Only God can provide you with Righteousness, as Righteousness only comes from God Himself.
Adam had it, and lost it.
We start without it and God gives it to us when we Take His SON as our FAITH.
See that?
This Righteousness that is imputed to us, that we BECOME..... was created as a Gift = by The Cross of Christ.
Jesus... who was born under the law, of a Virgin, and lived and died as a human, provided HIS OWN sinless perfect life that met all God's requirements for RIGHTEOUSNESS.
This is "the GIFT of Salvation"... and "The Gift of Righteousness".
And.....This that Jesus gained by His life, shed blood, and death, is "the Gift of Righteousness" that God gives to everyone (imputed righteousness).... who comes to the Cross of Christ and BELIEVES,.... as your "faith is counted by GOD as Righteousness".
This means simply, that when you give God your faith in Christ......God gives to you, as an eternal Gift, everything that Jesus provided for you, as/by His Life and His Sacrifice on the Cross.
When God gives you this,... based on having received your FAITH in Christ, then you have been given "the Gift of Salvation", and "the Gift of Righteousness".
To have these is to become a Son/Daughter of God. and being BORN AGAIN is the literal proof you have them.
How to understand this....?
When you give God your faith in Christ : ONE TIME.... God receives it for all eternity.... and then HE takes the blood and death of Christ on the Cross, and pays for all your sin and you become as if you've never sinned.
God imputes righteousness to you, which is to give to you His own Righteousness.
You not only receive it, you BECOME IT, as "the righteousness of God, in Christ"... "made Righteous".
This is why the NT teaches you that ... "As Jesus is, so are the BORN AGAIN.... in this World".
And why did God do this for you?
Its because unless your Righteousness is EQUAL To His own, He cannot have you as His own, in Eternity.
The water baptized never born again people who died today and went to HELL, found this out, the hard way, today, and yesterday, and tomorrow.
ONLY through Christ's Cross, God provides to you HIS VERY RIGHTEOUSNESS< as "the Gift of Salvation, and "the Gift of Righteousness".
This is what it means to become a BORN AGAIN Child of GOD. """" Heir of God. Joint Heir with Jesus.... Child of the LIGHT.... Brethren.....Saint......Temple of the Holy Spirit..... One with God...... In Christ."""
See all those?
Those are who you have BECOME< the instant that you give God your faith in Christ, and God takes it and then gives to you ALL OF THOSE, and more..
You now Have, Christ's eternal life as your own.
You now Have... God's Holy Spirit joined to yours, as "Christ in you, the Hope of Glory".... and "Glory" is Heaven.
Welcome to Salvation.
ITS A GIFT from God, and JESUS is the Gift.
Adam had it, and lost it.
We start without it and God gives it to us when we Take His SON as our FAITH.
See that?
This Righteousness that is imputed to us, that we BECOME..... was created as a Gift = by The Cross of Christ.
Jesus... who was born under the law, of a Virgin, and lived and died as a human, provided HIS OWN sinless perfect life that met all God's requirements for RIGHTEOUSNESS.
This is "the GIFT of Salvation"... and "The Gift of Righteousness".
And.....This that Jesus gained by His life, shed blood, and death, is "the Gift of Righteousness" that God gives to everyone (imputed righteousness).... who comes to the Cross of Christ and BELIEVES,.... as your "faith is counted by GOD as Righteousness".
This means simply, that when you give God your faith in Christ......God gives to you, as an eternal Gift, everything that Jesus provided for you, as/by His Life and His Sacrifice on the Cross.
When God gives you this,... based on having received your FAITH in Christ, then you have been given "the Gift of Salvation", and "the Gift of Righteousness".
To have these is to become a Son/Daughter of God. and being BORN AGAIN is the literal proof you have them.
How to understand this....?
When you give God your faith in Christ : ONE TIME.... God receives it for all eternity.... and then HE takes the blood and death of Christ on the Cross, and pays for all your sin and you become as if you've never sinned.
God imputes righteousness to you, which is to give to you His own Righteousness.
You not only receive it, you BECOME IT, as "the righteousness of God, in Christ"... "made Righteous".
This is why the NT teaches you that ... "As Jesus is, so are the BORN AGAIN.... in this World".
And why did God do this for you?
Its because unless your Righteousness is EQUAL To His own, He cannot have you as His own, in Eternity.
The water baptized never born again people who died today and went to HELL, found this out, the hard way, today, and yesterday, and tomorrow.
ONLY through Christ's Cross, God provides to you HIS VERY RIGHTEOUSNESS< as "the Gift of Salvation, and "the Gift of Righteousness".
This is what it means to become a BORN AGAIN Child of GOD. """" Heir of God. Joint Heir with Jesus.... Child of the LIGHT.... Brethren.....Saint......Temple of the Holy Spirit..... One with God...... In Christ."""
See all those?
Those are who you have BECOME< the instant that you give God your faith in Christ, and God takes it and then gives to you ALL OF THOSE, and more..
You now Have, Christ's eternal life as your own.
You now Have... God's Holy Spirit joined to yours, as "Christ in you, the Hope of Glory".... and "Glory" is Heaven.
Welcome to Salvation.
ITS A GIFT from God, and JESUS is the Gift.