Is it a sin for a Christian to vote for a Democrat?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
There are journalists; there are activists; there are propagandists. Our responsibility as Christians is to sort out which is which. This isn't easy. But it must be done. Christians are "truth pioneers", exploring new areas of knowledge, and wisdom. The tools of our endeavor are curiosity, discernment, courage, hope and an innate love of the truth. We are seeking sources of information that are true, reliable, objective, and honest and we respect those who speak truthfully even if the truth is embarrassing. We would rather be told the truth and suffer briefly than live an entire lifetime with a lie. Truth is like a shot of medicine; it stings briefly but it's good for me.

My advice to all; question your sources. Are they journalists, activists or propagandists? All of them tell the truth to some degree, but we can not afford to trust them all to the same degree. Remain curious and use discernment.

Finally, some leaders stand behind you and push; other leaders charge out ahead and call you to keep up. Elect the leader you prefer.
I don't go to "activists" if I want to find out what's happening. I no longer have cable tv; but when I did, I did not listen to the "talking heads" on either CNN or Fox -- those are often people giving their opinions -- to me, that's not news. If you can "tune out" the opinions, you find that CNN and Fox actually agree on many things.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
Yeah, that was deep, ok.

(Look down at your pinky finger .. now wiggle it .. now tell me how you did that ? Somehow a thought was transformed into physical reality..
By sheer "force of will" you made this thing happen. Similar to how the universe was created by a thought but different.)
so I have one verse or 2 they are a continual thought:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

(By sheer "force of will" you made this thing happen.)
In the Beginning God "SAID", let there be light. Light/energy/source/Life.

That is just lovely that you made the connection .. and Christianity is about to get a whole lot more fun .. and make a whole lot more sense having made this distinction. Sometimes we need to listen to the Universe .. as God is trying to tell us something ..

and what when this coincidence - happens to be with Scripture .. Perhaps this is God screaming at you .. :) as in "What part of X did you not understand"

You will notice - and much to the chagrin of some - that my focus in scripture - w/r to salvation is primarily on Mark/Matt - which gives a works based salvation formulation ..not saying faith is not also a component .. but it is not "Faith Alone" and works are definitely a component .. assuming one knows what works means. I am a staunchly anti Sola Fide .. despite being raised on a steady and heaping diet of Lutheranism :)

Consider Matt 7:12 and Matt 7:21 nice coincidence that the number is the mirror of the other. The latter begs the question "what is the Will of the Father" .. the former answers that question in one sentence.

Rabbi Hillel - 100BC to 10 AD - Teacher of Jesus - in answering a challenge to sum up the whole Torah in one sentence answers.

Don't do to others what you hate - the rest is all commentary - now go and learn.

Jesus Matt 7:12 Do unto others (aka The Golden Rule) "This Sums up the Law and the Prophets" --- what ? Do you need more emphasis to get your attention ? .. something bigger than "Summing up the entire Law ..and all the Prophets" ... do tell me what this could possibly be - and what one would need to to get one's attention if this is not enough ?

Would you like to now argue that this is NOT - the will of the Father ? .. (I am not talking you specifically of course) .. You would be surprised how many do ... desperately running to Paul or Some author engaging in Pious Fraud/Psudepigrapha .. writing under Paul's name in 150 BC .. or the OT .. or some other part of scripture .. desperately trying to avoid the Sermon in which this statement is made.

So what does Matt 7:21 say ? "not all who call lord lord get through the pearly gates" - "Only the one who does the will of my Father who art in Heaven" .. while I am sloughing it out down here with you smoes. :) once again affirming a Trinity distinction.

To Filioque or not to Filioque .. The Son doeth proceed from the Father .. out of the Godhead. The Filioque Clause

What does James 2 say - "If you obey the Royal Law - you are doing right"
8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right .....
12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Hmmm this is starting to get repetitive .. perhaps I should pay attention now..

But wait .. what about beloved Brother Paul .. who always argues with James.. Well .. Well .. What do we have here ? .. In a rare bout of agreement .. Galatians 5:14 The entire law is fulfilled in a single decree: “Love your neighbor as yourself.

Are you hearing the universe calling yet ? .. wait .. let us not restrict ourselves to the Bible .. what about the rest of the Universe - Hammurabi's Law code - claimed to be handed down by God, Leviticus, Buddha, Confucius, and even Muhammad .. all stressed this rule. The US Declaration of Independence .. Founded on this round via the "Social Contract" - and the founding principles therein ..

Unfortunately - much of Christianity does not stress this rule .. mentioned here an there in passing .. but not the deep deep implications that underlie this simple truth.

Christianity made simple :)

What is the ultimate "Will" of God?
What was the purpose for creating anything?

The ultimate will of God is to follow the Golden Rule - if you want the simple answer - at least with respect to Humans on Earth .. Perhaps he has a different purpose for some his other experiments on other planets .. other vacation destinations .. advancing on our way perhaps towards higher Truths. Perhaps if you do right during your time here .. you open up new levels - or win special items like the the occasional glimpse of your past life .. while still maintaining the rule that you will not actually remember your past life while on vacation.

Where did God come from?

Two things which will cause your brain pain 1) intellectualizing living forever 2) what you just asked .. for similar reasons to 1).
God has always been .. existence has always been .. it can be no other way - existence is eternal.

I've had this nagging question for years..
Before God said, Let there be Light....and God saw the light that it was good.
What did God see before he saw the light?

God was dreaming of belly dancers and waves on the beach. In the beginning was the will - and from that will all the universe was manifested. You have the will of God ..and the Word of God .. and these are different things.

An alternate explanation might be that at one point - the universe was not aware of its own existence - and then one day - assumed a configuration whereby it gained knowledge of itself .. just like you and me .. but on a grander scale.

Then came the word - who proceeded from the Father - "The Logos" - the emissary between Man and God .. distinct from The Father .. as is the Holy Spirit who also proceeds from the father (and not the son as per Filioque)

The Logos is "the Word" The word of God made flesh .. The Logos spoke the word of God through the Holy Spirit that dwelt within him. Jesus is then distinct from and subordinate to the Father .. but united in Spirit. 3 distinct personages .. united in spirit.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
If there was no abortion procedures then there would be enough babies to help stem the tide of foreign adoptions.
As it is now those couples desperate for babies have to go to extreme lengths to try and adopt.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
I say let them live. Why does that bother you so much?

Let who live ? .. you keep repeating this over and over again - but can't seem to figure out what you mean - so yes .. it gets a bit tiresome.

Repeating a claim over and over - is not support for claim.

but who is the one who is really "bothered" here :) Running around crying "Satan Satan" at every turn.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
I don't go to "activists" if I want to find out what's happening. I no longer have cable tv; but when I did, I did not listen to the "talking heads" on either CNN or Fox -- those are often people giving their opinions -- to me, that's not news. If you can "tune out" the opinions, you find that CNN and Fox actually agree on many things.

Definitely, if a Hurricane happens, I am pretty sure both CNN and Fox News reports the facts of windspeed, the amount of destruction, where and when it happened.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Definitely, if a Hurricane happens, I am pretty sure both CNN and Fox News reports the facts of windspeed, the amount of destruction, where and when it happened.
Yes but each network would implicate a particular political party for the destruction.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Okay, why ask me? I didn't call anyone those names. No offense, but your question is kind of like when Chris Wallace asked Trump in the presidential debate if Trump condemns the kkk.

Well you did ask for an example in another thread, post #104 could be an example.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
Well you did ask for an example in another thread, post #104 could be an example.

I see well, so Christians should not judge others by calling them names. Yes I agree.

In regard to that other thread.
Are you saying young people are leaving church because people are calling them names?
I don't see your logic.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
I see well, so Christians should not judge others by calling them names. Yes I agree.

In regard to that other thread.
Are you saying young people are leaving church because people are calling them names?
I don't see your logic.

For some maybe that is the case, but as I have said there are other reasons too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
For some maybe that is the case, but as I have said there are other reasons too.

Yes, there are. Not sure which ones you're thinking of since you haven't mentioned them.

I know that some reasons they are leaving church are because young christians are being swayed and swept by post-modern thinking, pseudo grace, all inclusiveness, overall apostacy in the way of hostility to the full gospel and preaching about sin and repentence.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
And the truth….that is what the communists tell…right? What do communists do…..they are not real big on God….are they? They are not real big on the value of life….are they? They are not real big on the citizens having guns….are they. They are big on controlling the media, big on controlling what we say and what we know. Gee this all sounds like the Democrats.

Except they are for some wacky dream green form of communism where we and our kids live happily high on marijuana and other drugs. In this regard it is a cultic form of communism…they want to control what you know and what you say and if you say something they do not like they get violent to shut you up….Know for sure that the Democrats are trying to force this wacky godless form of communism on us. It is not socialism….maybe Marxist…but we have been socialist for a while.
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Our society has become obsessed with focusing on negative information. Here's something positive you "may or may not" care to read.

Here's a story of our "RACIST" president

You're all welcome to Fact Check it..

The 14th of June, 1946 is the birthday of a boy born in the Jamaica district of Queens, NYC.

In 1995, his car has a flat tire. A black man walking by notices it's owner is wearing a suit. So he fixes the flat. "How can I repay you?" asks our birthday boy. "My wife has always wanted some flowers" A few days later, the black man's wife gets a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a note saying, "Thanks for helping me. By the way,....the mortgage on your house is paid off."

A USMC Sargent spends 7 months in a Mexican prison for a minor charge. He is beaten. The man from Queens sends him a check for $25,000 "To get you started."

A black bus driver saves a suicidal girl from jumping off a bridge. Our Queens man sends him a check for $10,000.

A rabbi's critically ill son needs to get from NYC to California for specialty care. No airlines will fly him. The generous man pays for a private flight for the child.

This kind man from Queens commits many other "quiet acts of random kindness." A wise man once said "If a man's heart is good,....Nothing else matters. And if a man's heart is bad,....Nothing else matters."

Who is this kind man?

#DonaldJTrump, a man with a good heart.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Who is this kind man?
#DonaldJTrump, a man with a good heart.

Nice account for someone who would never boast about himself, -- except when the Dishonest Media covers up his accomplishments.

It is any wonder that GOD has Anointed this man for this world?!?
Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I know people might say it is easy for me to say (because I am multi-denominational) but this is the time and the reason for unity. It does not matter how many denominations there are, we need to be united against evil, the common enemy, the enemy within, the enemy of the state. The Christians did not ask their democrat representatives to support the murdering of millions of babies. It is illegal to show a video of partial birth abortions….these babies squirm and scream as they are being murdered. They will not even show a regular abortion. Have you ever seen one? You should, have a puke pan handy.

Christians did not ask their democrat representatives to legalize drugs. Christians did not ask their democrat representatives to take God out of the schools. Christians did not ask their democrat representatives to take God out of our country. Christians did not ask their democrat representatives to be against our country and all it stands for. Christians did not ask their democrat representatives to promote and legalize every form of sexual depravity. They did it on their own free will and accord. So they are guilty of these evils. As Christians it is our responsibility to God and country to stand against it all!

James 4:17
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

It is a sin to vote for a Democrat! Any of them!

1st Corrinthans 15:33
Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

The proverbial “Birds of a feather, flock together. We should not fly with that flock, because that flock is headed to Hell!


Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
Our society has become obsessed with focusing on negative information. Here's something positive you "may or may not" care to read.

Here's a story of our "RACIST" president

You're all welcome to Fact Check it..

The 14th of June, 1946 is the birthday of a boy born in the Jamaica district of Queens, NYC.

In 1995, his car has a flat tire. A black man walking by notices it's owner is wearing a suit. So he fixes the flat. "How can I repay you?" asks our birthday boy. "My wife has always wanted some flowers" A few days later, the black man's wife gets a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a note saying, "Thanks for helping me. By the way,....the mortgage on your house is paid off."

A USMC Sargent spends 7 months in a Mexican prison for a minor charge. He is beaten. The man from Queens sends him a check for $25,000 "To get you started."

A black bus driver saves a suicidal girl from jumping off a bridge. Our Queens man sends him a check for $10,000.

A rabbi's critically ill son needs to get from NYC to California for specialty care. No airlines will fly him. The generous man pays for a private flight for the child.

This kind man from Queens commits many other "quiet acts of random kindness." A wise man once said "If a man's heart is good,....Nothing else matters. And if a man's heart is bad,....Nothing else matters."

Who is this kind man?

#DonaldJTrump, a man with a good heart.

Jesus said even an evil person knows how to give good gifts (Matthew 7:11; Luke 11:13).

Would a man with a good heart make these derogatory remarks about other people, including women?

Donald Trump's tweet calling his porn star mistress a 'horse face.'

Donald Trump's tweet calling Senator Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas.'

The expansive, repetitive universe of Trump’s Twitter insults

Trump's closing argument heavy on pleas, insults and contempt

Insult after insult: All of Trump's ugly campaign rhetoric in one place

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