amigo de christo
Well-Known Member
He does use a lot of catholic terms . BUT i want you to pull up a chair and sit down .You are confused. The outpouring at Pentecost was promised by Jesus as recorded in Johns gospel chapter 15 through 17, where Jesus promised the apostles not to worry that he was leaving, but that the Holy Spirit would bring to their rememberance all that he said and that he, the Holy Spirit, would convict the world of sin and judgment. There is no such thing as a "fulness" of the Spirit.
Now, since the Catholics made up, innovated, and fantasized about apostolic succession, they apparently invented the succession of the Spirit. But it's not Biblical, and it was designed to maintain power.
Just as I said, now your apology has turned to apostolic succession, removing all doubt that you are a Catholic apologist. Ephesians 4:3 is not talking about succession. Paul is talking about the building up of the body of Christ as if it were a construction project. The Spirit began with the foundation of the Church, which came from the original twelve and Paul. The gospel message was then disseminated through evangelists and preachers and teachers. The correlation between them is obvious. But once the foundation has been laid, there is no need for apostles.
Also, and this is very important, we are ALL being led by the Spirit. We don't need apostles today, as Catholics and Pentecostals say, because we are not being led by men, we are being led by the Holy Spirit. Paul warned us about men who would attempt to make a name for themselves in the ministry. And we see it today.
Obviously your catechism is wrong
You are confused about what is meant by ad hominem: "to the man." This phrase identifies arguments that are based on attacks of the person rather than his argument. Yes, I identified you as a Catholic apologist and I am more convinced than ever that you came here pretending to be one of us. However, I never based my argument on your Catholic association. But you have based your argument on our Protestant association, telling us that we are indoctrinated and that our teachers have failed us.
In fact, all those who name the name of Christ are welcome to post on this board, including Catholics and many do post on this board. But the Catholics that continually berate other people don't last long here. Why? Because they get bored. Why do I stay? Because people, including the many lovely, and kind Catholics here are willing to engage their minds and present rational arguments from the Bible. These people are engaging and smart. And you treated them all as hicks from the sticks.
Don't you get it, we don't care. Any Christian can post here. Your particular religion makes no difference. Your offence was your attempt to hide it. And don't give us your line about being a Lutheran or a Baptist. You use Catholic terms and vocabulary which hints that you are Catholic, and Baptists don't argue in favor of the "higher calling" or Apostolic succession. Every time you lie to us you loose more of your credibility. Even so, we are willing to engage your interpretation of the Scriptures while we argue back. But so far, you have demonstrated your unwillingness to consider our reasons or arguments. I suspect that you don't consider them because you have already prejudged us as hicks from the sticks. But you are wrong, we have a lot of smart people here and many are Spirit led and have good instincts. And we come from different denominations, including Catholics.
See, terms like "fundy gang" reveal a dismissive, contemptuous attitude that permeates your posts. I don't know why the other Catholics didn't accept you but I don't think it was because they were offended by the information you attempted to supply them.
Again, I suspect that no one was offended by the information you attempted to present. The reaction you got, in my opinion, was a reaction to your attitude of contempt and haughty statements of superiority.
True students of the Bible are humble before the text and true teachers of the Bible are humble before the students. Take my advice and check your attitude at the door. Then we can explore the text together as fellow students.
FOR what i say next might cause you to faint and fall to the ground .
THIS DOES NOT MEAN he is necessarily a catholic. CAUSE MANY WITHIN the protestant realm
is fast becoming catholic . AND MANY of them dont even realize it . THIS is what happens
when unity and getting along becomes the golden bull . SUDDENLY being unequally yoked
we start falling prey to their doctrines . YEAH , do ponder on that for a bit and then realize WHY GOD said AS HE SAID
why pual later quoated it , DONT BE UNEQUALLY YOKED . CAUSE YOU FALL PREY TO THEIR LIES , you fall away .
GOD KNOWS what is best for us and its about time the churches learn GOD KNOWS and has ALWAys known WHAT IS BEST FOR US