Homosexuality: Is it the way a person is born?

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Are homosexuals born that way?

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New Member
May 9, 2012
I don't think any one should be forced to violate their own conscience even if I think they are wrong.

This issue is much greater than gays using the legal establishment to force people to accept them. I think it is about wiping out Christ-centered belief systems, and maybe God-centered or Allah-centered belief systems are next.

Government vs. Conscience
Caesar, Coercion, and the Christian Conscience: A Dangerous Confusion

Photographers, makers of artistic wedding cakes, and florists are now told that they must participate in same-sex wedding ceremonies, and this is a direct violation of their religiously-based conviction that they should lend no active support of a same-sex wedding. Based upon their biblical convictions, they do not believe that a same-sex wedding can be legitimate in any Christian perspective and that their active participation can only be read as a forced endorsement of what they believe to be fundamentally wrong and sinful. They remember the words of the Apostle Paul when he indicted both those who commit sin and those “who give approval to those who practice them.” [Romans 1:32]

And it will not stop with bakers and florists and photographers. What about singers and other musicians? Under the argument of Powers and Merritt, they can be forced to sing a message they believe to be abhorrent. What about writers for hire? This argument would force a Christian who writes for hire to write a message that would violate the deepest Christian convictions. To be forced to participate in an expressive way is to be forced to endorse and to celebrate.
The most lamentable aspect of the Powers and Merritt argument is the fact that they so quickly consign Christians to the coercive power of the state. They should be fully free to try their best to present a biblical argument that the right response of Christians is to offer such services. But to condemn brothers and sisters as hypocrites and to consign their consciences to the coercion of Caesar is tragic in every aspect. We can only hope that they will rethink their argument … and fast.

Should a Baker Be Required to Bake a Westboro Baptist 'God Hates Fags' Cake If It's Against Their Religious Beliefs?


New Member
Dec 6, 2014
God is ALL-LOVING and would not bring misfortune to any of His children or play such a cruel game such as to create certain people knowing full well that they are going to sin because they are not perfect and then purposefully forbid them the most important parts of their life that is much needed in order to achieve their happiness.

Light what about those born without limbs?
The ones with mental issues so severe they can enjoy life to its fullest?
The ones born blind never to see creation?
The ones born deaf never to hear their loved ones voices?

Why would an all loving God do that?

Because they are to illuminate how to over come all adversity. And thereby show faith in God and glorify his creation.

So gays.got stuck too. They overcome and not give into their sins. You are just doing what the straights do. You want to eat your cake and have it too.

They want their sex before marriage, they want to remarry illegally, they want to be bigoted and all of be sanctioned by God.

They twist scripture as much as you do to justify their desires. They will cite former church choices which were contrary to the King. They will say you had your way I want mine.

Spoiled Lil children.

Well you don't get to legitimise your sin. And neither do they. God will repay all of them.

Every last one that never repented and turned away from sin.

God said ONLY a man could marry a woman. Nowhere in scripture was it said a man could marry a man, a woman a woman or people marrying animals or vegetation or rocks.


The church can't override that.
Man can't override that.

End of discussion.


New Member
Jan 3, 2015
LightMessenger said:
You either do as Jesus says and Love Everyone Unconditionally, or you don't love everyone unconditionally and instead condemn them with inappropriate Scriptures fraught with unkind, condemning words that Jesus did not speak.
You seem to be having trouble understanding what the Holy Spirit is, His functions and where He comes from.

What does God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have in common LM?


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
LightMessenger said:
The fact of the matter is that our loving One and only God could not have authored such hate and discrimination against those whom He created.
Again you are ignoring what God's Word says. Sadly you seem to only accept the God of the Bible, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, IF He conforms to your perception of who He should be and sadly that puts you in judgement of who God is. Your obviously humanistic POV will be your downfall.
LightMessenger said:
I do not discredit the Holy Bible at all, quite to the contrary. It is a most sacred book. However, it is fair to assume that man with their inherent prejudices may have well interposed some verbiage into the Holy Bible that did not come from God. Can you disprove that? This much is known. God speaks to each and every person correct? But the fact of the matter is that not everyone whom God speaks to follows His advice. By the same token if they don't follow His advice can we automatically assume that they followed it to a tee when writing the Holy Bible?
You just did. No one disputes it was written by men, but it IS inspired/breathed of God and as such, is inerrant. It is not fair to assume ANYTHING without proof. All you to is spread false assumptions. MAY HAVE, is not DID. Can you PROVER anything you assert in this regard?
God speaks by His word which He also makes real to us. Rom 10:17

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
LightMessenger said:
this matter does not need man's validation. God simply could not have said the very un-loving things those Scriptures are saying simply because God is ALL-LOVING and would not bring misfortune to any of His children or play such a cruel game such as to create certain people knowing full well that they are going to sin because they are not perfect and then purposefully forbid them the most important parts of their life that is much needed in order to achieve their happiness.
That is one of your perceptual problems LM, you don't KNOW the scriptures. I suggest you read 1 John 4 where John states three times that God IS LOVE, he doesn't say God is ALL loving. God does NOT care about happiness because it depends on happenings. God wants us to have joy and contentment.
LightMessenger said:
Succinct and to the point. If Jesus, being the omniscient Son of God, did not specifically mention something then it was not worth mentioning.
Ignoring what I said, and repeating yourself, confirms again you don't read the responses with understanding. Jesus is not you and you are not Jesus. Jesus is God and God knows ALL. Your opinion in this matter means nothing as God and Jesus voiced all that needs to be known.
Apparently you DO think fornicators are OK.
LightMessenger said:
However, since man would have obviously had a hand in writing the Bible and publishing it thousands of times since then we cannot unequivocally ASSURE that it is the Exact Inerrant Word that God intended for it to be. It is a fact that man does not listen to God therefore, can we fully trust man with such a sacred book as the Holy Bible for man to arrange and then print? I think not. As for God, His Word is All-Loving. Man's clearly is not and that is plainly shown in these Scriptures.

The fact remains that the intention is certainly good and admirable that all words contained in the Holy Bible should follow Jesus' directive to Love One Another UNCONDITIONALLY. The error in what you're saying is that these Scriptures should somehow override what Jesus said which was to love everyone unconditionally. You can't have it both ways, ATP. You either do as Jesus says and Love Everyone Unconditionally, or you don't love everyone unconditionally and instead condemn them with inappropriate Scriptures fraught with unkind, condemning words that Jesus did not speak.
However, since you CANNOT show any errors in scripture outside of your own biased POV and have been shown many scriptures that condemn your POV, your opinion here has NO credibility whatsoever.
1 Cor 13 is all about love, so show me where it says unconditional from your POV that it connotes no rules or consequences. We all know God loved the world, but we all know that those who do not accept Jesus will perish and NOT receive Eternal Life. So according to you ALL sinners should not be excluded from the church despite what God does say in His word?
The ONLY thing I see as inappropriate in this thread is YOUR support of the homosexual lifestyle.
BTW, are YOU a homosexual?


New Member
Apr 9, 2015
Axehead said:
I don't think any one should be forced to violate their own conscience even if I think they are wrong.

This issue is much greater than gays using the legal establishment to force people to accept them. I think it is about wiping out Christ-centered belief systems, and maybe God-centered or Allah-centered belief systems are next.

Government vs. Conscience
Caesar, Coercion, and the Christian Conscience: A Dangerous Confusion

Photographers, makers of artistic wedding cakes, and florists are now told that they must participate in same-sex wedding ceremonies, and this is a direct violation of their religiously-based conviction that they should lend no active support of a same-sex wedding. Based upon their biblical convictions, they do not believe that a same-sex wedding can be legitimate in any Christian perspective and that their active participation can only be read as a forced endorsement of what they believe to be fundamentally wrong and sinful. They remember the words of the Apostle Paul when he indicted both those who commit sin and those “who give approval to those who practice them.” [Romans 1:32]

And it will not stop with bakers and florists and photographers. What about singers and other musicians? Under the argument of Powers and Merritt, they can be forced to sing a message they believe to be abhorrent. What about writers for hire? This argument would force a Christian who writes for hire to write a message that would violate the deepest Christian convictions. To be forced to participate in an expressive way is to be forced to endorse and to celebrate.
The most lamentable aspect of the Powers and Merritt argument is the fact that they so quickly consign Christians to the coercive power of the state. They should be fully free to try their best to present a biblical argument that the right response of Christians is to offer such services. But to condemn brothers and sisters as hypocrites and to consign their consciences to the coercion of Caesar is tragic in every aspect. We can only hope that they will rethink their argument … and fast.

Should a Baker Be Required to Bake a Westboro Baptist 'God Hates Fags' Cake If It's Against Their Religious Beliefs?
It's amazing how this whole fiasco had not built up steam at all in previous years. It was not until Indiana decided to enact a discriminatory law under the guise of "Religious freedom" that the trouble started. Of course, Indiana and their Governor Pence now know what a Big Mistake that was to have signed that egregious bill into law, don't they, and he has had to do some very serious damage control as of late as well as backtracking. Let me know if you want to see the proof.

Upon learning that Indiana was going to discriminate against the LGBT community, a community that spends millions of dollars on its economy, many BIG Businesses decided they could just not go along with that and decided to pull out of the state. Many more soon followed as well as a barrage of bad publicity for Indiana with big celebrity names. Others who had planned to bring thousands of jobs to Indiana decided they would not go there due to this bad new law. That effectively left Indiana losing not just millions of dollars but BILLIONS of dollars that would have otherwise gone into their economy. Money they need badly. However, it was a choice for Governor Pence. Either sign the discriminatory "Religious freedom" bill into law and appease some members of the conservative far right-wing but lose billions of dollars in business to his state. He stupidly chose to lose billions for his state and the voters are not amused at all. They will remember that come the next election.

And Arkansas has also had to back down from the same type bill they had proposed after seeing all of the backlash in Indiana. That just goes to show that many of the Heterosexual citizens of these United States are no longer allowing bigotry to take front-row center anymore and get their way. It is not the LGBT community that has that much power to change things but that the Straight community is now finally realizing that these type of bad laws far surpass common decency because they hurt and impact an important segment of their community, the LGBT citizens. It also seriously hurts their economy. That's why other states that were considering similar legislation have refrained from doing so. But come this June when the SCOTUS makes their hopefully favorable decision in favor of Nationwide Same-Sex Marriage many of those Anti-Gay laws across the country will find themselves being eradicated as is the right thing to do in allowing for cooler more reasonable heads to prevail.
StanJ said:
Again you are ignoring what God's Word says. Sadly you seem to only accept the God of the Bible, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, IF He conforms to your perception of who He should be and sadly that puts you in judgement of who God is. Your obviously humanistic POV will be your downfall.

You just did. No one disputes it was written by men, but it IS inspired/breathed of God and as such, is inerrant. It is not fair to assume ANYTHING without proof. All you to is spread false assumptions. MAY HAVE, is not DID. Can you PROVER anything you assert in this regard?
God speaks by His word which He also makes real to us. Rom 10:17

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.

That is one of your perceptual problems LM, you don't KNOW the scriptures. I suggest you read 1 John 4 where John states three times that God IS LOVE, he doesn't say God is ALL loving. God does NOT care about happiness because it depends on happenings. God wants us to have joy and contentment.

Ignoring what I said, and repeating yourself, confirms again you don't read the responses with understanding. Jesus is not you and you are not Jesus. Jesus is God and God knows ALL. Your opinion in this matter means nothing as God and Jesus voiced all that needs to be known.
Apparently you DO think fornicators are OK.

However, since you CANNOT show any errors in scripture outside of your own biased POV and have been shown many scriptures that condemn your POV, your opinion here has NO credibility whatsoever.
1 Cor 13 is all about love, so show me where it says unconditional from your POV that it connotes no rules or consequences. We all know God loved the world, but we all know that those who do not accept Jesus will perish and NOT receive Eternal Life. So according to you ALL sinners should not be excluded from the church despite what God does say in His word?
The ONLY thing I see as inappropriate in this thread is YOUR support of the homosexual lifestyle.
BTW, are YOU a homosexual?
Jesus never did discriminate against homosexuals. That's the bottom line. I HAVE shown the error in Scripture that directly contradicts the love Jesus directed we must all have for one another instead of hate and prejudice. It has to be either one or the other. You cannot have it both ways, StanJ.

And many in the LGBT community, based upon that link provided earlier, are Christians therefore Love Jesus Christ and have given their life to Him. But what they do not accept is bigoted viewpoints that use inappropriate Scriptures to condemn them. And I support the TRUTH that Jesus Said Not One Word Against Homosexuality. Enough said.
ATP said:
You seem to be having trouble understanding what the Holy Spirit is, His functions and where He comes from.

What does God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have in common LM?
They are the Holy Trinity composed of God in Three persons. That is God Himself, ATP, not man who made up many of the Scriptures to suit the times and their own personal convictions as they saw fit. God is however not pleased with the changes they have made.
pom2014 said:
God is ALL-LOVING and would not bring misfortune to any of His children or play such a cruel game such as to create certain people knowing full well that they are going to sin because they are not perfect and then purposefully forbid them the most important parts of their life that is much needed in order to achieve their happiness.

Light what about those born without limbs?
The ones with mental issues so severe they can enjoy life to its fullest?
The ones born blind never to see creation?
The ones born deaf never to hear their loved ones voices?

Why would an all loving God do that?

Because they are to illuminate how to over come all adversity. And thereby show faith in God and glorify his creation.

So gays.got stuck too. They overcome and not give into their sins. You are just doing what the straights do. You want to eat your cake and have it too.

They want their sex before marriage, they want to remarry illegally, they want to be bigoted and all of be sanctioned by God.

They twist scripture as much as you do to justify their desires. They will cite former church choices which were contrary to the King. They will say you had your way I want mine.

Spoiled Lil children.

Well you don't get to legitimise your sin. And neither do they. God will repay all of them.

Every last one that never repented and turned away from sin.

God said ONLY a man could marry a woman. Nowhere in scripture was it said a man could marry a man, a woman a woman or people marrying animals or vegetation or rocks.


The church can't override that.
Man can't override that.

End of discussion.
You need to read the following and view the video.

Are Christians “Holier Than Thou”? They shouldn’t be!


New Member
Jan 3, 2015
LightMessenger said:
They are the Holy Trinity composed of God in Three persons. That is God Himself, ATP, not man who made up many of the Scriptures to suit the times and their own personal convictions as they saw fit. God is however not pleased with the changes they have mad
And this God of three persons is the God who was speaking through these prophets 2,000 years ago.
If some scripture is God-breathed and others are not,
then what does that say about God's omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence.
What would that say about Jesus who never sinned?
Anybody can just google the "Holy Trinity", but it takes having a relationship with God to understand Him.


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
LightMessenger said:
Jesus never did discriminate against homosexuals. That's the bottom line. I HAVE shown the error in Scripture that directly contradicts the love Jesus directed we must all have for one another instead of hate and prejudice. It has to be either one or the other. You cannot have it both ways, StanJ.

And many in the LGBT community, based upon that link provided earlier, are Christians therefore Love Jesus Christ and have given their life to Him. But what they do not accept is bigoted viewpoints that use inappropriate Scriptures to condemn them. And I support the TRUTH that Jesus Said Not One Word Against Homosexuality. Enough said.
Jesus never discriminated period but it doesn't mean he didn't support God's laws. You need to read John 21:25 to answer your problem. YOU haven't shown any error except your own in proper Biblical exegesis. God loves the world, but still condemns practising sinners, so you're analogy doesn't hold water as you've been shown many times LM.

Your link teaches false doctrine as per 1 John 1:5-10. If someone IS saved they stop sinning and it is no longer a lifestyle. The practising homosexual continues to live a sinful lifestyle based on PROPERLY exegeted scripture.
You keep avoiding my question LM....is fornication wrong? Did Jesus speak against it? Jesus also said;

"For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished."

“Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill."

It's not a matter of what Jesus didn't say, it's a matter of what He DID say. YOU are deceived or a liar.


New Member
May 9, 2012
LightMessenger said:
It's amazing how this whole fiasco had not built up steam at all in previous years. It was not until Indiana decided to enact a discriminatory law under the guise of "Religious freedom" that the trouble started.
You got that wrong. I have been following this way before Indiana. I have been following this from the very first Christian business being forced out of business and then subsequent ones. Indiana is just a response to a group of people being protected by the government to essentially run another group of people out of business and ruin their livelihood. So, the present government does not have clean hands, either. If I was any smarter I would think it was a collusion between this present administration and gays. This thing is completely political as an attack on Christianity. Have you seen other non-Christians being tested with this? I don't think Muslims have been tested, yet. Oh that's right, let's get the low hanging fruit, first. We'll worry about Muslims, later."


New Member
Apr 9, 2015
Axehead said:
You got that wrong. I have been following this way before Indiana. I have been following this from the very first Christian business being forced out of business and then subsequent ones. Indiana is just a response to a group of people being protected by the government to essentially run another group of people out of business and ruin their livelihood. So, the present government does not have clean hands, either. If I was any smarter I would think it was a collusion between this present administration and gays. This thing is completely political as an attack on Christianity. Have you seen other non-Christians being tested with this? I don't think Muslims have been tested, yet. Oh that's right, let's get the low hanging fruit, first. We'll worry about Muslims, later."
This is definitely not an attack on Christianity. Those who opened this door in legislatures across the country knew full well this would happen but went ahead with it. So if anyone is to blame it is the Republican legislatures and their governors who signed the "Religious freedom" bill that has brought states to their knees financially as a result.

As for those you perceive to be losing their businesses on account of this, their livelihood isn't being ruined. Haven't you heard how people came to their rescue upon hearing about the matter and donated thousands of dollars to them and one has almost become a millionaire. How about that! So, if anyone else has problems with the way the government is handling this matter they can just go and ask their sympathizers to foot the bill for them from hereon and carry them over financially into their golden years and no doubt they will. No problem.
StanJ said:
"Jesus never discriminated period but it doesn't mean he didn't support God's laws. You need to read John 21:25 to answer your problem. YOU haven't shown any error except your own in proper Biblical exegesis. God loves the world, but still condemns practising sinners, so you're analogy doesn't hold water as you've been shown many times LM."

Then He's condemning you as well, as a practicing sinner, not just others whom you feel are also sinners. Or do you feel you are somehow above sin? You really need to concentrate more on yourself and your own sins and those who are like you instead of others. Why don't you ever look and see your own faults, StanJ, and target them here instead? I'm sure you have many but you much prefer to look at and point your finger at others instead, perhaps to try to detract from your own sins that you need to truly repent of.
"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." -- MATTHEW 7:5 KJV

"Your link teaches false doctrine as per 1 John 1:5-10. If someone IS saved they stop sinning and it is no longer a lifestyle. The practising homosexual continues to live a sinful lifestyle based on PROPERLY exegeted scripture.
You keep avoiding my question LM....is fornication wrong? Did Jesus speak against it? Jesus also said;

"For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished."

“Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill."
"It's not a matter of what Jesus didn't say, it's a matter of what He DID say. YOU are deceived or a liar."

Now who's the liar, StanJ? I have said it plenty of times that those who are promiscuous, thus fornicators, that it is a sin but fornication is certainly not confined only to homosexuals. Believe me, there are plenty more fornicators in the Heterosexual community than there are in the whole homosexual community worldwide because there are simply more Straight people than Gays. So, it's time to own up to that and stop being so hypocritical already.

And you really need to read and concentrate on the following and view the video.
I will be reminding you each time I respond from now on about this unless you convince me that you are now targeting your own sins and that of the Heterosexual community first instead of only Gays and Lesbians.

Are Christians “Holier Than Thou”? They shouldn’t be!
from United Christian Broadcasters



New Member
May 9, 2012
LightMessenger said:
This is definitely not an attack on Christianity. Those who opened this door in legislatures across the country knew full well this would happen but went ahead with it. So if anyone is to blame it is the Republican legislatures and their governors who signed the "Religious freedom" bill that has brought states to their knees financially as a result.
Only one religion has been attacked, here. Well, I can assure you it is definitely not an attack on Islam. A militant group won't be so stupid as to attack a more militant group. Not to say all Muslims are militant, but their militant wing will definitely go into action. Same with gays, not all gays are militant, but their militant wing goes into action very quickly.

LightMessenger said:
As for those you perceive to be losing their businesses on account of this, their livelihood isn't being ruined. Haven't you heard how people came to their rescue upon hearing about the matter and donated thousands of dollars to them and one has almost become a millionaire. How about that! So, if anyone else has problems with the way the government is handling this matter they can just go and ask their sympathizers to foot the bill for them from hereon and carry them over financially into their golden years and no doubt they will. No problem.

Nah, I don't think these people want to be leeches off their fellow taxpayers. They are just interested in working for a living and shouldering their own responsibilities. Yeah, people donated out of good will and not compulsion. No one asked them, too. You got a problem with that?


New Member
Apr 9, 2015
Axehead said:
Only one religion has been attacked, here. Well, I can assure you it is definitely not an attack on Islam. A militant group won't be so stupid as to attack a more militant group. Not to say all Muslims are militant, but their militant wing will definitely go into action. Same with gays, not all gays are militant, but their militant wing goes into action very quickly.

Nah, I don't think these people want to be leeches off their fellow taxpayers. They are just interested in working for a living and shouldering their own responsibilities. Yeah, people donated out of good will and not compulsion. No one asked them, too. You got a problem with that?
Absolutely not. Supporters have every right to help out one of their own in their time of most need. That goes for both sides of course.


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
LightMessenger said:
Now who's the liar, StanJ? I have said it plenty of times that those who are promiscuous, thus fornicators, that it is a sin but fornication is certainly not confined only to homosexuals. Believe me, there are plenty more fornicators in the Heterosexual community than there are in the whole homosexual community worldwide because there are simply more Straight people than Gays. So, it's time to own up to that and stop being so hypocritical already.

And you really need to read and concentrate on the following and view the video.
I will be reminding you each time I respond from now on about this unless you convince me that you are now targeting your own sins and that of the Heterosexual community first instead of only Gays and Lesbians.
You continue to equivocate and don't answer my simple and direct question LM so I guess it's you who is lying. Why do you accept fornication as wrong when Jesus did NOT address it? Also where did Jesus teach promiscuity? The only hypocrite is the one not addressing the real issue here or saying they are when they aren't.

Although I agree with what Glen Scrivener says in the link you provided, I don't NEED to do anything but read God's word to know the answer to this OP.
Glen is talking about people like you who go onto places like CB and condemn any who don't practise, in this case, love the way they think it should be. Your lack of compliance or acceptance of God's word and your condescending nature towards those that do, shows a real imbalance in your understanding and your walk in Christ.
I'm sure nobody hear thinks they are holier than you or gays who claim they can be Christian and still practice their sinful lifestyle, but I'm pretty sure ALL here KNOW that God's word is against YOU and THEM.

If you refuse to address the posts in the proper way then we can always request this thread be closed. Obviously you will not be taught. BTW, are you gay?


New Member
Apr 9, 2015
StanJ said:
You continue to equivocate and don't answer my simple and direct question LM so I guess it's you who is lying. Why do you accept fornication as wrong when Jesus did NOT address it? Also where did Jesus teach promiscuity? The only hypocrite is the one not addressing the real issue here or saying they are when they aren't.

Although I agree with what Glen Scrivener says in the link you provided, I don't NEED to do anything but read God's word to know the answer to this OP.
Glen is talking about people like you who go onto places like CB and condemn any who don't practise, in this case, love the way they think it should be. Your lack of compliance or acceptance of God's word and your condescending nature towards those that do, shows a real imbalance in your understanding and your walk in Christ.
I'm sure nobody hear thinks they are holier than you or gays who claim they can be Christian and still practice their sinful lifestyle, but I'm pretty sure ALL here KNOW that God's word is against YOU and THEM.

If you refuse to address the posts in the proper way then we can always request this thread be closed. Obviously you will not be taught. BTW, are you gay?
Your problem is that you just don't like my answers, that's all, and are trying to throw a red herring into the conversation. Regarding promiscuity, Jesus did address that with the woman at the well who had problems with adultery, same type of problem. He was however, addressing her promiscuity/adultery when He told her to "Go and Sin No More." Because He obviously knew that adultery, promiscuity and fornication are things that can be controlled whereas the mere fact of one being homosexual cannot be anymore than being heterosexual in and of itself, leaving out promiscuous behavior in both orientations things that can of course be avoided.

Are you Gay? If not, why does the Gay subject interest you so much? And you didn't answer my previous questions either about why you target only Gays and Lesbians without looking in your own sinful backyard first.

Therefore, you need to seriously read the following and also view the video.

Are Christians “Holier Than Thou”? They shouldn’t be!
from United Christian Broadcasters



Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
LightMessenger said:
Your problem is that you just don't like my answers, that's all, and are trying to throw a red herring into the conversation. Regarding promiscuity, Jesus did address that with the woman at the well who had problems with adultery, same type of problem. He was however, addressing her promiscuity/adultery when He told her to "Go and Sin No More." Because He obviously knew that adultery, promiscuity and fornication are things that can be controlled whereas the mere fact of one being homosexual cannot be anymore than being heterosexual in and of itself, leaving out promiscuous behavior in both orientations things that can of course be avoided.

Are you Gay? If not, why does the Gay subject interest you so much? And you didn't answer my previous questions either about why you target only Gays and Lesbians without looking in your own sinful backyard first.
That's right, I don't, because they are false assertions based on ignorance of the texts, or deliberate in order to justify your POV. This I have proved over and over, despite your lack of acceptance. You keep ignoring the direct questions and deflect to other issues that are not pertinent. You're the one castings dispersions on God's word, no one else here is. Homosexuality can be controlled because it is a choice, just as fornication is a choice. 1 Cor 10:13
If you're going to parrot everyone else's statements to you, then I'll treat you as I would a parrot and ignore you.

Answer the question posed LM...are you gay? Stop deflecting.


New Member
Apr 9, 2015
StanJ said:
That's right, I don't, because they are false assertions based on ignorance of the texts, or deliberate in order to justify your POV. This I have proved over and over, despite your lack of acceptance. You keep ignoring the direct questions and deflect to other issues that are not pertinent. You're the one castings dispersions on God's word, no one else here is. Homosexuality can be controlled because it is a choice, just as fornication is a choice. 1 Cor 10:13
If you're going to parrot everyone else's statements to you, then I'll treat you as I would a parrot and ignore you.

Answer the question posed LM...are you gay? Stop deflecting.
I asked the same question of you, StanJ, are YOU Gay? Why do you like posting in the Gay threads so much? And you too need to stop deflecting.

I am looking to Jesus for the answers rather than to His Apostles, Saints, followers, etc. who were mere men and not Divine. What you perceive to be ".... false assertions based on ignorance of the texts, ..." is not ignorance. I have stated my case well and it is you who cannot justify that Jesus' Words of love and compassion override those of men with their intolerant attitudes because it would completely destroy your case of prejudice against the LGBT community. Enough said.

And why do you attack the LGBT community instead of your own shortcomings, StanJ? It's time you spoke about that instead of about people you do not even know or care to fully understand but wish to indict as a whole. That's quite hypocritical.

You so need to read the following and view the video.

Are Christians “Holier Than Thou”? They shouldn’t be!
from United Christian Broadcasters



New Member
Jan 3, 2015
LightMessenger said:
I am looking to Jesus for the answers rather than to His Apostles, Saints, followers, etc. who were mere men and not Divine.
The Holy Spirit speaking through them was divine. :rolleyes: