I have a very twisted sense of humor....I agree.That's funny
I like the method of kicking the bible out of my bed and having a nap with the Holy Spirit and use osmosis to receive whatever dreams He wants me to receive direct truth through.
Scholarly hermeneutics is almost a lost skill....mostly because most people have an agenda of a pet theology that somehow gains them their "all access pass" into Heaven.
Others have a position in an altruistic organization that they believe does the same thing....whether they have the requisite skills for that position or not. (And woe to the person who challenges their role in that position)
The whole concept of actually taking the accurately understood scriptures to heart and changing your attitudes and actions is too much for them to accomplish. They don't want to self reflect as it will bring them too much anguish and make them uncomfortable.
"I haven't always been right but I'm never wrong now" mentality firmly in place.
And it's always somewhat of a surprise to me....
When we read Acts or any of the apostles' letters...we see how carefully they were about stating ANY doctrine because they were deathly afraid of creating a new one. (Healthy fear of God)
Today...no such fear exists. We live in the days of the "Buddy Christ" (To quote a Jay and Silent Bob movie) whom I advise about how He should do his job and tell him about all the wicked things you do. (Just so he knows for sure how your wicked ways offend me)
There's days I think "God likely has had enough of this mess" but the sun keeps rising...so...