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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Thankfully Jesus has paid for your sin...

It should turn one to being grateful towards Jesus and what he has done. Not sure what to say about sin.

Everyone sins. If you sin to much and you start to forget about God, do not get lost in remember that what God has done for you, by showing his love that while we were still sinners...

Romans 5:1 And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

6When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.

7 Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good.

8But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

9And since we have been made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ, he will certainly save us from God’s condemnation (In this day this could also allude to the wrath of God that would fall upon Jerusalem in 70ad -MG).

(Still applicable today, that one is made right with God in God's sight by the blood of Christ - believing in the death, burial and resurrection, and I suppose God's condemnation from the Holy Spirit if you possibly sin as a believer in Christ?)

10For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of his Son.

11So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.
John says that obeying the Commandments is prerequisite to being right with God.

And that we are to obey all 10 of them - just as Jesus did.
1 John 2:3-5
1 John 2:6
John 15:10


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Looks like you know your bible pretty well.

Keep up the great job on that brother, and share some topics on the forums if you desire.

:) Take care.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Because God made Salvation completely Free for everyone but His select people. They have to work for it and if they fail, they go to hell; but everybody else who has no special relation to Him at all can go to heaven for absolutely Free.

Does that really make any sense?

Have you ever thought this through?
Of ocurse not. I only believe Scripture, not OSAS
From another thread:
The pharisees neglected the love of God(Luke11:42) They saw themselves as people who could attain to heaven by being good enough under the law. What need had they for the great love, mercy and compassion of God. They had no real love or gratitude to the Father. The greatest commandment of all is broken. They crushed the people with strictly quoting the letter of the law to them and demanding strict obedience to it. They were not concerned how that affected anyone else, they just wanted the people to believe they were where they told others they must be. They wanted the praise of men. Though from Jesus words we know they were hypocrites who did not practice what they preached. So they broke the second greatest commandment as well. Love your neighbour as yourself. The two greatest commandments upon which all the law hung were ignored. They hit rock bottom where righteousness was concerned. So: “unless your righteousness is better than the righteousness of the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
And there is many around today with their attitude brother, even on internet debating websites!
As I said. I agree. And there are those that still preach sin for liberty.

Only the saints are purified to love God within the heart first, that their obedience outwardly may be His righteousness and not their own.

Now back to how you see things:

1. Do you say there is no law of God written on paper anymore for any man to obey?

I.e. No soul can now die by any deeds of the body committed against any law of God written on paper?

2. Is the law written in your heart, the only law of God that you can be judged by?

I.e. the only sin you can now commit is anything done without faith? So long as you do anything by faith, it is clean and good to you?

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
John says that obeying the Commandments is prerequisite to being right with God.

And that we are to obey all 10 of them - just as Jesus did.
1 John 2:3-5
1 John 2:6
John 15:10
It is instructive in righteousness to see how the hypocrites err in their self-justification.

They keep trumpeting how Jesus paid for their sins, and so they're free and clean while yet sinning.

Paying the price of death for sins is His propitiation for the sins of the whole world. It has nothing to do with then washing believers from their sins.

He paid the price to come to the Father, but only those who receive Him are made worthy to come.

The payment for the ticket is free of charge, but to run with that ticket, one must hold it with clean hands.

OSAS teaches that believing Jesus died on the cross means they are now unconditionally saved for ever, so long as they keep believing Jesus died on the cross.

It is the rebuke of James to the hypocrite hearers only: The devils know He died on the cross, because they helped kill Him on it, but they fear their righteous judgment to come.

OSAS teaches faith only with no fear of the Lord, for hypocrites that keep on sinning and celebrate their own grace to do so.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I like you better than the other guru. There is almost a sweet innocence about your ignorance. He spends so much time with his quasi-spiritual-mystical-Scriptural language, that he cannot bring himself to just say anything outright.

Perhaps im the "other one" as im on this Thread. ??

So in that case...

Have you considered that my "language" is Mystical, only to those who can't hear it.?
That would be you, Robert Derrick., as you have stated.

I am always very clear, to those who can hear.
Keep in Mind the bible is written to the BELIEVERS, the BORN AGAIN, and that is why those who are actually Not, get lost in it, and stay lost.

So, the "mystical" isn't the veil..........its the hearing that is the problem.
Things with God, are mystical, they are Spiritual, which "seem unclear" to those who can't hear.

Let me show you something.
The "eyes of your enlightenment" are not related to your IQ, or your reading ability, or your study habits.
"Spiritual Eyes" can see the Mystical, and non-spiritual eyes hear it as BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

So, thats a mystery for you to solve, and you can solve it, if you learn what is "Paul's Gospel" and you obey it.
If you do that, then the mystical, you will begin to hear, and want more.

Im on this forum a bit, and i have a PM box, if you want to try that, in case you have a question that would be best kept there....all are invited.
Many here contact me by PM. All the time.
Im happy to converse there.

OR, im here....as you see, so if you have a question, that isn't a THEOLOGY pretending to be a question, then im always happy to answer, if i see the question.
Sometimes i dont see them....
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
"Spiritual Eyes" can see the Mystical, and non-spiritual eyes hear it


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Because they're mystical?


Actually its because some members here, post to the Thread, but not directly to my Post as they are responding to me, and so, i dont get the update unless they post to my post.
= I dont see it.

Often i find them later, stuck between a few posts, posted by members who posted to my post., and i'll answer it.
i always try to respond, but....as i said.......if i dont see it.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

"Spiritual Eyes" can see the Mystical, and non-spiritual eyes hear it

You misquoted me.
You just try to be more honest.

I said that spiritual eyes, can see the Mystical, and non-spiritual eyes can't hear it".

"hearing", as in "faith comes by hearing" is not with ears.
Its with the inner man.
Jesus Said....>'if i be lifted up on the CROSS, i will draw all people to me">.
So, that "drawing" is the Holy Spirit, and the HEARING, is not done with the ears.....but with the heart......thats the inner man.

Let me give you an example GEN2REV.

Say you have John and Jane, sitting in a Baptist Church..., Sunday morning.
The minister is giving an "alter call"....This is where the Preacher "preaches the Cross", and this is when "if i be lifted up, i will Draw all men to me".... Jesus told you.
"the preaching of the Cross, is the power of GOD, unto Salvation"..

So, while the Preacher is "Preaching the Cross"... John is sitting there, bored, (kinda like you GEN2REV) thinking...>"only 10 more mins and i can get out of here and go and have some STEAK and FRIES".

Jane, is sitting there, Weeping quietly.....She is thinking...>"God is talking to me....im that sinner that needs to be saved, im that unbeliever who just goes to church like its a CLUB..... oh JESUS< JESUS.......JESUS........i want you to be my Savior, i want to be your child.......I BELIEVE< I BELIEVE.....save me LORD" !!!

John leaves that morning, lost, carnal, and has a good steak.

Jane leaves that same morning , a born again Child of God, Heaven bound.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Actually its because some members here, post to the Thread, but not directly to my Post as they are responding to me, and so, i dont get the update unless they post to my post.
= I dont see it.

Often i find them later, stuck between a few posts, posted by members who posted to my post., and i'll answer it.
i always try to respond, but....as i said.......if i dont see it.....
For some technical reason, even when they're quoting your post and it should notify you, it doesn't always send a notification here.

Glitch, I guess.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Perhaps im the "other one" as im on this Thread. ??.
No, not you. The other one I'm speaking of knows who he is. He's the one that gets deep into the mystical-scripture speak.

He's the soul separator who has arrived with the first resurrection of his new immortal spiritual body in heaven, which is entirely different from the body he's no longer responsible for on earth.

You agree with that? The natural man and old man of sin is the sinful physical body on earth? You're soul is now forever seated in heavenly places, no more to be judged for the sins of that old body of flesh?

It's no longer the new man you that sinneth, but only that old rascally man of sinful flesh?

I am always very clear, to those who can hear.
Keep in Mind the bible is written to the BELIEVERS, the BORN AGAIN, and that is why those who are actually Not, get lost in it, and stay lost.

No sinning sinner on earth is born again. At least not at the time of sinning again. Only those washed from their sins are now born of God, which is why they have no lust of heart to commit sins, neither spiritually nor physically.

Now, if you're not a sinning sinner, then say so. Otherwise, you're just another hypocrite sinning sinner calling themselves Christian sinners. Jesus prefers us to be one or the other: a sinning sinner or a born again saint:

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

There is one very telling thing about hypocrite Christian sinners: they love to speak of how all their sins are paid for at the cross, but they never ever speak of how their sins are washed away today by the blood of the cross.

Jesus is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world, but only washes away sins from His saints.

Let me show you something.
The "eyes of your enlightenment" are not related to your IQ, or your reading ability, or your study habits.
"Spiritual Eyes" can see the Mystical, and non-spiritual eyes hear it as BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..

The only mystical buzz of Babylon is OSAS, plainly known by those with Scriptural eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to hear, see, and understand it for what it is: Teaching hypocrisy for unrepentant hypocrites.

You see both Paul, and me, and any other Christian than Jesus, has known at some point what it is to be double minded and hypocritical in the faith. It's just that neither he, nor me, nor many other Christians try to justify it with teaching on how to celebrate grace around it.

So, thats a mystery for you to solve, and you can solve it, if you learn what is "Paul's Gospel" and you obey it..

The only notion you have of obeying Paul's gospel, is the silly notion of mystically obeying the faith by hearing only and not by doing: you think coninuing to hear the truth is obeying the truth byu not rejecting it outright.

You subject yourself to conviction, and call it obedience to being convicted, but you do not the truth by repenting once for all.

I.e. you 'obey the gospel', by faith alone: believing you are saved and justified by grace and faith alone.

"I will obey my belief and believe it forever!" It's called vain imagination. Mysterious faith only, that cannot be seen past all the sinning.

But actual spiritual and physical obedience is just so much self-righteous boastful buzz to you.

OR, im here....as you see, so if you have a question, that isn't a THEOLOGY pretending to be a question, then im always happy to answer, if i see the question.

I ceased asking your kind questions long ago. I gave up when you starting preaching two hearts for Christians: the one new clean heart of God given to the new man and soul, while the old physical heart of sinner flesh is still pumping and sinning strong.

That is psychotic mysticism to excuse Christian sinning, without being judged with the sinning world.

And it's all just about rejecting being justified with works, and not by your silly little faith only.

I.e. I have come to know your OSAS better than you do. I just strip all the celebratory self-congratulating fluff from it, and lay it bare with only it's hypocrisy remaining.

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
There is no law now engraved in stone or on parchments for the believer, no, it is in our hearts and minds instead, much better place to be.

OSAS has gone from not obeying the law of God to now declaring His law is dead: no law written in Scripture on pen and paper exists anymore.

Why would someone even think that? Because obedience to a law is hateful to them, even as it is to the devil: Not the law of man, whom they can see and be punished by, but only the law of God, Whom they cannot see and do not fear.

the devil nor his spiritual kingdom of OSAS can stand to even hear the word 'Obedience'.

And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name.

And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

The faith of OSAS is all about feeling it. Faith to them is only what they feel like doing, and has nothing to do with obedience.

They are rebellious children who have yet to grow up: All they want to do is to live by their own loving feelings of faith.

So much so, that obedience to them is not just odious, but a sin: if any man obeys the law of God written in Scripture, he is not righteous and becomes unrighteous, because he cannot be doing it by feeling of faith.

If they don't understand, think, feel, or believe it, then they won't do it. They will obey man, whether they like it or not, but they will never obey God just because He said to do it.

"But Dad, why do I have to do that??" "Because I told you so, and that's all the reason you need."

They truly believe that living by faith is only doing what they believe. For them they live only by faith, so that obedience has nothing to do with it.

They are in the spiritual kingdom of liberty and freedom to do all things only by faith, where nothing is ever done by obedience, and whatever they choose to do by feeling of faith is good and righteous and the law of their own hearts and minds.
I agree that obedience is not a bad word. Many, it seems, refuse to put on the light yoke.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I agree that obedience is not a bad word. Many, it seems, refuse to put on the light yoke.

Obedience to what, is what separates the "religious , but hell bound" .. from the "Grace through faith" Heavenly redeemed.

Thousands of people today, yesterday, and tomorrow, worked their way to hell, all their lives..... trying to be like Christ, vs being "made righteous'" by God's "Gift of Righteousness"... that is ONLY based on what Christ did on the Cross.

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
Obedience to what, is what separates the "religious , but hell bound" .. from the "Grace through faith" Heavenly redeemed.

Thousands of people today, yesterday, and tomorrow, worked their way to hell, all their lives..... trying to be like Christ, vs being "made righteous'" by God's "Gift of Righteousness"... that is ONLY based on what Christ did on the Cross.
Obedience to what? Don't kill, steal, bear false witness, or commit adultery, honor your father and mother, love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. It it such a heavy yoke?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Obedience to what? Don't kill, steal, bear false witness, or commit adultery, honor your father and mother, love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. It it such a heavy yoke?

That's obedience to the 10 commandments, more or less.
That wont help you go to heaven, so, while these lifestyle boundaries are good indeed, they are not required for Salvation.
You noticed that the 10 Commandments didn't die on the Cross for your sin...??
A lot of people who died and didnt end up with God, but ended up in hell, would no longer argue that the 10 Commandments have to be kept to go to heaven.

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
That's obedience to the 10 commandments, more or less.
That wont help you go to heaven, so, while these lifestyle boundaries are good indeed, they are not required for Salvation.
You noticed that the 10 Commandments didn't die on the Cross for your sin...??
A lot of people who died and didnt end up with God, but ended up in hell, would no longer argue that the 10 Commandments have to be kept to go to heaven.
We have two rules to follow: Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. I think the Ten Commandments help define the two rules. Jesus referred to several of them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Salvation? We've all sinned, so we all need salvation. However, the less we sin, the less there is to be saved from.

Paul says that we can live in a place where you dont even think about sin.
This is the lack of "sin consciousness"., that is available to every born again Son/Daughter of God.
So, its best to live there, vs, trying to not sin.

Paul describes this literal holy lifestyle as ...."Christ ALWAYS. Gives....>ME....the Victory".

And that is not just for him.
See, God does not save you so that you can then try to be good.
He Saves you so that you can rest from trying to be good, and instead allow God's power to be your holiness that is SUSTAINED.