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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Since "racial strife" is always on the corrupt media, and is tearing America apart as the Left planned, should we not be discussing it? America is dying folks.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Since "racial strife" is always on the corrupt media, and is tearing America apart as the Left planned, should we not be discussing it? America is dying folks.
You are correct in that racial strife is the weapon that the Marxists are now using against America. But people should have seen this coming since 2008. Obama was using the race card, and it worked. Biden is simply accelerating what Obama put into motion. And the Communists have developed the Critical Race Theory to destroy America from within. It is happening as we speak.

There was a very simple solution available to the president, senators, and congressmen after the Iron Curtain was erected back in 1945. Communism and all Communist parties should have been OUTLAWED in America at that time. And no one from the Soviet Union or its satellites should have been allowed to enter the USA. Later on, Communist China and Chinese from the mainland should also have been outlawed. But since nothing was done, the Communists hijacked all the colleges and universities under the guise of free speech. Now you have a full-blown Communist party falsely calling itself "Democrats". The Communists had already published a Manifesto for America back in the 50s. And everyone simply ignored it. Now it is being implemented day by day.

But nobody wants to discuss the solution. Which would be an outright military coup to arrest Obama, Clinton, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, as well as all the Deep State operatives in the DOJ, FBI, CIA. DHS, State Department, etc. And then try them in a military court for treason, fraud, and a whole host of felonies. And then lock them up with life sentences.

This would also require a brand new election under strict military supervision. Obviously Donald Trump would win hands down. And after that he and the Republicans would have to outlaw Communism, BLM, Antifa, etc. and thoroughly clean house (including all the RINOs in the Republican Party).


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
America's politicians are bought and paid for traitors. "Racism" is a divide and conquer tactic that is working to destroy America. The media is the father of treason owned by filthy rich America hating Liberals. Americans grow up in front of the TV watching media LIES. We are constantly being accused of being racists by the lying media.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The MSM sure do clearly have an agenda, they sure as hell are trouble makers and rabble raisers.

I just seen a TV show on Russia's history of late and when talking about the Communist take over, well a lot was missing of worthy points and then with the 100 years of communism being conducted, well they only tried to make Putin look bad because Putin was not promoting such nonsense, so in the eyes of the MSM etc Putin is a bad boy for not supporting the communist or such trashy people.
Putin is the greatest leader that Russia has ever had by far and no one could hold a candle to him in fact of all of it's leaders. yet so much BS is dished up to Putin, just as it was with Trump.

Two people who wanted to work so as to make their Nations great, but the MSM has a great problem with that, the MSM promotes huge debt and undermining the Nations and it's people full on. boy that sounds like the workings of the so called Jews over history to me, as to why they got kicked out of Nations time after time. such have a great history of working towards turning the people into trash and plundering Nations.
Now I am not claiming it's the fault of the Jewish people but a type of Mob who claim to be such or aide and abet such low life trash dominating over a people. They are clearly not worthy of the Jews of the OT but just mongrel bastards. it was they who owned the ships that stole the Africans and sold them as slaves and encouraged all such and it's clear as to see the proof of all such, if one truly bothers to look into such.

One has to ask you self why was such so in regards to all such, if you bothered to question all such you may find the key to all the cunning trickery games that goes on and the real reasons for so many wars.

Gary Urban

Active Member
Apr 20, 2021
United States
Since "racial strife" is always on the corrupt media, and is tearing America apart as the Left planned, should we not be discussing it? America is dying folks.

Like all things as new creatures in Christ we do not wrestle against flesh and blood the temporal things seen of this world .to include skin pigment. The opponents that resist the spirit of truth as it is written do wrestle against flesh and blood as philosophies of men .They have no faith as it is written (The Bible) by which they could please God

Seeing natural unconverted mankind had no faith by which they could hear God they believe the god of their imagination was a man as them and was served by human hands. God not being a man is not served by the creature he created. He moves them according to his loving will as a labor of His love..

Acts17: 25-26 Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

Therefore removing all boundaries to include racial. Again as new creatures we know no man after the flesh .the one time demonstration is over

2 Corinthians 5:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Like all things as new creatures in Christ we do not wrestle against flesh and blood the temporal things seen of this world .to include skin pigment. The opponents that resist the spirit of truth as it is written do wrestle against flesh and blood as philosophies of men .They have no faith as it is written (The Bible) by which they could please God

Seeing natural unconverted mankind had no faith by which they could hear God they believe the god of their imagination was a man as them and was served by human hands. God not being a man is not served by the creature he created. He moves them according to his loving will as a labor of His love..

Acts17: 25-26 Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

Therefore removing all boundaries to include racial. Again as new creatures we know no man after the flesh .the one time demonstration is over

2 Corinthians 5:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.
The media is certainly Satanic and uses phony racism to destroy people's lives.
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Gary Urban

Active Member
Apr 20, 2021
United States
The media is certainly Satanic and uses phony racism to destroy people's lives.

Yes we do not wrestle against the temporal things seen . The light of faith gives us the vision beyond pigment of skin into the heart of the matter. .

The father of lies continues night and day to accuse the belivers .Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life.

Job 2: 4 And Satan answered the Lord, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Since "racial strife" is always on the corrupt media, and is tearing America apart as the Left planned, should we not be discussing it? America is dying folks.

What comes to my mind is : Simply do not be racist. Accept people for who they are, regardless of skin tone differences, or biases.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
it's always someone else fault, isn't it?

Funny, this reminds me of Adam, Eve, and Satan and the blame game, that came when the question from the Lord had arrived looking for Adam, and Eve in the Garden.

Gary Urban

Active Member
Apr 20, 2021
United States
Funny, this reminds me of Adam, Eve, and Satan and the blame game, that came when the question from the Lord had arrived looking for Adam, and Eve in the Garden.

Yes un united as one they became the division of the nations

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
What comes to my mind is : Simply do not be racist. Accept people for who they are, regardless of skin tone differences, or biases.
What just accept people for who they are ? what the hell does that mean ! Sodomites child molesters degenerates ?

If you had a brother that is a total moron ? just accept him as such ? C'mon ! if he mistreats everyone and has no regards to anyone, just plays on people with total disregard.

Biases ? one may claim such but is the law bias to criminals ?

Racist ? what the hell does that truly mean ? some one does not like one because they are of a different race to themselves ? C'mon ! really, or it's just truly a culture that they despise or don't have much time for. it could be your own brother that one does not tolerate because of his intentions are trash and not acceptable. even in the tribes of Israel such people were banished, because they were not worthy of the society. because for good reason, such people are a pain and a curse to all.

One may say, look I do not want X at my place at all. X is a pain and nothing but trouble and I do not want X stealing from or fighting with people next door etc etc. That's what the Satanist are encouraging and empowering nowadays with all their Political Correct nonsense and Cultural Marxist dribble that's trying to swamp the good people by empowering the trash over all. low life's rights ! such have no intentions to be honest people in the community. they want to be grubs and dominate over others like mongrel dogs.
I have seen such in small community's were one dude rules the roost and everyone fears such a one and his goons, much like Communism is only a system for trash people.
Socialism does not create a healthy Nation of people, it only bastardises people turning them into common muck. it's a cancer ! slowly but surely regresses into a degenerate state.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
Now this is disturbing!upload_2021-6-2_6-55-17.gif :eek: Liberal politicians have heavily exploited racism during this past election for their own political agenda and now it's gotten out of control! Constantly fueling the fire of racism, defunding the police and the collapse of morality in America in general is only going to lead to further civil unrest and quite possibly even a civil war! We really need to keep praying for America.



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
What just accept people for who they are ? what the hell does that mean ! Sodomites child molesters degenerates ?

If you had a brother that is a total moron ? just accept him as such ? C'mon ! if he mistreats everyone and has no regards to anyone, just plays on people with total disregard.

Biases ? one may claim such but is the law bias to criminals ?

Racist ? what the hell does that truly mean ? some one does not like one because they are of a different race to themselves ? C'mon ! really, or it's just truly a culture that they despise or don't have much time for. it could be your own brother that one does not tolerate because of his intentions are trash and not acceptable. even in the tribes of Israel such people were banished, because they were not worthy of the society. because for good reason, such people are a pain and a curse to all.

One may say, look I do not want X at my place at all. X is a pain and nothing but trouble and I do not want X stealing from or fighting with people next door etc etc. That's what the Satanist are encouraging and empowering nowadays with all their Political Correct nonsense and Cultural Marxist dribble that's trying to swamp the good people by empowering the trash over all. low life's rights ! such have no intentions to be honest people in the community. they want to be grubs and dominate over others like mongrel dogs.
I have seen such in small community's were one dude rules the roost and everyone fears such a one and his goons, much like Communism is only a system for trash people.
Socialism does not create a healthy Nation of people, it only bastardises people turning them into common muck. it's a cancer ! slowly but surely regresses into a degenerate state.

As Jesus said; Do good to those who hate you, persecute you, and spitefully use.

In my flesh I hate what it does; there are things you would understand sometimes desire to have connection; even when the chance is there not taking it is all predicated to me and my own body and my own actions of not taking chance to speak to others: God knows it, He knows I hate myself for what sin does in my members.

Loving everyone is my own agenda, to have snide comments in the back of my mind towards someone is something that is needed to be released to God if those things come up in my mind. Use to be one of the most harshest and judgmental person.

I personally do not believe Satan is running around anymore like He use to in the golden days with his demons, and everything. Jesus Christ had victory over Satan/His Demons/ Death/ Sin / Grave / Hell/Hades/She'ol.

Thank God for that; and it allows the ability to love : To show compassion to the lost, sick, broken hearted, even the murderous people. Primary of living seems to be in agape love that comes from Christ Jesus through the spirit that resides in us.

Those are my thoughts on all of this.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Now this is disturbing!View attachment 15313 :eek: Liberal politicians have heavily exploited racism during this past election for their own political agenda and now it's gotten out of control! Constantly fueling the fire of racism, defunding the police and the collapse of morality in America in general is only going to lead to further civil unrest and quite possibly even a civil war! We really need to keep praying for America.


The world is at it is; the world and what it does it predicated on the choice of human beings. They will always and forever do what they desire, and no one will ever lose their human nature to hate, ... and all the other accounts of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21)

There is none that do right, no one does good... According to the scriptures; JEsus Christ died for me and you; whom use to be ungodly.

You can pray for those who are out there and lost most certainly may they find the truth about the Lord Jesus Christ.

That is the way I look at the world it does what it wants; people do what they want; we have done what we wanted through out our own lives, by far have any of us ever been perfect or so holy and righteous like Lord Jesus Christ to be honest about it.

Yeah the world does what it does. Dont be part of the world become renewed in your mind.

Jesus Christ kingdom was not of this world; We can love the people in the world but this world is not our home; our home is in Heavenly Jerusalem with the Lord God Almighty.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
The world is at it is; the world and what it does it predicated on the choice of human beings. They will always and forever do what they desire, and no one will ever lose their human nature to hate, ... and all the other accounts of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21)

There is none that do right, no one does good... According to the scriptures; JEsus Christ died for me and you; whom use to be ungodly.

You can pray for those who are out there and lost most certainly may they find the truth about the Lord Jesus Christ.

That is the way I look at the world it does what it wants; people do what they want; we have done what we wanted through out our own lines, by far have any of us ever been perfect or so holy and righteous like Lord Jesus Christ to be honest about it.

Yeah the world does what it does. Dont be part of the world become renewed in your mind.
We are at a crossroad in America. We can either seek God's will in solving our issues in America or listen to Satan and continue to fuel the fire of hatred and division and push for more civil unrest or even a civil war! The latter will have dire consequences! I choose to seek God's will for America.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I do not believe you can mix the two but if you believe Spiritual and Material mix. Good luck converting everyone in America to become spiritual.

@Mailman take care brother.