Get Back into the Light

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The "falling from Grace" ... stronghold, is not complex to understand.

Its this..

Paul teaching....

"who has Bewitched you, that you no longer obey THE TRUTH".
Galatians 3:1

Now Look at how Paul explains "falling from Grace" in the literal sense that happens to born again Christians.

"3 : Are ye so foolish?... having begun in the Spirit, that you now believe that ye are made perfect >BY<= the flesh??

So, let me explain this....

"having begun, =(Born again).... IN the Spirit"..... also means, that you spiritually understood, at one time, at one point, that you had been SAVED...
See that?
Jesus saves........Who? = All the Saved. The Born again.

That is God doing something for you... = "The Gift of Salvation".
He was BIRTHING YOU, and did.. He was forgiving your sin, and did..... and He was taking you into His family, and you are.
And that was accomplished not by you being good or by enduring, but because Christ's Blood and The Cross, and your new birth, accomplished your Salvation once and for all.

See, Salvation is what you HAVE become, because it possess you.
Christ's sacrifice is a Spiritual Seed, that has Birthed you as a "new Creation" within God's Spirit , and within God's Spiritual Kingdom.
Saint-, you are born again INTO that eternal spiritual place.
God caused this to happen to you, THROUGH your Faith. = born again.
You are BLOOD Bought with a price, that is the seed of your redemption.
You are not just adopted, you are a spiritual harvest that was created by the seed of the word who is Jesus the WORD, who has Holy Spirit birthed you as an incorruptible spiritual eternal fruit that is : born again.

You have become, "the Righteousness of God in Christ", as your born again ETERNAL LIFE.
You became a "new creation"...>LITERALLY, through the Spiritual NEW BIRTH. (born again).

However, at some point, many of you didnt remain in RIGHT BELIEVING regarding how this happened and why, and you became "FOOLISH", or Paul teaches in Galatians 3. and you are "fallen from Grace".

"who has BEWITCHED You"......Paul says. WHO ???, what deceiver has corrupted your Right Believing and has led you into "FOOLISH" believing, into, WRONG Believing that is DECEPTION.
And then Paul explains your deception......
3 """" ye are now made perfect by the flesh""" ??????????
Now, Paul is not teaching that you are made perfect by the "flesh", or by Works. He is explaining that you have now a darkened (blinded) mind that is self righteous, that is now a wrong faith, that is all about SELF EFFORT..... to be "perfect", by= "flesh". (Trying to keep yourself saved).

Saint, to be fallen from Grace is to be back into the "flesh"....the carnal mind.
"Flesh", is works.. Law keeping, Enduring. SELF EFFORT in PLACE of GOD's GRACE.
So, that place, is a mental place, its a BELIEF that is "foolish", that is "FLESH"< that is Self righteousness, mind BLINDED = wrong believing that has replaced "the TRUTH"".

Paul says, "that you no longer OBEY (believe) THE TRUTH."

See that?

THAT is the Stronghold.
That is "falling from Grace".
That is a born again Christian committing that "foolish" CARNALITY.

Its to be "foolish"
Its to be "bewitched by a person who is a DECEIVER".....and that is teacher, a pope, a minister, a family member, who has led you astray, and out of Right Believing.

How do you know if you are that person?

You will think and believe that you can lose your salvation.
You will think that you can sin more than God's Grace can redeem.
You will think that you have to confess to be re-accepted, or confess and repent so that God's takes you back, or keeps you at all.
If you are really darkened, you will think that when you sin, you lose your salvation, and to get it back you confess your sin.

You will read this verse....>"where sin abounds GRACE MORE ABOUNDS", and have no clue as to WHY that is,... or WHO that is regarding.

You will read Romans 4:8 ... that tells you that God does not impute/charge sin to a Born Again Christian, and you will think that this verse is crazy, or wrong, etc.

So, what is a spiritual Thread like this, offering you?
What am i doing here?

Its offering you the way out of (foolish and deceived) Self Righteousness and back into God's Righteousness, as RIGHT BELIEVING.
Its offering you the Light so that you can see yourself, and turn from the darkness and get back into the LIGHT....of Right Believing.

And why does this matter so very much?

Well, #1, is that you are not obeying the Truth.
And that is more than just being theologically misguided and foolish.
This means that you are not obeying JESUS, who IS THE Truth. John 14:6
And thats a big problem to have, as a born again believer.
Wouldn't you agree?

Understand.....when you are not living within God's righteousness as Right Believing, you are actually against it.
And when you live there as your darkened faith, you are a Galatians 1:8 as your faith and as your LIFE if you are teaching against God's Grace by twisting it into "foolish" "Flesh", = works for salvation.. Works to stay saved.
And in this deceived spiritual place, you will have no power to live holy, you will have a darkened spirituality, and you will be often found in life and on Forums as a person who is harming or trying to harm Real Believers with the same deception that has deceived you.
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