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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
There were two young men who were training for a Decathlon. I was asked to evaluate their readiness, so I put them through a workout session at the end of which I presented them as inexperienced, but able to compete. They were as two young Elders-- that is, Mormon missionaries. I set out with them leading the way through such as the Amazon Jungle, following them close behind as they hacked away giant plant leaves, carving a path with their machetes. Behind me there was a group of women and children, all of us walking in a long line following this path the two young men were hacking.

I could sense the dark presence of an adversary unseen in the jungle foliage along our route. Soon I would catch glimpses of 'people' darting almost unseen around us and then suddenly, behind us. One by one they would come up behind someone in our group and snatch them away. They did this silently and secretly and when I looked back over my shoulder I could see that the long line of people in our group was gradually being replaced by a long line of native, tribal warriors.... it was like a scene from the movie Apocalypto.

From the jungle we emerged as a group and the long line continued and became a long line of people boarding a cruise ship that had a long corridor with cabins on both sides. The people still moved single file and I quickly darted into one of these side cabins unseen. I waited until one of these warriors came along beside where I was hidden and I snatched him away into my grasp, pulling him into the cabin with me, unnoticed by anyone else following behind. I immediately stabbed him in the throat with a small dagger, many times in rapid succession, before he could as much as utter a sound. I saw his eyes go wide and then fade as he collapsed at my feet, and then I grabbed another and another-- dispensing of each in the same way by jabbing their throats so they could not call out before they bled out. When the pile of bodies at my feet became too high, I slipped back into the line and moved to a new cabin to repeat this pattern in an attempt to save the captives of this native group.

Ultimately we arrived at what was like a large, dark lobby area where everyone was sleeping in this sanctuary area filled with cots and I saw a Mormon doctor I know-- and his friend (also Mormon) who were attending to those in the sanctuary-- like a refugee camp of sorts. I just looked at them all with sadness and announced-- you have been measured and weighed, and have been found lacking.

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
There was a bike race. Many folks of all ages and stripes and bikes of all kinds including some unusual ones, but all of them electric bikes. I was racing alongside an elderly lady in a dress and we were laughing because I could inch her out along the street until we got to an incline and then she would catch up to me as we went uphill.... her bike just a little better than mine-- or maybe she was just a little lighter than me. At certain places we would have to hop off our bikes and everyone would have to grab a ticket at these stations-- like it was a rally and you had to collect these various tickets at certain places, each with your name written on them. I grabbed my ticket and put it in the front right pocket of my blue jeans-- and I would do this at each station.

We came to the top of a huge, --long, and steep hill. I propelled the bike full throttle as others did the same alongside me. I looked at the speedometer and saw it top 80 miles an hour, which seemed dangerous, but I stayed on the throttle until we were almost to the bottom where there was a sharp 90 degree turn that we had to brake for. I was barely able to slow down enough to make the turn, but when I did there was a house at the bottom where a woman had a ladder out to do some work on her eaves. And there, at the top of the ladder, were the tickets we had to grab. As the lady was on the ladder, some people went up onto her deck, thinking maybe they could reach the tickets from there, but they could not. We had to wait for the lady to come down and then I climbed up and grabbed a handful of tickets for myself and those with me-- which I distributed to each by name. My own ticket fell to the ground as I did this and after I handed out everyone else's I hopped back on the bike and only then realized I had dropped my ticket. I ran back to grab it and it was among fallen leaves on the ground-- just as a gardener pulled the cord on the leaf blower he had mounted on his back-- preparing to blow these leaves (and my ticket) away. I stopped him just in time and retrieved my ticket-- stuffing it into my pocket.

At this point I saw my wife sitting in the family room. She was babysitting a bunch of kids, like it was a daycare. She asked me to stay and I told her I could not. I had to get back on the bike, so grabbing a hoodie from her-- I had to leave her there alone with these kids and off I went... back to the race.

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
I was in the house of a friend and brother. It was my cowboy buddy Mark's house in Colorado and he was doing some work to the place and had three women helping him. As I approached I could see them through a doorway and I joked at him- since he is of small stature--- "Hey, you are going to need a taller ladder or a taller carpenter" as he was standing on a ladder at the time and struggling with such as a mantel that they were mounting on the wall. He snorted at me and kept working.

One of the women I recognized as a love interest by the name of Brandi and while I hadn't expected to see her there and helping-- I wasn't at all surprised to find her doing so. She motioned toward these two other women by way of introduction and said something to the effect that the three of them were all 'the oldest' in the family-- each of them. Brandi wore a bright, white, beautiful wedding dress, with lovely lace trimmings and I wondered why she would be wearing this while working, but that was her attire. She went about her business at Mark's side and together the four of them worked on mounting this heavy wooden mantel and bookshelf unit to a wall that had a fireplace centered on it. I remarked that I myself had been working on something very similar-- bookcases on either side of my fireplace at home.

But I couldn't get over seeing Brandi in this wedding dress and at some point I had to ask.... I said-- 'Ummm.... so what's with the wedding dress?' And quite matter of factly- she said with wry humor-- 'That's what people wear when they get married.' -Well, this put me back a step and I couldn't quite get my head around it as I wasn't aware of any immediate wedding plans... but then, like a light coming on I gasped-- "Wait-- YOU didn't get married, did you???" And she said-- "Yes" --pointing toward Mark-- "We are married now."

I couldn't believe it. I couldn't accept it. I always thought that someday when circumstances changed and the timing was right- that I would marry this girl. I never once dreamed or entertained the idea that my buddy Mark would marry her..... and I was overcome with emotion. I choked and cried and went away sad.

When I awoke from this dream, as if all these events had just happened exactly as I experienced them, I prayed-- "Lord, help me to understand what all this means. I prayed-- 'Give us this day our daily bread-- the wisdom to understand this dream.'
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2024
United States
If I tell you a story, but don't mention at all that the telling of the story is actually the telling of a dream, would you know?

I mean unless I specifically tell you it's a dream, or unless I tell you I was soaring through the heavens on the back of a winged horse or something of that nature, would you know?

--something of that nature--

That spiritual nature, that we call dreams.
I recall you and I briefly discussing on the "other forum" that we thought dreams were important spiritual clues. In my case, it's not so much the spiritual content - I've never dreamed of Jesus or an angel, for example - but the seeming reality and sheer weirdness. I virtually never dream of the people and places who are or have been most prominent in my life, but my dreams are filled with seemingly very real people that I "know" at some level, even in some cases at the level of having a strong attachment to them. It's inconceivable to me that my brain is simply conjuring up these characters. And some of the "plots" are so strange and witty that they would NEVER occur to me in my waking state.

I have had several of what are called After Death Communication dreams involving deceased people and animals. They fit the well-documented stereotype and are very different from ordinary dreams. The deceased are always at a perfect age and literally radiant.

I had one dream that has always stuck with me and that I can always recall as though it had been last night (although it was probably at least 25 years ago). I was living in what seemed to be a mobile home in a remote area, which I actually did when I was 25. I stepped out on the back porch at night and the entire sky was infused with a golden glow, with the stars about 10,000 times closer than they are in real life. It was as though I had stepped onto the porch and directly into a spectacular view from the Hubble Telescope. It was an overwhelming experience.

Last year, I was reading famed theolgian Dale Allison's book Encountering Mystery: Religious Experience in a Secular Age, which is about his paranormal experiences and openness to them. The seminal account of his life was a real-world, perhaps trance-like experience that was IDENTICAL to my dream. I got chills reading about it.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
I recall you and I briefly discussing on the "other forum" that we thought dreams were important spiritual clues. In my case, it's not so much the spiritual content - I've never dreamed of Jesus or an angel, for example - but the seeming reality and sheer weirdness. I virtually never dream of the people and places who are or have been most prominent in my life, but my dreams are filled with seemingly very real people that I "know" at some level, even in some cases at the level of having a strong attachment to them. It's inconceivable to me that my brain is simply conjuring up these characters. And some of the "plots" are so strange and witty that they would NEVER occur to me in my waking state.

I have had several of what are called After Death Communication dreams involving deceased people and animals. They fit the well-documented stereotype and are very different from ordinary dreams. The deceased are always at a perfect age and literally radiant.

I had one dream that has always stuck with me and that I can always recall as though it had been last night (although it was probably at least 25 years ago). I was living in what seemed to be a mobile home in a remote area, which I actually did when I was 25. I stepped out on the back porch at night and the entire sky was infused with a golden glow, with the stars about 10,000 times closer than they are in real life. It was as though I had stepped onto the porch and directly into a spectacular view from the Hubble Telescope. It was an overwhelming experience.

Last year, I was reading famed theolgian Dale Allison's book Encountering Mystery: Religious Experience in a Secular Age, which is about his paranormal experiences and openness to them. The seminal account of his life was a real-world, perhaps trance-like experience that was IDENTICAL to my dream. I got chills reading about it.

Yes-- without having read this book, I'd agree with the author. It's mind-bending whenever I encounter a person who claims to be a Christ follower while discounting spiritual encounters. I can't imagine a greater non sequitur.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2024
United States
Yes-- without having read this book, I'd agree with the author. It's mind-bending whenever I encounter a person who claims to be a Christ follower while discounting spiritual encounters. I can't imagine a greater non sequitur.
A couple of Dale Allison's experiences are nothing "spiritual" per se but are truly mind-blowing (as he admits)

My really extensive "weirdness" studies - all facets of psychical research - and perhaps 25 experiences have been instrumental to my spirituality. None of them have had anything directly to do with Christianity per se, but they have given me a strong conviction that the materialistic paradigm is just flat wrong and that consciousness does survive death. As I always told the atheists on the other board I just left, those are two pretty big hurdles to overcome on the path to theism and then Christianity.

The Christian attitude, whereby it is understood that a "good Christian" is to be afraid of these experiences and chalk them up to demonic deception always strikes me as badly misguided.

I did have one "sorta kinda" Christian experience. I've never heard ANY audible voice except this time. As I was waking up (the hypnopompic stage, where lots of anomalous experiences occur), I heard a calm male voice say "Without me, you can do nothing." I was so groggy that I didn't even make the connection with John 15:5. I just thought "What the heck was that? It sounded sort of biblical." It wasn't until I was up and around that I made the connection with John 15:5. (Oddly, or perhaps not, this was at a stage of my life where I was not particularly spiritual or deep into Christian studies. Maybe it was a heavenly reminder I needed to hear at that time.)
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
I'll make it a finer point. By "spiritual" I don't mean anything beyond the generic non-materialistic-- non physical sense. It's not meant to infer any sort of Christian orthodoxy, or whatever you might be associating with the term. It's simply a recognition on my part that there is a dual nature to everything-- one, spiritual/divine/heavenly and the other physical/earthly.

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
They were ignorant of the Father, for they did not see Him. Since there had been terror and confusion and uncertainty and doubt and division there were many illusions among them, and inane ignorance-- as if they were fast asleep and found themselves prey to nightmares.

In these dreams they are fleeing somewhere, or they cannot get away when chased, or they are in a fight, or they themselves are beaten, or they are falling from on high, or they fly through the air with no wings. Or it seems people are trying to kill them, though there is no one chasing them, or they are killing their neighbors and are covered with their blood.

This continues until those experiencing all these dreams--- wake up.

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
I was driving in my truck and came to a bit of a bottleneck in a back alley where I had to stop and back up to seek another route. As I was reversing and attempting a kind of three-point turn, a homeless-looking man (whom I always recognize as in-service to the Father) approached and leaned up half on the hood of my truck and started squeegeeing my windshield. So I paused and let him do this act, expecting him to ask for money of course- but he did not. He just did the finger salute on the bill of his cap, smiled, winked and walked away. Rather than the feeling of obligation to offer him something, I was left only with a feeling of gratitude.

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
I picked up a child into my arms and holding him for a moment, I then lifted him up and onto my shoulders to carry him as children love to ride in this way. It delighted him and I galloped along like a horse with him giggling all the way. I would leap into the air, and my feet would leave the ground entirely and float gently back down-- then I would leap again-- higher and higher with each attempt... First two feet high, then four feet, and six-- until I lifted off completely and took to the air like I had wings. It was exhilarating.

And then I was in a large storehouse-- like a Costco with tall racks of shelving containing all kinds of food. Below me two men were working at arranging items on the shelves and using a forklift to stock inventory. As I had done before, I lightly touched the top of their heads-- ever so slightly brushing their hair with my hand, and though they certainly felt the touch- they didn't seem to see me at all when they looked up.

Without a doubt, they knew that they had been touched.