Pentecostalism: The Glorification of the Flesh

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
BULLSEYE . BINGO . SPOT ON RIGHT . now lets examine well ourselves and make sure
we aint heeding these so called find that common ground ones . THEY UNIFYING with rainbows and other religoins .
NOT GOOD at all .
Amen. "Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers...come out from among them and be ye separate and I will receive you, says the Lord." "Friendship with the world is enmity with God." I like to quote these verses to edify and remind myself as well in these perilous days, but I think also unfortunately a lot of people's heads are so full of men's teachings that they forget the clear teachings of God's word so they need reminding too for that reason.


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Dec 31, 2010
United States
The more I read into this thread the more thankful I am I came into Christianity in the old Virginian Pentecostal Holiness way. The writings of the Apostle were not to quench the Spirit or forbid tongues. The purpose of the writings were to put order in the service.

Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues. Let all things be done decently and in order. - 1 Corinthians 14:39-40

18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
19 Quench not the Spirit.
20 Despise not prophesyings. - 1 Thessalonians 5

But... If it is the generations intentions of creating the first church of Frigidaire that, my friends, is easily accomplished...

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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Ah, Ronald David Bruno, the theological banter continues in this Calvinist carnival of laughter! Your quip about TULIP and a touch of Calvinesque arrogance tickles the theological funny bone. Let's respond with the comedic flair of John MacArthur, Paul Washer, John Piper, and RC Sproul rolled into one Calvinistic performance.

Quoting MacArthur with a chuckle: John MacArthur once said, "Ah, the TULIP – not just a flower in the theological garden but a divine bouquet of biblical truths! As I preached in countless sermons, 'Total depravity is not just a doctrine; it's a mirror reflecting our desperate need for God's grace.'"

Cue Paul Washer's serious humor: Paul Washer chimes in, "Ronald David Bruno, your critique dances on the edge of irony! As I've preached, 'The arrogance is not in TULIP but in thinking we contribute to our salvation. It's not about being on a list; it's about being written in the Lamb's Book of Life.'"

John Piper adds a dash of theological spice: John Piper quips, "Oh, the high-minded dance of foreknowledge and election! In the divine romance, as I've written, 'God's sovereignty is not cold; it's the fiery passion of divine purpose. We rejoice in being known and chosen by the God who never wavers.'"

And let's not forget RC Sproul's insightful humor: RC Sproul chuckles, "Ronald David Bruno, your objection echoes in the cavern of misunderstanding. As I lectured, 'God's will and grace are not an irresistible force to be resisted; they're the loving invitation to find rest in Him.'"

Now, addressing your concerns with a Calvinistic flourish: In this Calvinist comedy club, we navigate the divine dance of TULIP with Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

So, Ronald David Bruno, let the theological banter continue, where TULIP blooms with the fragrance of divine grace, and the Gospel remains the comedic climax in this Calvinist Comedy Club extravaganza! #CalvinistComedyClub #TULIPBanterLaughs #GospelGraceGroove
Why is the discussion of TULIP a comedy for you? Oh, I guess it is the Calvinist's arrogance and pride looking down on the rest of us ...laughing at all our supposed errors. Nice touch.

I often quote MacArthur and Sproul- my go to scholars. I just don't agree with the way Calvin packaged this neat little acronym, as if putting God's sovereignty, plan, predestination and order in a box with Calvin's formula stamp on it. The words/phrases used are not exactly taken outbif the Bible.
"Totally depraved"? Well man left to himself is, but we aren't are we, GOD is the author of our faith. If man was totally depraved, Noah and his family would have never made it and neither would anyone else. We have God, some of us do, so why imply the harsh negative, that is not the Gospel way. Sin needs to be addressed.
I just think Calvin's attitude and church philosphy was likened to Ephesus, doctrine good, heart and love, cold. Calvinists are judgmental, pointing their holy fingers at everyone.
BTW, are you 4 pointer or 5?

There is a tension between the two realms and just how things play out are mysterious to us, above our mental capacity. Calvin seemed to have advanced into that omniscient realm, that's arroganace.
There is this apparent paradox that we bump up against and take sides. Btw, I don't, I am not an Arminian either - don't entertain that dispute.
Forrest Gump got it right. Is our destiny fixed or do we make our own destiny? He said, "Both are going on at the same time." ( That was my all time favorite movie btw.) So, in our perspective, we hope that it's fixed and live like it's not.
God desires that all to come to Him, but not all do. He grieved when He destroyed the world with the flood, but it had to be - for our sake. Prophetic scripture states that many will be lost and hence judged and destroyed. What else can we conclude other than He did not predestine those to be saved?
Unconditional Election? Maybe, but that is in the realm of God's foreknowledge, omniscience and should be left in the box label, mystery. John had to open the box though. From our perspective God says if you do this, this will happen or I will grant you that. We are supposed to believe that our cooperation is essential to how things turn out - even though we cannot mess up his plan, He still wants us to feel like we have e achieved something to get that " Well done good and faithful servant"!
Limited atonement? Predestination is true; but why present it as though Jesus sacrificial death was limited, not powerful enough to cover all sin? It is. Limited atonement, though technically _ at the end of time _ true _ (not all will make it so, the blood was not applied to all); but this should not be a theme and e angelical tool to hit everyone over the head with as they spread the love of the Gospel.
Irresistible Grace? Wait a minute, for that to work, he had to divide grace into two categories: common graceand effectual grace. What? Grace is grace, it is God's unmerited favor. It is offered to all but some resist it. Romans 1 says, " man is without excuse". If some were predestined to die ( made for dishonor - which I believe); then that would be their excuse, "You made me this way, how could I do otherwise"? See the paradox, the tension - it's above Calvin's paygrade to go there.
Perseverance of the Saints? Now, here we have something positive, a real actual scripture quote. (Phil.1:6 & 2:13) It is a fact, those who are born again will do the Lord's work and persevere til the end.
So though there is truth underneath the surface, it is not a wise evangelistical tool, because it presents negatives. The Gospel is the Good News. Sin needs to be addressed. We already know that we are like " dirty rags", so where is tye compassion the hope the life? TULIP does not offer that.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Why is the discussion of TULIP a comedy for you? Oh, I guess it is the Calvinist's arrogance and pride looking down on the rest of us ...laughing at all our supposed errors. Nice touch.
We are all revealed in our words. Something Dr. Laura said a long time ago has stuck with me ever since. When someone tells you who they are, believe them. Or in this case, when someone reveals themself in their words, believe that.

Much love!

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Ah, Ronald David Bruno, the Calvinistic comedy stage welcomes your thoughts with open arms, or should I say, open tulips! Your dance with TULIP takes us through the theological waltz of Calvinistic banter. Let's counter the comedic critique with a Calvinistic chuckle and a dash of John Piper wisdom.
Quoting Piper with a smile: John Piper once remarked, "Ah, the dance of tension in Calvinism – it's not a one-size-fits-all, but a divine mystery unfolding. The sovereignty of God is not a restricting box but the expansive canvas of divine majesty."
Now, addressing your TULIP tango with Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." In the Calvinistic comedy, we'd jest, "Not boasting in our works, but basking in the gift of divine grace – the Gospel dance that echoes through eternity!"
a. Totally depraved – not a papal petulance but a recognition of our need for God's grace. In the Calvinistic script, we might jest, "No one's totally depraved at the Gospel banquet; we're just utterly dependent on God's grace."
b. Calvin's attitude – not a papal judgment day, but a call to humility and Gospel love. In the Calvinistic comedy club, we'd jest, "Not pointing fingers, but pointing to the Cross – where grace meets our judgmental hearts."
As for my TULIP allegiance, I'm more of a five-point tulip enthusiast, blooming in the garden of divine sovereignty. But in this Calvinist Comedy Club, the real punchline is the Gospel truth, where grace dances and believers rejoice in the divine comedy of salvation! #CalvinistComedyClub #TULIPWisdomLaughs #GospelGraceDance
Ha ha!

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
The Lord gave us this wonderful book called the Bible. All that we will ever need to know about God and Jesus Christ is in the book. It is the work of Satan to question the book. Satan is still saying, "Has God said?"
How come then do so many sit under institutions , men , scholars who
twist the word and words of GOD .
Many sit under men who try and say certain truths , but have used those truths in a certain light which is no light
at all .
WOULD you like an example .
TRY quoating the dire reminders JESUS gave to those who rejected him or would reject him , not believe on him .
THEN watch as they say , NAY nay ye shall not , they shall not be damned if they believe not , GOD is love , they say .........
and yet while GOD IS LOVE , i see the same operation the serpent did to eve . HAS GOD really said .........
sorry about the military style , guess i could have said ATTENTION .
I SEE what i see amongst the many , and BY GOLLY ITS NOT LOOKING GOOD .
Did the apostels really say if one is covetous , if one is a fornicator , etc , in sin
NOT to even eat with such a one who calls himself a brother . NAY NAY sayeth their men
GOD IS LOVE , hey we all sinners , just hug and get along . OH YEAH WE GOT SCRIPTURE TWISTERS IN THE HOUSE .
of which there be MANY .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Sorry love, but you are one here who is saying "Has God said?", with respect to certain things. Jesus said His sheep know His VOICE. He is ALIVE after all, and capable of speaking one to one with His people, as well as still doing miracles and speaking through earthen vessels...HIS BODY on earth. Why do you think we are told to test everything and test the spirits? Because there is a counterfeiter and deceiver about. There would be no need to test the spirits if all things spiritual are of the devil. But those who are under a deception can't see the obvious. They will still look for ways to nullify what God said in His word.
BINGO . This flea is staying dug in the bible sister . way too many out there making many cliams
even saying certain truths like has GOD really said , and yet they too are TWISTING what GOD has said or inspired
to fit their own beliefs . IT AINT LOOKING GOOD my dear sister . NO , i tell us all
the walls within christendom have been daubed with the untempered words , morter of men and ITS GONNA: ALL FALL
on the day of the LORD .
THis lamb , by grace keeps things real simple . INSTEAD of trying to find a way around something in the bible
I SAY , HEY IF THEY TAUGHT IT , WHY NOT JUST HEED AND DO IT . pretty simple if ya ask me . but men always
make complicated the simple truth , WHEN OR IF that TRUTH gets in their own way and beleifs .
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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Ah, Big Boy Johnson, you're quite the jester, stirring the pot of theological banter!

Nope, just sticking with the facts.

Calvin's doctrine is not biblical and has been debunked and defunct

And, according to his own writings... he took joy in having people whacked for not agreeing with his doctrine and even said he didn't have any regrets and would gladly do it all over again.

1 John 3:15
no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

So, Big Boy Johnson, let the Calvinist comedy club continue with laughter and understanding

Calvinism brings lots of laughter... but no understanding, at least not correct understanding
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States

Another member was suspicious and I noticed something odd as well.
I just tracked TULIPBEE'S recent posts just in the last hour in six different threads. Posts consisted of well thought out answers, quotes from various commentaries, consisting of anywhere from 200 - 500 words per post. One post answered five different people who had lengthy posts, so reading of their posts was required, and thought. With lightning speed He summarized their posts. These well thought out responses, that were actually excellent, contained over 2,000 words in 45 minutes and having to read at least that amount and look up the quotes from various commentaries ... is enough to spin my head around. Even for a genius, that would be a feat.

Come on, Tulipbee, the jig is up. Will the AI poser please step forward and identify yourself!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Ah, Big Boy Johnson, the banter continues! Your resolve is commendable, sticking firmly to God's Word. Now, let's navigate this theological comedy cruise with a Calvinistic encore:
Ah, the chuckles of contrasting doctrines! Big Boy, in the Calvinistic carnival, we navigate the waves of God's sovereign grace. While you graciously decline the Calvinist doctrine, let's not forget that even the Apostle Paul had his theological sparring partners.
In the grand Calvinistic theater, Calvin might say, "The whole sum of our wisdom — knowledge of God and knowledge of ourselves." (Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 1) It's a divine dance of understanding.
Concerning the alleged joy in "whacking" dissidents, Calvin would declare, "I am so far from being dissatisfied with the doctrine I delivered." (Defense Against the Calumnies of the Genevese) A steadfast defender of his beliefs, not a remorseful executioner.
Now, let's pirouette into the defense against Arminianism and prevenient grace. Calvin would quote Romans 9:16, "It depends not on human will but on God, who has mercy." The sovereignty of God's choice echoes through the Calvinistic hall.
And Wesley's free will? Calvin might quote Romans 9:20-21, asking, "Who are you to answer back to God?" Affirming God's authority in salvation.
As for the alleged confusion surrounding Calvin, he might quip, "Let us not be ashamed to take pious trifles in good part." (Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 11) Rumors, like fleeting jesters, fade in the light of God's truth.
So, in this Calvinistic comedy club, let's revel in the laughter that leads us to a profound understanding of God's sovereign grace. Calvin would remind us, "The human mind is a perpetual forge of idols." (Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 11) May the Gospel guide us through the laughter, and may the truths of God's Word be our compass on this theological voyage!

Gadzooks and Odds Bodkins!



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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Now, let's navigate this theological comedy cruise with a Calvinistic encore:

You should find some calvinists adherents so you can converse with yo kind.

I learned years ago that calvinism is a fake gospel so you are totally wasting your time trying to reel me in. laughing6.gif


Robert Pate

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2023
United States

Another member was suspicious and I noticed something odd as well.
I just tracked TULIPBEE'S recent posts just in the last hour in six different threads. Posts consisted of well thought out answers, quotes from various commentaries, consisting of anywhere from 200 - 500 words per post. One post answered five different people who had lengthy posts, so reading of their posts was required, and thought. With lightning speed He summarized their posts. These well thought out responses, that were actually excellent, contained over 2,000 words in 45 minutes and having to read at least that amount and look up the quotes from various commentaries ... is enough to spin my head around. Even for a genius, that would be a feat.

Come on, Tulipbee, the jig is up. Will the AI poser please step forward and identify yourself!
Maybe he's a robot.