Hamas has attacked Israel with 5000 rockets, 100 dead Israelis. Israel and Hamas now at war

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States

The ANTIFA in this country also are NAZI in their methods and in their support of Jihadist extremist HAMAS
Scott, do you know of the history of Hamas? How this organization was created? And who funded them and still funds them today? You might be amazed. It might even alter your views, even if slightly.
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Aug 22, 2023
United States

The ANTIFA in this country also are NAZI in their methods and in their support of Jihadist extremist HAMAS

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Real truth is far different from sympathetic article writers.
HAMAS cares zero for the Palestinian people's welfare.
And have no desire to govern Gaza, just want perpetual war.

Exposed: Top 3 Hamas Leaders Worth a Combined $11 Billion, Enjoy Lavish Lifestyles in Qatar​



Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
You can't pull them from the fire!
Only God can.


What part of their forewarning escapes you? :(
We can try.

Jude 1:22
22 And on some have compassion, making a distinction;
23 but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire,


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Why does Arny support the Socialist Democrat Party then ? Arny He is a simpleton ! and a great Dolt ! big screen moron wind bag. even his old man was a Nazi i think.
Not many Jews were Gassed as they claim or peddle such a outright lie, it's been proven that such could not be done like they claim, but it's a good story line to peddle that all of them went to the Gas chambers.
Sadly such people do not have much regard for the truth or being too serious regarding such subjects.
Peddling a story line is all they have regard for, typical of the Media tho. playing the game of selling a product and keeping the small print out of the issue.
Look at the attack on the Jews now ! the MSM have support for such total morons who attacked Israel ! and claim look regarding the children and women 24/7 but hey ! They brought it on ! You can not blame the Jews for what they do now at all, did the Islamic Mob not think of that beforehand ? yes they did in fact, but could not care less ! they are clearly happy to use such as a weapon in their games, thinking that the West will fall for such ? Islamic Mobs like that have always worked such out right dog cunning and the MSM are guilty as hell in promoting such tactics.
I know people in the SAS and they know all of such tactics that such mongrels use, every dirty trick in the book and our Media help to promote such Terrorist and we can see the works the Media use to destroy and undermine our own Nations, for they are of Satan and the enemy of Christ Jesus in fact, as were do you see the Media support for Christianity ! They don't at all ! Clearly It's all geared against Christ Jesus in fact.
The people i know in the SAS and defense force are not impressed with our dogs at the very top of our military and Government for they are just like spastics, corrupt as hell with no fortitude and Soul less queers. who openly say that they hate Australian men in the ADF and this Mob are that pathetic that they adopted Political Correctness into the ADF above all ! that's the Cancer that has undermined the ADF and the Police Service as well, for they have made such a outright joke ! that it's so depressing to become a Slave to such Marxist Satanic tactics that you can not truly function in the Service as a human, but only as a robot ! a typical Socialist mantra that progresses to full blown Cancer like Nazi Germany was and any Communist State. For such as they promote the lowest of the low in fact, that's their Mantra in fact and to drag everyone down to their level in fact where everyone is equal nothings !
You REALLY should reconsider before fighting against the God of Israel, Jesus! Almost forgot, you said "I am Israel". But you ain't Israel.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Real truth is far different from sympathetic article writers.
HAMAS cares zero for the Palestinian people's welfare.
And have no desire to govern Gaza, just want perpetual war.

Exposed: Top 3 Hamas Leaders Worth a Combined $11 Billion, Enjoy Lavish Lifestyles in Qatar​


Why don't you go to the heart of the truth and stop skirting around with 'sanitized truth.' ..get into the water and get a little wet....

Yes, these sources of dry, robotic meaningless lists of facts that your side-kick presented is true for what it is worth, not much. And also misleading at the same time. They lack the all important unbiased perspective and context and meaning of the matter...Britannica.com for the truth...give me a break.. These sources will never get to the truth of the matter. And it seems you know this already as you are happy to not go any further to search for the truth as well as your side-kick I imagine..

Ron Paul for example gets to the meat of it as he did in 2009 and says the same today....this very short video spells it out for you clearly....that Hamas was created under deceptive conditions/ measures by the Israelis and the US to cause the Palestinians to be at odds with each other, at each others throats, with the PLO at that time, as a counter-balance. The aim was to cause internal friction and hopefully civic war with the Palestinian people, to kill off more of its people in the process and it backfired....

Israel and US created and sustained the Hamas org. and still do today. They fund and converse with them all the time, I would say daily.....now Britannia.com won't tell you all this now will it?

View the 3-min clip ...

Don't you know by now that what the Zionists in the State of Israel want of you, and the US, it's always given them and more, of money, resources and eventually American blood...there are many Zionists of power and influence in this country....and they do not care about America and its Constitution...you already know this right....?

This deadly and evil cycle must stop, now! It's literally killing this country and tearing it apart. Start by voting NO for aid to the State of Israel and let them fend for themselves for a change. Then this Z-cancer in this country at least, can be arrested and the much needed healing begin....


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Israel is back to stay. All Israel haters will soon be history.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Israel is back to stay. All Israel haters will soon be history.
Have you looked in your personal mirror lately. Have you looked at yourself and recalled all those shallow words you have posted lately. They say all the same thing, basically.

Those quick to call people haters are usually the ones who hate themselves...I would consider this seriously before you get another natural urge shoot from the hip again.

Now you could be a Z-troll after all...?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Have you looked in your personal mirror lately. Have you looked at yourself and recalled all those shallow words you have posted lately. They say all the same thing, basically.

Those quick to call people haters are usually the ones who hate themselves...I would consider this seriously before you get another natural urge shoot from the hip again.

Now you could be a Z-troll after all...?
Israel is mentioned over 2500 times in the Christian Bible. I LOVE Israel! I'm just trying to pull the Israel haters from the everlasting fire. Troll? Do you have a mirror? I love the God of Israel, the God of Christians! Israel is back to stay!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Israel is mentioned over 2500 times in the Christian Bible. I LOVE Israel! I'm just trying to pull the Israel haters from the everlasting fire. Troll? Do you have a mirror? I love the God of Israel, the God of Christians! Israel is back to stay!
And you cannot distinguish between the national physical Judahites and Israel of the OT from the spiritual Israel of the NT I see. As a believer and a student of scripture I would think this would be automatic, spiritually led in their distinction. One is now gone and the other still growing as the Body of Christ. You know in Rev 7 it speaks to the still growing spiritual Israel of all nationalities and languages, and not of any national bygone age national Israel.

You say you love Israel. So, as a true believer in the lord and Savior, then you must mean ONLY the Body of Christ is Israel, as there is no other Israel today and tomorrow as scripture clearly states.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
And you cannot distinguish between the national physical Judahites and Israel of the OT from the spiritual Israel of the NT I see. As a believer and a student of scripture I would think this would be automatic, spiritually led in their distinction. One is now gone and the other still growing as the Body of Christ. You know in Rev 7 it speaks to the still growing spiritual Israel of all nationalities and languages, and not of any national bygone age national Israel.

You say you love Israel. So, as a true believer in the lord and Savior, then you must mean ONLY the Body of Christ is Israel, as there is no other Israel today and tomorrow as scripture clearly states.
The Christian church is not Israel.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
The Christian church is not Israel.
It is for Replacement theology proponents and/or Christian Identity members.

The CI doctrine says Jesus was white. God is white. So too was Adam. Adamic people=white people.



Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Holocaust deniers. I was wondering when that bunch would show up.
Why do you say that i am a Holocaust denier ? fact is i am not such at all, but i do not swallow everything i hear from morons, like the majority of people are in fact on the issue, why are they like that ? because they are ignorant and just going along with the flow of typical simpletons, just to make out they are united with the conditioning of this world, just the same type of foolish people like the Nazi were in fact, for they were duped to just go along with the flow ? under stand that ! They like the majority of people in the world have no true regard to stand up and expose this world that is full of deceptions and delusions in fact.

I am a Jew ! I lived with the story's regarding us being Jews from as early as i can remember and i have way more regard for the subject than anyone i have ever met in fact, i have looked into it all my whole life and to have half baked dilettantes make childish claims, that sound good in their intent, but such fails in regards to reality, for they are conditioned in fact to play along with the Conditioning just like the Nazis were cursed with such conditioning and that is all that it is ! You Fail totally for you live a lie.

The Gas chambers has been overly done in playing the people for fools ! sure they were Gassed in fact but it was found to be useless and abandoned because such was to dangerous regarding the Toxic nature of doing such in fact, They set up a reconstruction of such some years ago and found such could never of killed as many as claimed ever. But Satanist never let a good story line go to wast ?

I am not rejecting the Gas Chambers at all, but just saying that such is way over played, it serves as a good tactic but regarding the truth it falls short if one takes such things seriously in fact !
Everything must be questioned if one is serious about History and people who play games with the truth are not worthy, for they feed ignorance and if History is taken seriously then the future is in good hands in fact !

If you understand that the Nazis were trying to improve the way of killing such people all the time you will know that they progressed along with such different ways, because such was also effecting the Germans badly mental health in fact. so they moved on to other ways of doing things in fact.

I did not take the COVID Jab because i know the in depth workings of such people, i do not trust the Governments much at all before COVID and i sure as hell don't trust them now at all in fact, such was just right out of the Nazi Book and played people for total moronic fools in fact, what they have in store for the masses down the track look horrific, but the masses are total ignorant pathetic that such is a total disgrace, for they will walk as directly on the Train's to their death's, easy as it was for the Jews back in the days in fact.

Not to mention i do not support the word Holocaust in WW2 for such is an insult !
A Holocaust means A burnt offering in fact and as such this truly means that one who says it was a Holocaust is truly saying that they are on par with Serving such a god in fact ! So one is going to Hell for saying that such was a Holocaust (Burnt offering) because you are saying such was a burnt offering to your god in fact ! One is guilty of giving such a regard to it ! so one is going to Hell for supporting that god ! for you are a Anti-Christ in fact !

It was Genocide in fact and a creation of the so called Zionist and Rothschild and Co made it happen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Why do you say that i am a Holocaust denier ? fact is i am not such at all, but i do not swallow everything i hear from morons, like the majority of people are in fact on the issue, why are they like that ? because they are ignorant and just going along with the flow of typical simpletons, just to make out they are united with the conditioning of this world, just the same type of foolish people like the Nazi were in fact, for they were duped to just go along with the flow ? under stand that ! They like the majority of people in the world have no true regard to stand up and expose this world that is full of deceptions and delusions in fact.

I am a Jew ! I lived with the story's regarding us being Jews from as early as i can remember and i have way more regard for the subject than anyone i have ever met in fact, i have looked into it all my whole life and to have half baked dilettantes make childish claims, that sound good in their intent, but such fails in regards to reality, for they are conditioned in fact to play along with the Conditioning just like the Nazis were cursed with such conditioning and that is all that it is ! You Fail totally for you live a lie.

The Gas chambers has been overly done in playing the people for fools ! sure they were Gassed in fact but it was found to be useless and abandoned because such was to dangerous regarding the Toxic nature of doing such in fact, They set up a reconstruction of such some years ago and found such could never of killed as many as claimed ever. But Satanist never let a good story line go to wast ?

I am not rejecting the Gas Chambers at all, but just saying that such is way over played, it serves as a good tactic but regarding the truth it falls short if one takes such things seriously in fact !
Everything must be questioned if one is serious about History and people who play games with the truth are not worthy, for they feed ignorance and if History is taken seriously then the future is in good hands in fact !

If you understand that the Nazis were trying to improve the way of killing such people all the time you will know that they progressed along with such different ways, because such was also effecting the Germans badly mental health in fact. so they moved on to other ways of doing things in fact.

I did not take the COVID Jab because i know the in depth workings of such people, i do not trust the Governments much at all before COVID and i sure as hell don't trust them now at all in fact, such was just right out of the Nazi Book and played people for total moronic fools in fact, what they have in store for the masses down the track look horrific, but the masses are total ignorant pathetic that such is a total disgrace, for they will walk as directly on the Train's to their death's, easy as it was for the Jews back in the days in fact.

Not to mention i do not support the word Holocaust in WW2 for such is an insult !
A Holocaust means A burnt offering in fact and as such this truly means that one who says it was a Holocaust is truly saying that they are on par with Serving such a god in fact ! So one is going to Hell for saying that such was a Holocaust (Burnt offering) because you are saying such was a burnt offering to your god in fact ! One is guilty of giving such a regard to it ! so one is going to Hell for supporting that god ! for you are a Anti-Christ in fact !

It was Genocide in fact and a creation of the so called Zionist and Rothschild and Co made it happen.
You're not Jewish.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
You're not Jewish.
I am more Jewish than most Jews in the State of Israel.

Every doctor etc that i have ever seen for the first time has said, after reading my name, oh your Jewish ! and i explain that i am a Christian, them most say lucky you lot got out of the Nazi Camps, to that i say, we were in Australia before Hitler was born mate.
I know some people who reject that we came to Australia before WW2 and even WW1 they just can not get it in their head.
They think that white people who are not English only came after WW2.

Why do they think such ? well they are brainwashed by the pathetic media into believing anything they say.

Most Priest i have met say they know and start rattling on about the Jews they know and some who they know my relations who are well known in the Churches about the place.

How could i say that i am not of Jewish decent, when everyone says that i am Jewish directly to my face all the time and i have to correct them that i am proud to be Christian. Some reject that i am a Christian because they are religious morons who claim Jews can not become Christians and angered in this regard to me ! Such as me in their regards have a plan regarding the Jews, Ho they idolise the Jews ! but only for stupid religious reasons that they have been brainwashed for, it has to fall into their plan, that's what they are on about, and why is that ? it's because they are of Satan in fact and they talk about Jesus, but this Jesus of theirs is not the Christ Jesus in fact ! They claim to be born again and OSAS but it is a bastardised cunning version of their own regarding OSAS and their version regarding being born again is wrong as well, they bastardise works as well, claiming such is of ones works ? when clearly such works are that of Christ Jesus in fact, as it is he who gets the glory, not us, for the glory goes to him not of ourselves in fact. One is a work ? a work of God ! once one is truly Saved.

The problem with the so called Christian is that they are looking for Jesus ! because they are Lost ! for they are not Found ! and that's why such Satanist idolise the 2ed coming, it takes up all their time, making stupid religious claims, for they are not truly Saved ! for if they were truly Saved then they would be in Christ Jesus and know that they were truly Saved, but they only peddle such things in a religious carnal way ?
Religion does not Save ? only Christ Jesus Saved, it's not a religious experience it's a Spiritual experience !
The poor bastards look with only their eyes to confirm the works they see ? but the eye deceive ? for they have no true foundations regarding the Truth in fact. for they know not the Truth for such is not within them in fact. I know their workings are from a carnal position but they the dupe lives for this world ? for they are not worthy of the Kingdom of God, as their is a list in the Bible of they who can not enter because they are not worthy of Christ Jesus in fact for clearly they do not know him. but they idolise stupid so called Jews, only for their own ends in fact. It's they who claim all Jews are one in the same. and That is a outright Lie they peddle !
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
I am more Jewish than most Jews in the State of Israel.

Every doctor etc that i have ever seen for the first time has said, after reading my name, oh your Jewish ! and i explain that i am a Christian, them most say lucky you lot got out of the Nazi Camps, to that i say, we were in Australia before Hitler was born mate.
I know some people who reject that we came to Australia before WW2 and even WW1 they just can not get it in their head.
They think that white people who are not English only came after WW2.

Why do they think such ? well they are brainwashed by the pathetic media into believing anything they say.

Most Priest i have met say they know and start rattling on about the Jews they know and some who they know my relations who are well known in the Churches about the place.

How could i say that i am not of Jewish decent, when everyone says that i am Jewish directly to my face all the time and i have to correct them that i am proud to be Christian. Some reject that i am a Christian because they are religious morons who claim Jews can not become Christians and angered in this regard to me ! Such as me in their regards have a plan regarding the Jews, Ho they idolise the Jews ! but only for stupid religious reasons that they have been brainwashed for, it has to fall into their plan, that's what they are on about, and why is that ? it's because they are of Satan in fact and they talk about Jesus, but this Jesus of theirs is not the Christ Jesus in fact ! They claim to be born again and OSAS but it is a bastardised cunning version of their own regarding OSAS and their version regarding being born again is wrong as well, they bastardise works as well, claiming such is of ones works ? when clearly such works are that of Christ Jesus in fact, as it is he who gets the glory, not us, for the glory goes to him not of ourselves in fact. One is a work ? a work of God ! once one is truly Saved.

The problem with the so called Christian is that they are looking for Jesus ! because they are Lost ! for they are not Found ! and that's why such Satanist idolise the 2ed coming, it takes up all their time, making stupid religious claims, for they are not truly Saved ! for if they were truly Saved then they would be in Christ Jesus and know that they were truly Saved, but they only peddle such things in a religious carnal way ?
Religion does not Save ? only Christ Jesus Saved, it's not a religious experience it's a Spiritual experience !
The poor bastards look with only their eyes to confirm the works they see ? but the eye deceive ? for they have no true foundations regarding the Truth in fact. for they know not the Truth for such is not within them in fact. I know their workings are from a carnal position but they the dupe lives for this world ? for they are not worthy of the Kingdom of God, as their is a list in the Bible of they who can not enter because they are not worthy of Christ Jesus in fact for clearly they do not know him. but they idolise stupid so called Jews, only for their own ends in fact. It's they who claim all Jews are one in the same. and That is a outright Lie they peddle !
I had a college roomate who is Jewish heritage but he became a Christian and all his brothers too. His parents though did not beleive in Christ. That was back in the mid 80's. He considered himself Christian first like Paul did in saying

Philippians 3
Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. For me to write the same things to you is not tedious, but for you it is safe.

2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the mutilation! 3 For we are the circumcision, who worship [a]God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh, 4 though I also might have confidence in the flesh. If anyone else thinks he may have confidence in the flesh, I more so: 5 circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee; 6 concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.

7 But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. 8 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; 10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, 11 if, by any means, I may attain[b] to the resurrection from the dead.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
I had a college roomate who is Jewish heritage but he became a Christian and all his brothers too. His parents though did not beleive in Christ. That was back in the mid 80's. He considered himself Christian first like Paul did in saying

Philippians 3
Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. For me to write the same things to you is not tedious, but for you it is safe.

2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the mutilation! 3 For we are the circumcision, who worship [a]God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh, 4 though I also might have confidence in the flesh. If anyone else thinks he may have confidence in the flesh, I more so: 5 circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee; 6 concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.

7 But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. 8 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; 10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, 11 if, by any means, I may attain[b] to the resurrection from the dead.
There are also Messianic Jews. God knows his own by name.

He also knows those who condemn his Elect and the Jews of today and in the past.
There shall be no liars in Heaven. Yet they shall be aplenty in the abyss.

God protect Israel. :pray:

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
There are also Messianic Jews. God knows his own by name.

He also knows those who condemn his Elect and the Jews of today and in the past.
There shall be no liars in Heaven. Yet they shall be aplenty in the abyss.

God protect Israel. :pray:
Messianic Jews are not worthy of Christ Jesus at all in fact, for if they were worthy they would embrace Christ Jesus and become Christian !
The Messianic Jews are looking for a Jesus ! they have not found him, not to mention they have rejected Christ Jesus in fact for they seek another Jesus in fact !

I have a mate who claims to be a Messianic Jew, i know the garbage he peddles is of Satan. He is only carnal religious nut case radical idiot just like the fundamentalist Islamic morons.
For they all do not Know Christ Jesus at all in fact ! because they are as all radical religious nuts baying for blood ! The are Lost, Just as anyone is who is not truly born again and Saved !
For if they were truly born again, Saved ! they would all be Christians period ! For they would be found ! They all are seeking ? but they seek not the Kingdom of God ! for they are of this world in fact.
For clearly they do not have the faith that can move mountains ! for they only have little faith that is mentioned in the Bible, for they must be truly born again ! but their claims that they are born again is only a carnal one.