Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Tulsi Gabbard- Hawaii Dem Rep.

Ha... more of a slap in the face...of Nancy Pelosi...precisely where it belongs!!!
(And I'm sure Ms Gabbard will get an ear full from Nancy in one of her famous closed door meetings reserved for Dems to be scolded and reminded Nancy is in charge and only what she says is acceptable behavior!
Which is to say, Dem congressmen are not Representatives of their constituates...they Are Nancys personal pawns!)

Covid Relief... JOKE
Covid (a Supposed Health Issue) would be a relief assistance concerning the Health of people having a issue caused by a Covid Virus (which I know not one person with the supposed Covid Virus)

The issue is "governments forcing a stand still of people being able to work"...

Nancy Pelosi is behind the PORK stuffing, on a Relief bill to supplement People, regularaly working and providing for their own...But FOR Months (ridiculously) Governmentally Prevented from working.

And as Nancy Pelosi has in the Past "pulled the same crap" stuffing a bill ( intended for One thing) full of PORK, then Demanding her Minion House Dems to VOTE on it...When they had Not been given ample time to Read the Bill or object to the PORK stuffing.
Utterly Disgraceful...She should have been EXPELLED then....and now Again the same crap!

Well good for Ms Gabbard...but better yet to follow through with Pelosi's blaten disregard for the directing a vote on a bill that has not been Reviewed by the House members....which is their JOB.

Thanks for sharing,
Well, we know, thanks to WHO being expedient,*cough*, that the C-19 tests are not trustworthy. Months after people have been told to get tested. Some have their jobs hanging on the line with that test.
And being the test can't be trusted, all those positive tests that are repeatedly showing up in one person tested over and over again until a negative shows up so that they may resume their employment, get added into the national rolls. Therein, it may be said when whomever is in charge determines, that the virus is making a resurgence.
Why? Control!
And if Covid-19 goes away like the flu virus does because herd immunity is a factor and was so before this virus was weaponized against our liberties, who would get the vaccine?
And we see the news cover Joe Biden getting the vaccine, Pence, his wife. But are they getting the vaccine? How would we know?
I watched Pence and wife when they got their shot. How do you know they got the vaccine? Because the media said so?
Leadership by example.
The VP of America being the first public guinea pig for this vaccine? Not likely. Watch the video. The doctor hides the injection with his body and his hand/arm. With the SL, hers is a little more public but again, how do you know it is the vaccine? Every person that gets this shot is the next public test subject.

And remember, Pharmaceutical companies are EXEMPT from liability! Even if you die.

Oh, what's the excuse then?
Well, they had Covid after all. Covid has killed people.
When those numbers are padded and false, we'd be a fool to openly trust anything related to Covid-19 reporting.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Tulsi Gabbard CALLS OUT the $600 COVID Stimulus as a “Slap in the Face” to Americans

They dont care about us my dear sister . All they care about is their prescious one world order and special interest groups .
OH well . WE GOT JESUS sister . HE will LOOK OUT for the lambs .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
and ps , i dont care what pope francis and sie liberal order says about ya watersong and others . Yall know i loves ya .
NOW LEAP up and let the LORD be praised . In this world we are on our own , ONLY we really aint , JESUS IS WITH the lambs .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Well, we know, thanks to WHO being expedient,*cough*, that the C-19 tests are not trustworthy. Months after people have been told to get tested. Some have their jobs hanging on the line with that test.
And being the test can't be trusted, all those positive tests that are repeatedly showing up in one person tested over and over again until a negative shows up so that they may resume their employment, get added into the national rolls. Therein, it may be said when whomever is in charge determines, that the virus is making a resurgence.
Why? Control!
And if Covid-19 goes away like the flu virus does because herd immunity is a factor and was so before this virus was weaponized against our liberties, who would get the vaccine?
And we see the news cover Joe Biden getting the vaccine, Pence, his wife. But are they getting the vaccine? How would we know?
I watched Pence and wife when they got their shot. How do you know they got the vaccine? Because the media said so?
Leadership by example.
The VP of America being the first public guinea pig for this vaccine? Not likely. Watch the video. The doctor hides the injection with his body and his hand/arm. With the SL, hers is a little more public but again, how do you know it is the vaccine? Every person that gets this shot is the next public test subject.

And remember, Pharmaceutical companies are EXEMPT from liability! Even if you die.

Oh, what's the excuse then?
Well, they had Covid after all. Covid has killed people.
When those numbers are padded and false, we'd be a fool to openly trust anything related to Covid-19 reporting.
They can all line up and take that nasty vaccine , I AINT DOING IT . THE LORD is with the lambs . HE is all we need .
And i seen what is in that shot . IT AINT GOOD . They can keep the thing .

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... for those not convinced or still wavering on the prospect that Trump & Pence are the TWO WITNESSES, -- take a look at this rally where even PENCE has the enthusiasm and faith from the crowds gathered together to support these TWO MEN:

And as I've said before, -- there hasn't been such affection and loyalty IN HISTORY for ANY TWO MEN in their Leadership of a nation which has a promise, overcoming EVERYTHING satan CAN and HAS thrown at their Administration. That is to say, EVERYTHING except for satan personally coming out of the pit to put and end to their perseverance in the welfare of this nation. (Rev. 11)

What an astounding point in History!
Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
No, God has not changed...ever. I am listening not as a stranger I hope but rather as a sheep and hearing His voice. I am in His army and I follow orders but so far I have not been ordered to confront the enemy some people here apparently believe they are seeing. Someone is always willing to help out in pointing out some enemies to be hated or attacked among people, but who has God declared to be an Esau: Biden? Some things I have read here indicate that some sees the heart of Biden. I really doubt that.
I don't know the man. Should I try to get to know him and decide his fate by what people here have determined based on their readings and political studies? Should I do the same for Trump?
God says he puts those in authority over you. Trump is your president now. You don't have to like him but you should realize he's done more for this country, and did in his first 100 days, than did his predecessor or any other president in a generation.
You're in God's army? How do you know when he told you he seats those in authority over you that the expose' of The Steal isn't God's message to FIGHT?

And why do you imply those who see the enemy are not Christian, and are all manner of other charges you levy against us, because we object to the BLATANT violation of God's commandment in this election: Thou shalt not steal!

As to Biden? We know the man. Didn't want to say that before but since you remarked.
Don't doubt that.
He's a pervert, and a racist, and far more!And he worships money. Joe B will say ANYTHING to keep his power. ANYTHING! He was corrupt when he was an attorney in Delaware and he's worse since he's tasted the authority granted him by foolish Dem voters as Senator, and as VP.

I have been around a long time and experienced many things in the world of men. Much that I have seen in the world at large and in this country of ours, I have not liked. While serving in Viet Nam I really did not understand the need, but I was there. In the Dominican Republic I understood somewhat the error of the USA, but I still obeyed orders.
When I was 18 I was going to join the Navy. But at that time women were only allowed to serve on Tenders, not the ships of battle, so I declined. Air Force was an option, but there again, discrimination precluded becoming a pilot.
Army, not so much. Marines, no special forces for women. So, no go.
I could have joined any branch just to defend this nation in that aspect. However, I wasn't going to be relegated to a lesser station because my sex was considered more important as a disqualifier than my skills an asset.

Consider the difficulty of two devout lovers of God living in one of the border states when North and South were getting ready to or actually already shooting at their previous friends and even at their own blood brothers.

As depicted in the movie Shenandoah, deciding not to fight was not an option that left you out of the battles and the pain. But were not both Union Blue and Confederate Gray on the Lord's side?
And both sides had chaplains attending. The north fought against a tariff, and against the enslavement of human beings by the south. What side was God on? Why not both?

God emancipated the Hebrew slaves from Egypt after they'd been in chains there for generations. God's words to the world include also the instruction for not only having slaves, but how to treat them. And while some may chime in and state, that's in the Old Testament. The new testament tells slaves to be obedient to their masters.
It also tells us in Peter's work, to honor the emperor. A Roman term but would still apply to president.

Which political side in the USA today is the Lord's?
The one that doesn't forewarn by having an Ass for a mascot and because the Baphomet would be a dead giveaway.

However, being the Demoncrat party cares less these days about being in the open as to their Satanic agenda, all one need do to qualify my remarks is look to the 2020 DNC logo. I was going to post the image but I figured if someone was curious they'd make the effort.

Again, which side was God on from 1861 to 1865? Which side were the slaves on? Which side were the American natives [Indians] on? Where did those groups [blacks and Indians] stand in relation to the Manifest Destiny of Theodore Roosevelt? What happened to due process of law for natural born American citizens of Japanese ancestry when they were placed in concentration camps for the duration of WWII? Why didn't they do the same thing to those of German and Italian ancestry?
During the civil war the writ of habeas corpus was suspended by president Lincoln. While President Franklin D. Roosevelt suspended the writ during WW2.

Were they walking softly and carrying a big stick or were they perhaps on the receiving end of the stick because they were not of the WASP [White Ango Saxon Protestant] birth and persuasion?
Well, as a member of the Tribes of this continent, with European heritage as well, I can tell you the white washed history of the native people is for the most part fiction. However, we know, history is written by the victors.
Before the Europeans landed on these shores we're led to believe the indigenous people lived in a veritable Shangri-La.
Not true. Tribes warred against tribes. Victor tribes enslaved the loser tribal members, or slaughtered them wholesale.
Scalping? Not a tribal tradition anywhere prior to the European arrival. We learned that practice from the French. Giving as good as we got.
As for the Japanese, Why we should stop saying Japanese Americans were 'interned' in World War II - Poynter
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Where was Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration with regard to his black slaves, slaves so necessary to high life style, who in spite of his good words would not and did not free them even at his death? Of the 16 presidents of these United States through Abraham Lincoln, 11 of them owned slaves including George Washington. The two presidents immediately following Lincoln had also been slave holders when it was legal.
They had to force Grant's wife to surrender her slaves after the Emancipation Proclamation. What isn't often spoken about is that free blacks owned slaves. And in many cases were more savage than their white slave owner counterparts.
Furthermore, it's that old adage, you can't buy what ain't for sale. Alex Haley was a liar. However, many people take his fictional series, ROOTS, as a documentary.

In reality, Dutch and other traders, trafficked people from Africa into slavery because those acquired by those traders were POW's as the losers in tribal warfare. Had they not been found to be a marketable asset to the traders, they would have been slaughtered. African tribes didn't keep POW camps.

The slaves that were shipped around the world after being taken into custody in Africa, (Other nations as well but most people in America imagine only Africa's people were enslaved so we'll proceed from there), when they arrived on the shores of America were sold in America and in central and south America too. Of those numbers, only 4% were acquired in the U.S.. Central America was the foremost procurer.

Do you suppose I am simply lying down and dying when it comes to God? I really strive to be on His side no matter where anyone else is standing. I would rather that all others claiming to be on His side would also be with me... Who is making America equal to God's kingdom?Too many from where I am standing and from what I see and hear. How many have received a revelation from God on this?
For that to happen everyone in America would have to be Christian.

We are a church divided against itself. Have been for generations and with the advent of Denominationalism.
This would make the term and vision of, God's Kingdom, subjective.
Read these forums. We can't in total come to an accord when speaking to one another through the anonymous vehicle of the Net.
Doesn't everyone know that know that God is an American and a Republican and Jesus is on Trump's side? Where is honesty? Do we live for God by faith in Him or in the good words and promises of Constitution that so many have circumvented since long before I was born.
I don't see God as being any of those things. He said he is not a respecter of persons.
God told us he is not found in structures built by mortals. Why would I concede he is a Republican?
Whereas God was invoked at the founding of this nation. And in the spirit of freedom and liberty all manner of people who believed in God or any god, or goddess, were presumed entitled to free worship as a sign of liberty and independence, and as such were guaranteed in their civil rights that inalienable right to worship as they see fit.
God doesn't fit into human constructs.

Who sees the face of God? Who is seeking His face rather than presuming it is to be found in the ideal nation of the USA, if only it can be found?
I guess it depends on where you look.
Is the face of God found in a pervert, power hungry, corrupt mammon worshiping, thief? And his Jezebel power hungry side kick?

Have you ever wondered what those who died in foreign lands wearing American uniforms believed before they really did die? I was in the signal corps when it was just starting to heat up over there for Americans, but I knew personally two in my company who paid the ultimate price in Viet Nam. Was that a good war? Did they die for a good cause? Did they live to see me and others arrive home in uniform where people, good citizens of the USA were demonstrating against us while others my age were avoiding the draft in Canada? The draft dodgers for the most part were pardoned, but who remembers those who died for what? For freedom? Freedom from or for what?
Firstly, God bless you for your service. And all veterans or active duty in this community.
Secondly, you'd have to ask those who survived.

Are Americans better today than they were during the various wars where soldiers died for what? Will a new rebellion fix the problems?
Since you're asking that in post Revolutionary war America, yes! We are better off than if we'd have remained subjects of the crown.
Past wars are history, and the dead fought and died to write it. We're who we are today in this free land due to those who thought we were worth dying for.
Gainsay that? Never.
Did the Civil War fix the problems for black people?
Do you own any today?
They would have benefited far more if it wasn't for the Democrats enslaving them under the authority of Jim Crow, Black Codes laws, and other laws that refitted the yoke about their necks. The 13th amendment freed slaves. The 14th made them equal. And of course the 15th amendment gave them the right to vote for their future as a free people.
An interesting side note? A people who were bought and sold and thought to be soulless property by Christians and others in America were granted the right to vote before women were. (19th amendment)

What fixed it for the Indians
The Snyder Act, and the American Indian Religious Freedom Act. Just two to mention.
or for the Japanese Americans?
FDR ordered the internment under authority of Executive Order 9066.
U.S. Government Justification for Japanese Internment Camps · Narratives of World War II in the Pacific · Bell Library Exhibits

Then there was the Civil Liberties act of 1988.

Japanese American internment | Definition, Camps, & Facts

Declaring a person's willing to die is not the same as actually dying.
I don't agr.....
Kidding! I know this.
I did not die in that war but the faces of those with me who did will always be with me... those who never married and never had children or grandchildren. Has this nation ever been One Nation Under God in fact for everyone living in it? Have those bearing the label of Christian in the USA done so much better? Are they really doing so much better as a group today? 70% is the number I find on an Internet search, of the population of the USA are "Christians", but how many are Christ-like or striving to be with their all?
Every Christian is responsible for living the example of our faith and the nurturing truth of the Gospel. As the saying goes, you may be the only Bible someone reads.
Live accordingly.
You're (impersonal "you're/you") responsible for that area you occupy on your own two feet. If you want to leave footprints in the sand, get off your butt. Because no one wants to see butt prints on the beach.

Who is the enemy of God other than the 'old man' in me and/or the devil who tempts me? But... I am not on your bandwagon so I must be on the devil's side? Is that it?
For me, anyone who holds no respect for this country to the point they think we should turn belly up to our enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Satan is a spirit. He's always in the mix all over the world. Sadly, some people are his best friend.

Please don't throw your words at me as if I were denying your faith. That is not in my job description
... but some apparently believe according to what I see and hear believe that it is in theirs.
Please then don't in any way imply because an American stands against The Steal, and will fight to save this country from Communism, isn't of God.

"He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." John 3:18
Yes, I've read that.

Do you believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God? I do and if you do also then neither of us is condemned no matter what our political leaning or lack thereof.
Never underestimate the reality of nominal Christian.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Tulsi Gabbard- Hawaii Dem Rep.
The question is: Why is she still with the Democrats? Tulsi wants to sit on the fence instead of asking for the impeachment of Pelosi etc. And we have Rand Paul calling the RINOs no better than the Socialist Democrats. Why has he not gone after these scoundrels already?
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Jan 26, 2008
United States
@WaterSong I spent a bit of time starting to respond to the first of your two posts me. Then I realized again the reason why I seldom involve myself here or anywhere in politics and deleted what I had written.

My job when I was working was complex and I loved it. It was stressful but I handled that too over the years until it started to overwhelm me and in self defense I took an early retirement 20 years ago. My brain was burning out.

I have lived on for these last 20 years staying busy but avoiding or minimizing stressful situations. If I had continued to work, I would probably have been dead many years ago. When a stressful situation occurs these days, if my wife is around [which she is most of the time especially since she has a severely compromised immune system] she knows and immediately pushes into the foreground to take what I cannot handle anymore. That's what we call being a helpmeet, I guess. She is a good one. I have to handle the physical necessary errands as she goes outside almost not at all.

I read your posts through carefully a couple of times. You have said nothing new to me and nothing that would change my mind or my heart. I believe we were communicating but we were also disagreeing. God gives the increases, the ones that matter ultimately.

Thank you for the conversation. May God richly bless you as you walk with Him!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Make no mistake, my replies to your response to my post wasn't with the intent nor expectation of changing your mind.
Thank you for the conversation. And may also richly bless you and your walk with Him. Have a blessed Christmas and a gloriously prosperous New Year.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
and ps , i dont care what pope francis and sie liberal order says about ya watersong and others . Yall know i loves ya .
NOW LEAP up and let the LORD be praised . In this world we are on our own , ONLY we really aint , JESUS IS WITH the lambs .
Frank loves me. He loves you too. He's told to do that in the Bible. ;)


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Past wars are history, and the dead fought and died to write it. We're who we are today in this free land due to those who thought we were worth dying for.
Gainsay that? Never.
There have been several wars in which US soldiers gave their lives that had nothing to do with protecting the freedoms of Americans. Those were wasted lives offered on the altar of greed and power. The Vietnam we even worse. That war was fought for nothing more than religious bigotry.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I'm all for passive people succumbing to the enemy. Be they Christian or otherwise. People know their worth. If they believe they were born and are told by their God to lay down and let an enemy take their country and their lives that , with regard to the God led history of America who stood with us as we fought to establish this country, let them fall supine and succumb.

However, as their eyes close to their dying light, and the blood clots their mouths and suffocates their breath for the hoard of demons trampling them into the mire so as to claim more lives, damn them if they dare judge those who stand and fight for this ONE NATION UNDER GOD! INDIVISIBLE, despite the efforts concentrated to accomplish that end, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.

LOL.... That is a mouthful of condemnation.... and there you have it...If this is what PATRIOTISM looks like... It's NOT impressive as it seems to EXCUSE Christians from any accountability in how they speak or behave.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Plank in own eye.

I'm sorry you are so angry... it has boiled over to contempt in how you communicate with others.
But hey.... that's on you. You have "CURED" my curiosity about the United States election.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
There have been several wars in which US soldiers gave their lives that had nothing to do with protecting the freedoms of Americans.
Agreed. In fact, if you think about it carefully, not a single military involvement of the United States since 1900 was to protect the freedoms of Americans. But now that Americans and Canadians are actually being robbed of their freedoms systematically, everyone is simply standing by. As a matter of fact, the tyranny has escalated since the beginning of November.
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
The VP of America being the first public guinea pig for this vaccine? Not likely. Watch the video. The doctor hides the injection with his body and his hand/arm. With the SL, hers is a little more public but again, how do you know it is the vaccine? Every person that gets this shot is the next public test subject.

And remember, Pharmaceutical companies are EXEMPT from liability! Even if you die.

Oh, what's the excuse then?
Well, they had Covid after all. Covid has killed people.
When those numbers are padded and false, we'd be a fool to openly trust anything related to Covid-19 reporting.

Death tolls-
•Auto accidents, hip fractures, gun shots, etc.
•Person taken to hospital...
•HOSPITAL...admittance requires Covid "test".
•Person dies from...
Injuries sustained from auto accident, fractures, gun shots...PER- Med Examiner
SOMEWHERE along the "line"... Hospital Admin / Health Dept (not sure) Covid is "ADDED" to cause of Death "on Death Certificate"!

•Challenge- From family members to Med Examiner
•WHY?- Because Covid is added as Cause of Death. Med Examiner is the Signature that appears on Death Certificate!
•But "Some" Med Examiner did not Report Covid as Cause!
•And even Med Ex that did report Covid on Cert. ARE challenged, on people who HAD end stage Terminal illnesses, being treated for that illness, (prepared for dying soon from that illness) ... and then Covid is on the Cert., but never having been treated for Covid...

Result: NUMBERS the Media "appears" and Reported as " skyrocket " "wave of Covid Death"... People forced to not work... "mask", blah, blah.

And the Family Members???
Grieved over auto accident, gun shots Sudden Deaths...Terminal Illness Deaths....
•Prepare for $$$$ Very Expensive Funerals "within Days"...
•promise payment to Funeral Homes.
•Wait for Death Certificate Processing and Receive Copy
•Submit D-Cert copy to Insurance to collect Death benefit, to Pay funeral Cost owed.

KNOW Amount from Ins. due them.
Natural cause (illness).
Accidental death Doubled payment collected

Covid is NOT a natural cause OR accident-
Coverage on Policy will not be Paid to Family!

So a family "thinking" they were covered on a policy...out of work...spending for a funeral...going to now "hire" a lawyer? Incur more debt... win case? Get paid? Give $$ to Lawyer? (Scenario) or lose case? Out insurance money ... Funeral DEBT, Lawyer DEBT ...??

How many thousands of Families have been Faced with THIS atrocity?

Every day, approx 7 Thousand People in the US Die EVERY DAY!

The INSURSANCE COMPANIES have been Padding their Pockets for nearly 1 Year... NOT PAYING OUT on POLICIES to families that have PAID on Policies FOR YEARS!
And FOR the ELDERLY...imagine THE Thousands of Dollars Paid to Insurance Companies!!!

Oh Yes... "NEWS"... the Elderly are HIGH RISK...TEST, TEST, TEST.

What A SCAM!
DEPRESSED Americans ... YA THINK!!!

And to your Point- Gee Lookie here... Feeble Minded, Biden already taking Meds; is "supposedly" on video receiving a Covid Vaccine.... LOL.
That could have been his regular Meds, a B-12 injection or saline.

Sad thing is... many will just go along, utterly uninformed. And so many of the Elderly will not be deciding for themselves.

Ya, Conspiracy much? Ya think?

From The Wicked Corrupt Top multiple works of their far reaching Tenacles...

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I'm sorry you are so angry... it has boiled over to contempt in how you communicate with others.
But hey.... that's on you. You have "CURED" my curiosity about the United States election.

LOL - :eek:

You came to this Thread with curiosity of WHY people are ANGRY? And got your Cure for curiosity? That's funny. Wonder if The WHO will have a curiosity Vaccine coming soon.

It is Simple...
Jesus Displayed his ANGER!

A review in case you missed it;
Matt 21:
(Anger Displayed and Response)
[12] And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

Matt 23:
(Name Calling Out Leaders who Peputerate)
[25] Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
[26] Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
[27] Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
[28] Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
[29] Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! ...

Why Why Why... was Jesus Angry?

Why Why Why... did Jesus Name Call "leaders"?
One REASON- They were entrusted TO DO RIGHT!

WHEN WHEN WHEN...Did Jesus Call out Leaders and React with Anger?
WHEN He Saw What the Leaders HAD Done and The Corrupt People who Blindly Followed the Leader TO GAIN Favor and $$$$.

Many American "Politician" Members HAVE been "Observed" DOING WRONG!
Many American "People" HAVE been "Observed" FOLLOWING THE WRONG for Favor and $$$$ profit gain.

Then there Are the People who ARE "justifiably" ANGRY at the WRONGS Committed.

And "justifiably" Name Calling Out "person's in the seats of Authority" who perpetuate the Wrong, and the minions WHO go along with the WRONG for Favor and $$$$ profit.

Pfff...and you sit on the sidelines, admittedly uninterested in facts, critiquing Behaviors of those Americans Reacting to Wrongs of US Government Officials, With Anger, Contempt and Name calling...

LOL- YOU have NO vested Interest in the US.
Your uppity critiquing and sideline opinion is utterly irrelevant.

But it WOULD be INTERESTING to HEAR your Same ... critique and "so sadness expressed" for Jesus' Anger and Name Calling of Pharisee Leaders, and Throwing OUT the WRONG Doers! :p

•We are NOT uninformed.
•We are Justified to Be Angry that Officials sitting in honored seats, Took an Oath with their Word to DO RIGHT...and Didn't.
•We are justified to Name Call them Out.
•We are justified to NOT go Along with their Deceit.
•We are justified to Call for them to Be Ousted from the seat they HAVE "Dis-honored".

Not my problem, you do not know the difference between Just Anger and unjust Anger....or Standing for What is Right (against all odds), or following along with what is Wrong (because it's easy or profitable).

Every American IS Vested IN're NOT. If you are Sad for Some Americans being Angry (projected as a slam, that Anger is in itself wrong), you are mistaken.

• Perhaps you should take a lesson from the Lord God...His Anger is Increasing at the Same Rate men of the Earth are Increasing their WRONG DOING!

It's called...Gods Anger Kindling, A burning Anger....and a Big Surprise is coming...
Which is Gods Reaction. Display of Gods Wrath!! Tipping a few tables over... pfff!

People Vested in America STANDING AGAINST WRONG Doing... are wholly uninterested in you bystanding UnVested Opinion.

If you "feel better to point your finger and wag your tongue at Americans Standing for What IS Right"... that is solely a Reflection On you.

If you are "offended" to not be soft petted with a sweet tone to butt out... Perhaps you should have recognized your (uninvested) finger pointing was not going to be received with a hug!

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The question is: Why is she still with the Democrats? Tulsi wants to sit on the fence instead of asking for the impeachment of Pelosi etc. And we have Rand Paul calling the RINOs no better than the Socialist Democrats. Why has he not gone after these scoundrels already?

She is still with the Democrats...because that is the Party Ticket she ran on and was Elected by.

Party affiliation does not mean you agree with every move "the Democrat Congressional Dictator Pelosi" decides.
They "certainly ARE Supposed to" and WHY they continually have closed door meetings, to be reminded (particularly JR congressmen), that that is how it's done AND Expected...and NOT going along...Means JR reps will be short lived next election cycle.
It's a signal...they Eat their own and spit them out.

It's a long standing inner working.
The Long sitting Reps hold the Clout, Connections to $$ Donors.
The new runners ... get Campaigns financed (i.e. Takers of funds)
Winning a seat, means following Dictation of all Dictators Decisions.
(Even ...going and buying all white suits)

Bottom Line is... the tiny little thingy...that a TRUE Constitutional Congressional Representative is supposed to Represent ALL Constituants of their District...The Don't...if they are Democrats...they Represent whatever Pelosi Dictates they represent.
Their JOB is to Vote according to what Pelosi says...AND
Busy themselves making Begging "money Pledges" Phone calls to Nancys Connection List. (And wear a white suit in the house chamber, clap, stand up cheer, or sit scowled face....ON CUE from Pelosi positioned on stage!)

The whole thing is a "staged" farce.
And I'm sure Jr Congressmen LEARN quickly the consequences of going along, means a career and defying the Dictators CUES means a Scolding and Warning.
And considering a Congressman's salary is double and triple the average citizen...and that "new house" they just purchased on that "salary increase"... Do they choose to quickly going along or risk telling "honey buns" that "new house" (trips, private schools, fancy cars, clothes, fine dining, etc.) ain't gunna be "affordable" without that Congressional salary.

And you're right. Republicans have no problem calling out in public...ANY house members actions.

Watch (if you can stand it) a full house and (no not a Secret hand shake lol) , but ON CUE what Pelosi does and Minion (robotic) Reactions.

The Scolding is behind doors.
On the Floor publically is where Lawful Judgements occur Against house members...
1) A Reprimand
2) A Censure
3) An Expulsion

(They don't impeach, they Expel/ boot out of Office)....and THAT requires a charge, investigation, Hearing of Evidence, Vote of members, Judgement based on Vote numbers.

God Bless,


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Trump - a firework

Every morning I check what nutcase thing will he do next. Millions are doing the same. That is celebrity status.

It's not like any other politician. He almost makes the political circus interesting. I admire this talent, he could write a series like Lost, you know it's pointless watching but you want to know why. I mean accept defeat, that is so :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
But now that Americans and Canadians are actually being robbed of their freedoms systematically, everyone is simply standing by. As a matter of fact, the tyranny has escalated since the beginning of November.

You INSIST that those who CHOOSE to live in PEACE and not involve themselves in the POLITICS of this world are responsible for the downfall of our society.
This is a very interesting view of things. NO one has taken away ANYTHING from me. I don't care what my GOVERNMENT decides is acceptable or not acceptable... I still have the RIGHT to CHOOSE to live a simple and quiet life. This does not make me a less-wise Christian. There is coming a time... and I think it might be here where I will have to choose which side I stand on... and I shall do just that...
I don't feel that screaming and moaning about my "freedoms" being taken away will avail anything productive.

This is surely going to add fuel to your fire... LOL... My ENTIRE province is going under lockdown on December 26th. I APPLAUD this move... so that we can at least TRY and get this "thing" ( whatever it is ) under control. Denying that it exists does NOT seem to be working. I think what is truly happening here in NORTH AMERICA is that our Christian beliefs are starting to be tested. How are we responding to what is happening?? Are we looking to God for comfort and strength?? or are we looking to people around us to bring us to this place of WHAT USED TO BE??

This election and covid has changed America forever.... there is no coming back from this.

Perhaps what we are really witnessing is the beginning of more intense PERSECUTION.
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