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  1. Behold

    Gospel : Power

    - """""But as many as received JESUS , to them {the believer] gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name"""" Reader.....Notice the ONE and ONLY condition to receive this Power from God that IS the "power to BECOME a Son of God". The condition...
  2. Behold

    How to get God to use you.

    - You want God to use you.? Yes? Ok, here is how to get that going, asap. A.) Always Make what is important to God, your life's work, your main motivation, = your "ministry. That's it. Final answer. Do that all the time, and He'll use you all the time. (see the 1st Commandment) to get...
  3. Behold

    Get this : Mind

    - Reader, The renewing of the mind, is what a Born again Christian has to do., and you have to maintain it. Having the renewed mind.....Is literally to "work out your Salvation". What does that mean? It means that the Born again HAVE Salvation, having received it from God as "The Gift of...
  4. Behold

    Are you Born again? Then here you are.

    Reader. This Thread shows "us" the born again, a few wonderful and eternal realities. This Thread is a short SS lesson written to/for the born again... It does not pertain to the the water baptized and religious who are not born again. - The Born again... : "I am the righteousness of God...In...
  5. Behold

    Denying the Cross: How to do it

    - Bible Rejectors, Heretics, and the deceived blaspheme the power of the Cleansing BLOOD of Jesus , by teaching that only past sins are forgiven by the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. Paul teaches, that the Cross Of Christ is = "THE "ETERNAL Sacrifice for sin"" that is the finished work...
  6. Behold

    What you've become in Christ... is not a work you do.

    - 1.) If a believer is "sinning and confessing"..... then they don't understand the Cross of Christ or the Blood Atonement, or the New Covenant, yet. So, that is the "natural mind" not understanding the 'new Covenant".. or the Grace of God, or being = "made righteous". If i say that all the...
  7. Behold

    In Christ : Righteousness

    - BORN a must become. Not just water baptized, sprinkled and taking communion, or being a Church Deacon for 45 yrs. Or thinking you are saved because your parents are the pastor and the pastor's wife. Jesus said, "you MUST be born again"... = Not just born of your mother...
  8. Behold

    Born again = Righteous

    Reader, An unbeliever is "under the law" : shows you that you are a sinner, with no Righteousness. You need Christ, so that God can give you His Righteousness. "Under Grace" : provides you with God's Righteousness as..>"The Gift of Righteousness", as proven by being born again. Now...Here is...
  9. Behold

    A bit of Enlightenment #2

    Being born again, is a eternal spiritual union between the spirit in a person, and God and Christ and the Holy Spirit. All have become "ONE". God causes this.... He causes a spiritual rebirth of our spirit into His Spirit, by the Holy Spirit. This is "SALVATION". Being born again, is a part of...
  10. Behold

    A bit of Enlightenment

    --- Reader, All the born again are as righteous as God, because they have become "the righteousness of God, in Christ". Now, most believers read that and think......"what"...."WHAT " ??????????? !!! So why do they feel confused... ? It Is because they think....>"how can i not be a sinner, as...
  11. Behold

    How did sin enter the world ?

    SIN" didnt enter the world or the human race by Satan. Most think it did. But it didn't. Lucifer now Satan entered the world, however, sin didnt.......yet. So, where did sin enter? Sin entered the world by MAN........ Isnt that interesting? As most think of sin and the devil as being...
  12. RLT63

    Does Anyone Here Believe in The Trinity?

    I'm new here and was just in a couple of discussions concerning the deity of Christ and The Trinity and I seemed to be outnumbered by those who deny that Jesus is God or deny belief in The Trinity. I just wondered if these are the beliefs of most of the people here. I didn't find anything in the...
  13. Bible Highlighter

    Defending the Godhead (Trinity) & the Divine Nature of Christ

    There are people who don't understand the Godhead (Trinity). It's not three gods in one God. It's one God who co-exists as three distinct persons (yet not separated). The Godhead (Trinity): The Bible teaches that there is one God (Deuteronomy 6:4) (1 Timothy 2:5) (Isaiah 45:5). Yet, the...
  14. Johann

    Suffering Messiah.

    THE SECRET OF THE SUFFERING MESSIAH There is a teaching in the Talmud that there will be two Messiahs, the Messiah son of Joseph [or son of Ephraim] and the Messiah son of David. While rabbinic texts speak of the suffering of both, it is the Messiah son of Joseph who is most often seen as the...
  15. Rich R

    Was Jesus a mere man?

    Those who don't believe Jesus is God usually hear something like, "Are you saying Jesus was a mere man?" First of all, there really is no such thing as a "mere" man. Ps 8:4-5, 4 what is man that You are mindful of him, or the son of man that You care for him? 5 You made him a little lower...
  16. D

    The Blood of God

    There are those who deny that Jesus is God incarnate, and part of that is they cannot logically see how this works. I want to show something here briefly That is a "proof" of this in the believers of past ages because of the shared experience of the Love of God through the sacrifice of the...
  17. rainjayF2

    questions about christian doctrine

    Hi beautiful people 1. Jewish friend told me that the trinity is contradictory how would you answer 2. what is superceding theology and how is it antijewish 3. what must one believe to be part of the church body 4. what were the politics of Jesus 5. why is Islam false
  18. BroRando

    Scriptures that trinitarians Don't Want You to Know About - #6

    For among the first things I handed on to you was what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; yes, that he was raised up on the third day according to the Scriptures; (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
  19. ReChoired

    The complete paganism of the Tri-quetra (triquetra), and it's anti-Christian purpose

    The complete paganism of the Tri-quetra (triquetra, sometimes known as the 'celtic-knot'), and it's anti-Christian purpose, and it's ties to the false and deadly heresy of the Roman Catholic 'trinity'. History: "The term triquetra in archaeology is used of any figure consisting of three arcs...
  20. GracePeace

    God was Husband to His People + Jesus is Husband to God's People = Jesus is God

    God was "Husband" to His People Jeremiah 31:32. Jesus is "Husband" to God's People Revelation 19:7. Jesus is God--only God relates to God's People as "Husband". No one but God has the right to stand in God's place. The place of "Husband" is reserved for God. Objection : "His People" changed...