Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
HA HA @walking speech.... I think some people have misunderstood why I showed up here... and I have been thrown into the pit of evil "Trump bashers"... I have been honest about my feelings and share minimal opinion... For the most part... I have BARKED about how people are NOT communicating with respect... It drives me nuts.

I know absolutely nothing about history or politics... I am a simple soul... and I am also ill... therefore I am unable to handle STRESS... I have purposely chosen to live my life quietly... alone and in PEACE. I have never voted in my life... and I never will. Somehow... by admitting this... I have also been accused of ALLOWING evil to over take my own country of Canada... so... I can't seem to win for trying.

I have learned a lot from studying some of the posts here... there are some contributors that I simply cannot tolerate... therefore do NOT read their contributions.

Your post in particular... in conjunction with the speech I listened to this morning where Mr. Trump dismembered the covid package... has caused me to PAUSE... and to perhaps re-think what I believe.

Honest and open communication... void of childish insults is the way that people learn... Sadly... far too many on these threads do not have a clue how to communicate properly or efficiently. I appreciate your effort. Tenderly... Addy

History has a way of repeating itself. lol But history is boring to most. If you did a study of how communists and dictators take over countries you would see what is going on here. Look at Venezuela, the Dominion system used here to throw the election was used there and was probably responsible for their dictator being elected. And as time goes on we may find other countries that this system and similar systems were used to over throw other countries.

If you look into the history of communist propaganda and the techniques, you will see and understand what is going on here. All truth denied, all lies told as truth. Spin it from all directions.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... In the Old Testament God would assign his champions, whether it would be to get something done or to go to war against the Pagans. How many people in the Old Testament can we name that were the hand of God? ...

GH, -- I couldn't agree more. And it wouldn't be the TRIBULATION if Trump & Pence were allowed to continue past their 42 month* MINISTRY. And so I anticipate that where satan's minions couldn't dissuade, deter, or defeat these TWO MEN, satan will have to do it himself as defined in Rev. 11.

* Please note that it's hard to determine when their Administration actually became effective due to all the FALSE accusations, but probably close to a one year delay.​

And so the first test is seeing T&P win a Second Term; and the second is seeing Rev. 11 transpire, with my best guess as somewhere close to three or so months from now.

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
History has a way of repeating itself. lol But history is boring to most. If you did a study of how communists and dictators take over countries you would see what going on here. Look at Venezuela, the Dominion system used here to throw the election was used there and was probably responsible for their dictator being elected. And as time goes on we may find other countries that this system and simulators systems were used to over throw other countries.

If you look into the history of communist propaganda and the techniques, you will see and understand what is going on here. All truth denied, all lies told as truth. Spin it from all directions.

My simple little brain does not have the curiosity required to study these things... My personal opinion is that the Muslims overtaking our nation is a far greater threat than anything else... but like I said... my brain is simply wired... I live in peace... and shall do so until which time I am no longer able to... then I shall suffer.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
GH, -- I couldn't agree more. And it wouldn't be the TRIBULATION if Trump & Pence were allowed to continue past their 42 month* MINISTRY. And so I anticipate that where satan's minions couldn't dissuade, deter, or defeat these TWO MEN, satan will have to do it himself as defined in Rev. 11.

* Please note that it's hard to determine when their Administration actually became effective due to all the FALSE accusations, but probably close to a one year delay.​

And so the first test is seeing T&P win a Second Term; and the second is seeing Rev. 11 transpire, with my best guess as somewhere close to three or so months from now.

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo

Wouldn't God's witnesses tell us they were God's witnesses and that the tribulation is here?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Are we surprised?
The Fulton County Georgia video that shows election fraud being perpetrated after the excuse of a "burst pipe" in the State Farm Arena cleared out the ballot counting room has been disputed! Oh, and the SoS of Georgia affirms there was no fraud being perpetrated in that video. We can trust them saying that because their lips are moving. While their left hand is still stuffing that dirty money into their pockets. :)

I'm calling the District Attorney in Fulton County Georgia on Monday. I'm going to ask them if I can file an arrest warrant for the named women in that video, the mom and her crooked daughter who's names were given in the video, for election fraud, sedition, and treason. Should be fun.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
And now for this brief comedic commercial break from all the drama of 259.
Anyone remember the show, West Wing? Martin Sheen was the Democrat president?
This is so cute.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
*Stands and applauds*
Two million dollar$ to study the effect of fallen trees. o_O MILLIONS, to the Kennedy Center. Now we know how the Kennedy family stays rich. Besides getting a percentage of the sales made to this day on all whiskey sold in America. Love that old family "investment" when Joe was a criminal during prohibition. And there were Dem's that were surprised Teddy was a lush?
Apple, far from tree much? :confused:

That 5, 593 pages of pork reminds me of the lines in the movie, Independence Day.
  • President Thomas Whitmore : I don't understand, where does all this come from? How do you get funding for something like this?

    • Julius Levinson : You don't actually think they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Wouldn't God's witnesses tell us they were God's witnesses and that the tribulation is here?

Ummmmmmmmm, Jesus didn't go around proclaiming to everyone that he was the Son of GOD, and he even spoke in Parables so that the world wouldn't understand, but the elect would. So "self-testimony" is probably not a good methodology.

Matt. 16:13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesare′a Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do men say that the Son of man is?” 14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Eli′jah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”

If one understood more about Bible Prophecy they could sufficiently piece the picture together to arrive to that expectation. And of course their works bear witness.

Or we can also WAIT to see if both Trump and Pence win a Second Term; and if they're subsequently murdered in the Streets.

But I like to know what I'm facing before I have to face it, and so I do the research! :)

With Very Best Regards,
Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
This is what has bothered me so much also over the years... and like you... I was NOT able to get over the demeaning rhetoric... and the arrogance. However.. I have also come to understand those who have voted for Trump DUE to POLICY over personality.

Also like you ... I do not trust people who speak like this... but it isn't because I think they are lying... it is more that I don't believe them worthy to be heard... so I dismiss them I guess.

I think NON AMERICANS are unable to understand the concept of patriotism... I know I certainly have not been able to wrap my brain around such a devotion to land and country.

You have received hard knocks on this thread... but I for one have at least been able to understand for the most part what you are saying... and so I have enjoyed reading your input.

Anyways... Bless you.
It is very true that non-Americans bear evidence in this and other threads here that they are unable to comprehend Patriotism.

True enough.

The tragic part of that fact is two fold in my experience.

Reading your anti-Trump rhetoric, and the one to whom you address your remarks, who is both anti-American and anti-Trump, and others who are not citizens here, the first tragedy in the evidence of not comprehending American patriotism? Is that you are citizens of a different country! And still, you are devoid of comprehension of what Patriotism entails.
Let me assist in educating your ignorance. Patriotism is not an exclusive trait afforded solely in America by Americans.

pa•tri•ot•ism pā′trē-ə-tĭz″əm
patriotism - definition and meaning

  • n.
    Love of and devotion to one's country.
  • n.
    Love of one's country; the passion which moves a person to serve his country, either in defending it from invasion or in protecting its rights and maintaining its laws and institutions.

  • n.

    Love of country embodied or personified; patriots collectively.

That a Canadian admits Patriotism is a foreign concept to them, or demonstrates as much, is a tragedy in itself for themselves and their national future. Perhaps we the people shall lead by example. That those for whom love of country and devotion to what makes us a free people and a free nation will help to instill the concept into those devoid of it.

Perhaps then they will be less prone to resorting to anti-America, anti-Trump rhetoric, and condemnation of American patriots, due to the deficit that afflicts you now.

The second reason for this all being such a tragedy, is that their own countries apparently are deemed a lost cause for the corruption and gradual decline of their own homeland and governance, and no doubt due to that lack of understanding Patriotism and it being that which need be a conflation for life, liberty, and to retain also the pursuit of happiness. Perhaps that is why you, the one to whom you speak in your quoted reply above, and others like you, make it a hobby of condemning American Patriots.

You attack what you do not understand. You attempt to insult what does not personally pertain to you because you are not citizens.

And you gloat thinking you know more than those who live here. And you misjudge your zeal having an effect beyond leading the American Patriot who reads your transgressions and efforts if you think you hurt our feelings with your concerted effort. Collectively or as individuals.

You don't.

Instead you show us what we could become if we allowed ourselves to become apathetic and surrender to evil, and remain mute, rather than fight against the darkness that overcomes a people, a government, and a national future.

You all have surrendered to the enemy in your respective countries. No-Go Zones in GB, disarmed by your Parliament. To name just two sorry concessions allowed by those who don't know what Patriotism is. Oh, how the enemy is thankful for that. And oh, how Lee Rigby would have loved if just one British citizen had a gun that dark day of May 22, 2013!

Instead, those gathered had cameras up and running on their cell phones, as that member of the British military, a member of the band not a fighter, was hacked to death on a London street by two Muslim convert British citizens. Machete's and cleavers, and oh how he screamed!
Being cut into pieces while unarmed police arrived and had to call a special branch permitted to carry firearms to the scene. Far too late for Lee by then.
One citizen allegedly tried to stop the terrorists killing Mr. Rigby by using his car to run them over. He missed.

Give us your guns!
And you did.
The first murder in history was committed with a rock!
Let us outlaw rocks and only psychotic Muslim Traitors shall carry stones.

Now you think to become the critic of America. You and all like you. With your tired ignorant rhetoric and personal attacks on our President, our country, and ourselves when we speak up for both in this forum.
Remove the plank from the heart of your own country before gazing across the pond or the border at mine!

The next in line to the throne in Great Britain is a pervert and an adulterer and much worse! And who's private telephone call years ago was broadcast to the world!As he told his paramour, an adulteress at that time herself, he wants to be her tampon. Now they're married. But they committed adultery in their hearts when he was wed to Dianna, the mother of his two sons.

That promise of class and prestige ascending the throne when the mother who never nurtured him finally meets her maker. And decades after he abused and neglected his wife all the years of their life together. He can't lead a decent marriage, certainly he must be more suitable to lead the British kingdom.

And Canada, a Social Democracy.

Trudeau makes corruption a hobby and the new normal in politics there. Imagine if Canadians spent as much time working to vanquish the evil in their nation instead of posting hate filled rhetoric toward ours.
Their opinion means nothing to our collective future.
I err in making that observation I realize. One must know what Patriotism is to their marrow before being outfitted for such a fight.

GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau makes corruption the new normal in politics | Toronto Sun

Opinion: Two years later, Trudeau is still hoping the U.S. will do the hard work for him on releasing Spavor, Kovrig

American history proves Patriots mark history with their resolute determination to keep America free with the signature of their honor and their blood! Others honor the sacrifice, nurse their wounds, and ready for the next fight should it arise while praying that day never comes.

You said in an earlier thread, some people here think you're anti-Trump.
I don't think you are Anti-Trump.
I know you are anti-Trump.

Trump is a businessman, America is a Corporation, and he runs this country far better than the politicians that sold it out for generations. He seeks to heal the abrasions to our liberties, and stop the hemorrhage of our pork barrel spending to all others not American. He removed us from Vampiric syndicate agreements wherein others didn't pay their fair share and because tradition affirmed the U.S. would pick up the slack.

He brought our economy back from the brink, and erased our dependence on foreign oil and brought jobs back to America for Americans. All that and more make him far superior to what occupied our White House for eight long corrupt Traitorous years prior. And he'd have done more were it not for the allies of the enemy hoping to unseat him that they may continue their anti-America agenda against this free country at the peoples expense!

Trump's top five withdrawals from international agreements

Why spit in someone elses yard and call it foul? When there is a blanket of phlegm layered shore to shore and border to border in Canada and Great Britain and every other nation. And ignored by those nations citizens who enter N&CE forums of any Christian community and engage in their America bashing hobby. Because it is easier to finger keyboards than it is to get off ones backside and fight the corruption that makes your countries look pathetic to the rest of us who do fight. Wherever we find ourselves. Not just in America!

Cowards key and stay home!
Patriots stand and deliver!
If you live long enough any one of you may learn what that means.

Keep up the hate screeds against our country, our president, and our people. Cloak them in excuses as something other than what is that obvious.
We see you!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
My simple little brain does not have the curiosity required to study these things... My personal opinion is that the Muslims overtaking our nation is a far greater threat than anything else... but like I said... my brain is simply wired... I live in peace... and shall do so until which time I am no longer able to... then I shall suffer.

You and I have talked about your issues before. Do not fear anything, pray often, live the best that you can knowing God loves you.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
It is very true that non-Americans bear evidence in this and other threads here that they are unable to comprehend Patriotism.

True enough.

The tragic part of that fact is two fold in my experience.

... the first tragedy in the evidence of not comprehending American patriotism? Is that you are citizens of a different country! And still, you are devoid of comprehension of what Patriotism entails.
Let me assist in educating your ignorance. Patriotism is not an exclusive trait afforded solely in America by Americans.

well said, and from the heart....

Speaking of foreigners that did/do 'naturally' understand what American patriotism means and lived it. It is not only unique to America. It is not a rare phenomena that strikes extremists, zealots and misfits in society. If you love God and family and the land you live in and if this life is being seriously threatened with ruthless laws or men with bullets, you must be a patriot, a coward or undecided.

My parents: my mother was born and grew up in England. She caught the American Patriot bug before she became a citizen, many years ago, and understands it well. She is still living out her very delicate years today, and she's a Trumper.

My Dad from Poland, he also knew what it was to be a patriot. He was born a patriot of Poland when he and his family awoke one 1939 morning to the sounds of soldiers barking out orders, in Russian. Off to the cattle cars with machine guns pointed into their faces by the ruthless Communists that his father and grandfather fought so hard against since WWI. Their new home was north of Moscow, hidden in the wild forests of Western Siberia; the labor gulags for families.

He later came the America. He was a gun owner, a member of the NRA and knew well why many Americans were so loyal and patriotic people who loved their God, families and their precious land. They pray for God to bless them, keep their homes and their land and way of life. Today however things have changed, for the worse, and oddly, very quickly. Being a patriot today is seen as an agitation, a sore, an old-fashioned out-dated God-fearing person who does not fit in with the new upcoming world agenda of a new global governance by a blend of technocrats, socialists and diehard communists. In this impending new world, there is no room for God let alone a prayer to him.

This is why we fight today...through pray, petition, being vigilant, and to warn others of this imminent real danger, to life, liberty and way of life under God's protective umbrella.

Bless you,

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
well said, and from the heart....

Speaking of foreigners that did/do 'naturally' understand what American patriotism means and lived it. It is not only unique to America. It is not a rare phenomena that strikes extremists, zealots and misfits in society. If you love God and family and the land you live in and if this life is being seriously threatened with ruthless laws or men with bullets, you must be a patriot, a coward or undecided.

My parents: my mother was born and grew up in England. She caught the American Patriot bug before she became a citizen, many years ago, and understands it well. She is still living out her very delicate years today, and she's a Trumper.

My Dad from Poland, he also knew what it was to be a patriot. He was born a patriot of Poland when he and his family awoke one 1939 morning to the sounds of soldiers barking out orders, in Russian. Off to the cattle cars with machine guns pointed into their faces by the ruthless Communists that his father and grandfather fought so hard against since WWI. Their new home was north of Moscow, hidden in the wild forests of Western Siberia; the labor gulags for families.

He later came the America. He was a gun owner, a member of the NRA and knew well why many Americans were so loyal and patriotic people who loved their God, families and their precious land. They pray for God to bless them, keep their homes and their land and way of life. Today however things have changed, for the worse, and oddly, very quickly. Being a patriot today is seen as an agitation, a sore, an old-fashioned out-dated God-fearing person who does not fit in with the new upcoming world agenda of a new global governance by a blend of technocrats, socialists and diehard communists. In this impending new world, there is no room for God let alone a prayer to him.

This is why we fight today...through pray, petition, being vigilant, and to warn others of this imminent real danger, to life, liberty and way of life under God's protective umbrella.

Bless you,

I have always thought that anyone who is not patriotic was a moron, coward, low life, or all, such people run from responsibility and civic duty, do not want to do service for their community, hide form doing Jury duty even when they get payed by their boss, so they are not under any financial burden at all, yet I do such and no one pays me for my time, sure I get a free lunch for doing such and now we get some money $70 a day I think it was last time if you get on to a case, I found it all interesting doing service as it was an education.

If called to war I would of done my duty and not run away, like so many others that I know when talking to were sure that they would do everything in there power not to regardless of the cause, I ask why is this so with many of them, well it comes down to that they just want to take the easy path, such as they will sit on their arse and bag all their forefathers in the lands history with their nose stuck up in the air degrading them all and this is because of the trend and feeble socialist indoctrination over the years.

Sure there were wrong things being done, but as I seen on TV just of late was a group of ex political windbags who were commenting on our history and they admitted that the younger generation did not understand the times of gone by and they actually claimed nor should they :rolleyes: well that was a red card displayed to me that's typical of Socialist, No ! They should understand the facts and reality of such because that is what an education is all about in fact.
What pathetic moron makes such claims of nor should they ? have to:confused: that is escapism ! Typical of Socialist indoctrination as to not accepting the reality's of life. Utopian dills, no wonder they reject God, because they are totally ignorant ! History repeats only due to ignorance of people not having a handle on a subject, but the top rug of Socialist have another angle that they play as to such, because they are coming at the position of that they truly control all people totally in how to think, now all people are equal nothings in that they totally control everything, so they claim to have a handle on every situation with their human cattle under their total control, but they are that pathetic that they forget that they are in fact simple minded degenerates controlling something that they truly have no real idea of the concept of what they are truly doing in fact, the poor bastards reject God ! so they will fail totally ! it's like giving a totally ignorant brat kid a car to drive and the moron will loose control at the wheel ending in disaster and not to mention this idiot has no right to be at the wheel at all. if one does not respect God you are not worthy of being a Human, such a one should have no power over controlling others lives.
They are like look at me I have fooled dad ? ( the people ) so as to get behind the wheel and I am taking you all for a ride. ( and I am like No! your not ! taking me for any ride ya moron :mad: )


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
well said, and from the heart....

Speaking of foreigners that did/do 'naturally' understand what American patriotism means and lived it. It is not only unique to America. It is not a rare phenomena that strikes extremists, zealots and misfits in society. If you love God and family and the land you live in and if this life is being seriously threatened with ruthless laws or men with bullets, you must be a patriot, a coward or undecided.

My parents: my mother was born and grew up in England. She caught the American Patriot bug before she became a citizen, many years ago, and understands it well. She is still living out her very delicate years today, and she's a Trumper.

My Dad from Poland, he also knew what it was to be a patriot. He was born a patriot of Poland when he and his family awoke one 1939 morning to the sounds of soldiers barking out orders, in Russian. Off to the cattle cars with machine guns pointed into their faces by the ruthless Communists that his father and grandfather fought so hard against since WWI. Their new home was north of Moscow, hidden in the wild forests of Western Siberia; the labor gulags for families.

He later came the America. He was a gun owner, a member of the NRA and knew well why many Americans were so loyal and patriotic people who loved their God, families and their precious land. They pray for God to bless them, keep their homes and their land and way of life. Today however things have changed, for the worse, and oddly, very quickly. Being a patriot today is seen as an agitation, a sore, an old-fashioned out-dated God-fearing person who does not fit in with the new upcoming world agenda of a new global governance by a blend of technocrats, socialists and diehard communists. In this impending new world, there is no room for God let alone a prayer to him.

This is why we fight today...through pray, petition, being vigilant, and to warn others of this imminent real danger, to life, liberty and way of life under God's protective umbrella.

Bless you,

Thank you. :) Bless you as well.

Well said. And bless you and your family for their struggles and having found peace and a positive way of life in America.

I agree with you on the rapid decline of America's moral fabric pace.
The America I grew up in from baby unto mid-teen is no longer here. It's as if someone pulled the world through Alice's looking glass. Now, everything that was common sense, genuine humor, basic intelligence, true American history, and even communication, and self-identity, has flipped to its reverse.
Righteousness is immoral. Immorality has a Constitutional right to display itself. Don't agree and there is something wrong with you.

It's a virus in itself. Maybe that's why the powers behind it all thought the most efficient vehicle to get all 99% of the people, because we know the 1% think themselves beyond the reach of policies applied to the rest of us, chose to weaponize a flu virus as its counterpart.

Satan's minions know they can't legislate the new order into existence. However, if they implement a fear paradigm that includes a lethal prognosis unless one is totally compliant with the new rule (s omitted on purpose), history tells them most people will fall in line just so the new order can assure them they're safe now.

The non-conformists? Well that's already made news when we read of people being arrested for not wearing a mask outside! Fresh air and vitamin D are two freely accessible aids in fighting virus.

Idaho man arrested for not wearing mask at outdoor worship service: 'Unbelievable'

And true, this country has a Left wing that wants to turn us Socialist and then Communist. I think that's why Bernie Sanders, who touted a higher minimum wage for all and then failed to pay that to his staff during his last run for the office, boasts he's a Democratic Socialist. In his mind that's true.

And the Cancel Culture is there now to insure there's no going back, as best they can at least. We're being led into a warped new future and if there are historic monuments reminding us of our past and the fight it took to make us free, we'll regress and not accept the new nermal.

Ignore the Capitalist fact of reality that Bernie net over 1 million last year and owns three mansions.

What he's really about is convincing us to agree with the shift for our own good. That's why he imagines that's Democratic Socialism. Socialism overthrows this Democracy.
Simple. Right?
And what was the average age demographic attending Sanders rallies? Millennial's and Generation Z.

And why not?
Politicians know one basic fact about campaigning. Promise anything if it will get you into office. If that is accomplished, you have years to make excuses as to why the promises aren't being fulfilled. When it comes to reelection, just say the aforementioned promises take time and you're the best man/woman for the job having pursued those issues all these years.

Boom! You're in!
Hey, AOC was re-elected. If that isn't proof voters don't really think about whom they put their trust in at the polls. But of course we know she likely didn't win. It was The Steal agenda that likely did that.

Gen Z can relate to her. And they LOVE her rhetoric wherein she says they should support policies that allow them to stay home and garner a paycheck, (oh, we're doing that now under the Virus umbrella), have your home paid for, (ditto. Mortgage payments are able to be put off during this Pandemic.
And in some states there are laws that forbid evictions.)

Her ideal America is actually in action right now.

And look at the Orwellian mimickery that's happening now.
Common sense isn't so common. But that's been true for eons.
Genuine humor is in the closet because a laugh may hurt someones feelings.

And since there is no inalienable right in the Constitution to not be offended, we're having to face being sued, fired, or retained on the condition we attend a sensitivity training course in order to learn not to chuckle at what is today deemed someone elses expense.

I'm female and now I have to contend with 58, numbers vary, other genders walking this world with me.
The day I refer to a man dressed as a woman using a feminine pronoun is the day someone better take my temperature.

And it is deemed not politically correct if I say, when God created them male and female, any variation thereof is mental illness save for the Hermaphrodites. Shim's have rights too! I'm deemed phobic and gender insensitive.

Here Are All 56 "Custom" Gender Options on Facebook

And the Cancel Culture is there now to insure there's no going back, as best they can at least. We're being led into a warped new future and if there are historic monuments reminding us of our past and the fight it took to make us free, we'll regress and not accept the new nermal.

Uh, oh, there's the short bus.OK, why is the driver signalling me to get on board? Where we going?
Ah, I see the fine print near its door. Thought re-education center, one way.
If I say, the gay pride march stops its forward momentum when it reaches the gates of Hell, do I get to stay another day?

Ever notice? Politicians don't worry about watching their language? Oh, unless when it comes to telling the truth. Then their lips are sealed.

Oh, look! A window seat....
They better have cable and Boston cream pie or I'm going to jump on the back of the nearest self-identified gender neutral twin spirit Unicorn and we're outta there!
Giddy up Bob! Oh, shut up Bob! I am not palindrome-phobic.
I like B's. :D


(edit to add picture)
One day I wont be so long winded.
Today is not that day.
Tomorrow doesn't look good either.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I have always thought that anyone who is not patriotic was a moron, coward, low life, or all, such people run from responsibility and civic duty, do not want to do service for their community, hide form doing Jury duty even when they get payed by their boss, so they are not under any financial burden at all, yet I do such and no one pays me for my time, sure I get a free lunch for doing such and now we get some money $70 a day I think it was last time if you get on to a case, I found it all interesting doing service as it was an education.

If called to war I would of done my duty and not run away, like so many others that I know when talking to were sure that they would do everything in there power not to regardless of the cause, I ask why is this so with many of them, well it comes down to that they just want to take the easy path, such as they will sit on their arse and bag all their forefathers in the lands history with their nose stuck up in the air degrading them all and this is because of the trend and feeble socialist indoctrination over the years.

Sure there were wrong things being done, but as I seen on TV just of late was a group of ex political windbags who were commenting on our history and they admitted that the younger generation did not understand the times of gone by and they actually claimed nor should they :rolleyes: well that was a red card displayed to me that's typical of Socialist, No ! They should understand the facts and reality of such because that is what an education is all about in fact.
What pathetic moron makes such claims of nor should they ? have to:confused: that is escapism ! Typical of Socialist indoctrination as to not accepting the reality's of life. Utopian dills, no wonder they reject God, because they are totally ignorant ! History repeats only due to ignorance of people not having a handle on a subject, but the top rug of Socialist have another angle that they play as to such, because they are coming at the position of that they truly control all people totally in how to think, now all people are equal nothings in that they totally control everything, so they claim to have a handle on every situation with their human cattle under their total control, but they are that pathetic that they forget that they are in fact simple minded degenerates controlling something that they truly have no real idea of the concept of what they are truly doing in fact, the poor bastards reject God ! so they will fail totally ! it's like giving a totally ignorant brat kid a car to drive and the moron will loose control at the wheel ending in disaster and not to mention this idiot has no right to be at the wheel at all. if one does not respect God you are not worthy of being a Human, such a one should have no power over controlling others lives.
They are like look at me I have fooled dad ? ( the people ) so as to get behind the wheel and I am taking you all for a ride. ( and I am like No! your not ! taking me for any ride ya moron :mad: )

There are certain things in life that never change over time or over generations. Here are just three that come to mind:

1. The evil in human nature, left to its self, without the intervention of God, control men's actions. This evil stems from its source, the father of evil and lies. Evil wants it all, power and control over all living things, including the air, water and food people need to live. It wants to own the souls of men. This evil today comes dressed as modern liberals, progressives, humanists, atheists, utopians, socialists and communist.

2. Money or wealth, unearned and undeserved, gained by riding on the backs of workers' sweat and toil. It eventually compromises even the soul.

3. This third example, and the one I'm the most critical of, is about those that allow evil to increase, spread and even threaten to destroy lifestyles and livelihoods fitting for God's people. We know that God our Father directed his people to destroy many evil men, over several centuries. If he had not commanded the sword be taken, he would have jeopardized his plans for men's salvation in the future via his Son.

There are many professing believers that are fearful and shy away from impending evil, even when it is at their doorsteps. They begin to notice and realize that other believers in Christ at this same time of impending evil, are seeking immediate justice, and not calling for the taking of lives unjustly or not justifiable. They are confronting evil head-on. They are compassionate with zeal.

After a time, these passivists of evil become restless in spirit, and suddenly lunge out at these compassionate and passionate believers. They scold them for acting like a carnal non-believers. When actually they are the ones being dishonest with themselves and acting like the non-believer. They continue defending their way of non-involvement and passiveness by using God as their defense, and without failure, they speak of their piety in terms of their prayer life in times of impending evil. They really only serve their own will.

These same timid believers also build straw men arguments like saying 'why would anyone one want to save a nation. It is has a history of evil. It is of the world' They do this to deflect the real issue, that they are fearful and are cowards. They know that the real reason these compassionate believers fight evil is not to save a nation per se, they are determined to save the God-given derived laws and the rules of living in their nation that had made their spiritual lives prosper and grow. This then is God's turf and fight, and therefore his will that every true believers must act upon!

These same 'shy' believers view themselves as 'above the fray' even though they are actually the instigators that start the arguments of who is doing God's will.

At the core of every believer is the Christ spirit to protect life of person, family and property. Even Christ practiced this as it was of course, the Father's will. And if it is the Father's will and his Son followed it, then it is our will also.

We, as true believers are not cowards and stoop to evil men who are spiritually dead or weak. Christ never stooped to evil men of his time, especially the Pharisees. He fought them all the way with his words of disgust and even rage, to the point of even creating for himself opportunities for his untimely death, by being stoned to death, several times, on his way to the cross.

Our mission is not to have a death wish, or to commit self-willed suicide for our Father, or even to say to evil people, they deny Christ and therefore must die. Our mission is to maintain and secure a life for our spiritual growth in pray and play in privacy and even in public areas, for an environment that is fitting and conducive for all believers and communities to be edified and grow in the Lord. We still have this environment in America and I would say in NZ, OZ and many other places around the globe today. For how long, is the question. This believer thinks not for too long.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Thank you. :) Bless you as well.

Well said. And bless you and your family for their struggles and having found peace and a positive way of life in America.

I agree with you on the rapid decline of America's moral fabric pace.
The America I grew up in from baby unto mid-teen is no longer here. It's as if someone pulled the world through Alice's looking glass. Now, everything that was common sense, genuine humor, basic intelligence, true American history, and even communication, and self-identity, has flipped to its reverse.
Righteousness is immoral. Immorality has a Constitutional right to display itself. Don't agree and there is something wrong with you.

It's a virus in itself. Maybe that's why the powers behind it all thought the most efficient vehicle to get all 99% of the people, because we know the 1% think themselves beyond the reach of policies applied to the rest of us, chose to weaponize a flu virus as its counterpart.

Satan's minions know they can't legislate the new order into existence. However, if they implement a fear paradigm that includes a lethal prognosis unless one is totally compliant with the new rule (s omitted on purpose), history tells them most people will fall in line just so the new order can assure them they're safe now.

The non-conformists? Well that's already made news when we read of people being arrested for not wearing a mask outside! Fresh air and vitamin D are two freely accessible aids in fighting virus.

Idaho man arrested for not wearing mask at outdoor worship service: 'Unbelievable'

And true, this country has a Left wing that wants to turn us Socialist and then Communist. I think that's why Bernie Sanders, who touted a higher minimum wage for all and then failed to pay that to his staff during his last run for the office, boasts he's a Democratic Socialist. In his mind that's true.

And the Cancel Culture is there now to insure there's no going back, as best they can at least. We're being led into a warped new future and if there are historic monuments reminding us of our past and the fight it took to make us free, we'll regress and not accept the new nermal.

Ignore the Capitalist fact of reality that Bernie net over 1 million last year and owns three mansions.

What he's really about is convincing us to agree with the shift for our own good. That's why he imagines that's Democratic Socialism. Socialism overthrows this Democracy.
Simple. Right?
And what was the average age demographic attending Sanders rallies? Millennial's and Generation Z.

And why not?
Politicians know one basic fact about campaigning. Promise anything if it will get you into office. If that is accomplished, you have years to make excuses as to why the promises aren't being fulfilled. When it comes to reelection, just say the aforementioned promises take time and you're the best man/woman for the job having pursued those issues all these years.

Boom! You're in!
Hey, AOC was re-elected. If that isn't proof voters don't really think about whom they put their trust in at the polls. But of course we know she likely didn't win. It was The Steal agenda that likely did that.

Gen Z can relate to her. And they LOVE her rhetoric wherein she says they should support policies that allow them to stay home and garner a paycheck, (oh, we're doing that now under the Virus umbrella), have your home paid for, (ditto. Mortgage payments are able to be put off during this Pandemic.
And in some states there are laws that forbid evictions.)

Her ideal America is actually in action right now.

And look at the Orwellian mimickery that's happening now.
Common sense isn't so common. But that's been true for eons.
Genuine humor is in the closet because a laugh may hurt someones feelings.

And since there is no inalienable right in the Constitution to not be offended, we're having to face being sued, fired, or retained on the condition we attend a sensitivity training course in order to learn not to chuckle at what is today deemed someone elses expense.

I'm female and now I have to contend with 58, numbers vary, other genders walking this world with me.
The day I refer to a man dressed as a woman using a feminine pronoun is the day someone better take my temperature.

And it is deemed not politically correct if I say, when God created them male and female, any variation thereof is mental illness save for the Hermaphrodites. Shim's have rights too! I'm deemed phobic and gender insensitive.

Here Are All 56 "Custom" Gender Options on Facebook

And the Cancel Culture is there now to insure there's no going back, as best they can at least. We're being led into a warped new future and if there are historic monuments reminding us of our past and the fight it took to make us free, we'll regress and not accept the new nermal.

Uh, oh, there's the short bus.OK, why is the driver signalling me to get on board? Where we going?
Ah, I see the fine print near its door. Thought re-education center, one way.
If I say, the gay pride march stops its forward momentum when it reaches the gates of Hell, do I get to stay another day?

Ever notice? Politicians don't worry about watching their language? Oh, unless when it comes to telling the truth. Then their lips are sealed.

Oh, look! A window seat....
They better have cable and Boston cream pie or I'm going to jump on the back of the nearest self-identified gender neutral twin spirit Unicorn and we're outta there!
Giddy up Bob! Oh, shut up Bob! I am not palindrome-phobic.
I like B's. :D


(edit to add picture)
One day I wont be so long winded.
Today is not that day.
Tomorrow doesn't look good either.

You have really covered a lot of what is on my mind these days. I must say you have also really opened up these last weeks. I can see myself having many conversations with you on the subjects you bring up. I must then say I agree with your mind-set and preaching as one believer to another.

Stay strong in the Lord and let's pray that the Father's will is not only done, it also shall be revealed to all those in Christ soon - his purpose and reason for what is unveiling right in front of us. We Christians are definitely in it together, however, not as the heathens mean it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Ummmmmmmmm, apparently you have a different perspective than History.

1. Eisehower warned about the "Military Industrial Complex".
2. Kennedy ordered the removal of the obsolete "Jupiter" nuclear missiles from Turkey, but didn't put it in WRITING. Then Kennedy BELIEVED the CIA about invading Cuba.
3. When Vietnam progressed, he DIDN'T BELIEVE the CIA, and ordered the withdrawal from Vietnam IN WRITING.
4. The Military Industrial Complex wanted to sell Boots, Bullets, & Bombs, so they got rid of Kennedy.
5. Kennedy's ORDER gave 8-weeks to commence Withdrawal; but it only took the MIC 6-weeks to arrange for Kennedy's Dallas visit.
6. Johnson expanded the war.
And of course the rest of the puzzle pieces agree, including Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Courtland Gross, William Colby, etc. ...
Bobby Jo :)
There were several reasons why Kennedy became an enemy of the deep state. The above as you said, also his desire to free the country from the grip of the fed reserve, but the Vietnam war was a Catholic was against communism to prop up a Catholic depot in south vietnam. Remember those Buddhist monks burning themselves to death in the streets of Saigon? They were protesting Catholic persecution through the secret police against their faith. The bishop of washington cardinal something, (Wellman?..Wellman?) Was pressuring the white House to escalate the war and Kennedy refused. As you say, Johnson agreed. Kennedy's assassination was another Catholic orchestrated event similar to Lincoln's.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
That a Canadian admits Patriotism is a foreign concept to them, or demonstrates as much, is a tragedy in itself for themselves and their national future. Perhaps we the people shall lead by example. That those for whom love of country and devotion to what makes us a free people and a free nation will help to instill the concept into those devoid of it.

Perhaps then they will be less prone to resorting to anti-America, anti-Trump rhetoric, and condemnation of American patriots, due to the deficit that afflicts you now.

The second reason for this all being such a tragedy, is that their own countries apparently are deemed a lost cause for the corruption and gradual decline of their own homeland and governance, and no doubt due to that lack of understanding Patriotism and it being that which need be a conflation for life, liberty, and to retain also the pursuit of happiness. Perhaps that is why you, the one to whom you speak in your quoted reply above, and others like you, make it a hobby of condemning American Patriots.

You attack what you do not understand. You attempt to insult what does not personally pertain to you because you are not citizens.

And you gloat thinking you know more than those who live here. And you misjudge your zeal having an effect beyond leading the American Patriot who reads your transgressions and efforts if you think you hurt our feelings with your concerted effort. Collectively or as individuals.

Honestly.... this was as much as I could stomach from your post.... You are filled with such anger and contempt...

I don't know how many times I have stated HONESTLY that I don't understand certain things.... I shared attributes about Mr. Trump that bothered me as a human being... I did not call him any kind of NAME... like many resort to on these threads. I also admitted that I did not understand patriotism. The last time I checked... that was not a crime.

You missed the post where I actually decided that maybe I was WRONG and needed to change my mind.

I really think this thread should have been reserved as an exclusive special members only forum for Americans... This would have saved a lot of rudeness being exchanged unnecessarily.

I thank those who were able to patiently discuss things in a manner that I was able to understand. I did learn a few things... including that I just may not be right about Mr. Trump.

My time here is done... I don't have the patience for bullies and mean spirited people who have nothing better to do than lash out at those who dare to differ in thoughts and opinions.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Today is Christmas Eve, Boxing Day is on the 26th of December, well at least it is here in Australia.

It's 4 am Christmas Eve... I am done with this thread... Those were my parting words... I have already thanked Admin for allowing me to participate... and stated the same to him on my Pat Robertson thread... Time for a break. Merry Christmas to you Josho
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