How to be : Made Free from Guilt and Condemnation.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Do you have a time, a date, a day, in your past,..... that you can clearly remember that you understood that you needed to be forgiven for all your sin, and you turned to Jesus and received Him as your Savior in your heart?
Do you have that MOMENT in your past?
So, that has to be there......or no peace with God has occurred , because no salvation has been given to you yet.

Now, if you have that SALVATiON Moment..........and are born again, then the way you stay out of condemnation is very simple.

Paul teaches that "there is now (NOW) (right now) (today and everyday) . no condemnation to those who are (Christians) in Christ"

= Romans 8

What does that mean......

It means something astounding, and wonderful, and eternal.
It literally means that What Jesus has completed for you, on The Cross, that is your "Gift of Salvation""' from God... always keeps God in perfect peace with His Born again.

That means that God is always kept in perfect relationship, with His Born again Sons/Daughters, ONLY because of The Cross of Christ.

So.....What does that do for you once you realize it, as the Revelation of "the Gift of Salvation""?

it takes the heavy weight of self effort to try to please God off of your BACK to try to be accepted by God..... It takes all the guilt that would try to dominate your mind, out of your mind.

See, once you understand that God's Salvation, = always Keeps God in perfect relationship with you , in perfect peace with you, then you stop trying to EARN behavior.
And that is the moment when you finally find God's GRACE as your JOY of Salvation that is your power.. that is your spiritual strength.
That is the moment that you understand God's Grace.

Dan Clarkston

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
How to be : Made Free from Guilt and Condemnation

Yeah and tell us how you false grace teachers believe that even if someone lives in sin, lives after the flesh they are still saved... even when living like the devil!

That's what your boy Charlie Stanley believed and taught! They said he was the authority on "eternal security" and he plainly taught that one could be gay... and still go to Heaven!
In his book, Eternal Security, Stanley says

"Even if a believer for all practical purposes becomes an unbeliever, his salvation is not in jeopardy” (Chapter 10, p. 93)

“Christ will not deny an unbelieving Christian his or her salvation because to do so would be to deny Himself” (p. 94).

“Believers who lose or abandon their faith will retain their salvation, for God remains faithful” (p. 94)

He actually taught one can be a "gay christian" and still go to Heaven proving he is a false teacher!

Here's a video where you can see video of Charlies saying this (just a few minutes into the video)

In this video, Gnarly Charlie says he's proud of Andy and supports him after heresy charges

Can a Person Live a Life of Sin and Remain Saved?

Once Saved, Always Saved?
Video that addresses false claims made by Chales Stanley



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Yeah and tell us how you false grace teachers believe that even if someone lives in sin, lives after the flesh they are still saved... even when living like the de

You are an "OSAS Headcase" and that is a person who has no understanding of God's Grace.


This is a cult, mentality.
You seem to be full of Cult theology.

The only good you provide the forum, is that you reveal how heresy can ruin a person's understanding of The Cross of Christ.
You are what Hebrews 13:9 says is going to happen when a person has no understanding of The Grace of God.
So, in that way, you are very useful, as the Reader learns from your posts, what isn't True., and that helps them avoid becoming like you, @Dan Clarkston .

That's good for them.
So, in that way, you are a very useful Tool, who will continue to be so.

Dan Clarkston

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
You are an "OSAS Headcase" and that is a person who has no understanding of God's Grace.
OK, so we can all live like the devil and God's grace covers it all.... and we live in sin, turning our back on the Lord living in opposition to Him making ourselves to be an adversary of the Lord?
I can see already... your pronouns are Cherry Picker! laughing3.gif

Cherry pickers do not believe the whole counsel of God... they just believe a handful of happy ver4ses and ignore the rest of God's Word to their own peril. That's too bad for you!

You are your boy Charlie Stanley are two peas in a false doctrine pod!
Enjoy your false doctrine cult!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
OK, so we can all live like the devil and God's grace covers it all...

Your obsession with OSAS, is not my Thread's Topic.

You should post that "license to sin": OSAS Cult concept.. as a New Thread, and have that discussion.

Also, if you ever understand 2 Corin 5:19 or Romans 4:8, then you have initially begun to understand The Cross of Christ.

You're not there yet.
Not even close. @Dan Clarkston


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

Do you have a time, a date, a day, in your past,..... that you can clearly remember that you understood that you needed to be forgiven for all your sin, and you turned to Jesus and received Him as your Savior in your heart?
Do you have that MOMENT in your past?
So, that has to be there......or no peace with God has occurred , because no salvation has been given to you yet.

Now, if you have that SALVATiON Moment..........and are born again, then the way you stay out of condemnation is very simple.

Paul teaches that "there is now (NOW) (right now) (today and everyday) . no condemnation to those who are (Christians) in Christ"

= Romans 8

What does that mean......

It means something astounding, and wonderful, and eternal.
It literally means that What Jesus has completed for you, on The Cross, that is your "Gift of Salvation""' from God... always keeps God in perfect peace with His Born again.

That means that God is always kept in perfect relationship, with His Born again Sons/Daughters, ONLY because of The Cross of Christ.

So.....What does that do for you once you realize it, as the Revelation of "the Gift of Salvation""?

it takes the heavy weight of self effort to try to please God off of your BACK to try to be accepted by God..... It takes all the guilt that would try to dominate your mind, out of your mind.

See, once you understand that God's Salvation, = always Keeps God in perfect relationship with you , in perfect peace with you, then you stop trying to EARN behavior.
And that is the moment when you finally find God's GRACE as your JOY of Salvation that is your power.. that is your spiritual strength.
That is the moment that you understand God's Grace.
Your projections are gob-smacking Behold. You reveal your own situation by hiding it behind advice to others.....yet you do not take your own advice. If you did your words would dance to a different tune ie, a tune of hope, not the tune of impending threat if your 'how to' advice is not followed. Your path is that of the Pharisees and Sadducees who dished out advice wholesale yet didn't lift a finger themselves.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
If you did your words would dance to a different tune ie, a tune of hope, not the tune of impending threat

My Thread is simply teaching that THe Cross of Christ is why God is always kept at peace with the Born again Christian,

If you believe that this is "teaching a Threat" then you have some some comprehension issues. @quietthinker

See, the eternal fact that The Cross of Christ is the REASON that God can reconcile us to Himself which is our eternal peace with God, is reason to rejoice....Its not a reason for you to feel threatened........Its just the opposite.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
My Thread is simply teaching that THe Cross of Christ is why God is always kept at peace with the Born again Christian,

If you believe that this is "teaching a Threat" then you have some some comprehension issues. @quietthinker

See, the eternal fact that The Cross of Christ is the REASON that God can reconcile us to Himself which is our eternal peace with God, is reason to rejoice....Its not a reason for you to feel threatened........Its just the opposite.
you just don't get what I'm saying Behold....instead you spin off on your own narrative