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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
SIN" didnt enter the world or the human race by Satan.

Most think it did.
But it didn't.
Lucifer now Satan entered the world, however, sin didnt.......yet.
So, where did sin enter?
Sin entered the world by MAN........
Isnt that interesting?
As most think of sin and the devil as being connected, which is true..... yet, it was ADAM who brought sin into the world and into the human race.
A.) "by one man's sin"... "sin entered the world".
The Devil's part was to lead "them"..... man and woman...... into it.
To get them to commit it, so that it entered the world and once it did, Satan took it from there.

Now, if man brought sin into the world, and the first man was Adam, then to undo what 1st Adam did you have to have a reversal of what the 1st Adam did.
How you get that?
= Salvation. 2nd ADAM or a 2nd "man", had to show up, who was like the first man, before man #1 sinned.

So, down came the Bread of Heaven, from Heaven, The God man, the "Word made Flesh".. the gift of Life, the Son of God, the 2nd Adam..........God became one of us to offer Salvation to all of us.
Reader, this 2nd Adam (Jesus The Christ).... UNDID what 1st Adam did, and to now become SAVED.. is to become born again as "ONE with God", same as Adam was before he sinned.
This is to be joined to the 2nd Adam as "IN Christ".
As to be joined to the 2nd Adam is to be joined to God, as Jesus is God manifested in the Flesh.
Notice..."in Christ" is to become '"ONE with GOD".. "made righteous", as "the righteousness of GOD in Christ".

And once joined to the 2nd Adam, Jesus The Lord, you are then restored to 1st Adam STATE, which is......before Adam sinned. And that spiritual state is...."made righteous".
Reader, all being born again is..what it actually is......is God as the 2nd Adam restoring you to the righteousness, or the Spiritual State of 1st Adam, before He fell.
To become "IN Christ" with 2nd Adam is to be born again.
As Adam was One with God before he sinned. And when we are born again we are restored to 1st Adam Spiritual State, by the 2nd Adam who is Jesus The Lord.

See that ?

That is the Gift of God, and the redemption that is only found by being "IN CHRIST".
God, as Christ on the Cross, is the 2nd Adam in a human body who bled, suffered, died, and rose again so that the entire Human race could be restored BACK to 1st Adam STATE by the redemption that is given as the "gift of righteousness" by Jesus The Christ who is God, who is the 2nd Adam who is the "Word made flesh".
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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
United States
Bible says sin entered the world through Adam, and the only meaning it could have is that SIN became a genetic thing.

What do you think is SIN?

SIN is not only an obvious act that violates a principle or norm, but ALSO the predisposition of someone to do something that is wrong even if he knows it is, but he can not avoid it, because is coming from inside, similar to an animal instinct. How does a newborn calf know where to move after seeing the world for the first time? He has it inside, and that's why he tends to go there without thinking.

Adam passed on a perverse instinct to his offspring genetically, because he broke something he shouldn't have by disobeying God, not only in his mind but also in his body, which ultimately ends up making everyone sick and die, because the human body was not "programmed" to break that…whatever Adam broke by disobeying, and passed into our bodies as his descendants. That's the way SIN entered the world (Rom. 5:12-14).


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What do you think is SIN?

God is a Spirit Being......= The Holy Spirit.

God created Adam, to be a spirit being. Adam is "Tri- Part", made in the "image of God" who is 3 in One.
God is "Father, Word/Son, Holy Spirit.
Man is "Mind, Soul, Body".

Man, like God, is a Spirit Being. When man dies, only the body dies. The Spirit leaves the body fully alive and finds itself with Jesus or without Jesus.
If without, then into Hell you go.

"Sin" is a spiritual situation that is often performed literally by the Body, but not always. Jesus told us to look with Lust, upon a woman.. is to commit the sin, exactly as if you fornicated or similar.

Whan Adam and Eve rebelled and did what God told them not to do, ... the decision to do it, preceded the doing.

End result, was Spiritual Separation from God and "sin entered the world", with the spiritual result being that we act upon it, we do it, and we find ourselves in a spiritual situation that the bible refers to as Damnation.
How serious is the damnation that is on every unbeliever?
Its So serious that Jesus was ripped apart by whips and nailed on a Tree to suffer and die, to SOLVE IT for you.

If our sin issue is never resolved by that Sacrifice of God as Christ on the Cross, then you die here....

John 3:36


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
United States
Jesus said that someone can be SINNING without doing it, just by thinking about it.

Is that included in your definition of SIN?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Jesus said that someone can be SINNING without doing it, just by thinking about it.

Is that included in your definition of SIN?

Yes, i just wrote about "looking with LUST"...

Something that is interesting.....is that The Buddha, said that all issues people have are based on "want".
He taught that if you can end all "want", you can exist in a place of perfect peace.
The Buddha is guessing..
In fact, God created us to WANT...... but the issue is........when we WANT what is bad for us, and harms us, or if we are willing to sacrifice everything to get that "want'.
That's the problem.
"want" is not the issue. The issue is LUST that is wanting what isn't good for you.. "wrong desires"... or its to be out of control regarding wanting something too much.

"you spent the house payment on that CAR"... !!!!!!!

One of the ways you can find out if what you want has become "covetousness" is simply to realize that you will do nearly anything to have it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
United States
So, when you read Rom. 5:12-14, what do you think of exactly what is said there?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So, when you read Rom. 5:12-14, what do you think of exactly what is said there?

12: is Adam

13: is interesting, because it says that no Transgression is imputed when there is no Law........so, iniquity IS charged, without the law.

See, IN Heaven, you have no Moses Law or 10 Commandments, as they are not needed. And Lucifer was found there with Pride and a murderous lying nature, that stemmed from His wrong desires. His Lust. So, "iniquity was found IN HIM"...when He was in Heaven.
Adam and Eve, committed rebellion, that is iniquity, found outside the Law, as there was no law of Moses or 10 Commandments in the Garden of Eden.

14 : Spiritual death (broken spiritual union with God)....... and Literal death of the body, became the FRUIT of Adam's Transgression, that still exists today.

The 2nd Adam, redeems us from our sin and restores us to Spiritual Union with God, , but this does not ultimately cure our body, and it will die.
The good news is, we get a new body that is made for our born again Spirit.