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  1. G

    The weight of sin, breaks the flesh apart! (breaking?)

    Hi there, So I am in a struggle at the moment: I've started to realise all the lovers in my life (from porn, to real life) need to be pointed to God. Confessing the sin, freed me, but then I started to notice something else: my flesh began splitting open! It's not an external thing, yet, but...
  2. grumix8

    The End times cannot be stopped but can we delay it so we can have time to preach the word so we can save more people ? What Ideas can we give ?

    I've have studied scripture for more than 20 years now and read and seen pastors explaining the end times and seen protestant end times explained by Witnesses of Jehova, Adventist, and Pentecostal. Also seen Catholic church end times explained can we delay the end times to save more people ? We...
  3. G

    Nothing is so important, as that you learn not to resist God's Will (stiff-necked?)

    Hi there, So I had a personal revelation, that I wanted to share. The idea is simple: God's Will is first. How ever you identify, whatever you think you are, you can remain as you were, if you submit to the Will of God. You were not in times past against God, you did not do evil, in principle...
  4. G

    Nothing proves there is a God, only that certain things that are among things here are *for* God (peace?)

    Hi there, So basically the best you can prove, is that the overwhelming set of things that know God, are for God. God's proof is a converted life. We don't need to do more than that (believe in God). The Devil will object, that we don't know God like we should or that we are not enough "for"...
  5. G

    Please ask for a dream, about someone who I (Gottservant) can share the Gospel with (the Holy Spirit?)

    Hi there, I have asked for this in the past and it wasn't really successful - I think because people didn't really understand how their dreams could help share the Gospel. What I am asking is: "Have a dream, that will be relevant to someone I meet"? I am happy to reciprocate the favor, just let...
  6. M

    Please pray for Aiden

    Please pray for Aiden’s salvation. That he would come to a saving knowledge of the truth and that he would bear fruit for the Lord.
  7. Behold

    How to be : Made Free from Guilt and Condemnation.

    Reader.. Do you have a time, a date, a day, in your past,..... that you can clearly remember that you understood that you needed to be forgiven for all your sin, and you turned to Jesus and received Him as your Savior in your heart? Do you have that MOMENT in your past? So, that has to be...
  8. Behold

    Seeing : Salvation... #5

    Reader, Here is a simple teaching regarding understanding God's Salvation...... 1.) Each of us is this one... "all have sinned, there is none righteous..... no not one".. And this situation, is not something that we can resolve, of ourselves. We are at the mercy of The LAW, that demands...
  9. G

    Fallen away from the faith, and miss it? Nothing is stopping you from praising God for the beginning of your faith once again (commitment?)

    Hi there, So you had it, you chose to believe and you threw everything in; it was easy, it was light and you loved it. Then trials and tribulations came along and you started to doubt. Doubt turned to complacency (a lesser evil) and complacency to a deadness in your spirit. Then you quit. It...
  10. Behold

    Heaven Bound : or No ?

    Reader... Try to understand that Heaven and Hell, are : Destinations..........Eternal Destinations. They are Destinations,... ETERNAL. 1,) Originally , Hell was created for the Devil and His Fallen Angels... so, at that time, there was no ADAM. Once Adam "fell".. once He kneeled before the...
  11. M

    Please pray for Josh

    Please pray for Josh’s salvation and repentance
  12. G

    Theology is neither here nor there, but have you submitted to God? (poised?)

    Hi there, So it dawned on me recently that what you say is neither here nor there: but what saves! Jesus Himself said "chasing after Me to be the Christ, is nothing to Me" (paraphrase gospels, from memory) that is "when they say 'here is the Christ' or 'the Christ is there', do not go after...
  13. Behold

    Because Jesus took yours = God gave you His

    Reader, 1.) "Where there is no Law, there is no (sin) Transgression". This means... that The Born again are : "Not under the Law, but under Grace". All the born again are "made free from sin", having become "one with God" "In Christ". 2.) Why does this idea that a Believer has no sin...
  14. G

    God suffers more with us, than we can suffer on our own - but He does it anyway! (heartfelt?)

    Hi there, So it is just out of love that I want to say this: suffering in God, comes at a far higher price, than we pay for on our own. This doesn't deter God, He is happy to share our suffering with us - until we find comfort. That so great a God would come down to our level, and be a part of...
  15. Behold

    Hell : Then the Lake of Fire

    Reader.... Hell was created for the Devil and His fallen angels", before Adam was created who rebelled and took on the nature of the Devil. So, that "nature" is the "Adamic" nature.. Its the sin nature or the "fallen nature" that is passed unto us all, as.. "by one man's sin, sin and death...
  16. Behold

    Right Faith vs Wrong Faith

    Reader... God requires faith in Christ before He gives you HIS "Gift of Salvation." Jesus said..>"all that believe in me".....>He never said..>>"all that i cause to Believe will believe"., as that is John Calvinism's demonic twist on it. Jesus is not a Calvinist. Listen and think.... = If...
  17. G

    The Devil doesn't make sense, can't give direction, but he's *mean* (will the Holy Spirit deliver us?)

    Hi there, So here we are, waging spiritual warfare and what do we find? We find that the Devil makes no sense to God, nor can he give direction. We know he speaks from his own resources (as Jesus said) and that means that his memories are uninspired and his giving direction is too weak to be...
  18. G

    The Devil accuses the brethren, by being more pious than they want to be (annoyed?)

    Hi there, So for all of those people out there, that wonder what the Devil is up to, when he wars against us and defames us before God: he is actually pretending to be more pious than you are. When the day comes that we are to enter Heaven, the Devil is cast out of the place he occupied, in...
  19. L.A.M.B.

    Question about what to believe:

    Disregard this thread, iow, NEVERMIND!
  20. L.A.M.B.

    How far must we go..........

    This is a lifelong journey if one wants to be with God in his heavenly estate. We start at salvation, the very principle of Christ ; our forgiveness. However this is not where we stop. If all we have is this only, then to remain a babe on the milk of the word of God does a disservice to the...