If you think that the 1st day in Genesis was a 24-hour day, then bet on it

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2023
Let proposition P1 = The first day in Genesis was a 24-hour day.
P2 = The first day in Genesis was not a 24-hour day.

Between 0 and 10, how much weight do you put on each of the above propositions? The stronger your belief in a proposition, the higher the weight.

Are you willing to bet based on your weighting scheme?

This is not a lotto/gambling bet. This is a bet to scientifically measure the strength of your belief. Put your money where your mouth is. I am interested in finding out the strength of your belief mathematically. See Subjective (Bayesian) Probability.

You can say that the moon is made of cheese. Words are cheap unless you are willing to bet on it.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

If you think that the 1st day in Genesis was a 24-hour day, then bet on it​

When foolishness takes the stage, where does wisdom go?

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
Let proposition P1 = The first day in Genesis was a 24-hour day.
P2 = The first day in Genesis was not a 24-hour day.

Between 0 and 10, how much weight do you put on each of the above propositions? The stronger your belief in a proposition, the higher the weight.

Are you willing to bet based on your weighting scheme?

This is not a lotto/gambling bet. This is a bet to scientifically measure the strength of your belief. Put your money where your mouth is. I am interested in finding out the strength of your belief mathematically. See Subjective (Bayesian) Probability.

You can say that the moon is made of cheese. Words are cheap unless you are willing to bet on it.
I was taught not to gamble.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Let proposition P1 = The first day in Genesis was a 24-hour day.
P2 = The first day in Genesis was not a 24-hour day.

Between 0 and 10, how much weight do you put on each of the above propositions? The stronger your belief in a proposition, the higher the weight.

Are you willing to bet based on your weighting scheme?

This is not a lotto/gambling bet. This is a bet to scientifically measure the strength of your belief. Put your money where your mouth is. I am interested in finding out the strength of your belief mathematically. See Subjective (Bayesian) Probability.

You can say that the moon is made of cheese. Words are cheap unless you are willing to bet on it.
God created the perfect heavens and a earth in the beginning at Gen.1:1.

Satan rebelled, and then at Gen.1:2 the earth became a 'waste' and a 'ruin'. That is what Hebrew tohu va bohu ("without form, and form") actually means.

This present 2nd world earth age started right after Gen.1:2, and God made this present 2nd world earth age in an IMPERFECT condition because of Satan's rebellion.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Let proposition P1 = The first day in Genesis was a 24-hour day.
P2 = The first day in Genesis was not a 24-hour day.

Between 0 and 10, how much weight do you put on each of the above propositions? The stronger your belief in a proposition, the higher the weight.

Are you willing to bet based on your weighting scheme?

This is not a lotto/gambling bet. This is a bet to scientifically measure the strength of your belief. Put your money where your mouth is. I am interested in finding out the strength of your belief mathematically. See Subjective (Bayesian) Probability.

You can say that the moon is made of cheese. Words are cheap unless you are willing to bet on it.

It's both.

To understand what the world actually is, is to understand that God has and does make manifest all of the above--literally. Meaning, if one believes the first day was 24hours or a thousand years, or that the earth is 6,000 years old or billions of years old...each is made manifest that all things that are concealed should be revealed. And go figure, the more the speculations, the more arguments there are. The whole thing predictably becomes a Progressive Escalation of one-up-man-ship and a sort of arms race leading to destruction.

Thus, one is not right while the other is wrong--but both or all things are revealed as the truth of what is otherwise hidden within. Then comes the end.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
The fact that God originally made a 'perfect' creation in the beginning, and then ended that old world because of Satan's rebellion in coveting God's throne, is not speculation.

Apostle Paul pointed to God's original perfect creation of Genesis 1:1 when he showed in Romans 8:18-25 that God placed this 'present' creation in bondage to corruption, in vanity. And if one has not used their brain enough to figure out why this present 2nd world earth age is preserved to be destroyed by fire, like Apostle Peter said, then one needs a whole... lot more Bible study, and maybe do some exercises that increase sharpness of the mind.

God's destruction of His original first perfect creation of Genesis 1:1 because of Satan's rebellion...

Jer 4:22-28
22 For My people is foolish, they have not known Me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light.

I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly.

25 I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled.

I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by His fierce anger.

27 For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.

28 For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2023
God created the perfect heavens and a earth in the beginning at Gen.1:1.

Satan rebelled, and then at Gen.1:2 the earth became a 'waste' and a 'ruin'. That is what Hebrew tohu va bohu ("without form, and form") actually means.

This present 2nd world earth age started right after Gen.1:2, and God made this present 2nd world earth age in an IMPERFECT condition because of Satan's rebellion.
Thanks for sharing.

What do you mean by "perfect" and "imperfect"?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Thanks for sharing.

What do you mean by "perfect" and "imperfect"?

Turn to Romans 8:18-25...

Rom 8:18-25
18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Apostle Paul in the above is comparing this present world, with the world to come.

19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

The Greek word for "creature" above is the same Greek word translated to "creation" in the later Romans 8:22 verse. So Paul is talking about God's creation.

20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of Him Who hath subjected the same in hope,

Paul reveals in the above verse that at some point, God made His creation subject to "vanity", and subjected His creation in hope. That idea of the word "vanity" is the equivalent idea of Hebrew tohu va bohu ("without form, and void").

In Isaiah 45:18, God said He created the earth NOT in vain (Hebrew tohu, which is translated to "without form" at Gen.1:2 and Jer.4:23). Thus said He did not create the earth without form. This requires that we stop and think for a moment.

If God did not create the earth tohu ("without form") like He said Isaiah 45, then it means His original creation had to have been in a PERFECT state, and not like the earth's condition of today, of having been "made subject to vanity". It points to today's creation NOT being in a perfect state.

21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

Just when... did God subject His present creation in that "bondage of corruption"? Some try to say He did when Adam fell, but no, the Jeremiah 4:23-28 Scripture is another view of the state of the earth at Genesis 1:2 after God ended the old world when Satan first rebelled.

Per the Ezekiel 28 parable, the king of Tyrus there given as a 'type' for Satan, it shows that God originally created Satan perfect in his ways, and then iniquity was later found in him. So Satan originally followed and worshiped God in that old world, is what that is pointing to. Satan coveted God's throne, wanting to be The GOD, and God ended Satan's rebellion of old along with that original 'perfect' creation. Then past Genesis 1:2 is God re-establishing today's 2nd earth world age creation, which He placed in "bondage of corruption" for today.

Apostle Paul obviously understood this, and Peter did remark about some things hard to understand in Paul's Epistles.

22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

God's creation of today groans and travails in pain until now?

I know we all have been taught that today's creation by God is so... beautiful, and even perfect, but it is not. Not by God's standard. This is why Paul here is showing the difference between today's creation that God placed in a state of corruption and bondage, to His glorious creation in the future world to come.

23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

What is it that groans "within ourselves", waiting for that future adoption, the redemption to our glorious body? It is our soul and spirit inside our flesh that awaits that change. The whole creation awaits that redemption too, according to Paul here. And that points directly to the fact that God's creation of today had before, at one time, been in a perfect condition.

24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Even though God's creation for this present 2nd world earth age is still beautiful, it is not in the 'original perfect' state that He made it. The interpretation tradition of Genesis 1:2 forward being about the only creation that God did is designed by men to actually hide... what really happened in the old world, the 1st world earth age when Satan followed God. It actually is a promoting of man's secular science, because the "without form, and void" traditional translation is pushing man's theory that the earth existed in a state of 'nothingness' at Gen.1:2, which is not what that verse reveals at all, especially per the Hebrew tohua va bohu phrase.

That traditional interpretation of Gen.1 also disregards the fossil evidence that God left us that shows the earth's history is much older than the traditional interpretation of Genesis 1. New Earth Creationists will even try and use the excuse that any belief in the fossil record means believing man's false theory of evolution. Yet God left us the fossil record as evidence of His destruction of His previous perfect creation, for example:

There is a major gap in the fossil record between ancient created animals that no longer exist (like the dinosaurs), and animals of this present world. That gap shows that animal and plant life just ended abruptly, and there is a time gap of nothing, and then later new animal and plant life emerge. Likewise at the earth's poles there are fossils of tropical plant and animal life showing those areas of the earth were at one time like a tropical paradise. Same for the putrefied forests of palm trees in the western U.S. deserts.

The woolly mammoth found frozen buried in the ice at the Arctic had undigested vegetation still in its mouth, and in its stomach, showing that it was caught grazing in a lush green field in the Arctic zone. That has scientists baffled, because it shows that mammoth was cover in water all of a sudden and then froze solid, even before the vegetation had time to decay. God's Word actually explains all that, but it requires Bible study.

Per Rev.1:1 in the future world to come, there will be 'no more sea' it says. That means no more oceans and seas, the waters covering about 70% of today's earth. Where is all that water going to go?

God explains this in the Jeremiah 4 Scripture:

Jer 4:26-28
26 I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by His fierce anger.

That was God's destruction of the old world when Satan rebelled, ending that old world. Believe it or not, there were cities and nations upon the earth in that 1st world earth age, when Satan was originally exalted over them (see Ezekiel 31, which is a parable like Ezekiel 28). That was an 'angelic' type existence upon this earth, with God's River of the Waters of Life upon this earth, which we are shown still was here per Gen.2, but then removed by the end of Gen.3 when Adam and Eve fell.

27 For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.

That is after God had destroyed that old world when Satan rebelled. That "whole land shall be desolate" is a link to what Apostle Paul showed with God placing His original perfect creation at that time, in bondage to corruption.

28 For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.

That idea of the earth being in mourning, and the heavens above being black, is another reference to God having placed His original perfect creation in bondage to corruption, which is the state of the earth at Gen.1:2 forward, and is still today's present earth.

The heavens above being black is a reference to today's cloud system around the earth for this 2nd world earth age. What do clouds full of rain water look like? They turn dark, black. That is what God is pointing to with that idea. And it is the sky holes in today's atmosphere around the earth that is responsible for today's violent weather systems. The sun beads down upon the earth, heating waters on the earth to make them rise to altitude, and at altitudes above the earth, the air is cold. Thus those warm and cold fronts mix, and create today's violent storms, including black storm clouds. Plug all those holes in today's sky atmosphere around the earth and you have what... kind of weather system? The one which God originally created the earth with, which caused even temperatures over the whole earth, making the whole earth like a literal Paradise.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2023
If God did not create the earth tohu ("without form") like He said Isaiah 45, then it means His original creation had to have been in a PERFECT state,
verse? Please be specific and to the word.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Evening and morning were the first day
Light vs dark separated the day from the night

it is a day.. the question is was a day 24 hours at the begining.. or another number?