I'm slowly losing my mind to the medication I am on; no memory of past decades, no real concept of last week - pray?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
Hi there,

This will require a concerted effort on the behalf of the faith. I am losing my life to medication. Names of people, orders of memories, place and time of details of memories. All of it crushed. No feeling. No great highs or lows.

I don't even know how to answer my psychiatrist, as to why it is she should let me off my medication. She doesn't care about what goes missing, as long as my mental health can't hold on to the negative. Well, you can't have the positive (state of mind) without the negative! I get that it (my mental health) went too far, into the negative; but that is not me any more! I don't think it is - that's why I need the prayer.

I am not asking you to pray that I come off treatment I need, I am saying "Come on, set a limit to how invasive you think treatment should be" - criminals get the benefit of the doubt, what do people with mental health conditions get? I'm not trying to be angry, I am saying "help! I am suffocating here!"

If it can help me (your prayer) it will help countless numbers of others: I am no different from them (I have sinned like everyone else, put it that way). Would you beat someone up, for money they don't have? Maybe that's a silly thing to say, I never said my madness was perfectly rational. It is a big ask, for someone who knows the failings of the mind (as a psychiatrist does) to just say "ok, I will tolerate your irrationality". Can you see how needed your prayer is?

I think what is, is that I need an answer to my doubts. If my doubts are in check (and God alone can answer for that, hence the need for prayer) then there will be no reason to doubt that I will remain grounded - in the sanity that is left.

Cheers to you, if you can help this burden!


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
get that it (my mental health) went too far, into the negative; but that is not me any more! I don't think it is

I am saying "Come on, set a limit to how invasive you think treatment should be" - criminals get the benefit of the doubt, what do people with mental health conditions get? I'm not trying to be angry, I am saying "help! I am suffocating here!"

Hi, you mentioned not knowing what to say to your psychiatrist as to coming off your meds.

I think you should explain to her how you explained it to us. Your above two quotes explain it very well.... maybe use them when you talk with her?

Perhaps she can start to reduce your dose? And then go from there?

Prayed for you.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Hi there,

This will require a concerted effort on the behalf of the faith. I am losing my life to medication. Names of people, orders of memories, place and time of details of memories. All of it crushed. No feeling. No great highs or lows.

I don't even know how to answer my psychiatrist, as to why it is she should let me off my medication. She doesn't care about what goes missing, as long as my mental health can't hold on to the negative. Well, you can't have the positive (state of mind) without the negative! I get that it (my mental health) went too far, into the negative; but that is not me any more! I don't think it is - that's why I need the prayer.

I am not asking you to pray that I come off treatment I need, I am saying "Come on, set a limit to how invasive you think treatment should be" - criminals get the benefit of the doubt, what do people with mental health conditions get? I'm not trying to be angry, I am saying "help! I am suffocating here!"

If it can help me (your prayer) it will help countless numbers of others: I am no different from them (I have sinned like everyone else, put it that way). Would you beat someone up, for money they don't have? Maybe that's a silly thing to say, I never said my madness was perfectly rational. It is a big ask, for someone who knows the failings of the mind (as a psychiatrist does) to just say "ok, I will tolerate your irrationality". Can you see how needed your prayer is?

I think what is, is that I need an answer to my doubts. If my doubts are in check (and God alone can answer for that, hence the need for prayer) then there will be no reason to doubt that I will remain grounded - in the sanity that is left.

Cheers to you, if you can help this burden!
As someone who lives with anhedonia, I know what deep and long lived depression can do. It is only by the grace of God that I sit here writing this to you.
I have seemingly developed a resistance to the SSRI's and will not take mood stabilizers for a couple different reasons.
My prayer is that God lift your spirits and that your Dr. will find favor with you and be given understanding.
I am praying now!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Would you beat someone up, for money they don't have? Maybe that's a silly thing to say, I never said my madness was perfectly rational.
I don’t think it’s a silly thing to say. I hear you expressing you have nothing left to take.
I'm not trying to be angry, I am saying "help! I am suffocating here!"
“Help! I am suffocating here!”
Reminds me also of the distress cry of “help! I am drowning!”

I will pray for you as others here have agreed to pray. but if God is true consider this,
Hebrews 5:7 Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;

I’m sure you have offered up strong crying unto God and tears to Him that is able to save you from death. I can relate. Keep offering up to God prayers to Him who is able to save you. I’m not suggesting God hasn’t saved you, but I only want to remind you that He hears you. Even if the doctors don’t hear or physicians or others … I can’t imagine how scared you are but if there is any message of the Grace, Mercy and forgiveness it is to those broken-hearted. What struck me about your post is your suggesting you no longer have the words anymore to describe how you feel. Maybe you are too tired to pray, to ask or to think anymore. Still, don’t forget you don’t have to present it all to God, or find the words to explain how you feel. Even in silence, can He not hear our distress?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2024
United States
As someone who lives with anhedonia, I know what deep and long lived depression can do. It is only by the grace of God that I sit here writing this to you.
I have seemingly developed a resistance to the SSRI's and will not take mood stabilizers for a couple different reasons.
My prayer is that God lift your spirits and that your Dr. will find favor with you and be given understanding.
I am praying now!
I notice my mood is better when supplementing with amino acids . Praying for you . This one here , Amino Balance - AnabolNaturals .

Amino Acids for Anxiety, Depression and Low Mood