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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
When i was a young believer, i wanted to know why,... "this pastor says something that the next pastor says, "isn't true".
So, i was sitting on a swing one morning in the Springtime, quite a while ago..., NT in hand, book here, commentary there, and i had no answer for why there are 2000 denominations that all disagree. So, i asked God, "why"..... and i got a response.

It was not a parting of the clouds.
There was no crack in the sky above me.
No finger appeared to write in the sand near my shoes.
I just suddenly understood, by God's Spirit, what i had never thought before, and that is how God often shows me Light. And i suspect it'll be the same for you, if its not already.

So, coming into revelation of the NT, is often a instant knowing as if ..."oh yeah, i see that.... that makes perfect sense. That math adds up perfectly.
Yet 2 mins before, you did not SEE THAT.
This is the Logos becoming Rhema.
This is God giving you the REVELATION.

And the way you SEE is like this... You compare scriptures with scriptures, not scriptures with the commentary you use instead of the Bible. Hear me?
Always realize that the commentary is to serve the word, and to usurp the word
You are to compare bible VERSES with bible VERSES (study) until the dots connect as REVELATION inside your spiritual understanding.
So, to do that, you have to Study.
And when you are able to finally do a lot of Spiritual Math within that bible, you have learned how to "rightly divide" and "spiritually discern"..

Now before i show you a key, let me show you a verse.
And this verse is one of the heretics favorite verses to use against the Grace of God to try to subvert you from Faith in Christ to Faith in SELF.
Some of you have been subverted.
Proof? You think you can lose your salvaiton.

Now understand.. a heretic, ( Legalist) vs a Believer who isn't a heretic..is only one difference...... The Heretic is trying to keep themselves saved by SELF, and the Believer who is not a heretic, is Trusting in Christ Alone to keep them saved.
See, you can be totally caught up in crazy ideas and crazy end time rabbit trail theology and still not be a Heretic. And that is because heresy is only related to trying to Replace the Grace of God with "works".(self righteousness).
See, once you try to believe and TEACH that you are to save yourself to the end, or keep yourself saved at all, you just qualified yourself as a Legalist = heretic.
So, HERESY is essentially the dark fruit regarding only that one WRONG belief system that is related strictly to..= What do you believe KEEPS YOU SAVED.
And there are only 2 choices according to Christia Truth. 1.) Christ. 2.) YOU. The Heretic is DEVOTED to #2. = Always.
The heretic pretends to trust in Christ, and talks a good game, but they preach, self saving...always.

Now, here is a verse that is one of the heretics bread and butter verses, along with Hebrews Ch 10, and a few in James and Matthew....
So, lets quickly look at why the Religious Math they use to try to make you believe that you have to DO THAT to be saved "in the end", does not add up. As this is bad Christian Math at its worst.

Now SEE THIS...... "to the END, shall be SAVED". Ok, first... to the end of what? The end of time? The end of your life? The end of the 1st Quarter? The end of days? The end of the book of the revelation? The end of the Pandemic? The END OF WHAT ?????
The heretic has no clue.
Ah...so thats a problem, as the verse does not define what that end IS..... And the heretic never told you, because the Heretic has no CLUE. so, i'll tell you in a minute, but first you have to SEE that the verse does not say..>"the end of the Christian's faith". or "the end of the Christian's LIFE"..........got it?

Now this part,.... "shall BE saved"..... as in..."will be saved" LATER..."at the END".. that is not given in the verse... So "shall BE saved". What??? Listen...were you not born again, already?
Listen carefully, were you born again, already?
Are you born again right now?
So, are you saved?
Do you remember the day you were SAVED.?
So are you SAVED? Of course you are. So, if you are Born Again NOW, how could you be saved "in the end" only if you endure? You are already "in Christ", NOW, if you are born again.
You are already "seated in heavenly places" right NOW.
The NT says that "as Jesus IS so are the born again in THIS EARTH"..that is RIGHT NOW. So, if you are already all that, why would you be waiting to be "saved in the end"..>? Ahhh. So, see how that Christian Math is not working out? It does not add up. Do you see it? IF. you do, then you now see what it means to compare scripture with scriptures , to "rightly divide" the word.

You have to learn how to do this.
= STUDY, and God gives REVELATION.

So, You the Born Again right NOW.....are not enduring to the end of anything, to be saved. You are already BORN AGAIN and "in Christ"... So, dont let the Heretic chop down your Faith with that verse, as they try it often on every Christian forum, worldwide.
They also try it from thousand and thousands of Pulpits and also from many many TV ministries.

So, what is the "end"?
Well, that verse is Matt 24:13, talking about the Great Tribulation.. Not the "time of the gentiles".
So, if you read vs 24:14, you'll read that "the gospel of the kingdom".. is being preached.
That is not the Gospel of the Grace of God.
That is a different preaching/message. So, this is what is found in the Great Trib, along with the 144,000..... and this is not the during "the time of the gentiles"". So, it says that THAT Gospel, will be preached and then the END....END....END....END...".will come".
So see that word? "end"......remember it from, He who endures to the END?
So, that is not related to the BORN AGAIN "in the time of the Gentiles" as its the wrong Gospel being preached.. Reader.
So, this is the "End" of the Tribulation.... Its THAT END.....>Its those people who have to endure to the end of THAT situation..... So, there is your "end".
And Thats not YOU, SAINT.... You are RAPTURED alread by then, well before that "end" of the GT.

So when you read or hear or watch someone teaching that you the Born Again, are to be " saved in the END IF YOU ENDURE"....Then you will recognize a heretic, who is twisting a verse that is related to the end of the Tribulation AS their Gospel of "self saving" which rejects Grace.
They are twisting a verse that is not related to the "time of the gentiles".
This is a heretic who is trying to subvert YOUR FAITH In Christ.
So, keep your eyes open, and when you see them twist THAT VERSE = as how you the born again are to keep yourself saved....>You have now spotted the Heretic, every time.

Ok, here is that KEY.
I asked God how to know when the truth is being preached and how to discern the Liars.
In other words, if everyone says they have the truth and everyone is teaching, and none of it agrees, then who is NOT LYING.????.
What is the KEY to discern this mess? How to know? And i was shown this idea.
Here is your key. When you want to know how to find out which one out of the pack is telling the truth, then you do this by discovering what is not true, so that once you see THAT, then what is TRUE, stands out, stands up, SHINES.
And then i came to understand that its only ONE TRUTH that separates the liars from the REAL. It only one. Its this... What is the Teacher doing with the CROSS and the Blood of Jesus. ????
Is it SHINING when they talk about SALVATION, or is it HIDDEN and REPLACED by WORKS and self saving =when they preach THEIR Gospel.
So....That is the Key of all Keys to discern who is lying to you , vs who is a REAL Child of the Light, and a true Teacher of the same.

How do you come to know how to separate the liars from the Real?
The best way is to find a good teacher.
And, you have to study to show yourself approved, a lot, so that you are able to know how to connect scriptures like dots of truth.

See, God has designed the Word, the NT, to be a circular Spiritual puzzle.
You are to study it, and learn how to fit the pieces of the puzzle together to get the Big Picture as Revelation..
Saint, here is what God did.... He has put all the truth as Doctrine, in most of what Paul wrote. Not all, but nearly all.
So, the fundamentals Of Grace, that you have to learn, must become Light to you.
And each little piece of revealed Light that follow have to be discovered by "study to show yourself approved".
And then it joins the previous piece you understood.
Light learned gives more Revelation, and this builds like a foundation of Light.
Start here : Hebrews 13:9
Then go directly to Paul's Epistles, and stay there....live there.

What God does is He puts one verse, as a revelation in Ephesians, then the next connection verse or piece of the "Puzzle of Light" will be in Titus, .. Then that next piece will be say, in 1st John... Sometimes it'll be in a Proverb, then the part that fits to that piece of Light will be in Mark.

So, what im showing you is that the bible , the NT, is a puzzle of Spiritual Light, and none of the pieces are together..
You have to study to find them, then from this, you will be given the spiritual discernment to understand how they fit together as a full revelation.
A real Teacher, who is anointed, can help you so much.
One who pretends to be, can harm you to the very end of your life.

Be careful.
Learn to see the liars, and learn to hear the real.
"you that are Spiritual, are able to discern this...."