Random creative writings, by MatthewG

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Random creative writings. I enjoy listening and writing to music as well as singing or just rapping over the chosen tune. There may be odd references you may not get from it. Sometimes it’s about God, Darkness, or other themes. Thank you for your consideration.

September 04, 2023
Materia Keeper, running through dreams, am a sleeper. No one is lazier than a sloth hanging off the side of the tree limb all day with his tongue in his mouth.

Vincent Valentine, Rufus shrina, worldly philosophy. Wow how grand; unfortunate to take a life or to force a hand.

Murderous intention to hate a brother or sister makes one a murder no matter if you pulled a blade out or not; gossip takes away life.

Sometimes the need for force is a stretcher, stretch out those muscles; son you body is not a toy: play and mess around to much and uh oh there goes your life.

How do you assess it; best be wise. God is not mocked, reap to please the flesh sow destruction; reap to to the spirit, you will find peace and age-during life.

STanding on the edge of the temple devil said jump, are you gonna listen? Adversry can be your ownself or your friends that are encouraging you to harm yourself.

The Devil had his head crushed in a long time ago. Darkness still exist and lurking around every corner and in the soul of the mind though, been there ever since the beginning. Perfect love drives out fear, fear has to deal with punishment, whoever fears has not yet matured in love.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
March 20, 2024

From the world, what does the world say it says stay together, continue seek after the things that improve while under disposition of yet to see what lies ahead it is truth, the way the life, that which was said by the Lord Yeshua.

In the gospel that I shouldnt be ashamed in for it is the power of God to salvation to anyone who believes first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. Jesus told the woman from Samaria, that one day that the Father in heaven will be worshiped by those who seek to worship him in spirit snd truth.

Going in and through this life, with baggage that was fathered together under our uncared for nature knowing only of earthly things and what is seen, but far inbetween the covers of book there is much more on the outside and the inside that is able to been seen, if you just seek.

He rewards those with spiritual rewards and bliss while going through this life to coexist with your neighbor and live at peace with all people because all of us have one day and each of us have been created equally in the image of God.

There is no more favoring others because he sees and each of his creation as specially made in his image because in the Garden of Eden is where he created he; them,

perfect masculinity traits along with the feminine expressed as he decide to express his image; insanity is doing the same thing over and over again always expecting something different to happen but nothing ever results in change. However the breathe of life he breathed into adam a living soul he became, which is the spirit of man that lives within which we control our body with by setting our ways, and will about how to go about life, without allowing God to be part of the picture but he never stops calling nor reaching.

Like the change that slides right out of pockets of pants that are just a bit to long and it got lost inside the bottom of your car. Life is but for a moment of time so choose wisely.

Because either incinerating or put 6 feet in the earth to go back to dirt unless you are rich but still dust you will end up even in a concrete safekeep. You wont need it anymore anyway, go back a little bit on the track and just think.

March 20, 2024 - should give explicit warning!
You just made it, welcome to the dungeon land. Got 2 dollars go in on this black and mild with me and let me use your light. Kick my butt later, listen right now there is some tasks up for grab to go and do. Be right back, and thank you for the two.

Rollin, on 40, and he walked in and snatched the wallet out the guys back pocket when he ran into him on the way to the “bathroom” causing ruckus in a bad room. Blood on the glass, after leaving, done knifed a strangers throat. Kill the Lamb is what they did and his blood shed for the whole world, reconciled back to God.

Only turn of events is if you are tossed up a whirlwind of tornado, hadukins which is all me going in on all of you, desiring to know what is true and what is your honest intentions and what are willingly to do? Open communication is the best form rather shooting a pistol in the dark and missing every target mark.

Mark me off the edge of the map, Im already falling into the gap of the never ending black hole which only leads to another side just like Jonah and the whale.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
December 23, 2023
Exciting days.
Never know the wind and the way,
Who knows where it will turn, every winding way.

Dark cloudy skies, gray, blue drops of water, aqua hydro, all from the sky above, the wind still blows, it seems to stop sometimes along the way, forever moving constantly perhaps only gone for a moment in the blink of an eye.

Long, gone friend. Cigarette burning down to the end. Friday, and that was the end of the week. Weekend, only the end of the week, then the week begins again. Just like the moon and its changing phases.
December 29, 2023 - explicit

Welcome to silent hill. Go ahead and take a shotgun, murder, dead laid up in Amityville. Paper chaser, use the pencil to erase the line off of the page, it still wont erase the memories, though by grace some memories can be let go and forgot dropped and locked up far away in the mind, if its possible with Yahava to become a new creation, in the Lord Yeshua, surely a new life is given which is spiritual, and heavenly based compared to this material, the flesh that one carrys around by the God given life breathed into soul. That is you, the soul, whomever your name is, it is attached to your soul, like my name is Matthew. Perhaps going into heaven, a new name could be given, spoken about in open forum, revelation.

December 30, 2023

Rich is being a king,
Sailing on sand,
And walking on the ocean sea,
With several different concubines on the beach.

Red rum, is dumb, be careful sit that stuff back before you hurt somone. Please take in moderation and drink responsibly.

Diamond a dozen, a dozen mistakes on a dinner plate with a mad husband, wife who probably need to have a dinner date or therapy, who knows which is which and who is causing the fighting to beging with.

If the whole world is on fire, thats engulfed quick, it would be hopeful not to feel anything during disingration, while migrating to a different realm of dimision which is spirit.

Compost a lyric, and let it toast up again in the oven. Toaster oven, that is a quick way, to get a good bologna and cheese sand which if you broil it for about four or five minutes. Looking like dennis the meance, please dont set the place of fire, kid.

Johnny bravo, hollaring at the babes how you doing baby?

Courage, only if it is had is a maintained aesthetic isnt it? Perhaps authenticity of being real, about who are you within, knowing that its God who gives life truly make a different, predicated on faith, its what it takes to please God to begin with, and he will reward those who seek and worship him in spirit and truth. While there are people who will take care of you, remember it will only be Yahava by the holy spirit given through Jesus who will truly aid you in spiritual ways.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
December 30, 2023 - explicit
The gradient ascends, lost the beat, you need to start breathing in. 3. 2. 1. Breathing in your mouth, you need to be resuscitated. This is not a formal plot, the plant that is in the pot is fake. You still have not noticed after three months, that is okay sweety, your optimism is endured, and you are loved, by agape love which is Gods love.

Mach-in-ation, is evil intent, what is your plan? Planning on hiring for murder? Or desire for someone to go run a hit? Let me give a call to this guy I know, he is legit.

Hello Guy, yes I need to to murder a husbands wife, and her sister too if you could, how does the 5,000$ price tag sound to you? Nice? The Guy says nice and then opens up to you about how this was a sting operation and you just been caught up with dude?

The stuff stinks when the under carriage of the horse with its belly going up, and you sitting on top, are rolling off, into the shoulder of a dirt road in which you hit your head and are now unconcious, whats gonna happen here will this guy be brought back up from this terrible fate and luck.

Roll over on a nation, a tratior, a punk.
Red tape a door way, its not an exit way.
The exit sign, is above the door, that leads to the exit way. Under the carport is the car, running id, but no criminal suspecison, there for there is no reason to id me.

Vanish like a ghost, you never seen me, riding through the country side not the city. Big bently, thats a front G, a total lie you see. Lyrical boasts, while the bread in the toaster toast, and the broker is filing the brokage, on the bankruptcy, because of the divorce.

Blacker the gem, the deeper the gold. Never trust someone like myself, a bullshitter, a joker, sometimes a toker. Could be a Kings Jester; however that type of pressure is very weighty however freedom, yet loyal to the King is the way it should be at least;

if authentcity is being met, there will be no reason to be ashamed, as long as one goes about troubling situations in the spirit, which leads to the right way, in making decisions.

January 04, 2024
Sittin' side ways boyz in a daze,
Sittin' side ways boys in a daze,
2005, Hate Crime Statistics, 54.7% percent were motivated by racial bias, 17.1% were triggered by a religious bias’s, 14.2 percent were motivated by a sexual-orientation bias, and 13.2% of the incidents were motivated by ethnicity/national origin bias.

Nearly 1% (0.7), involved bias against a disability, that is the FBI.gov harboring the facts, and there is much to see if one really wanted to see, however the daze is really misty almost like the college freshman haze. Marijuana, hashish in a hat, smoking a joint and laughing as though it had a mouth like a cartoon angel or devil sitting on your shoulder. One suggest one way, and the other suggest another and they never get along with each other.

Why does it seem like it is that we do not get along with each other? Not able to love the brother, or forgive the husband, or daughter, friend or guest. Doesn't that feel like the dirt is covering you asunder while the piledrive shovel grows deeper into the dirt, and then thrown right on your coffin like you are dirt. Hurt? Everyone hurts when they aren't understanding of how much they are loved by the God above who created all of the world in which all us are sharing while passing through the carriage wagon of life, on Gods slow passing patience and time.

January 12, 2024
My whole life is a lie, walking in the street in the middle of the day. Meet up with bobby, and whitney and riding off from the scene, into the sea. Motion forward, got a coca-cola can thrown right at my eye again.

Lost all control, mind warp from a broken cord that is not connected to the brain anymore. Pleasure unable to found at night, sleeping through the darkness waiting for the light.

No money in my pockets, running to get the bucks for money in my pocket. The rent never stops being due until you buy your own land, still gotta pay for the power you rent, or for the excavator you had rented, in order to put an created indention within the earth.

Pulling over my shoulders, the patched flannel blue, buttoned up, collared shirt. Grandma made it during the summer for Christmas this winter, always remember the elder have all made choice good or bad wrong or right it was all a decision to give life to others, or to take life away from them.

Do not be so shocked all of a sudden. No one told you did they? Even hating your own brother or sister, without actually doing the act outloud, in the heart the darkness is chilling when one starts to open to their own intentions and see that there is no one greater than the Son of Man, the Lord of Lords, and King of Kings.

For me in this situation and do I need to get out of the corner of the dark hall way, with a lighter flicking on and a crystal ball, that is mystical in it's own way, however not God made, man made.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
March 22, 2024

Throwing up on the couch, the house is a messing as my feet scuffle off the garbage of Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut, Little Ceasers, Taco Bell, and Burger King. I never paid for any of it, it was given for free, because it was put in to the trash bin that I am living it. They opened it up and dropped it in, there are no salvaged pieces though, only empty boxes and broken heart.

You never heard of me, my name is Matthew, with a G, Gallagher, like watermelon sledge-hammering master, Gallagher, Oof, dang head hurts.

Ronald Weasley, couldn't never cast a spell on me. To cursed as a person anyway to ever have superpowers or any redeeming quality other than that which value and hold waters, something once read stated that Jesus walked on water. Cana, and Galilee, yeah all those people out there, sheparding many sheep. Said to have escaped Egypt, with Moses, with water walls reaching the heavens in the sky, as the nation that Yahavah had chosen continued to move forward, and the ones chasing were laid to waste, once the last hebrew got a cross, Egypt was in shambles by the time Yahavah got done making them an example of what darkness and hardness of the hard as the Advesary everyone gives the title Satan, whom had followers and was a supposed created angel, of God. He feel by the darkness he sought after, so yes darkness it does exist.

Throwing up on the couch, the house is a messing as my feet scuffle off the garbage of Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut, Little Ceasers, Taco Bell, and Burger King. I never paid for any of it, it was given for free, because it was put in to the trash bin that I am living it. They opened it up and dropped it in, there are no salvaged pieces though, only empty boxes and broken heart.

When is it ever really over? Quit. It's like being addicting to quiting and never being able to quit.

Every late Saturday night, looking into the sky.
Oh hey, there little darling, what a twinkle in your eye.
Hold contact, ready, go, slow, do not be to quick into rushing into the unknown.
To dark, going into deep space 9.
Tapered the tone a little; its good to give time to sit down and think.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
August 24, 2024

All I wanted to do was
blow my brains out!
The trigger, yes I know how to use it.
Access to it is not easy, though, because a bullet whisp'd by and caught my aunty in the eye.
Drunk Guy, late night, Michigan State.
Was it a mistake?
Was it is a choice by God, predetermined, or was it the person determined? I don't know.
God gives life, and then ends life. Does it matter to me though? No, it doesn't matter to me though.
Because resurrection in newness of life, resurrection spiritual body in condemnation or in life, are one of the two of the three is given.
I can't tell you which one you are really given.
Faith in faithless, having faith in faithlessness.
Now that is not trusting in God, so!
And God is pleased by faith!
So whatever you wanna do just keep it straight.
Lost my job last night, but hey it's okay!
All it was, wild claims, no matter what!
Thankful to them for all that have done for me!
May those who come and go, Jesus be seen no matter, where the wind,
decides to take me, may the name of Yahavah be praised in Yeshua's name.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
July ??/24

What is the most important thing to you? Number one normally is family, friends, and perhaps mutual acquaintances is most certainly a qualifier of life each of us to get to behold right within our own Basin urn Call it living in a body, homeaway from home. A soul in a vessel, consider a boat. Trip, not yet.

Tricks of the trade you may have to learn,
Ever grace while gracful moving around the graves,
Interesting generation passing down things,
Never forgetting remembering the Creator of earth.

Look from within side the iris, green, brown, blue, yellow, perhaps Heterochromia having different colors in both eyes, yeah the whole thing is universally known to be able to see everything its shown: unless its a dead weight and can not longer hold any power due to being let go called to blinded, other sensory perceptions, from sense, smell, and touch amazing that any us can truly go through sensation such as this, isnt it?

Tricks of the trade you may have to learn,
Ever grace while gracful moving around the graves,
Interesting generation passing down things,
Never forgetting remembering the Creator of earth.

Might twister your brain into a knot if your not careful, here comes the plot. By this time, reversed the song a good notion of a turn; probably not doing so good rapping at any verse let along the metronome ha, mono voice it probably sounds toned deaf like the ability for anyone to sit and read for a minute or have a moment to put down they phone always constantly to eacape the banal ordinary, do you remeber what is extraordinary.

Tricks of the trade you may have to learn,
Ever grace while gracful moving around the graves,
Interesting generation passing down things,
Never forgetting remembering the Creator of earth.

You are and let me tell you again teice, do you remember what is extraordinary. You are, with no arms, no feet, or no ears to speak or those unable to talk, extraordinary that you continue to glide gently and move along by Gods grace that is something to think on.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
This world is like a menagerine (muh-naj-uh-ree)
Flesh puffed up, baby just look at me.
Collection of mental things.
(this line is censored)

Splotch of blood on your face.
No this not a knowing game, trust me.
No not an animal, God made us similar to animals.
Yeah we all breathe.

Calling out, here comes my spitz.
Gnawing and chewing on your face,
(This was something I really seen) Seen this Koren Womans face, mangled,
Some type of attack left her face seeping.
Gapping holes, this some treason, some animal attack like joining a gang and selling your soul for just a small fee.

Flee away from me cause I am just a man, ands it better to put your trust in the LORD, than a man.
Ill run up and come decieve (this is talking about our flesh) you if i wanted to bruh, sure we can shake hands, wolf in sheep clothing never know your true friends, unless they continue to love you no matter what in the end.

Sitting with a group of phalanx (fay-langks),
Its not even a group its just me in reality trusting God to take care of my enemies while ill hand them a glass of cold water to sip, and and by the spirit be nice, and drop some hot coals on their head by the spirit of christ.

Walking contradiction to most people, confused and unsure, of how to handle a man who is okay with his own demise without your opinons needed are you surprised?

All i can do on my side is hope the best for your in your life by the grace of God thats not a lie, but ill walk away (sometimes you have to leave people) and just leave you to your own demise only God can judge me and my war crimes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States

Yo, its matthew G.
Spitz, yapping like a barking dog.
Woof, bro, i aint no dog. You thought I spit at you?

Spit on the palm of my hand, rub my hands together and give a whif and smell them. Weird huh? Should have seen me do it as a kid. Bare foot stepping on the grass and last thing that bee saw was my bottom foot stepping on his bottom.

Talk about a bee sting and pain had me yelling, though not completely in agony. Mom paying the bills, and I hate myself for it. She just keep telling me to sit, back, relax and chill and she dont even live me with, but she needed to by all means ill take care of despite my own will.

You think Im a mommas boy? I been on my own for three years. Speak for yourself, if you’re hating your family. Cause it has nothing to do with me so chill. All i can do is try to write, out a song or a mad • one lined poem thats not going up my nose cause ‘ the meth, ’ the drama, and the baby momma drama if there ever was to be any that i had to deal with but thank God i aint buying semilac formula cause its just not meant to be for me right now, i like being alone always was as a child so i hang out with what you probably consider degenerates online and Christian forums online talking to people about God?

Am i waste of life. A waste of space? Am i not important enough for you? Well? Ill continue to not remind myself of all the pain from the failures you did to me, or a sarcasm snarky remark, Im sure ive dogged alot of people and popped off alot and really caused some people to straight up feel like crap, like talking to a mans wife like a dog, hell even robin got that end of the stick.

I was lost and gone, still am lost and gone but not so much in the heart as much as i was in the beginning coming out the womb my mom said i was madder than crap, like i didnt want to even exist but here i am and if life aint sometimes a mess sometimes having to take accountability for yourself? Paying the bills and paying all the fronts back to the man or woman passing you a blue bill just to keep your phone on, while you ’ a groveling in a pit you dug your ownself in.