Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
That,.. and I hope somebody ties him to a chair and forces him to listen to ABBA all night long. :D (I love ABBA, I'm just in a really silly mood right now. :p)
I think the song that sticks in my head the most is Pat Benetar's Hell is for Children.
I used to listen to it when I was in my 20's . I didn't "get it" until I was in my mid 40's.
Don't listen if you don't want to.. But sometimes they trying to tell you something.


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
He could be canonised a saint by the Catholic church for the same reasons and with as much evidence of his worthiness.
Not true of old days, but nowadays maybe, the way the RCC is being run is a joke, not to mention when one was dubbed by the Queen has become a joke as well and not to mention Man of the year ect ect it's all total childish stupid BS nowadays.

Floyd ! is a joke, the whole thing was a setup it's total BS. he should of been condemned for who he truly was openly, but no ! we got this Angel story portrayed. when in fact he was a low life moronic thug drug dealer and all the rest of the filth that he did, there is not one good thing about him in fact but this was not played out on the MSM, it was all hidden so most do not truly know who he was, as the MSM did not inform anyone of the facts at all about his life.
But we had to endure this moronic creep elevated to a worldly Sainthood around the world. the same type of one sidedness was played with Obama, nothing to see here for the public under the world Socialist MSM, hell we do not know bugger all truly about Obama, such is also all a closed shop in fact and the media never attacked him, it's all one sided show but fact is the MSM only covered up for him 24/7 the MSM were like his Nigger slave dogs, in the same way as the German media were to Hitler or any other Communist Nation was or is.
I ask who is controlling the MSM, who are these people !
How could the MSM get away with all this ? just these two issue alone condemns the MSM totally of corruption.

Look at how the MSM attacked Trump 24/7 they tossed every cunning trick in the book at him and played the fear card, oh the world fears trump ! and then claim that the world is happy with China Leader, nothing to see here ? when he is the biggest threat that the free world has ever seen in fact and just look what he is doing, he is insane bulling every Nation around the world like a great total tosser. he has threatened the USA even many times.
Communist China has to be stoped ! When China claimed it's has a leader for life, what did the MSM do ? all is good ! but what if lets say Trump did only play a off the cuff remark in jest as to him becoming leader for life ? the MSM would have a spac attack in fact, even knowing such was just a joke, but on the other hand what would the MSM say if Communist China became the world superpower to dominate over the world, I am sure that they would say nothing ! why is that, well because the MSM are Communist and they love dictating over everyone with everything and if one stands up to them they become a total monster full of malice. it's a creep show !
The Satanist Socialist have been gaining power for years due to the MSM.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
You betcha.
You sit on the sidelines...
And still haven't figured out What the Fight IS For....yet continually add your comments "AS IF" your "LAY DOWN" Brit advice is something to Consider.

Did you MISS the history...?
"SEE here, this is HOW England does things"
And ... "See here" this is America's interest in "How England does things"

Reference: Delcaration of Independence.
Hint, Hint....Clue, Clue...
America is NOT England.

We have a Power Higher than your Parliment, your "PRIME" MINISTER, your kings and queens, the pope and SCOTUS....and IF "WE" Choose To Fight to KEEP our Higher Power unfettered, what's it to you?

I watched some of the Stop the steal from Washington, with the prophets claims Jesus was with them and Trump, not because of facts but because God had spoken to them. To put it mildly this is delusional language and real insanity.
Then you look at who is linking together. Catholics, charismatics, catholic bishops, Jewish Zionists, all claiming God desires they continue. That is just weird, a linking of politics with a religious dimension even when the positions are enemies of each other.

The problem with evidence is you need to prove it in court. Else it is just a suspicion.
Now let us put this in perspective. The most powerful individual in the world cannot raise lawyers and proof good enough to make a case that will even be heard. That is not evidence, that is a farce.

And what is worse is this weird irrational belief in a cause is the mirror of the lefts irrational belief in power blocks and hidden bias. But then this is a strange world where when truth is too difficult, people will invent reasons to make their own political worlds justified to get angry and victimise the "enemy". As believers we are called simply not to play this game, because our King has brought peace with us before God, and His Kingdom reigns, Amen. God bless you


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I watched some of the Stop the steal from Washington, with the prophets claims Jesus was with them and Trump, not because of facts but because God had spoken to them. To put it mildly this is delusional language and real insanity.
Then you look at who is linking together. Catholics, charismatics, catholic bishops, Jewish Zionists, all claiming God desires they continue. That is just weird, a linking of politics with a religious dimension even when the positions are enemies of each other.

The problem with evidence is you need to prove it in court. Else it is just a suspicion.
Now let us put this in perspective. The most powerful individual in the world cannot raise lawyers and proof good enough to make a case that will even be heard. That is not evidence, that is a farce.

And what is worse is this weird irrational belief in a cause is the mirror of the lefts irrational belief in power blocks and hidden bias. But then this is a strange world where when truth is too difficult, people will invent reasons to make their own political worlds justified to get angry and victimise the "enemy". As believers we are called simply not to play this game, because our King has brought peace with us before God, and His Kingdom reigns, Amen. God bless you
So stop playing


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
So what is happening in your own back yard?
Will the UK go to war with France over fish?
Maybe Biden's "Cold dark winter" isn't about the US, but rather across the pond?

Four offshore patrol vessels "will be available to patrol UK waters to assist other government departments where needed," the ministry said.
The move comes as Brexit negotiations between Britain and the European Union enter a crucial 48 hours, with both sides expressing skepticism about reaching a deal before a Sunday deadline.
Fishing has been one of the sticking points in the negotiations and access to each side's waters is set to end next year.
"The MOD has conducted extensive planning and preparation to ensure that Defence is ready for a range of scenarios at the end of the Transition Period," a UK defense ministry spokesperson said Saturday.
"This preparation includes a standby package of 14,000 personnel to ensure that we are ready to support other government departments and authorities over the winter period, including with the EU transition, Covid-19 and potential severe weather events," the spokesperson said.
Shrewsbury and Atcham MP Daniel Kawczynski urged Prime Minister Boris Johnson to protect UK's waters from "illegal French fishing" in the case of a no-deal Berxit.
"In the event of no deal with EU on Sunday we must receive absolute guarantee from Boris Johnson that British naval forces will be deployed from January 1 to prevent illegal French fishing in our waters," Kawczynski said in a tweet on Friday.

Johnson said Friday he was hopeful of reaching a deal, but that the scenario was becoming increasingly unlikely.
"We're hopeful that progress can be made, but I've got to tell you that, from where I stand now here in Blyth, it's looking very, very likely that we will have to go for a solution that I think would be wonderful for the UK. We would be able to do exactly what we want from January the first," he said.
"It obviously would be different from what we set out to achieve, but I've no doubt that this country can get ready and can come out on world trade terms."
No-deal Brexit: Navy boats on standby to protect UK waters - CNN

There are a lot of pieces moving on the chessboard.
Everybody looking Here < and not > There

I'm not arguing with you anymore.
There are things moving on a global scale.
The world is shifting.
Now we got people talking about alien invasions (not earthly ones either)
I'm not into the UFO thing. Just another distraction.

Let me ask you, are you for this Adenda 2030 Global Initiative?
Are you for UN Policing around the world?
Are you for the Capitalist Globalists who call themselves Democratic Socialists controlling every aspect of your life?
Are you willing to be a slave to the system in the name of Peace and Security?
And once you become a slave... who will free you?

Stop arguing.. talk to me.

I will tell you my view on conspiracies. It is all a farce. The bigger picture is always bigger than the conspiracies. Either the society resolves the challenges before it, or it fails. It is like the mafia, they will dominate for a time, then someone will kill them, or they get locked up for a long time. You reap what you sow. In Christ we are called to be content with Gods leading of our hearts.

The junk spoken about globalists is just that. And whoever wants to control my life, it is their challenge but pointless. We are more likely in the UK to live under a continuous conservative group for the next 20 years+. Social democrats do not have a big enough influence, and the left are split. So your analysis of our politics is totally off.

Our carbon effect on the world is unmistakeable. Our question is will we be able to solve it. It appears we may, to which I say Amen.

I have to laugh about the idea of any country policing any other. Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan. Each culture has to find its own way to work and compromise. The best any peace keeping force can do is stop violent contagion. I suspect it takes 2 or 3 generations for cultures to learn how to work the issues of the modern world through. What speaks most powerfully is focusing on the crime of abuse of women, exploitation of the young, injustice in land ownership.

There is a lot of victims in each country who need a voice. Sexual abuse within families is probably the biggest world issue not addressed properly. Forced marriages, FGM, child brides. We all have families, we all know what real innocence is with kids, and what abuse looks like. There are people everywhere who will stand up and be counted because they have love for the victims.

So my focus is not where you expected, but that is not surprising. God bless you


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
We'll see...Common phrase of an unknown.
Don't see the big deal.

Larceny: The True Story of How the Deep State Stole the Election from Trump | New American Journal

In this instance it is a very big deal. We the people of the United States of America are witness, at least those of us who open our eyes, to the greatest conspiracy of theft in our history; the 2020 presidential election.

Those who are Republican and voted their conscience have been robbed! And our vote being stolen and thrown away, or perverted at the voting booth to be logged as having given our trust not to our president, as we chose to do in that booth, but was machine altered to be credited to a corrupt serial unprosecuted felon and enemy of America.

And this criminal act, this mass collusion to commit Larceny against millions of American citizens and voters, promises to be a big deal for not only our country but the entire free world.
What is its remedy?
I can understand how SCOTUS would deny the petition by Texas on behalf of other states and their election procedures. Texas, nor any state, is able to take issue with any other state and their procedures that follow the Constitution. And these elections did in their coarse. It is the tabulation by a contracted entity who provided the machines and those interests that tabulated the votes, that are the culprits. And are rightly to be identified as the defendants in an action.

So what now, given the Texas SCOTUS decision?
Are we the people able to bring class action lawsuits across all 50 states and Puerto Rico? Can we, as citizens, bring a class action lawsuit to address our Constitutional rights being usurped in that we are denied a fair and free election due to fraud, Larceny?

Is it too late to gather a class action? And file suit against those who "certify" fraudulant election results in those states where fraud can be proven to have occurred?
Election results certification dates, 2020 - Ballotpedia

I mentioned a class action suit after I was first made aware of The Steal in November. My inaction to that end is my responsibility. I should have, and woulda, shoulda, coulda, are there of the biggest wastes of breath after the fact (any fact), and yet, done something. Contact Sekulow and ask about such a pursuit. Something!

That's why I say now, pray! PRAY PEOPLE! PRAY!
Election results certification dates, 2020 - Ballotpedia
(sic)"...As of December 11, 2020, all 50 states and the District of Columbia had certified their 2020 general election results."
(sic)"...Additional key dates for the presidential election: Under 3 U.S.C. § 5, a state must settle any presidential election disputes and determine its electors six days before the Electoral College meets. This safe harbor provision deadline fell on December 8, 2020. The Electoral College cast its votes for president and vice president on December 14, 2020."

What happens after the Electoral College?
Congress has to certify.

This article is informative and is from December of this year. (As you read you'll also learn why the 2018 mid-term election that showed corruption on 5 known states, afforded the Democrats (illegal) majority in the House. It was a foretelling of the coming presidential election in November two years later. The mid-term I suspect was a test to see if it would work, unopposed. :( It did!)

*(Except) What to expect after the Electoral College votes next week | PolitiFact
[sic]"...What are “faithless” electors?
The number of electoral votes earned by each candidate could vary from what they seemed to have won in the election, if “faithless” electors decide to vote for someone other than the candidate voters chose. This has happened occasionally, in small numbers, in recent decades. As recently as 2016, two Texas electors didn’t vote for Donald Trump and a Hawaii elector and four Washington state electors didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton. But it has never been enough to shift the result.

This year, the Supreme Court allowed states greater leverage in requiring electors to cast their assigned votes.

When do the electoral results truly become official?
Congress officially counts the electoral votes in a joint session at 1 p.m. on Jan. 6.

The president of the Senate — a position held by the sitting vice president — presides. If the vice president is absent, the Senate president pro tempore, Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, presides, not the House speaker.

Four “tellers” — two from the House, two from the Senate — read the certificates from the states and the District of Columbia and count the electoral votes. The electoral certificates are unsealed and counted in alphabetical order by state. The presiding officer announces the result. If there are no interruptions, this takes 20 to 25 minutes.

When the process is complete, the vice president declares a winner. At this point, the election is officially decided and simply awaits the inauguration.

What could be done to upset this process?
The statute governing electoral vote counting in Congress prohibits debate and most motions, but supporters of Trump have one longshot chance to object.

“During the reading of the certificates, an objection may be made in writing, but must be signed by at least one member of each house,” said Steven Smith, a political scientist at Washington University in St. Louis.

Because the statute that governs the process says that electoral votes that are “regularly given” and “lawfully certified” must be counted, the objections would likely seek to attack the meaning of these terms, Smith said. The presiding officer would determine whether these objections are in order or not.

If the objection is ruled in order, the joint session is suspended so that the House and Senate can separately debate and vote on it. Each chamber decides on its own by a simple majority, said Gregory Koger, a University of Miami political scientist.

The statute sets a debate limit of two hours on each chamber for considering objections, Smith said. “Done repeatedly over several states, this process can consume a great deal of time,” he said.

Is any of this a realistic way of securing a second term for Trump?
Not really, thanks mainly to the Democrats’ majority in the House. Because both chambers must agree to an objection, it would fail if only one agrees to it. And if the objection fails, the challenged votes are counted.

“Objections are easily raised, but there is no realistic chance that House Democrats would approve of Republican-sponsored objections,” Smith said.

Koger agreed, saying, “There is zero chance a challenge will succeed if the voting falls along party lines.”

It may not even get to this point, of course. “At present, some House members have signaled their willingness to support a challenge, but no senator has confirmed that he or she will do so,” Koger said.

Recent history is against House members finding a willing senator. “In 2000, 2004, and 2016, we saw multiple objections from House Democrats, but no senator objected, so the objections were not considered,” said John Fortier, director of governmental studies at the Bipartisan Policy Center.

If House Republicans did manage to get a senator to co-sign an objection, it would remain a heavy lift for the objectors to get all Senate Republicans to support their cause. Senate Democrats would need to pick off only a couple of institutional-minded Republicans to side with them to make sure that the objection fails. These could include GOP Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania. All four have already said that Biden is the duly chosen president-elect.

“I am not sure if a senator will go along with the objection,” Fortier said. And even if one did, he said, “I am not sure I believe that the Senate would actually reject the votes or slate of electors.”

Once the count is gaveled to a close, experts said they can’t imagine any other last-ditch scenarios being available to Trump and his supporters.

“As a practical matter, I don’t think there’s any realistic expectation that Biden’s inauguration is vulnerable to what will happen in Congress on Jan. 6,” Foley said.

When is the inauguration?
At noon on Jan. 20, the outgoing president’s term expires, and the winning candidate is sworn in. With that, the 2020 presidential election will finally be over. [end]

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
So stop playing
Stop playing? I am not playing anything.

The biggest lesson I have learnt in life is our world view in our heads dictates everything we do.
It is not actions or prison that limit or mould how the society works together but what is in their world view.

And these world views come from conversations, the best with Jesus. The biggest ethic Jesus brings to our lives is the cross.
This is putting love, forgiveness and example above anything else. Sinners will always stab themselves in the hand, stabbing them more will not change who they are. Showing Christ and His ways is being the light we are called to be, because of what Christ has done for us. Do you know this in your life?

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Not true of old days, but nowadays maybe, the way the RCC is being run is a joke, not to mention when one was dubbed by the Queen has become a joke as well and not to mention Man of the year ect ect it's all total childish stupid BS nowadays.

Floyd ! is a joke, the whole thing was a setup it's total BS. he should of been condemned for who he truly was openly, but no ! we got this Angel story portrayed. when in fact he was a low life moronic thug drug dealer and all the rest of the filth that he did, there is not one good thing about him in fact but this was not played out on the MSM, it was all hidden so most do not truly know who he was, as the MSM did not inform anyone of the facts at all about his life.
But we had to endure this moronic creep elevated to a worldly Sainthood around the world. the same type of one sidedness was played with Obama, nothing to see here for the public under the world Socialist MSM, hell we do not know bugger all truly about Obama, such is also all a closed shop in fact and the media never attacked him, it's all one sided show but fact is the MSM only covered up for him 24/7 the MSM were like his Nigger slave dogs, in the same way as the German media were to Hitler or any other Communist Nation was or is.
I ask who is controlling the MSM, who are these people !
How could the MSM get away with all this ? just these two issue alone condemns the MSM totally of corruption.

Look at how the MSM attacked Trump 24/7 they tossed every cunning trick in the book at him and played the fear card, oh the world fears trump ! and then claim that the world is happy with China Leader, nothing to see here ? when he is the biggest threat that the free world has ever seen in fact and just look what he is doing, he is insane bulling every Nation around the world like a great total tosser. he has threatened the USA even many times.
Communist China has to be stoped ! When China claimed it's has a leader for life, what did the MSM do ? all is good ! but what if lets say Trump did only play a off the cuff remark in jest as to him becoming leader for life ? the MSM would have a spac attack in fact, even knowing such was just a joke, but on the other hand what would the MSM say if Communist China became the world superpower to dominate over the world, I am sure that they would say nothing ! why is that, well because the MSM are Communist and they love dictating over everyone with everything and if one stands up to them they become a total monster full of malice. it's a creep show !
The Satanist Socialist have been gaining power for years due to the MSM.
I will say George Floyd is not a joke. His murder should serve as a warning that is far from funny. And those responsible should go to prison for life. Just as I would were I to openly suffocate someone to death in broad daylight and before phone cameras.

Minneapolis teen receives prestigious award for recording George Floyd video

People Magazine hasn't named George Floyd man of the year. People magazine reveals its ‘2020 People of the Year’ | KSEE24 | CBS47
Nor has Time magazine declared George Floyd their (PC) "Person" of the Year.
In fact it was made public back in December that George Floyd was excluded from their consideration. George Floyd excluded from 'Time' magazine's 'Person of the Year' final 4 - Rolling Out
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
The whole thing is a conspiracy. There are powers conspiring together to create a global takeover over individual rights.
That IS the conspiracy.
It's not a theory, it's a fact.
Do you really think they care about anything you listed as your concerns or your priorities?
They don't care about us. They care about their power and their ability to control.
This is a Universal Conspiracy.
I don't think there is a bottom to this swamp, this pit of hell.
The only thing good people can do is shine a light on it, expose it, the more people are aware, the less control they have.
That's what we're seeing now. They are panicking because all kinds of things are coming to light.

There are big players in the game. Saudi, Germany, France, Australia, New Zealand, Iran, EU, Russia, China..India..
It's global, and they all have blood on their hands.
They don't like Trump. They can't buy him. They tried for 2 1/2 years to find collusion, they tried to impeach him on a phone call.
They are really irritated. They planned a pandemic to rig an election.
These aren't theories..
And you will say... there is no proof..
Keep watching...

If we fall, the world falls. I'm not ready to go jumping through any "portals" the Crony Capitalists and Socialist Communists are putting on the table,
And no people that value their freedom should be willing to either.

And as far as carbon goes... you are carbon. Everytime you breathe you release carbon into the atmosphere.
Eventually they will claim they need to reduce even more carbon...
You ever seen the Georgia Guidestones? Put there by a man named Christian. Who is no Christian by the way. But had very deep ties with the KKK and planned parenthood agenda for depopulation.
#1. Maintain humanity under 500 million people.
There are over 7 billion on the planet. Some 6.5 billion need to go.
How do you think they will accomplish that?
I have a few suggestions, but then you would just say it's a conspiracy theory.

All I can say is.. keep watching. Time will tell.
I hope I'm wrong.. but I'm still keeping my eyes wide open
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I will say George Floyd is not a joke. His murder should serve as a warning that is far from funny. And those responsible should go to prison for life. Just as I would were I to openly suffocate someone to death in broad daylight and before phone cameras.

Minneapolis teen receives prestigious award for recording George Floyd video

People Magazine hasn't named George Floyd man of the year. People magazine reveals its ‘2020 People of the Year’ | KSEE24 | CBS47
Nor has Time magazine declared George Floyd their (PC) "Person" of the Year.
In fact it was made public back in December that George Floyd was excluded from their consideration. George Floyd excluded from 'Time' magazine's 'Person of the Year' final 4 - Rolling Out
No one said he was made time's person of the year. But he had been nominated for it.
Apparently the fact that the guy died from an overdose just seems to ride over peoples heads.
He was not suffocated to death, but he did suffocate from an overdose of fentanyl.
Autopsy say there is no proof that the knee placed on Floyd's neck caused his death.
But there is proof he overdosed.
In broad daylight.

I find it interesting that the club he was working at, he also worked with Chauvin. They knew each other.
And the club they worked at .. something Rodeo.. I have to look it up.. was on the block that had all the businesses set on fire.
The woman who owned the club also sat on the board of the Target that got targetted for looting that same night.
A lot of.. what do they call it, coincidences.. surrounding the beginning of this whole BLM/Antifa movement.

And as I've come to learn in the last 4 years..
There are NO coincidences.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Larceny: The True Story of How the Deep State Stole the Election from Trump | New American Journal

In this instance it is a very big deal. We the people of the United States of America are witness, at least those of us who open our eyes, to the greatest conspiracy of theft in our history; the 2020 presidential election.

Is it possible "we the people" ie Trump supporters who listen to Trumps simplistic tweets are actually being duped.

When you see a mirage do you believe your eyes or go and investigate? How may times can things appear one way be actually quite different on inspection. It is why we have courts and judges, with juries to weigh up the evidence to come to a verdict.

To claim millions of votes were invented you need more than live count feeds which appear to show a lead and then a loss as ones proof. One sign of a sociopath or psychopath is a very limited attention span, intimidation of others, manipulation of facts and no empathy. So it is no surprise that a simplistic reading of information is now proof, and extrapolation of personal situations is turned into millions of fraudulent votes. That is what is called propoganda and manipulation. It demonstrates for all watching the dupes who fall for this can be duped into almost anything, which is a little worrying.

It demonstrates the need for better education, better critical thinking, better concern by politicians to connect with the people and deal with real needs. Politicians are bought people by big business and this business is billions of dollars involved, way above normal people. The corruption is not in the votes, it is in this divide, which can be bridged by crowd funding, and the population starting to really engage in the process. Some young politicians are starting to do this, but it is a new process, only available now because of social media, which most people our age have little awareness of.

But if you want a voice, you want to change the direction and politics, start using the tools. Trump is the symptom of the gap not its solution. Empowering yourselves from the local areas up, is the future. If you want you can have bullet proof elections, but in truth, most voters are too scared to trust the politicians to make it work fairly, which is a circular dilemma and which is also absurd. It should be the older folk who have the experience to know what could be done if they get organised.
So get organised, take your points of view and make them public and in the open. Argue and fund your representatives. Take ownership of your communities and what you see needs to be done.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Stop playing? I am not playing anything.

The biggest lesson I have learnt in life is our world view in our heads dictates everything we do.
It is not actions or prison that limit or mould how the society works together but what is in their world view.

And these world views come from conversations, the best with Jesus. The biggest ethic Jesus brings to our lives is the cross.
This is putting love, forgiveness and example above anything else. Sinners will always stab themselves in the hand, stabbing them more will not change who they are. Showing Christ and His ways is being the light we are called to be, because of what Christ has done for us. Do you know this in your life?

God bless you
It's when sinners start stabbing other people in the hands..
that's when I have a problem.
A lot of innocent people are getting hurt and dying from this agenda they are putting forth.
And frankly I don't like getting stabbed. In the hand or foot or anywhere else for that matter.
I don't like watching my neighbors and friends get stabbed.
It would even bother me if you got stabbed.
And if I had to I would defend you.
Just because
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I watched some of the Stop the steal from Washington, with the prophets claims Jesus was with them and Trump, not because of facts but because God had spoken to them.


God desires they continue. That is just weird, a linking of politics with a religious dimension

I have no problem recognizing a hosts of TICS poised to suck the life from a person and a person Exalting God above a TICS efforts.

The problem with evidence is you need to prove it in court.

A man-made court is not measure of the Whole Truth.

The most powerful individual in the world

Highest Power "IN" the World IS Christ.
Highest Power "OF" the World IS satan.

Some believe one will TRUMP the other.
I'm standing (without shame) with those "IN" the World Against those "OF" the World.

Your sidelining confusion is of no consequence to me.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Is it possible "we the people" ie Trump supporters who listen to Trumps simplistic tweets are actually being duped.

When you see a mirage do you believe your eyes or go and investigate? How may times can things appear one way be actually quite different on inspection. It is why we have courts and judges, with juries to weigh up the evidence to come to a verdict.

To claim millions of votes were invented you need more than live count feeds which appear to show a lead and then a loss as ones proof. One sign of a sociopath or psychopath is a very limited attention span, intimidation of others, manipulation of facts and no empathy. So it is no surprise that a simplistic reading of information is now proof, and extrapolation of personal situations is turned into millions of fraudulent votes. That is what is called propoganda and manipulation. It demonstrates for all watching the dupes who fall for this can be duped into almost anything, which is a little worrying.

It demonstrates the need for better education, better critical thinking, better concern by politicians to connect with the people and deal with real needs. Politicians are bought people by big business and this business is billions of dollars involved, way above normal people. The corruption is not in the votes, it is in this divide, which can be bridged by crowd funding, and the population starting to really engage in the process. Some young politicians are starting to do this, but it is a new process, only available now because of social media, which most people our age have little awareness of.

But if you want a voice, you want to change the direction and politics, start using the tools. Trump is the symptom of the gap not its solution. Empowering yourselves from the local areas up, is the future. If you want you can have bullet proof elections, but in truth, most voters are too scared to trust the politicians to make it work fairly, which is a circular dilemma and which is also absurd. It should be the older folk who have the experience to know what could be done if they get organised.
So get organised, take your points of view and make them public and in the open. Argue and fund your representatives. Take ownership of your communities and what you see needs to be done.

God bless you
How can you expect the older folk to take a stand when they have them barricaded in their house in fear ?
They planned this well..
btw.. I haven't seen a tweet by Trump for at least a year. Because I know he isn't trolling me. He's trolling the trolls.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
No one said he was made time's person of the year. But he had been nominated for it.
Apparently the fact that the guy died from an overdose just seems to ride over peoples heads.
He was not suffocated to death, but he did suffocate from an overdose of fentanyl.
Autopsy say there is no proof that the knee placed on Floyd's neck caused his death.
But there is proof he overdosed.
In broad daylight.

I find it interesting that the club he was working at, he also worked with Chauvin. They knew each other.
And the club they worked at .. something Rodeo.. I have to look it up.. was on the block that had all the businesses set on fire.
The woman who owned the club also sat on the board of the Target that got targetted for looting that same night.
A lot of.. what do they call it, coincidences.. surrounding the beginning of this whole BLM/Antifa movement.

And as I've come to learn in the last 4 years..
There are NO coincidences.

No, he was suffocated to death.

Cause of death, county Coroner report: "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restrain, and neck compression," Floyd, George Perry Update 6.1.2020.pdf

El Nuevo Rodeo burned four days after George Floyd died.
The Restaurant Community in Minneapolis Continues to Reel from The Weekend’s Unrest
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
The whole thing is a conspiracy. There are powers conspiring together to create a global takeover over individual rights.
That IS the conspiracy.
It's not a theory, it's a fact.
Do you really think they care about anything you listed as your concerns or your priorities?
They don't care about us. They care about their power and their ability to control.
This is a Universal Conspiracy.
I don't think there is a bottom to this swamp, this pit of hell.
The only thing good people can do is shine a light on it, expose it, the more people are aware, the less control they have.
That's what we're seeing now. They are panicking because all kinds of things are coming to light.

There are big players in the game. Saudi, Germany, France, Australia, New Zealand, Iran, EU, Russia, China..India..
It's global, and they all have blood on their hands.
They don't like Trump. They can't buy him. They tried for 2 1/2 years to find collusion, they tried to impeach him on a phone call.
They are really irritated. They planned a pandemic to rig an election.
These aren't theories..
And you will say... there is no proof..
Keep watching...

If we fall, the world falls. I'm not ready to go jumping through any "portals" the Crony Capitalists and Socialist Communists are putting on the table,
And no people that value their freedom should be willing to either.

And as far as carbon goes... you are carbon. Everytime you breathe you release carbon into the atmosphere.
Eventually they will claim they need to reduce even more carbon...
You ever seen the Georgia Guidestones? Put there by a man named Christian. Who is no Christian by the way. But had very deep ties with the KKK and planned parenthood agenda for depopulation.
#1. Maintain humanity under 500 million people.
There are over 7 billion on the planet. Some 6.5 billion need to go.
How do you think they will accomplish that?
I have a few suggestions, but then you would just say it's a conspiracy theory.

All I can say is.. keep watching. Time will tell.
I hope I'm wrong.. but I'm still keeping my eyes wide open

This is QAnnon junk you are sharing here.
I wish you understood the difference between lunatic suggestions and real social issues.
The real social issue for the UK is we have a falling population with too few children. We need more people from other countries and cultures to run everything. And this is the common theme across the world in every developed country.

Over the next 30 years the consequences of this will work out.
And why this issue matters because everyone on this thread will face it, probably in a care home, with limited mobility and not necessarily a good sense of reasoning. That are the facts.

I share these issues, because in the public space we need to oppose the insane propositions with the real ones, or else you legitimise the insane propositions. It is why Trumps claim to have won an election he lost has to be declared, because in normal human social behaviour those who respect truth would accept the defeat. What is truly odd, mentally ill, is the belief by force of belief alone you can overturn a democracy. And weirder still to take a group who claim to know eternal truth, to be called by God to judge angels, these folk will follow such a person in the jaws of delusion.

My fundamental conclusion is simply these folk do not know Jesus at all, or have read his words or take them to heart.
The book of revelation declares one day only the elect will stand alone. It means there is no political victory or need to fight for what is right against sinners, because they will choose their way and we ours. It is the way of the Kingdom or the way of the world, they cannot be mixed.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Is it possible "we the people" ie Trump supporters who listen to Trumps simplistic tweets are actually being duped.

You appear to be confused.

•Democrats Wait for their Leaders to TELL them WHAT to Believe, and give them little catch phrases to repeat.
(You can observe the repetitious "catch phrases" all day long on "Fake News" stations...not a NEW phenomena...Same Old ploy with a new "title"..."Fake News".)

•Republicans TELL their Servants their Desires and Supports his Actions.
(Trumps "tweets" are simply Trump exericising his rights like any other citizen to speak on an open social media. Nothing Earth shattering).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
It's when sinners start stabbing other people in the hands..
that's when I have a problem.
A lot of innocent people are getting hurt and dying from this agenda they are putting forth.
And frankly I don't like getting stabbed. In the hand or foot or anywhere else for that matter.
I don't like watching my neighbors and friends get stabbed.
It would even bother me if you got stabbed.
And if I had to I would defend you.
Just because

Justice works at two levels. It brings light to an unjust situation and removes the ability of people to exploit the situation.

But not bringing justice and owning the criminal behaviour you justify the exploitation of the situation by other parties.
If you then attack the other parties, you lose your legitimacy by appearing to be guilty of the crime they are concerned about.

And the more one does not resolve this cycle the worse it becomes.
But if one is blind to this issue, because in all honesty these folk do not deserve justice while being scum, the truth of racism appears. Of course to the racist there is nothing wrong with what they are doing, they are just repeating facts of the superiority of one race over the other. How dare these people question their status or desire justice, they deserve worse than they are getting.

I remember hearing a similar logic from a South African christian talking about his african fellow citizens. It is because emotions dictate our thinking processes and often are embedded from childhood, and group experiences. But these folk need to wake up because the consequences are very real and they are now being delivered to their door step.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
No, he was suffocated to death.

Cause of death, county Coroner report: "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restrain, and neck compression," Floyd, George Perry Update 6.1.2020.pdf

El Nuevo Rodeo burned four days after George Floyd died.
The Restaurant Community in Minneapolis Continues to Reel from The Weekend’s Unrest
This has content.. you can not see it unless you choose to click on ok to watch it.
If you don't want to see it.. don't click it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
No, he was suffocated to death.

Cause of death, county Coroner report: "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restrain, and neck compression," Floyd, George Perry Update 6.1.2020.pdf

El Nuevo Rodeo burned four days after George Floyd died.
The Restaurant Community in Minneapolis Continues to Reel from The Weekend’s Unrest

Bottom line...
•Police Officers have Authority to Direct and Order Person's in the Public.
•When a Person "repeatedly" disobeys a Police Officers Direct Order...
•The Person has made their choice to put themselves in a Compromised or Potentionally dangerous situation.

That person made his own choices and suffered the consequences.
Screaming in the streets, breaking, looting, burning, destroying others property simply reveals the deviant Mind-set of a portion of society that IS corrupt....and "supporters of that corrupt mind-set and actions" is beyond disturbing.
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