Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
The Christian Church isn't even immune to the ensnare and corruption of American politics. It isn't hard to confirm this truth when we look at the man the majority of evangelical conservatives elected as President to represent them. Sadly, his association with their faith has severely damaged their Christian witness and the general public perception of them. He has severely damaged the public image of Evangelical Christianity as well.

As I've said before, their support of Trump has cost them dearly in the eyes of the general public. The evangelical witness and reputation of these conservatives has been so severely damaged that non-Christians are calling them hypocrites. Non-Christians have said that these conservatives have sold their souls to Trump to gain political influence. The public perception is that these conservatives have abandoned Christian principles and their moral convictions to support Trump. Non-Christians have also referred to these conservatives' evangelical faith as TOXIC Christianity.

Case in point...

Christians Tempted By Trump Idolatry

Trump evangelicals have sold their souls

Calling Out the Hypocrisy of Evangelical Christians

Trump's Offer to Christians Is Same Offer Devil Made Christ

Evangelicals need to follow Christianity’s morals, not Trump’s

Right-wing partisanship of evangelicals blinds them to their political hypocrisy

Republicans couldn’t tell the truth about Trump anymore, even if they wanted to

Former RNC Chairman: Christian ‘phonies’ sold out for ‘thirty pieces of silver’ under Trump

Ex-Reagan Adviser: Evangelical Leaders Who Back Trump Do More Harm to Christian Values Than Atheists

The articles I've linked above in this post don't even scratch the surface to demonstrate the immeasurable damage that has severely tarnished the reputation, the collective moral credibility, and the Christian witness of the conservatives who loyally support and defend Donald Trump.

Christians who talk about the hypocrisy of Christian Trump voters, yet vote for Clinton or Biden, Pelosi or AOC etc are showing the hight of hypocrisy.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Christiandom is afraid of Biden and the liberal's agenda....for good reasons.

Venezuela is a prime example of allowing a "progressive" supreme court.

The people's rights evaporated because their constitution wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. The courts "read in" whatever "El presidente and socialists said was there.

The Democrats have promised the exact same thing.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
I think God is giving us one last chance. I think the Senate remains in the hands of the Republicans. That saves a complete alteration if the country at least for two years. We will see an onslaught against the freedoms of this country and it's Constitution. Socialism will be called for, and a giant increase of taxes. The Senate will fight against this and I hope the American people will wake up to see what the Democrats have planned for the country. I think a lot of Americans are really asleep to what is exactly going on. I am hoping once they see exactly what is happening they will wake up and make the needed changes in Congress over the next four years. Either this or God will turn us over to the wickedness we have chosen.

We will get exactly what we deserve. No one can say they weren't warned.

The Senate Judiciary council and Senate majority is hugely important this election cycle.

The Social Media platforms are in deep trouble...and even though they poured in the money into the didn't work. Now they will have to answer for their actions.

It's all over but the crying and jail cells.

Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
Christians who talk about the hypocrisy of Christian Trump voters, yet vote for Clinton or Biden, Pelosi or AOC etc are showing the hight of hypocrisy.

There is hypocrisy running rampant on both sides of the political aisle. Neither political party is innocent or even morally righteous.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
I go to work in a few hours. In a way I am grateful. In that political obsession again. Lol
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Working with kids, sort of brings you back to the present. President is just one person. What we do as individuals is what makes a difference in the world.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
To All,
I found one comment last night particularly interesting regarding an historical voter fraud in Pennsylvania where the "preferred candidate" was apparently losing, so the Precinct Officials in Philadelphia stopped counting the ballots until all the other districts tallied their totals. And then the city of Philadelphia resumed counting having added some thousand FRAUDALENT BALLOTS, so that their candidate won the election by TEN VOTES. -- Last night's commentator referred to this historical election fraud as "LANDSLIDE ?Lamar?", and I can't recall the candidates actual name except it started with an "L".

But it appears that no matter how many twists and turns this election takes, it appears to me and others that Prophetically Speaking, Trump & Pence will win. -- And it's my expectation that they will win so that they can be murdered in the streets where their dead bodies will lie for 3 1/2 days until they are brought back to life (Rev. 11), and Nancy Pelosi will become the next President who will give our Sovereignty to the U.N. where we'll then see Global Thermonuclear war. And we're some 12 months away.

Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
The way I see it the only reason that Trump declared victory last night is because the voting literally froze and it sort of looked rigged for awhile. Trump doesn't trust the democratic party and I can't say that I blame him. Anyways, @lforest, you haven't commented on this thread yet. What do you think? Do we have a shot of having a Trump victory party on here? ;)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
But it appears that no matter how many twists and turns this election takes, it appears to me and others that Prophetically Speaking, Trump & Pence will win. -- And it's my expectation that they will win so that they can be murdered in the streets where their dead bodies will lie for 3 1/2 days until they are brought back to life (Rev. 11), and Nancy Pelosi will become the next President who will give our Sovereignty to the U.N. where we'll then see Global Thermonuclear war. And we're some 12 months away.

Bobby Jo

I sure hope you're wrong because that sounds awful! :(

Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
There is hypocrisy running rampant on both sides of the political aisle. Neither political party is innocent or even morally righteous.

There is something important I would like to point out in addition to my above post... it was conservative Christians who spent the years of Bill Clinton's administration (and years after) condemning him for committing adultery and for his perpetual lying about his extramarital affair.

James Dobson said this about Clinton: "As it turns out, character DOES matter. You can’t run a family, let alone a country, without it. How foolish to believe that a person who lacks honesty and moral integrity is qualified to lead a nation and the world! Nevertheless, our people continue to say that the President is doing a good job even if they don’t respect him personally. Those two positions are fundamentally incompatible. In the Book of James the question is posed,“Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring” (James 3:11 NIV). The answer is no."

However, he clearly compromised his moral convictions by saying this about Trump: "I'm not under any illusions that he is an outstanding moral example. It’s a cliché but true: We are electing a commander-in-chief, not a theologian-in-chief.” Quite a difference in his moral convictions.

Franklin Graham said this about Clinton: "If he will lie to or mislead his wife and daughter, those with whom he is most intimate, what will prevent him from doing the same to the American public." However, he obviously changed his mind about his moral convictions when he spoke publicly about Trump's affair with Stormy Daniels. He said, “I think this thing with Stormy Daniels and so forth is nobody’s business. And we’ve got other business at hand that we need to deal with." In comparison to James Dobson, that's quite a difference in Franklin Graham's moral convictions.

Both of the examples I presented plainly demonstrate the moral compromise that has become prevalent among many conservative evangelical Christians in their relentless efforts to justify their unwavering political support of Trump. During the years of Clinton's presidency and Obama's presidency, we never heard any excuses like "We're voting for a President and not a pastor." or "We shouldn't judge the President for his sins."
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I think God is giving us one last chance. I think the Senate remains in the hands of the Republicans. That saves a complete alteration if the country at least for two years. We will see an onslaught against the freedoms of this country and it's Constitution. Socialism will be called for, and a giant increase of taxes. The Senate will fight against this and I hope the American people will wake up to see what the Democrats have planned for the country. I think a lot of Americans are really asleep to what is exactly going on. I am hoping once they see exactly what is happening they will wake up and make the needed changes in Congress over the next four years. Either this or God will turn us over to the wickedness we have chosen.

We will get exactly what we deserve. No one can say they weren't warned.
You last statement says it all mate.....Amen...

I believe there are many ignorant people that do not understand the real world they live in, even many Christians do not see a spiritual war being played out every day in front of their eyes. They fuss over an annoying man that many times is very outspoken and does exaggerate at times, called Trump, and they are blind to see the real monster that comes to them in sheep's clothing that will devour them for sure. A pity...

Yes, out Father YHWH places these national leaders in power for his true believers good, and not his enemies. I believe or I expect that true believers can discern all these things..I guess I hoped for too much in people. They would rather argue and be obsessed over trivial and irrelevant matters of looks and hollow a cackle of hens....

Trump is not the monster in the room. I guess I'm wearing a different set of lens. This particular election in the US is a real spiritual battle for the soul of this nation, indeed. And when Biden uses the phrase, it is all about your soul he will give over to evil and globalism...he is a Trojan Horse indeed....He won't make it through the first year in my estimation, because of his current dementia and lack of leadership and courage and lack of empathy and concern for the people of this 'great' country. He also will not have any say in the direction he wants to chart anyway. The 'left of left' folks of the swamp will make sure of it.

I wonder how many folks have done research on this careerist politician called Biden, the sellout. He has this name for a reason. How many folks know that social security was never taxed until he changed all that... Look into his running mate's history. People would be shocked. No, many folks on this site and other places, they have been too upset about the mannerism and words of Trump who actually has done greatness for the middle class than any other President that I have known or have read about in history. No exaggeration.. And now, as you said many with get their wish. I hope they eat every bite of it, they deserve it all.

If folks are asleep as you said, they need a good kick in the rear and wake up to reality, especially believers in Christ.

Bless you mate,



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
The way I see it the only reason that Trump declared victory last night is because the voting literally froze and it sort of looked rigged for awhile. Trump doesn't trust the democratic party and I can't say that I blame him. Anyways, @lforest, you haven't commented on this thread yet. What do you think? Do we have a shot of having a Trump victory party on here? ;)

Two r's in my name, otherwise I don't get notification. I don't want to watch, but it is close and if it turns out he loses I'll be very angry. Not against the democrats, or republicans, or the media, or anyone else, but with those who prophesied his victory. And there have been many...

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
I sure hope you're wrong because that sounds awful! :(
Dear AR,
NO! Not "awful", -- WONDERFUL!

Think about how Peter rebuked Jesus for "going to the cross", but it was the only way for us to restore man's relationship with GOD. And so too, Rev. 11 equally serves GOD's purpose for mankind. :)

But as the details work themselves out, we should take confidence (AND TAKE ACTION) in GOD's Prophetic Word, to be able to preserve and protect our families for when we should flee the cities (Rev. 18:4); and to be FULLY provisioned (Lke 22:36); for when we are unable to buy or sell (Rev. 13:17).

Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
Two r's in my name, otherwise I don't get notification. I don't want to watch, but it is close and if it turns out he loses I'll be very angry. Not against the democrats, or republicans, or the media, or anyone else, but with those who prophesied his victory. And there have been many...

Oops,.. sorry I thought I put the double r's in there,.. but do you mean predict or actually prophesied?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
There is hypocrisy running rampant on both sides of the political aisle. Neither political party is innocent or even morally righteous.

ABSOLUTELY. Neither party is the party of God. There are wicked men on each side of the aisle. The thing that concerns me the most is the uber left is controlling the Democrats and they are a wicked group. We are ALL in deep trouble if they gain full control.
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