to be saved.

Acknowledgement alone is not enough.

Now when Judas had heard these words, he didn’t understand how they would come to know the Father and Christ, but the rest of the world would not. Also know this judas was not Iscariot, the one that betrayed Christ but the other Judas.

So, Judas asked Christ to explain it.

John 14:22

“Judas said to him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not unto the world?”

Christ explains to him how this relationship would be made possible as it is written in John 14.

John 14:23

“Christ answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my FATHER will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode (meaning home) with him.”

And in another place it is written this way:

John 14:21

“He that have my commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest (meaning to make known) myself to him.”

John also speaks of the promise of eternal life and when we actually come into the promise.

1 John 2:24-25

“Let that therefore abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning. If that which you have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, you also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. And this is the promise that he hath promised us, eternal life.”

Those who believe that eternal life is to live forever or it is something we come into at Christ’s second coming or receive it through acknowledgment alone will never understand the words of Christ when he says:

Matthew 7:23

“depart from me I never knew you.”

Our Savior gives us a clear understanding of eternal life, by explaining exactly what it is and when we receive it. D.A Carson quote John 17 but failed to see the understanding. Both D. A. Carson and John H. Leith uses their human reasoning for their explanations.

The Apostle John tells us that if we continue to trust what we have received, we will have a personal relationship with the Father and the Son which is the promise made by God and define as eternal life.

The conclusion of the matter is this: When people speak of eternal life as living forever or what we receive when we get to heaven have used human reasoning for their understanding. It is not achieved through the acknowledgment that there is a God or his Son. The damage they cause with their ignorance is this; They hide the truth, keeping those from the assurance of salvation. Many don’t understand that the personal relationship is their assurance and a gift in receiving God’s righteousness.

Son, no one will live forever, in heaven, if they don’t possess eternal life before they die. Without eternal life they will hear the words from Christ when he says:

Matthew 7:23

“depart from me, I never knew you.”

Remember many are called but few are chosen.

How is this personal relationship made possible? It is through the Holy Spirit given to us.

Listen to Christ:

John 14:25-26

“These things have I spoken unto you, being yet with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the FATHER will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”

How do we know for sure that we know the Father and his Son?

The Apostle said this:

1 John 2:4 (jnt)

“And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keeps not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”

The process is this: The Father sent his Son into the world, to speak the words of truth. All those whom the Father calls comes to believe and put their trust in Him.

As Christ said:

John 6:44-45

“No one can come to me unless my Father, the one who sent me, draw him. As it is written in the prophets, They will all be taught by God. Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from Him comes to me.”

Those whom the Father has revealed these trues too are never left in doubt or confusion.

Now you can understand the words:

Matthew 7:23

“depart from me I never knew you.”

To know the Father and His Son is eternal life.

If you don’t have the personal relationship while alive you will not receive it after death.

Daniel Veler

Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
Gulf port
United States
Good question - I would answer they probably didn't know. Not in the since of actually reading it. Not until Paul do we get answers because of his revelation to Penn God's ultimate plan. Paul deals with every aspect of 'the reason for all things'. Also Jesus talked about living forever and being eternal life but I don't know if they could really grasp the true meaning and what God was doing in and through creation. Just some thoughts.
It was word of mouth. That’s what you call the good news or the gospel. Paul was not the only one that spoke of it. Judas asks Christ how was he going to make himself know unto them but to the lost they’d not understand. Christ told Judas those that love me and keep my commands my Father and I will make our abode with you.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
I don't understand what you mean by the word or abbreviation, "Arm"?

But to the verses:

"And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Heb. 10:24-25

Most of my natural life I have been attending and belonging to [in a measure] one assembly or the other. There were two important exceptions prior to the present time.

As a very young Catholic (baptized at age 6) my older brother would take me with him to mass. No one else in our home attended anywhere in those days. When he pulled away from the CC [Catholic Church] and from me at the end of elementary school and into his high school, I plunged on alone. I was devout and sincere knowing mostly what God put in my heart. The nuns helped and one or two priests helped... but most of the time it was between me and God only. I was in submission as much as I was able at the time, but who knew that those words written in those verses of Hebrews even existed? Not me!

Growing in the Lord over the years from 1976 when as a type of Protestant I began reading the Bible and serving God for real, [or so I was thinking at the time] attending every service and prayer meeting held with the brethren was a given. I did not understand much as the Bible was a new thing to me but I followed the lead of one brother not in our assembly and primarily the pastor who I at first thought was like God himself. [I was very wrong about him, but that is another story.]

With my secular job we moved several times over the years and went through 7 pastors, but I was always there, assembling together, aside from the two exceptions I mentioned above. During the time of the 7th pastor, something that had been building in me came to the full and finally out of there I went when my mother died in 2006. Only one pastor after that, the 8th, and in many ways the best. He had [and has] a heart for God like probably no one else I have known. Now when he was put out of his assembly at the end of 2018, I followed [or went with] him.

Each Wednesday I gather together with that final old pastor alone for Bible study and prayer. He is beloved in many places, but seemingly not so much in Nazareth, even though his little mobile home sits immediately behind the church building. He is just short of 96 years old, a widower of more than 8 years, but there we are gathered together in His Name in our weekly meeting!

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matt 18:20

I would still attend a place where more of God's people met I guess if God were to lead me there, but with the lockdown situation and my wife's dependence on me and my old pastor's dependence on me and my own physical diminishing, it has not been happening.

When I was young I did not preach or teach [except for one wonderful Sunday School period with the preschoolers], but in those years before God called me out of that last assembly I was doing both more and more frequently.

Give God the glory!
I am a bit of an idiot Amadeus, I was reading it as Armadeus, I did notice it when I abbreviated your name or handle, but I thought I had called you that before sir, sorry if it offended.

I am kind of gathering that you believe it not necessary to congregate, or that a congregation is not needed in order to serve God, is that an accurate appraisal?

No doubt you believe that God exists, do you believe that He has a group(s) of people that He claims as His followers?
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soul man

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
United States
As a very young Catholic (baptized at age 6) my older brother would take me with him to mass. No one else in our home attended anywhere in those days. When he pulled away from the CC [Catholic Church]

Enjoyed your testimony. I like the days when you just feel like talking about where life has taken you. To me it just feels like you get to tell where the lord has brought you. So your in Oklahoma but not from here? Was I reading right. I'm originally from here but raised in California and in Oklahoma as a child. Grapes of wrath haha or like the old song "I been everywhere man" :)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I am a bit of an idiot Amadeus, I was reading it as Armadeus, I did notice it when I abbreviated your name or handle, but I thought I had called you that before sir, sorry if it offended.

I am kind of gathering that you believe it not necessary to congregate, or that a congregation is not needed in order to serve God, is that an accurate appraisal?

No doubt you believe that God exists, do you believe that He has a group(s) of people that He claims as His followers?
No offence taken on the name. I simply did not make the connection...

My name, Amadeus, is a leftover from my Catholic days. When it was time for my confirmation in the Catholic Church [10 years old?] one of the nuns had a book of names to help us choose for ourselves a confirmation name. I chose that one which is Latin for "love God". For years I never used it for anything. Then about 20 years ago when I started getting into Christian Forums on the Internet, it seemed OK. [My name given by my parents is 'Johnny' although many call me 'John'.]

Unnecessary to congregate? No, on the other hand, I believe it is essential but what I would call congregating might not equal the ideas of others. Until shut out by those who turned out my pastor I was in that place and would have stayed there if he had. That is a rather complicated story I won't relate at the moment.

In every assembly where I have been a regular member I have encountered some who now looking back I see now as members or His Body or who I would expect that they will become members of His Body. In that last assembly many people called themselves the Body of Christ. That was one thing I could not do and which disturbed me at times while I was there.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Enjoyed your testimony. I like the days when you just feel like talking about where life has taken you. To me it just feels like you get to tell where the lord has brought you. So your in Oklahoma but not from here? Was I reading right. I'm originally from here but raised in California and in Oklahoma as a child. Grapes of wrath haha or like the old song "I been everywhere man" :)
I was born in Oklahoma in 1943. When my father [a life-long Pentecostal] was sent to Japan as part of the U.S. military occupation there, my mother took me and my brother to California and married a Portuguese Catholic. All of my mother's side of the family came to California also in the 1940's. My father remained with his side of the family in Oklahoma until his death.

We grew up in California attending school there. I graduated from San Jose College [now University]. I finally got a job transfer first to Wyoming [1985] and then finally to Oklahoma in 1987. The kids are long since grown up now with grandchildren of their own. Our 2nd great grandchild is now 8 months old... What mighty God we serve!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
We can only know the father thru the Son

Luke 10:22 All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him.
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