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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I am not specifically talking about these forums. The forum, that I am writing this on! I don't want anyone reading this to take what I'm saying "personally"!!!!!

When I use forums, or when I leave comments online. Sometimes it is something that I really need to do, and really need help from others. And then there are other times when it really doesn't matter that much.

I find that in forums, I can suffer from miscommunication. Lately I've been needing help with the Debian OS. I don't know why but I'm really having trouble with communication. Recently I was called "rude". I don't get it. Computers can be really frustrating. And trying to get help through forums can be frustrating too. But when I was called "rude" I started really scratching my head, because I can't figure out how I was rude. In fact I felt like the people trying to help me were partly acting like trolls. If I didn't get it the first or as quickly as they liked, then all of a sudden I'm the bad guy. Some people wouldn't even believe me when I said my computer did this or that.

I have run into other problems in other forums too. Often times I wonder if there is something wrong with the way I'm writing. Yet the way some people write, I can't understand them at all.

I'm asking for prayer, that God will help me write better, and help me to understand things better.

BTW: I ran into some problems on youtube. I write a comment and nobody responds, or youtube will mysteriously delete my comments. I found a video of someone saying that this has been going on with other people too.
Praying for you.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
I'll pray. We all need to be able to understand what others are saying as well and being better in what we say.♥
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I am not specifically talking about these forums. The forum, that I am writing this on! I don't want anyone reading this to take what I'm saying "personally"!!!!!

When I use forums, or when I leave comments online. Sometimes it is something that I really need to do, and really need help from others. And then there are other times when it really doesn't matter that much.

I find that in forums, I can suffer from miscommunication. Lately I've been needing help with the Debian OS. I don't know why but I'm really having trouble with communication. Recently I was called "rude". I don't get it. Computers can be really frustrating. And trying to get help through forums can be frustrating too. But when I was called "rude" I started really scratching my head, because I can't figure out how I was rude. In fact I felt like the people trying to help me were partly acting like trolls. If I didn't get it the first or as quickly as they liked, then all of a sudden I'm the bad guy. Some people wouldn't even believe me when I said my computer did this or that.

I have run into other problems in other forums too. Often times I wonder if there is something wrong with the way I'm writing. Yet the way some people write, I can't understand them at all.

I'm asking for prayer, that God will help me write better, and help me to understand things better.

BTW: I ran into some problems on youtube. I write a comment and nobody responds, or youtube will mysteriously delete my comments. I found a video of someone saying that this has been going on with other people too.
Screwy things have been happening to my phone whereas, before 2020, I never had a single problem with my generic Android. Also, weird things with my laptop as well.
And, FYI-I have never seen you, or read anything rude from you brother and we do communicate daily on PM's.
You have my prayers.
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
"Lots of weird junky things can happen to our technology. Sometimes I get tired of technology and just want to shut it all off. I really miss real life social interaction! Just sit around and talk about stuff. Joke about stuff. Try to solve problems etc. But it feels like those days are over."

My brother did that for sometime, and still does to a certain extent; closing out all his social media as, he became irritated by all the texts, junk on FB, (which also tempted him, with women).

" I really miss real life social interaction! "

You and me both!!! We DO need one another...

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble."



Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
I did pray for you.

We techies can be an eccentric bunch (especially programmers!) - and in my experience, some of the technical forums can be just as "religious" as, well, religious ones.

It's not easy when you don't know what the rules are.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
I'm curious, are you implying that I'm not a techie? I don't know what I am!
You're doing your own Linux setups; that makes you a techie in my book! :)

My point was, you'll be dealing with some odd ducks, some of whom have good-sized egos. And you're right; each forum has its own personality and customs. You don't always know where the landmines are until you step on one.

I used to work the technical forums; first for my own entertainment and education, later as part of my job. I had to learn to let a lot of stuff just roll off.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
I am not specifically talking about these forums. The forum, that I am writing this on! I don't want anyone reading this to take what I'm saying "personally"!!!!!

When I use forums, or when I leave comments online. Sometimes it is something that I really need to do, and really need help from others. And then there are other times when it really doesn't matter that much.

I find that in forums, I can suffer from miscommunication. Lately I've been needing help with the Debian OS. I don't know why but I'm really having trouble with communication. Recently I was called "rude". I don't get it. Computers can be really frustrating. And trying to get help through forums can be frustrating too. But when I was called "rude" I started really scratching my head, because I can't figure out how I was rude. In fact I felt like the people trying to help me were partly acting like trolls. If I didn't get it the first or as quickly as they liked, then all of a sudden I'm the bad guy. Some people wouldn't even believe me when I said my computer did this or that.

I have run into other problems in other forums too. Often times I wonder if there is something wrong with the way I'm writing. Yet the way some people write, I can't understand them at all.

I'm asking for prayer, that God will help me write better, and help me to understand things better.

BTW: I ran into some problems on youtube. I write a comment and nobody responds, or youtube will mysteriously delete my comments. I found a video of someone saying that this has been going on with other people too.
YouTube is Liberal, a subsidiary of Google, whom China owns. If not in whole at least in large part.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
Only Christian members can make a Christian forum.

We're no different than social media platforms save that we use pseudonyms, not our supposed real names.
We believe we all are who we say we are. Even as we say we believe in God=Jesus Christ, and the Gospel. How do we prove it?

One mistake CF's make is to tolerate atheists and allowing them full access to all boards.

Atheists find a way to infiltrate. They claim to be Christian to gain access to those boards forums restrict to Christians only.

There is a difference between errant doctrine and hostile premeditative Eisegesis.

The atheist set will be the latter. Their intention includes proving to themselves Christ's teachings were a myth and impossible to live up to.

And then they proceed to goad Christians so to prove that.

Love your enemies. Do good unto those that mean you harm. Don't get angry, etc....

Some say forums should designate a single board to atheists. We then leave a chance to testify to them there, while forbidding dark intent to cover our community.
And those who are an example of POES Law after warnings from mod's are banned from full access. And instead are only allowed on that board.

No, that doesn't show fear of atheism. Rather, it demonstrates shepherd's protecting the flock from wolves donning wool costumes.

Not even God tolerates his enemies. And he sends atheists to the void, Hell.

There are Christian forums that do not allow those of dark intent to bring Hell into their communities.

Christianity does not teach tolerance. Heaven has a gate! And a vetting process.
If you want peace,silence evil.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2022
United States
Only Christian members can make a Christian forum.

We're no different than social media platforms save that we use pseudonyms, not our supposed real names.
We believe we all are who we say we are. Even as we say we believe in God=Jesus Christ, and the Gospel. How do we prove it?

One mistake CF's make is to tolerate atheists and allowing them full access to all boards.

Atheists find a way to infiltrate. They claim to be Christian to gain access to those boards forums restrict to Christians only.

There is a difference between errant doctrine and hostile premeditative Eisegesis.

The atheist set will be the latter. Their intention includes proving to themselves Christ's teachings were a myth and impossible to live up to.

And then they proceed to goad Christians so to prove that.

Love your enemies. Do good unto those that mean you harm. Don't get angry, etc....

Some say forums should designate a single board to atheists. We then leave a chance to testify to them there, while forbidding dark intent to cover our community.
And those who are an example of POW'S Law after warnings from mod's are banned from full access. And instead are only allowed on that board.

No, that doesn't show fear of atheism. Rather, it demonstrates shepherd's protecting the flock from wolves donning wool costumes.

Not even God tolerates his enemies. And he sends atheists to the void, Hell.

There are Christian forums that do not allow those of dark intent to bring Hell into their communities.

Christianity does not teach tolerance. Heaven has a gate! And a vetting process.
If you want peace,silence evil.
Love, love what you have said here.

I am on about 6 different "christian" forum sites & the BIG mistake I see is NOT RELEGATING ALL WHO DO NOT PROFESS A BELIEF IN THE SON OF GOD, AS GOD, to co-mingle with those professing faith & belief of salvation through Jesus! Especially if the " statement of faith" of site so states.

Judaism, JW, Mormons Muslims & any whom  deny the deity of Christ Jesus should be boxed in a non- christian forum with allowed access by those whom believe in the gospel of Jesus; He who came to do the Father's will in purchasing salvation as the redemption from the penalty for sin for all; whosoever would believe.

Lol....I'm sure I'm about to catch " fire" from the pit itself for this one.

I do think it is a shame when NOT everybody of faith can post freely for fear of backlash, & ad hominems being hurled their way !
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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Judaism, JW, Mormons Muslims & any whom  deny the deity of Christ Jesus should be boxed in a non- christian forum with allowed access by those whom believe in the gospel of Jesus; He who came to do the Father's will in purchasing salvation as the redemption from the penalty for sin for all; whosoever would believe.
FYI: actual "Mormon" here: Jesus Christ IS the Son of God. Divine. My Savior and Lord. He saved me when I was a child, both from sin and the earthly terrors of life. I literally would not be here today if it wasn't for Him. He is my King and dedicate my life to Him.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Thank you for saying that. :)

When I was in School, I took two years of electronics, at a vocational school. The people were pretty hard. I'm not going to go into details, but I went to a vocational school because I didn't feel like I was collage material. I graduated High School in 1999 with anxiety problems. By 2000 rolled around I started to have a nervous emotional break down. I didn't know what was happening to me, but I knew that my thoughts and my stomach were going out of control. Mom finally drove me to see a doctor. He diagnosed me with it. He gave me some medication, and it took a Month to get my emotions back under control! I have reason to believe that all the years of being picked on at school, including the junk that happened to me at the vocational school laid down the ground work for my break down. These days I'm doing a lot better but still I'm having issues with my brain. The same issues that I always had, which again is why I don't feel that I'm collage material.

In electronics I was just a C student. We learned how to build computers and install operating systems. There were other things they tried to teach us as well. Soldering, making your own circuit boards etc. I can still do somethings and not other things. I'm not as good at soldering as I was back then.

In that class, a person brought in a slackware linux disc. I thought He was crazy. Everyone used either Microsoft Windows or Apple. I got a chance to mess around with the slackware disk the he made off the slackware cd. It did good job messing up my master boot recorder. I got that back by doing a low level format. Which I was told later wasn't good for IDE hard drives. I was well like, well, I tried every other trick and this one worked. :p I never had any problems with that IDE hard drive, so it didn't wreck it.

Around 2005 that same person tried to get me into linux again. It wasn't hard with Ubuntu to setup a duel boot Ubuntu/Windows system. But at the time I was on dial up internet. I didn't know how of if my ISP would allow it to connect to them. So things didn't go anywhere.

Around 2009 someone else tried to get me into Ubuntu again. But I was using a Verizon Air Card, and couldn't get online with it. Several years after that Frontier bought the phone lines from Verizon. They turned on DSL. So I switched to them. Finally I could get Ubuntu online, and my Linux experiments began.

There are reasons why I do what I do. Usually a problem happens that forces me to try to find a solution. I have an old computer that ran Windows Vista but couldn't run Windows 7. So I ran it on Vista until Vista was no longer supported. Gradually I got it on Linux, and I'm happy to say that old machine which is now 16 years old, and is still working! It is currently running Linux Mint 20.3 XFCE. It's not fast, but you can use it to look things up, answer email, forums, burn DVDs, etc. Check the weather. lol It's a mapletronics system. I don't know how this Debian would do on it. But I don't care right now.

I have two more computers that I run Linux Mint 21.1 XFCE on them. They run good that way! BUT technology changes. Ubuntu is moving to a snap centered system. Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu. The fear that is that if Ubuntu were to self destruct, what distro should I switch too? I have tested out several. Many former Ubuntu type users, have started to move to Debian. But Debian is the one system that doesn't work correctly on my HP computer. I don't want to run Arch because Arch tends to break it's self. Normal Arch users need to get good at fixing their systems. That is ok for them, but it isn't for me. Debian is know for stability. I like stability.

Linux is a community based thing. We are supposed to help each other out. But these people are not all the helpful. They want you to do your own research. That is ok to a point. But we all got lives and we don't all have the time to keep researching researching researching all the time. And some of them have really big egos. What I loved about Cup of Linux is, that one of the rules was, "No Elitism". That rule really helped!

I also Fly and Build Model Airplanes. I have run into similar problems in those forums too.
Your airplanes look SO realistic! I want to perhaps learn to fly RC planes. or boats...Yours are awesome...should share some of the videos on here Brother! It takes a special dexterity to fly them so smoothly as you do it. I've seen so many wipe outs, and out of control RC's over the years. I bought a model helicopter for a friend living on the same farm property, he broke it like, day one...fixed it...then totally trashed it into the pond. It takes skill and experience!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2019
Port Richey, Florida
United States
If anyone needs help with PL/1 on an IBM 360 … I’m your man!
(However, since I don’t think either PL/1 or IBM 360 Computers exist outside of museums … I don’t expect any takers.) :cool:

[I’ll just pray for you instead … the interface still works as well as the first day!]
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2019
Port Richey, Florida
United States
Oh my, not very "Christian" of you! Shame on you.
So are you patiently waiting for your chance to become a god of your own planet and "savior" of the people that you fathered to inhabit your personal planet, like these other "Christians" teach God was made and fathered the human race on this world (and they will become after death)?

I think a Christian has the right to place such conra-biblical beliefs on "ignore" without being accused of being "not very Christian". The Pharisees were guilty of far less error and John and Jesus corrected them ... harshly at times. Being threatened with "Ignore" seems a rather mild rebuke given the depth of Biblical error in Mormon teaching.

ALL ROADS do not lead to God ... only the Narrow Road through the gate of Jesus of the Gospels.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
Jesus Christ IS the Son of God. Divine. My Savior and Lord. He saved me when I was a child, both from sin and the earthly terrors of life. I literally would not be here today if it wasn't for Him. He is my King and dedicate my life to Him.
Jane, that is a lovely testimony.