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  1. MatthewG

    The Importance of Yeshua's Resurrection

    If you are someone whom claims to be Christian, you may understand the reason of the importance of the Resurrection. The reason that the resurrection is important, is because it's where spiritual awakening in Christ becomes apparent within yourself based on spiritual evidence which are not seen...
  2. G

    Is it a 'sin', to use a one world currency? (would it cause you to stumble?)

    Hi there, So this is something that I have learned to appreciate, when it comes to the anti-christ. The book of Revelation says there are three things to watch out for: the mark of the anti-christ, the name of the anti-christ and the number of the anti-christ. Revelation does not say these...
  3. G

    Nothing is so important, as that you learn not to resist God's Will (stiff-necked?)

    Hi there, So I had a personal revelation, that I wanted to share. The idea is simple: God's Will is first. How ever you identify, whatever you think you are, you can remain as you were, if you submit to the Will of God. You were not in times past against God, you did not do evil, in principle...
  4. Behold

    How To : Deny The Cross

    Reader, All Cross denying Heresies are a "doctrine of the devil". "doctrines of Devils". (KJV) Hebrews 13:9 So, what is that? How to see it? Its simple.... Its this. The Cross of CHRIST... is in the Devil's way.. ..Its prevent's Him from utterly destroying all of Humanity. SATAN Hates The...
  5. Behold

    Happy Birthday > JESUS

    Jesus is Alive Jesus is Lord Happy Birthday Jesus - -
  6. G

    Please pray for the lovers of God

    Hi there, So I was going to request a different kind of prayer, but the Lord sort of lead me to be a little more selfless. Hence the prayer request for the lovers of God (of which there is at least one). I'm not praying that they all have passion at once, or the strength to hold out for a long...
  7. G

    Nothing proves there is a God, only that certain things that are among things here are *for* God (peace?)

    Hi there, So basically the best you can prove, is that the overwhelming set of things that know God, are for God. God's proof is a converted life. We don't need to do more than that (believe in God). The Devil will object, that we don't know God like we should or that we are not enough "for"...
  8. Behold

    How does the Christian exist on earth : = in the KOG?

    Reader.. Let me show you who you are and where you are, as born again., as you literally exist in God's perspective, on this earth. So that...., when you get this same perspective that God has regarding all the Born again, = then you have renewed your mind and your faith is perfect. Paul...
  9. G

    God will never complete you, before He converts you (selah?)

    Hi there, So I have this simple thought for your edification In essence, God will always put the will of His Son (Jesus Christ) before the will of the Holy Spirit. This is because to be completed means that you need a foundation, and the only way to develop a foundation, is to be converted by...
  10. G

    What are people at the end of time like? (you?)

    Hi there, So Jesus talks about "men's hearts failing them, for fear of the things to come" (Gospels, from memory). I hazard that this can be interpreted a step further: at the end of time, men will have lots of problems. By problems I mean mental instability, ill health, doubts...
  11. Behold

    Leaving the Law.. : By GRACE

    Reader, If you are not born again and you use profanity.. then because you are still "under the Law".. then The LAW defines your profanity, as : "sin." Whereas.....When a person becomes born again.. then ..."you are NOT under the Law.....but under GRACE".. 1.) This means that the LAW and...
  12. Behold

    The 4 Mindsets.

    There are 4 "mindsets". 1st.) There is the natural mind.. the carnal mind that is in the unbeliever, and this mind is blinded by the devil "lest the light of the glorious Gospel Of Jesus Christ should shine into them".. ="Shine into them" = enlighten them and bring them to the "knowledge of...
  13. G

    The anti-christ has a name (whose number is 616), but will he answer to it?

    Hi there, So what the anti-christ will do, he will do steadily. This is the approach to the end. The question is, if the anti-christ has a name, will he answer to it? I have stated elsewhere that the anti-christ rejects birth (and so can't be born again), but the Lord promised that He would...
  14. G

    Technique for responding to God's Grace (dealing with madness)

    Hi there, So I just developed a technique, which can put you in touch with God's Grace. For background, I have both ascertained that laughing at your cure can bring you closer to being well and that allowing God to share your struggle - within you - can ease the suffering of dealing with mental...
  15. Behold

    - "Doctrine of Devils". = Hyper-Calvinism -The "5 points"

    Calvin and the Hyper-Calvinist, teach that Paul is a 5-point Hyper Calvinist, as they teach that a few verses that Paul wrote, that they SEE as meaning what Calvin teaches and others who evolved Calvins theology in Hyper-Calvinism.., proves that Paul is a Calvinist, and a Hyper Calvinist. They...
  16. Behold

    Made Sinless Forever : #2

    Reader, This is a follow up to the previous Thread : Made Sinless Forever, by The Blood of Jesus. So, again, we understand that What Christ has completed on The Cross....= is Eternal. . And once you have received it by Faith, then what it provides for you, is eternal. Salvation is Eternal...
  17. Behold

    Made Sinless Forever : By the Blood of Jesus.

    Reader, Any time you have a "OSAS" type of Thread up and running....., you are going to find most of all..... Christians and the hyper religious.. who do not understand their Salvation, or do not have any Salvation.... coming to the Thread try to prove that the born again still have their sin...
  18. Behold

    Discernment ..........Correction.... and the BIBLE

    Reader.. Discernment. - The more of God's word you have in you, the more of God's revelation you have that He causes to become "The Knowledge of God". Getting ALL of that "down pat"..., as Paul's Doctrine, is how you : "work out your Salvation".. The bible is a Circular Spiritual Puzzle. Its...
  19. G

    I'm slowly losing my mind to the medication I am on; no memory of past decades, no real concept of last week - pray?

    Hi there, This will require a concerted effort on the behalf of the faith. I am losing my life to medication. Names of people, orders of memories, place and time of details of memories. All of it crushed. No feeling. No great highs or lows. I don't even know how to answer my psychiatrist, as...
  20. G

    Sometimes God doesn't remove a doubt, because it isn't the right time to remove it (still?)

    Hi there, So a little help for my brothers and sisters in Christ, who are all struggling (bar the foolishmost). God doesn't always remove doubt. I have been in the faith and away (from the faith) and been back again (even back to the end), and I can attest that this is true. My past sins are...