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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So, lets talk about some of you.

If this that im about to THREAD does not describe you, then, feel free to thank God.

So, here is you....

Since the day you were saved, you have been "sinning and confessing and repenting".
And you have been taught that this is what you will just have to deal with, all your life.
Some of you have it worse. You are told by some joker that you can go out and do some "penance" and that will satisfy God, and things will be ok again..
So, if that is you, then you are truly mind controlled by those who send you on a wild goose chase into the land of penance, where you usually exist.
The other's here, live in the land of confessing and repenting and guilt trips.
The worst of all, is the person who thinks that....>"ok, i sinned so now im lost, and i have to confess to be saved again".. This is the one that is the most miserable, and the most deceived.

For most of you, .. all this no doubt started the day after you were saved, and it was certainly what you were doing by the end of the first week. So, you had doubt and you had "sin" soon after you were saved, and you were trying to get that feeling back....that good, clean, pure, joy, that for some reason is gone., and has not been back. ??????
Many of you, the next morning, the morning after you were saved....you woke up and thought, "i dont feel anything now'., and right there, you started to wonder.... and right there the Devil was smiling at you.

I want to keep this as simple as i can, and not fill up the page with 1000 bible verses.
You dont need that. You need to understand how to stop the cycle of guilt, and carnal behaivor, and confessing, and repenting, and= REPEAT.
See, that is not real Christianity.
That is the first thing you have to understand.
Christianity is not a way INTO sinning and repenting......its instead a way OUT.
But you dont have the way out, because you have been badly trained, and badly taught.
What most of you do, is commit some carnal deed, then you feel condemned, guilty, and so you play a game of "im sorry God, im really sorry, im so sorry"....and you work that emotion for a while , maybe with tears.....and at some point, you feel better. And once you do, you then conclude...."ok, im right with God, again".
Well, you just did nothing.
All you did was clear your own guilt by your own mental approach that you've been using and have mastered now, for many years.
You did nothing but get rid of your own guilt.
So, lets get past all that junk.
Its junk. Spiritual junk. ITs false. Its fake.
Listen, are you still saying you're sorry for the same sin, again and again?
Then just stop with the fake tears and all the regret, ok?
Forget all that, as it meaningless. It just allows you to keep doing it.
Time to grow up and move on.

= Hebrews 6:1 : ""Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of REPENTANCE from carnal deeds that lead to death, and starting over again and again with faith in God,"""

And you might say..

"well Behold, you mean my family, and all my friends, and my Pope, and my Bishop, and my seminary, that all tell me that they all "sin and repent"..you mean they are all wrong, and you are the only one who is Right?
No. Im not the only one....
The Apostle Paul is right... Jesus is correct.... and so is everyone who understands the Blood Atoement and the Grace of God correctly, is also "right".
You dont understand it yet, and that is why you do what you do, wrong.

Listen, if you want to keep sinning and confessing, and repenting, then go ahead.
You'll stay saved. But you'll just never be much of a Christian.
If that is the best you can aspire to, if that is the best you think God has for you to do, then keep on doing it, and stay deceived.
Its not working out for you for YEARS, but at least you're use to it., right?
However, if you are tired of all that, you have to make some changes in your HEAD, so that your LIFE will reflect the changes.
See, you will do, what you are... And what you are =is what you believe.
As you thinketh, so you areeth...
So, if you believe wrong, you will do wrong.
If you believe right, you will do right.
Wrong, is sinning and repenting.
RIGHT, is a perfected spiritual walk, a serious discipleship that reflects that you are totally involved in becoming the fullness of the stature of Christ., of which Paul said you should be after a bit of time.
Listen, you are being conformed into the Image of Christ, with this finally being completed when you are in HEAVEN...... But on EARTH, you are to become the fullness of the stature of Christ, long before you die.
The reason you are not, and the reason you are not even close to understanding how to become this, is because you have been lied to . You have been theologically abused. You have been faith raped. You have been denied the Light that God wanted you to have, by people who are deceived, who deceived you.
See, deceived people can only teach deception, so, that is what you've learned from them.

So, lets stop that and get you into a place of understanding,.... that you can TRY.
You can try it.
It'll revolutionize your Christianity if you put these simple principles i'll show you, into your faith practice.
Listen Saint, you learn what to do, then you practice what you learn, and you become it.
You've made a habit out of sinning and confessing and repenting. So, you have to adopt another good habit to replace that bad one..
Thats how it works in the spiritual realm of your understanding.
Get your head right, get your believing right, and your Christian LIFE will follow.

I will show you what to think, and how to believe, and you can discover for yourself that this will empower you to get out of that wrong believing mind that is ruining your faith, and your Christianity, and perhaps even your life.
See, if you are sinning then you are suffering the consequences, even tho this is not God's Judgement.. You are just suffering the effects of "sowing and reaping", and that is always bad for your life.

This is very simple theology i talk about all the time reader. Its not higher math.. Its not like learning Chinese. Its very simple.

To start, you already have, as i have shown you a lot already.... that you just read.

The reason you are not able to live an upright life all the time, is because you are striving to do it by willpower and self effort.
You've been taught that..>>"resist sin"..is the way to stop sinning. And that is exactly wrong. See, its by resisting it, that you keep your mind full of it, and then the Law becomes an empowerment to your flesh. So, you are actually causing yourself to sin, by trying to strive to not sin.
THIS is the "curse of the Law". THis is why you keep sinning. You are actually empowering your own flesh, your own carnality, by striving to stop sinning. = will power.
You are keeping yourself , your mind, "sin conscious" and that is a curse to you.
See ... "the power of sin, is the LAW". And sin, is empowered to run you, to own you, by the very law that you are trying to keep by not sinning against it. Same with the commandments. See, when you try to keep them, you are doing it in your will-power, and the Law then becomes a dominion over you and it empowers your flesh to want to sin more.
This situation is to be "under the law", and its a curse to you.
"Christ came to redeem us from the curse of the LAW"
So, you have to get away from that curse, to stop doing it, Reader.
Makes sense, huh? ?
You have to stop maintaining the dominion of the Law that is causing you to commit carnal deeds and to think about them.
You have to stop being under the dominion of the Law, by RIGHT Believing.

How do you get away from a curse that you are causing yourself to be under?
The same way you caused yourself to be under it.
By BELIEVING right..
Listen Saint, everything that has to do with faith, victory over sin, or spiritual enlightenment, happens in a mental place, inside you. In your Mind. So, you have to get your mind right, to live right. = Thats the Key.
Remember that you are to "renew your mind". And you are to have the "mind of Christ".
Well, if your mind is not renewed, then that is because you are believing wrong.
Believing poison's the mind or frees the mind, and YOU cause this upon yourself.
You can't have a renewed mind and have a wrong belief-faith system.
You can't operate in "the mind of Christ" and also be in your carnal mind.
You can't walk in the Spirit, and also walk in the flesh.
Not ever.

Ok, im going to stop here.
Tomorrow...... or..... i'll post more about this over the weekend, as i need you to let this sink in that i wrote today, and also, the next one.
I need you first to see what is wrong, so that we can work on getting you to understand how to make it right, and keep it so.
This little Thread showed you how to see what you need to know, for now.

Im going to title this series JOB.

This Thread, is the first, so, lets call it JOB 1.

Job 1 is to get you to agree in your own heart that you are tired of sinning and repenting and living this way.
I'll post a few of these, and i invite you, i welcome you to invest yourself into these simple truthful "helps", so that you can be FREE.
God wants you to be FREE. = This is the reason for the CROSS

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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
So, lets talk about some of you....

= Hebrews 6:1 : ""Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of REPENTANCE from carnal deeds that lead to death, and starting over again and again with faith in God,"""

A little too long, but nevertheless, a good message that needs to be heard. I'm not saying I agree with everything, but generally, this is an important message. I've lived it. I spent the 1st 17 years of my life trying to be a good Lutheran, confirmed in the teachings of Martin Luther, and taught to believe for my Salvation. But in my early adolescence I consciously began to wander among the pagans because it was not "cool" to be isolated from the culture. It was at this point that I lost my power to live a godly life. And I wondered: now that I've tasted of sin, why is it so hard to get back out?

One day I realized that God wanted me to not compromise on anything, to yield my whole life up to God. He showed me that there was a life in the Spirit that I had to yield to, in regard to all things in my life. Just one area of less commitment, and I would lose the victory.

This seems to be what you're talking about--the life of the Spirit, overcoming the flesh, and learning to mature, no longer failing, confessing, failing, confessing. Since I had a strong Christian background, I didn't go through this cycle of failure and success. Once I yielded my whole life up to God as Lord, I had the victory.

For the non-Christian they will find that they can do good, and obey the truths of morality from God. God's word is everywhere in the universe, and indeed, within the conscience of Man. However, unless we are born again, which is receiving a new nature from Christ, we will not be able to transform our nature on the inside, and we will always be conflicted by our corrupt thoughts. We will lust, covet, hate, and be jealous. Only by putting on a new nature from Christ will we be able to successfully overcome these things.