Is my reply right about addiction?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I'm either misunderstanding the OP... which I thought was showing compassion to those suffering with addiction issues... or
this is yet another slam on condemning the sinner... I can't seem to make out what is what... but I have a sinking feeling.
LOL... NO worries... it's all good... @MatthewG ... It could just be me misunderstanding things...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I'm either misunderstanding the OP... which I thought was showing compassion to those suffering with addiction issues... or
this is yet another slam on condemning the sinner... I can't seem to make out what is what... but I have a sinking feeling.
LOL... NO worries... it's all good... @MatthewG ... It could just be me misunderstanding things...


Believe to understand what you mean; there are some post that have been read in my days of not understanding what the person is saying or really talking about, and sometimes it might lead me in the direction of understanding improperly as well. So most of the time, it is that my choice is to avoid even saying anything at all when it comes to online forums.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
When their advice doesn't work, it's, "you don't have enough faith, you need to pray more, read your bible more, serve more, give more; and when that doesn't work, you must have hidden sin, or you must be in rebellion."
That's if you can jump through all those hoops. Addiction is a debilitating disease.
I went to Celebrate Recovery for relationship issues. I was open about the medication my doctor had me on.
A well-meaning man, who kinda knew me, who had smoked weed earlier in his life, told them that my problem was drugs.
I had earlier fallen into addictive behavior, being an abused husband.
They tried to force me into a drug-addiction group.
When I failed to do what they thought I should do, they abandoned me.
It was supposed to be a self-help group. I was told it was independent of the church, which I didn't belong to. They later changed this, without telling me, for a year.
At this point, I often hear how I need to forgive.
People have a hard time admitting they're wrong...especially if they believe their salvation depends on them being right.
I'm not bitter now, because I have worked through so much, forgiving, blessing, and loving.
Though I suspect there's more. :)
People are often wrong, even well meaning people!

In the worst of times my friend trust God and praise Him.

God is never wrong, but too many carrying the label of Christian presume they have God's Word when they have really missed it. Being a good Bible student does not make a person God's exclusive and always right messenger... There may be some of those who presume they always are right on this forum. I strive myself to never be like that... but only by staying always on the Lord's side myself can I avoid it. Surrender to Him is our key in every situation, I believe...

Again, give God the glory!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Why do so many conversations appear to start off right but then take a sharp turn SOUTH???
Some of us are less than perfect in Christ! Some are too quick to insert their own solutions for the wrong purposes instead of really wanting to accomplish God's purpose. In delusion some will assure you they are right and they may even themselves believe that they are right when they are not. This mixture in seen in the physical churches offline, but it is are certainly seen here as well. This is why you and others here have had troubles. Only God can help get past that. He certainly is able in every situation. We alone are not!
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Mark Balicki

Active Member
Jun 6, 2020
United States
@Truman the Levite, @Mark Balicki

In the internet spectrum it seems more people disagree than agree when it comes to real life conversations at-least if you exclude the political side out of the equation. Human beings will fight for what they believe is right which is all fine and well ~ Whatever it may be about - S3x trafficing - Finding Lost Children - Protecting children - Trying to help people not make the choice of abortion instead maybe adoption -> Whatever else some people may fight for the stopping of using drugs, just whatever you can imagine in this field.

If a person is unable to love a brother who has messed up in their life who need just as much as help as the next person - and we look down on that brother, and kick dirt on them, or spit in their face.

How is that love? How is love if we hate them, regardless of their past ~~ Just as God forgave us and our trespasses ~ We ought to forgive others, and their own trespasses.

Pray for others, all peoples it what the scriptures indicate as well as holding on to hope and promises of God, and the Lord Yeshua.

Thanks for your comment
God sent His son into the world to save it. Save what? What God created. We are part of that but we are not the reason the total reason for that. If you remember God destroyed the men of earth once already regretting He made them because their thoughts were evil all the time, but manage to save 8 and restarted things again. Once more He will return as Her has many time throughout history to execute justice on humanity for misusing this life we were given and hurting one another with it. But their will be a day when it will be the last for planet earth and no matter the excuses we have to present will not keep us from suffering His wrath.
If you understand justice is also love then you will persuade people to seek out Jesus to know God and His ways. It is not a compiculation away from love, but an understanding of the truth that God gives us to speak, persuade and convince others when you have the opportunity. We are commanded to love one another, but not to enable each other to stumble to their death.
If people won't listen to Jesus or God the Father then they won't listen to us. A long time ago I gave up the bear of resentment or the bitterness that makes you feel like your getting back what's due. I laid it down and picked up the armor of God and said if this is the only job I have , if this is the only life I have I am going to sing to you, and because of it I seen my life change.God will sort out the rest.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I believe most get introduced to drugs during a painful time in their lives whatever that may be for them.
Addiction to any drug is a form of pain relief. While this may be true for some, but for a lot of young people being influenced by their peers, it is supposed to be recreational and fun. Partying and drugs have been going hand-in-hand for quite some time. And they may start with weed, then move on to more and more dangerous and addictive drugs.

But the real problem is that the governments are not serious about stopping the inflow of drugs.
And now that Biden is illegitimately in office, he has handed the southern border over to the drug cartels. Just recently a haul of drugs worth over 11.5 million dollars was confiscated at the border. And that may only be the tip of the iceberg. The inflow of fentanyl has gone through the roof. Does Biden care? And Kamala will simply laugh and say "So what?" "We are in the process of destroying America".
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Some of us are less than perfect in Christ! Some are too quick to insert their own solutions for the wrong purposes instead of really wanting to accomplish God's purpose. In delusion some will assure you they are right and they may even themselves believe that they are right when they are not. This mixture in seen in the physical churches offline, but it is are certainly seen here as well. This is why you and others here have had troubles. Only God can help get past that. He certainly is able in every situation. We alone are not!
I knew I liked you for a reason. :)
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
But the real problem is that the governments are not serious about stopping the inflow of drugs.
As a matter of fact the US government itself is a major drug lord through the CIA and the military in Afghanistan (which should never ever have been invaded or had US troops).

"Yet the clear evidence is that that opium and its global distribution has been a major province of the CIA along with the US military who guarantee secure air transport via airbases in Kyrgyzstan as well as Afghanistan into the western heroin markets."
The Politics of Heroin and the Afghan US Pullout

Kindly read this article and the fakery of what has been going on in Afghanistan at a cost of trillions of US dollars for nothing. So Uncle Sam is really behind the "Opioid Crisis".

Mark Balicki

Active Member
Jun 6, 2020
United States
As a matter of fact the US government itself is a major drug lord through the CIA and the military in Afghanistan (which should never ever have been invaded or had US troops).

"Yet the clear evidence is that that opium and its global distribution has been a major province of the CIA along with the US military who guarantee secure air transport via airbases in Kyrgyzstan as well as Afghanistan into the western heroin markets."
The Politics of Heroin and the Afghan US Pullout

Kindly read this article and the fakery of what has been going on in Afghanistan at a cost of trillions of US dollars for nothing. So Uncle Sam is really behind the "Opioid Crisis".
I agree. The drugs are part of an unground economy. That is why it doesn't get dealt with.
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Active Member
Jan 11, 2022
Okinawa, Japan
Hello Mark, I think you said it well. I would like to introduce myself to you see where I'm coming from. I consider myself a Christian, and also a recovering sex addict. I have tried many things.

  1. Sex Addicts Anonymous
  2. Alcoholics Anoymous
  3. Sexaholics Anonymous
  4. Celebrate Recovery
  5. Every Man's Battle
  6. xxxchurch
  7. Blazing Grace Ministrie (currently now)

I noticed a person mentioned 12 steps groups. At first, I think this was the only way. Someone at xxxchurch told me to ensure that the Lord Jesus Christ was my only Higher Power (a term 12 Step groups use for God). Anyways, I got slammed in 12 steps groups for mentioned the name Jesus Christ, and was told not to speak in my God (HP they always say) because "this is not a religious program but a spiritual one" I read the green Sex Addicts Anonymous book, and the Sexaholics White book (SAWB) and it uses some scriptures but never gives credit to the Bible but says something like "an ancient proverb says "confess and forsake sins to find mercy" (a paraphrase of Proverbs 28:13). and also in the back of the SA White book, they even have a thing to say the Lord's prayer. Some are Christians but most aren't and even the Christians I met, did not want me to mention "Jesus Christ" in order to tell others about the good news so the evangelism is not allowed. This was a huge red flag for me, yet I didn't feel able and qualified to share the good news but I was still watching porn and acting out in masturbation and more evil deeds." I left wanting to find a Christ-Centered Recovery Group and found some like Every Man's Battle, Celebrate Recovery, and Blazing Grace. Now in Celebrate Recovery, they use the 8 steps which are like the 12 but attribute all this to the Bible. In the Life Recovery Bible which as the 12 steps inside, they attribute that the 12 steps are from the Bible, the truth part of it anyway. The 12 steps changed to on Step 3 ' God as we understood him" to allow others who were not Christians in and feel comfortable. But the problem is, the 12 steps of SA, SAA are secular in nature now. I have talked to a lot of guys in there and that (SA) is there religion. All they say is "get a sponsor, work the steps, come to meetings" and lot of stuff like that. I have not been helped much by any 12 step program but blasted by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came to this world to show us who God is and also to set captives free. That is me, the sex addict. Now, how on earth, can I follow Jesus Christ and still be part of a 12 step secular problem? It will not work at all, because they claim to have a solution, a spiritual one, yet it's not the new birth of being born again, it's working steps, coming to meetings and getting a sponsor. Compare that to what Jesus said in Matthew 28 end of the chapter, to 'go into all the world, make disciples and teach them everything I command you". I have tried that in 12 steps but they will tell you "do not preach here". Ok. That was a closed door for me. Also, there is another problem, the church is not dealing with many who are sexually abused, or talking about the problem with pornography in the church. In Revelations, Jesus Christ told two churches (or three) to repent of their sexual immoralities, and put the fear of God there. That is kind of lacking in our churches, so addicts leave, feeling lost and disgrunted (I know I was) at the church, which is why so many addicts feel welcomed in 12 steps recovery. The part I don't like is that 12 step recovery groups will not confess to Jesus Christ as being the Only Higher Power, thus mixing fellowship and other pagans and fellow addicts, and we (Christians) are prohibited from speaking the truth of Jesus Christ. Also, the 12 steps are only after "stopping the porn and masturbation" not really for giving your life to God (The real God) and following Jesus. It's attracts Christians but it somehow becomes more important to Christians than fellowship with brothers in Christ. I know a few brothers are have bad attitudes with churches now because the church is "organized religion' to them and not "brothers" who might know know how to handle us rough addicts or too afriad to talk about. What ever the case it, I think you said it right. All our addiction terms and addiction philosophies have to line with the Bible, not in secular wisdoms and pagan philosophies that steal truth from the Bible and repackage it to claim it as their own. I know who else steals truth, he is the devil, he always takes God's Word, twists, it or the kernel truths and repackage it into some other false religion. Want more proof?

Ever heard the term "One day at a time"? Guess that? 12 steps love that term, guess who said it first.

"Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself" Jesus did in Matthew 6. Stuff like that. I'm jealous that God is having other groups (12 steps secular) teach truth (minus the Jesus in the truth) which turns out to be a lie (becasue God's truth and glory is not given to the real God but any HP/idol/false god they choose). That is my two cents.

Also, I am an addict, I understand, how selfish, prideful, and self-righteous we can be. You, probably not an addict, are free to use the Bible to refute, correct, any addict or false doctrines and philosophies, Please do not fear other addicts who tell you "you are not an addict and not understanding or able to help us" that is nonsense. I don't have to have be a recovered anything to help anyone...who gives us that condition or requirement? man, not God. Jesus said "teach the gospel, make disciples". I think Satan would more like say "No, stop, you don't truly know us (addicts), so you are not qualified or not able to understand". I think you said it right and and addiction / slavery to sin /idolatry/ is all the same thing. Romans 1 is my source, not man's terms on the meaning of words and such.