Do you have a time, a date, a day, in your past,..... that you can clearly remember that you understood that you needed to be forgiven for all your sin, and you turned to Jesus and received Him as your Savior in your heart?
Do you have that MOMENT in your past?
So, that has to be there......or no peace with God has occurred , because no salvation has been given to you yet.
Now, if you have that SALVATiON Moment..........and are born again, then the way you stay out of condemnation is very simple.
Paul teaches that "there is now (NOW) (right now) (today and everyday) . no condemnation to those who are (Christians) in Christ"
= Romans 8
What does that mean......
It means something astounding, and wonderful, and eternal.
It literally means that What Jesus has completed for you, on The Cross, that is your "Gift of Salvation""' from God... always keeps God in perfect peace with His Born again.
That means that God is always kept in perfect relationship, with His Born again Sons/Daughters, ONLY because of The Cross of Christ.
So.....What does that do for you once you realize it, as the Revelation of "the Gift of Salvation""?
it takes the heavy weight of self effort to try to please God off of your BACK to try to be accepted by God..... It takes all the guilt that would try to dominate your mind, out of your mind.
See, once you understand that God's Salvation, = always Keeps God in perfect relationship with you , in perfect peace with you, then you stop trying to EARN behavior.
And that is the moment when you finally find God's GRACE as your JOY of Salvation that is your power.. that is your spiritual strength.
That is the moment that you understand God's Grace.
Do you have a time, a date, a day, in your past,..... that you can clearly remember that you understood that you needed to be forgiven for all your sin, and you turned to Jesus and received Him as your Savior in your heart?
Do you have that MOMENT in your past?
So, that has to be there......or no peace with God has occurred , because no salvation has been given to you yet.
Now, if you have that SALVATiON Moment..........and are born again, then the way you stay out of condemnation is very simple.
Paul teaches that "there is now (NOW) (right now) (today and everyday) . no condemnation to those who are (Christians) in Christ"
= Romans 8
What does that mean......
It means something astounding, and wonderful, and eternal.
It literally means that What Jesus has completed for you, on The Cross, that is your "Gift of Salvation""' from God... always keeps God in perfect peace with His Born again.
That means that God is always kept in perfect relationship, with His Born again Sons/Daughters, ONLY because of The Cross of Christ.
So.....What does that do for you once you realize it, as the Revelation of "the Gift of Salvation""?
it takes the heavy weight of self effort to try to please God off of your BACK to try to be accepted by God..... It takes all the guilt that would try to dominate your mind, out of your mind.
See, once you understand that God's Salvation, = always Keeps God in perfect relationship with you , in perfect peace with you, then you stop trying to EARN behavior.
And that is the moment when you finally find God's GRACE as your JOY of Salvation that is your power.. that is your spiritual strength.
That is the moment that you understand God's Grace.