Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
The ones that called it for Biden on Saturday...ABC, NBC, FOX and then NEWSMAX (the good guys) and many more

That's good but I can't find anything after googling it. Could you post the article where they mentioned it please?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
FH... You should know better than that by now. You still think that any political Party, even in the UK, has the power to pull this kind of evil independently? This evil currently ravishing and stealing the US elections to place a fraud into office, is being done by the Deep State, the money and shadowy powers who effectively run the West. You need to indict those lever-pullers that control the Party. And yes it is a very huge and serious charge although only a crumb as to what they have committed around the globe for years. Anyway, they are virtually untouchable...

It sounds like you live a sheltered life. And trying to grasp the immensity and sheer arrogance of this well-organized power is well beyond your thinking, it seems.

...and you want to make peace with your Christ tells us to avoid this level of evil and pray to the Father for solutions and assistance...


You are right there is a deep state, its called the Lords will. Nothing happens without His working and bring justice to bear in the world.
We see so little, the pride and circumstance involved. I remember being a director in a company and people thought we have some great insight into things and were taking things on a defined road, when it was all an adventure and we just had the responsibility to take decisions in the fork in the road. I think you have a similar idea, but call this the deep state.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Ten Attorneys General Join Supreme Court Case Against Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot Deadline
by ZeroHedge
As Republicans across the country escalate efforts to investigate credible allegations of fraud during the 2020 election, a group of ten Republican Attorneys General have filed an ‘amicus brief’ with the US Supreme Court in a case challenging the legality of late mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania.

AGs from Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas filed in Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar, which challenges the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s late October decision to allow ballots arriving after Election Day to be counted – despite, as The Federalist notes – state laws mandating otherwise.

“Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our Republic and it’s one of the reasons why the United States is the envy of the world,” said Missouri AG Eric Schmitt in a Monday press conference. “We have to ensure that every legal vote cast is counted in that every illegal vote cast is not counted.”

Associate Justice Samuel Alito Jr. already granted the Republican Party of Pennsylvania’s request and temporarily ordered all counties segregate mail-in ballots that arrived after 8 p.m. on Election Day from others, but the lawsuit is still pending petition in the highest court.

The attorneys’ hope is that by filing as “friends of the Court” and demonstrating a “strong interest” in the ramifications of the Supreme Court’s potential decision that SCOTUS may be more willing to take up the case. The Federalist

“The actions taken by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court are one of the most breathtaking abuses of judicial authority that I’ve seen in my four-plus years as attorney general,” said Oklahoma AG Mike Hunter.

Plaintiffs argue that the PA Supreme Court exceeded its authority and violated the Constitution’s Election Clauses which give state legislatures, not the courts, the power and “unique role” to decide various election procedures.

“Our system of federalism relies on separation of powers to preserve liberty at every level of government, and the separation of powers in the Election Clauses is no exception to this principle,” reads the amicus brief.

They also believe the decision handed down by the Pennsylvania Court expanded the potential for voter fraud. This decision, the attorneys general argue, may have affected the weight of votes in states outside of Pennsylvania which is in direct violation of previous Court rulings stating that every vote must be “fairly counted without its being distorted by fraudulently cast votes.”

“Regardless of the election’s outcome, only legal ballots should be counted,” the brief continues, citing Anderson v. United States from 1974. The Federalist

“We as attorneys general and we, as the chief legal officers of our state have a responsibility to address that kind of judicial abuse of authority because of the precedent that that decision represents can affect the outcome of elections, not only in Pennsylvania but national elections,” said Oklahoma AG Hunter.

Things are heating up when it comes to investigating the integrity of the election. On Monday, Attorney General William Barr authorized DOJ officials to open inquiries into potential irregularities – a move which led to the swift departure of the agency’s top voter fraud investigator, Richard Pilger.

Shortly after meeting with Barr on Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered a floor speech asserting that President Trump is “100% within his rights” to challenge the results of the election.

Democrats – who have notably changed their language from ‘there was no election fraud’ to ‘there was no widespread election fraud’ are now asserting that the DOJ may be trying to change the results of the election by investigating.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, meanwhile, is acting like the election is settled. In addition to insisting Trump concede, Biden is expected to name a chief of staff as early as this week.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations Tweets Photo of Republican Poll Watchers on ‘NO ENTRY’ List in Philly
By Cassandra Fairbanks

HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training -- OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that “Trump’s campaign filed a federal lawsuit Monday seeking to stop elections boards and the state from certifying results that were tabulated while its watchers couldn’t observe.”

“They were completely in the dark, completely unable to oversee the vote count, as was their legal right,” Kayleigh McEnany, an adviser for Trump’s campaign and the White House press secretary, said while explaining that poll watchers who were legally permitted to observe the count were blocked and put behind barriers.

Trump's Director of Election Day Operations Tweets Photo of Republican Poll Watchers on 'NO ENTRY' List in Philly



Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Good evening Comrades! Hail the Fatherland!
Saw a Chevy 4X4 pickup flying the American flag and a Trump flag.
On the tailgate was a 4 foot sign that read....

Evil and wicked democrats!
Our Bible says the wicked

shall burn in Hell!

Now I am sure you could find some derogatory signs about Trump and the Republicans...but they would not be flying the American Flag or mention the Bible because they hate and burn both!

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Pandemic Officially Over

Apparently Joe Biden's winning the election is supposed to stop the global pandemic...heh heh heh.
It probably would you know, the top dog Democrats would call it off. well they created it so as to undermine Trumps progress, just think without Covid 19 the Democrats would of been clearly wiped out in this election, they would not of been able to hold a candle to Trump and Socialism would be destroyed and Communist China sorted out. there in no excuse for Communism in the world at all, I am sick of such rubbish being propped up, as we have to call them out on such deranged dictating insanity. Trump will put an end to such and the Political Correctness Nazis, that's why the Satanic media is going for it as they are with total deranged total bias and so many BS story's not to mention that they are even elevating total morons to sainthood. fact is when idiots take junk drugs they are ticking time bombs who could die at any tick of the clock, but does the media point such out ? No not at all ! they are aiding and abetting the crap drug culture that is a big problem, not to mention even more so for blacks, they could of used such for a warning to all people to stop using ICE, Crack and all the rest of the total junk drugs that are being peddled, does the media truly care about blacks lives, I can't see any true evidence of such in there works at all. have they been winning any battle in such ? never !

Someone is killing black USA and has been for years, they have been instrumental in undermining them, not to mention all of the USA! it's the Demoncrats ! great accomplished Lies, murders of abortions up to 9 months :eek: how disgusting ! they play lip service to the blacks, they have done noting for them too truly help themselves out of the problem that such face in fact. one must strive to get oneself out of such in fact but the left do not abide in such a principle for they play the piper for all to play the game in their cunning ways. there is not a true moral foundations in any such as a Socialist.
Have a look at the Blacks that vote for Trump they are truly inspiring people in fact, they know that they are being duped by Satanist socialist PC culture that claims to offer the world but in fact only destroys people both body and Soul !
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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2020
Western North America
United States
Regrettably, I still see little to encourage me about Trump having won the election. If Trump has proof of massive election fraud, why doesn't he demonstrate it in front of the American people and bring it in front of the relevant courts? The answer at this point is obvious. That he's not doing so is indicative that he has no proof to his assertions. As I've said before, if the election results are fraudulent, Trump will have his say in the courts. This is where this issue is to be decided if there has been massive voter fraud. This is Trump's legal and political burden.

He'd better have the facts concerning that fraudulence and offer them to those courts. Simple unsupported assertions will not be supported by the courts. He'll need to have facts to present to the court.

If he fails to concede the results of the election and attempts to continue to govern despite the results of the election, there will be a constitutional crisis.

As far as I can see, nothing presented so far about allegations of widespread fraudulence has any factual, verifiable basis. On this basis, Biden is still the President-elect.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Regrettably, I still see little to encourage me about Trump having won the election. If Trump has proof of massive election fraud, why doesn't he demonstrate it in front of the American people and bring it in front of the relevant courts? The answer at this point is obvious. That he's not doing so is indicative that he has no proof to his assertions. As I've said before, if the election results are fraudulent, Trump will have his say in the courts. This is where this issue is to be decided if there has been massive voter fraud. This is Trump's legal and political burden.

He'd better have the facts concerning that fraudulence and offer them to those courts. Simple unsupported assertions will not be supported by the courts. He'll need to have facts to present to the court.

If he fails to concede the results of the election and attempts to continue to govern despite the results of the election, there will be a constitutional crisis.

As far as I can see, nothing presented so far about allegations of widespread fraudulence has any factual, verifiable basis. On this basis, Biden is still the President-elect.
You are right, it would take years to track down county by county all of the illegal activity and fraud and inaccuracies that has occurred. Then you have the law suits on various types of ballots and ballot handling....But nothing can be legitimately "called" until all that done. The election process needs to be secured anyway, so the quicker process would be to call this all invalid and secure the process and do it again...

This has been going on for years. It is probably the reason that Obama was elected twice. Our system is antiquated and subject to cheating and inaccuracies so it needs to be updated or we will be going through this every single time and people will lose faith in voting.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems
By Joe Hoft
Published November 10, 2020 at 6:32pm

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost -- Using Dominion and Other Systems


In the post last night we also identified issues we’ve reported on in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia where similar ‘glitches’ occurred.

We next attempted to obtain more data on this issue so we could determine how widespread this issue may be and/or if there are reasonable explanations for what is occurring.

Then tonight we were led to a site on the Internet ( where someone who had seen our posts decided to do an analysis himself.

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In the piece the author claims his work is a full list of votes switched from Trump to Biden or votes erased by Dominion (the vote machines used in many states across the US).

(The author claims that his work has been verified but we have not verified the results so we currently are labeling his results “unaudited.”)

The author decided to obtain the data himself and perform an analysis of national votes switched from Trump to Biden and votes erased (the total amount of votes counted decreased by that amount throughout the counting).

The author obtained data that has been passed around that was reportedly captured by the New York Times on election night.

By examining the data the author was able to locate an instance where votes were switched from Trump to Biden so he decided to perform an analysis on the entire data set, starting with the states where Dominion voting machines are used.

The author also claims that the data is from Edison Research and it is the same data that is used for election coverage by at least ABC News, CBS News, CNN and NBC News.

It is also used for the website of the NYT, and probably others as well.

Here are the (unaudited) results by state:

The Chart Lists Votes Switched from Trump to Biden and Votes That Were Lost by Trump
Switched Votes Lost Votes
Dominion Systems
Pennsylvania 220,883 941,248
New Jersey 80,242 20
Florida 21,422 456
Michigan 20,213 21,882
New York 18,124 623,213
Georgia 17,407 33,574
Ohio 14,965 5,102
Virginia 12,163 789,023
California 7,701 10,989
Arizona 4,492 0
Minnesota 2,766 195,650
Tennessee 2,330 0
Louisiana 2,322 0
Illinois 2,166 54,730
Wisconsin 2,078 3,408
Colorado 1,809 0
Utah 1,627 0
New Hampshire 973 116
Iowa 938 477
New Mexico 268 4,610
Missouri 0 20,730
Nevada 0 0
Alaska 0 0
Washington 0 0
Hawaii 0 0
434,889 2,705,228
Kansas and Texas use Premier Election Solutions, Owned by Dominion
Texas 14,954 30,557
Kansas 1,674 2,154
16,628 32,711
Election Systems & Software
Nebraska 30,086 50
Kentucky 8,129 23,849
Arkansas 3,664 20,748
South Carolina 2,779 2,119
Montana 2,330 1,276
South Dakota 1,347 1
North Dakota 234 681
Maryland 203 0
North Carolina 0 15
District of Columbia 0 0
48,772 48,739
Unknown Systems
Connecticut 3,834 272
Massachusetts 3,613 51
Oregon 2,557 0
Alabama 1,170 408
Mississippi 355 0
Maine 271 35
Rhode Island 6 13
West Virginia 0 78,300
Idaho 0 0
Oklahoma 0 0
Indiana 0 0
Delaware 0 0
Vermont 0 0
11,806 79,079
OVERALL TOTALS 512,095 2,865,757
Based on this initial analysis over 500,000 votes were identified that were switched from President Trump to Joe Biden.

In addition to this another 2,865,757 votes were deleted.

Note that these numbers have not yet been audited by us.

We also have not performed this exercise by county in these states which could impact the countrywide vote totals even more. More needs to be done. But what is clear, there are some very questionable transactions occurring within the voting machines and applications which need to be reviewed further because of apparent material issues in reporting.

We know there was a tremendous amount of fraud in the 2020 election.
Nobody was following Joe Biden and he had zero support, and yet his vote count surpassed the greatest campaign in US history led by President Trump.
We are supposed to believe Joe Biden defeated President Trump and at the same time lost seats in the US House and state legislatures. This is highly improbable.
It looks like the Democrats did everything imaginable in their attempt to steal this election.
The problem was they never expected President Trump to lead a record breaking campaign and they got caught.
More will be exposed.


Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
You are right, it would take years to track down county by county all of the illegal activity and fraud and inaccuracies that has occurred. ...

If the State Legislatures can't VALIDATE the Election, they can't send their Electoral College representatives. And it really doesn't matter whether it's 10% fraud, or 15%, or 20%, or 25%, -- all they need is "sufficient" evidence, not 100% evidence of FRAUD.

... and the States have until December 14th to decide, and if there aren't 270 for a candidate, the decision goes to Congress where each State has ONE Vote. And currently there are 26 Republican States, and 24 Democrat States, which should result in a Second Term for Trump.

Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
The question is did Biden win. It appears by the numbers of votes cast he has.
If one wants to support an alternative answer, you need to prove it.

So far there is no proof, other than Trump claiming its real. He has a right to do this, but it does need to come with evidence. Because unfounded statements have been made, people are very defensive and a difficult situation could get much worse. If Trump believes he is still president no matter what, the USA has a serious constitutional crisis of belief.
And it does not look like it will end well for anyone. I pray sane heads can come to bare and the issues worked through openly and in order.

God bless you

Well it seems there IS real evidence of fraud. But whether it's enough, remains to be seen.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Well it seems there IS real evidence of fraud. But whether it's enough, remains to be seen.

I find it amusing that where people "guess" if the new construction is going to be a McDonalds, or a Pizza Hut, or whatever, -- when the Blue Prints CLEARLY STATE the END USER.

And the "blue prints" are clear that Trump & Pence will receive a Second Term. But maybe guessing is more fun?!?
Bobby Jo
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