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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
You must be Catholic. Nobody goes to hell. Hell was created by the Catholics. You say you're not Catholic, but you believe what they teach.
Well technically hell is the place of the dead (which is the grave) People end up in the lake of fire for eternity after death and the grave (hell) are thrown into it thus destroying them.

I may have been catholic, but hell as the abode of souls and the angels who had sex with women in Genesis 6 are kept until they are cast in the lake of fire. That is the bible

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Can not properly answer your question with a yes or no answer, since you do not distinguish between an animals body and soul.

An animals body does not go to heaven, their body’s die and return to dust.

An animals departed soul goes to heaven.

No, neither an animals body, nor an animals departed soul goes to hell.
Sorry but no. Mans spirit (breath) goes back to heaven, but nowhere does it say animals souls go to heaven.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Well technically hell is the place of the dead (which is the grave) People end up in the lake of fire for eternity after death and the grave (hell) are thrown into it thus destroying them.

I may have been catholic, but hell as the abode of souls and the angels who had sex with women in Genesis 6 are kept until they are cast in the lake of fire. That is the bible
I'm almost with you on this one. All except the part of angels having sex with women. I think I will read Genesis 6. Stay right here in case I come back with a question.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Sorry but no. Mans spirit (breath) goes back to heaven, but nowhere does it say animals souls go to heaven.

Mans natural spirit, is his natural TRUE belief in his heart., (be his hearts belief, the same or different than his minds belief)

Mans natural breath, is the AIR he breaths into is lungs;
(roughly 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen),
And then exhales from his lungs;
(Roughly 78 percent nitrogen, 16 percent oxygen, 0.09 percent argon, and four percent carbon dioxide. )

A Converted mans…
Soul is Restored…called saved, meaning Gods Breath will NEVER depart from that soul, Be that soul, IN or OUT of its body.
His spirit, is born again, FROM having received, Gods “supernatural” SEED…
He “waits” for the manifestation (appearing) of his glorified body.

Body, soul, spirit are three DIFFERENT things.
Soul and Spirit of a “CONVERTED IN CHRIST” mans soul and spirit depart his dead body and RETURN to God, IN Heaven, remain ALIVE.
And the dead body buried.

Souls of animals depart their dead body’s and return to God, IN Heaven, remain ALIVE.

I agree a “Converted” spirit quickened, soul saved mans departed spirit (and soul) returns to God….but disagree that a mans spirit is his literal Breath.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Well technically hell is the place of the dead (which is the grave) People end up in the lake of fire for eternity after death and the grave (hell) are thrown into it thus destroying them.

Hell is the place of Departed Living souls (which can see, hear, speak, smell, taste, feel touch)… located DEEP within the heart/center of the Earth.

Graves are the place to lay dead body’s (which can NOT see, hear, speak, smell, taste , feel touch and know nothing), just below the earths surface, typically a standard 6 feet…deep enough to not allow the stench of a rotting body to rise up from the ground, stink, or attract animals to dig it up.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Sorry this has taken me so long to reply....We had an assembly this weekend, which was very encouraging.
It’s not a dirty word at all, but it is an opinion.
I love it when passages are presented to me for analysis.....research is my favourite thing.
As a widow myself this passage is important.
This is Paul talking here and so we know right away that he is an apostle and one of “the chosen ones”.
He was recommending singleness in serving God as opposed to remarriage for a widow. Since this apostle was filled with God’s spirit, his recommendation was not really just his opinion...was it? He had God’s thinking on the matter, as well as his own experience.

Why would she be happier if she remained single? Anyone who is married, Paul said is divided in their service to God. Even if their mate is a believer, they have obligations to each other, whereas a single person is focussed only on pleasing God, not on keeping their mate happy. (1 Cor 7:32-35)
Only a married person knows what that means.
I remained single by choice.
I like the word “persuaded” too though. Okay, I don’t “think” I’m part of the body of Christ… I am “persuaded” I am a part of the body of Christ. I find “let every one be persuaded in their own mind” helpful. Not only am I “persuaded” I am a part of the body of Christ, I am also “persuaded” that you are a part of the body of Christ.

yet I also see in your mind, you are persuaded otherwise
We are all persuaded by someone.....but you and I have different ideas about what scripture teaches. I “know” that I am not part of “the body” because I have no desire to go to heaven.....the earth is my home and it is my hope to live here in mortal flesh forever as God intended.

Christ’s “bride”, when they are transformed into spirit beings (reborn) are granted immortality because of their faithful course “unto death”, not being ‘persuaded’ that false doctrines and renamed pagan festivals are OK with the God who called them to spirit life in heaven.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
See, that is what is sad to me. In JW theology only those selected for heaven being in the flesh lament and long for “their” transformation.
Paul wrote in 2. Cor 5:5-9....speaking of his fleshly body, he said...
“For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, should be torn down, we are to have a building from God, a house not made with hands, everlasting in the heavens. 2 For in this house we do indeed groan, earnestly desiring to put on the one for us from heaven, 3 so that when we do put it on, we will not be found naked. 4 In fact, we who are in this tent groan, being weighed down, because we do not want to put this one off, but we want to put the other on, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. 5 Now the one who prepared us for this very thing is God, who gave us the spirit as a token of what is to come.

6 So we are always of good courage and know that while we have our home in the body, we are absent from the Lord, 7 for we are walking by faith, not by sight. 8 But we are of good courage and would prefer to be absent from the body and to make our home with the Lord. 9 So whether at home with him or absent from him, we make it our aim to be acceptable to him.”

There is this inordinate desire for life in heaven whilst still not wanting to leave their earthly ties behind. The spiritual “calling” they receive from God however, is stronger than their fleshly desire to remain on earth in the paradise.

What wonderful rulers they will be...all hand picked by God.

Those earth dwellers are of a sub-group excluded from “the body of Christ” not being “anointed”; yet that is seen as a token of “humility” on those not “anointed” selected for heaven, those not “the body of Christ”
Yet….the qualities you mention below of those “grateful” in “where we serve God doesn’t matter …we will love it anyway.” IS a part of the body of Christ (Imo)
Rev 21:2-4 sees the bride coming down from heaven to rule the earth, so that their kingship and priesthood is for those who will live on earth. The former woes will be gone....and death is eliminated for all who remain on earth. The body is Christ’s bride....the bride has bridesmaids....
I don’t disagree. I only disagree with the interpretation of …. Now I must be self delusional to even consider myself a part of the body of Christ. Because all those passage on the body speaks of “those anointed” and “those selected” for heaven only. All of it to me is …to understand I would have start over and read the whole bible differently. I’m not trying to be ugly but instead tell you honestly what I think, no…what I’m persuaded of in my mind.
It makes no sense to me if it is stated that those who rule with Christ are in heaven, whilst their rulership is over the earth. The resurrection is to take place on earth.....God’s first purpose must come to its completion....he did not put us here as a training ground for heaven. He already has a large spiritual family whom he created to live there. Humans are created to live on do you reconcile that?
For example
1 Corinthians 15:47-The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
48 As is the earthly, such are they also that are earthly: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
49 And as we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
The early Christian writings were by the anointed, for the anointed, since all apparently had the heavenly calling until the ranks were filled....but Israel failed to do that, so God turned to the Gentiles to fulfill his purpose. (Acts 15:14)
All had to die the same death and experience the same resurrection as Jesus, (baptised into his death) he was raised in a spirit this way his anointed ones “bear the image of the heavenly one”. ( 1 Peter 3:18)

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Do JW’s believe ^those that bear the image of the heavenly are only those anointed and selected to go to heaven?
All Christians can imitate the life course of the savior, who was our model after all....but the only way to bear the image of the resurrected Jesus is to experience the same spiritual resurrection as he did....”death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit”.

Those of the earthly class also redeemed by Christ’s sacrifice do not receive a heavenly resurrection but are returned to life in the flesh, as Lazarus was.
Only those who belong to the body of Christ built on the foundations of Christ and the prophets and Apostles? Which you say excludes you and almost all JW’s? Do I understand that correctly?
It does not exclude us in any way since the kingdom is the ruling authority commissioned by God to bring us (the redeemed human race) back into reconciliation with him. Most of Jehovah’s Witnesses alive today are not of the heavenly calling and at this juncture, we would not expect them to be...during this time period that the Bible calls “the time of the end”, those anointed ones who die, do not have to sleep in their graves like those who served their God during the early turbulent times, when Jewish persecution gave way to persecution from the secular authorities. All through history, persecution of Christ’s genuine disciples has come from religious opposition, especially influenced by “the church” itself against so called the Jews before them, they were the real heretics, but with the power of the authorities to back them up. They thought they were silencing the ones who were exposing their errors, when in fact they were just proving to God who they really were....and still are....”friends of the world”. (James 4:4)
I grew up baptist. But now I’m nondenominational
Can I ask what this title means to you? What does a non-denominational person believe? Who determines what is accepted truth, and who determines what is false doctrine? How is this reconciled among yourselves.....? Do you just not raise touchy subjects? Are all allowed to just believe their own truth?

Does the Fox then guard the hen house?

Chocolate is my favorite. You and me…
you with your Vanilla, and me with my chocolate :pfite:why do we have to be so opposite. I think you are pretty awesome. I wouldn’t stop being your friend because we see things differently.
Me either.....disagreement is not necessarily a reason for enmity....disagreements are part of being human’s just that this is something we need to get right...we only have one shot....there are no second chances.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Post them in context.

And RN mentioned "spirit" btw.
Are we talking about soul or spirit? My teachers taught me many years ago the the body goes back to dust. The soul life is your last breath and the spirit goes back to God. My next question was then what are the dead? What gets up? Nobody ever gave me an answer and I lived with that for many years until this year when I looked up the world "soul" from E. W. Bullinger's Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament. There I found something like a dozen mostly Old Testament verses that say the soul goes to the grave. This was huge for me because it now tells me who the dead are.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2020
United Kingdom
No need to expound.
Well what you wrote doesn't make much sense to me, so I had hoped you would try to explain what you meant in easier to understand English. I'll just have to guess at what you meant.

I had said that Isaiah 11:2 mentioned God's spirit (His Holy Spirit is just one spirit - right?) and then six qualities, or attributes, of His spirit. You then wrote, "You ignoring the SPIRIT of God with (resting ON) that individual DOES NOT apply to me". My best guess is that you meant to say something like "You're ignoring 'the spirit of God' but I am not ignoring it. I therefore think that the verse is describing 7 spirits". That still seems like an incorrect understanding of the verse. These translations more clearly show the intended meaning:

(2) The spirit of the LORD will give him wisdom and the knowledge and skill to rule his people. He will know the LORD's will and honor him,​
(2) The LORD’s Spirit will rest on him – a Spirit that gives extraordinary wisdom, a Spirit that provides the ability to execute plans, a Spirit that produces absolute loyalty to the LORD.​

The point was ABOUT the 7 sprits of God, which is expressly mentioned in scripture…
Please give a reference and quote. The only mention of "seven spirits" in the Bible that I can find are those in Revelation, which I have already pointed out are refering to seven angels.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Can I ask what this title means to you? What does a non-denominational person believe?
To me non-denominational means I can visit any church or body that invites me to visit without shame. To me it’s freedom that if for example I wanted to come with you to visit a Jehovah witness hall —non-denominational to me means I’m not restrained by a denomination that restricts me to “this is concrete and you can’t do or say anything other than what our denomination tells you to say and do.”

You said you like examples. you may not agree—but to me Paul gives a good example of non-denominational or I see it as Not picking sides—or a team— where you become blind to the whole.

1 Corinthians 10:33 Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.
^this reminds me of possessing all things, yet as poor making many rich.

Non-denominational… is it a title or removal of a restraining title of “southern Baptist”.
A title of I was raised this way, so that is where my bottom meets the pew? There is a lot of the southern Baptist ‘hellfire and brimstone’ teachings that was traumatizing for me a young girl…but still I would still go visit a southern Baptist church. I just don’t want to pledge my allegiance to their doctrine.

paul to me gives an example of “non-denominational” free of the doctrines of men but that is not to say free of the Doctrine of God. But instead Living it; his giving us an example of walking in the Spirit of Christ: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. [20] And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; [21] To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. [22] To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. [23] And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

Who determines what is accepted truth, and who determines what is false doctrine?
God. It doesn’t change just because of being non-denominational. Or just because of no longer being defined as only southern Baptist? Does it?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Do you just not raise touchy subjects?
I’ve had more “touchy subjects” raised since being non-denominational. I use to live inside of a bubble thinking the doctrine I heard growing up was all there was. I thought God’s Word was the same to everyone and everyone was southern Baptist. I lived in a very confined small little area of seeing. Shut off from anything else. I thought movies like His coming and the rapture, movies like “left behind” were a common global understanding…a no brainer.
Are all allowed to just believe their own truth?
I’ve had ‘my own truth’ turned upside down more times than I can count in the past six years.
Does the Fox then guard the hen house?
The fox is in the hen house.
To me it’s waking up to being sober and awake, watching. Not being drunk and staggering, blind and in darkness. To me that which makes one drunk is all the doctrines of men …drink of them and your mind will become confounded. you’ll become not of a sound-mind, not in your right-mind …consumed with confusion like one who is drunk and out of their right mind. To me the Word says “I have not given you a spirit of fear unto bondage but the Spirit of love and of peace and of a sound mind” then He urges to “Be you Sober” “and watch” …to me that is instruction to stop drinking of all of men’s doctrines and instead to follow after peace, love and a sound mind.

do you not think the fox is in the hen house? What “house” do you think the fox wants to enter into to do the most damage from within, working inside out? First…disarm them with drunkenness. That begins in the vessel where strange doctrines give birth. I’ve never seen a blindness so strong take hold of people, a drunkenness of high opinions and vain imaginations …it’s killing and usually …it’s that which is killing that claims it’s the watcher and protector of the whole. So convinced and high on the strong fumes of being drunk, that deception eats from the inside out. It can’t even see its the enemy within. And the whole keeps drinking it….coming together for the worse and not for the better.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
To me non-denominational means I can visit any church or body that invites me to visit without shame. To me it’s freedom that if for example I wanted to come with you to visit a Jehovah witness hall —non-denominational to me means I’m not restrained by a denomination that restricts me to “this is concrete and you can’t do or say anything other than what our denomination tells you to say and do.”

You said you like examples. you may not agree—but to me Paul gives a good example of non-denominational or I see it as Not picking sides—or a team— where you become blind to the whole.

1 Corinthians 10:33 Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.
^this reminds me of possessing all things, yet as poor making many rich.

Non-denominational… is it a title or removal of a restraining title of “southern Baptist”.
A title of I was raised this way, so that is where my bottom meets the pew? There is a lot of the southern Baptist ‘hellfire and brimstone’ teachings that was traumatizing for me a young girl…but still I would still go visit a southern Baptist church. I just don’t want to pledge my allegiance to their doctrine.

paul to me gives an example of “non-denominational” free of the doctrines of men but that is not to say free of the Doctrine of God. But instead Living it; his giving us an example of walking in the Spirit of Christ: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. [20] And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; [21] To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. [22] To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. [23] And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

God. It doesn’t change just because of being non-denominational. Or just because of no longer being defined as only southern Baptist? Does it?T
To me non-denominational means I do not belong to anything the churches teach. And this has been a problem for some on here because they want to know what group I'm with. Just last week a guy was telling me I must be a Calvinist. Others often say I must be a JW.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Well what you wrote doesn't make much sense to me, so I had hoped you would try to explain what you meant in easier to understand English. I'll just have to guess at what you meant.

I had said that Isaiah 11:2 mentioned God's spirit (His Holy Spirit is just one spirit - right?) and then six qualities, or attributes, of His spirit. You then wrote, "You ignoring the SPIRIT of God with (resting ON) that individual DOES NOT apply to me". My best guess is that you meant to say something like "You're ignoring 'the spirit of God' but I am not ignoring it. I therefore think that the verse is describing 7 spirits". That still seems like an incorrect understanding of the verse. These translations more clearly show the intended meaning:

(2) The spirit of the LORD will give him wisdom and the knowledge and skill to rule his people. He will know the LORD's will and honor him,​
(2) The LORD’s Spirit will rest on him – a Spirit that gives extraordinary wisdom, a Spirit that provides the ability to execute plans, a Spirit that produces absolute loyalty to the LORD.​

Please give a reference and quote. The only mention of "seven spirits" in the Bible that I can find are those in Revelation, which I have already pointed out are refering to seven angels.

I can put it simply…but not necessarily in a brief text.

God IS Spirit, and HAS Spirits, all being His ONE SAME SPIRIT.


However GOD DOES “GIVE” PARTICULAR “portions” of HIS SPIRIT, to “PARTICULAR” individuals.

The WHO (particular individuals)…are:
OT Prophets, OT Faithful Believers, NT Believers, NT Faithful Confessed Committed Converted (called Saved and Born Again).

These “Particular” “THINGS” are IDENTIFIED, are Particular Gifts, Particular Blessings, Given “TO” such “Particular” Individuals.

(These are “stand out” blessings /gifts, expressly IDENTIFIED)…

Different than BLESSINGS…God gives to NON-particular individuals…believers, non-believers….giving them Rain, sunshine, protection via holy angel servants of God, Guidance of Right and Wrong, etc.

ALL of manKIND individuals :
ARE a body, conceived from a “corrupt” SEED of man, Formed by God, naturally born “IN SIN” (meaning Not Knowing, Loving, Believing IN God…aka Against God).
THAT BODY’S natural “LIFE” is it’s BLOOD.

ALL of manKIND individuals :
AT TIME of Separation (delivery) from Mother’s (life line); They ARE GIVEN (a new lifeline of sorts), something blown DIRECTLY INTO their FORM-ED BODY’S “nostrils”,
BY God…called A SOUL.
The LIFE “IN” that SOUL, IS “Gods Breath”.
(All souls, and the life within the soul…BELONGS TO GOD…It is HIS to GIVE and HIS to TAKE as HE Pleases).

Once the delivered BODY of that babe IS delivered AND GIVEN a “NAME”…The SOUL within that BODY, is ALSO associated, and called by the NAME, given that BODY.

The SOUL & Gods Breath of Life within the SOUL…”activates” Particular BODY parts to “FUNCTION”….for the PURPOSE of THAT BODY to “Communicate”….with and among OTHER manKIND of beings…

What DOES the SOUL “activate”/
Eyes……..can now SEE
Ears………can now HEAR
Nose……..can now SMELL
Tongue….can now TASTE
Mouth……can now UTTER SOUNDS
Flesh……..can now FEEL TOUCH

(None of those things functioned, while the babe was in the womb). In the womb, the LIFE LINE to the mother, was for the purpose of FEEDING nutrients, minerals, vitamins, to the babe, giving it Oxygen, and carrying AWAY waste, while the babe was in development, BEING “FORMED” by the Hand of God.)

After the babe IS Delivered forth out of the womb…having received a SOUL, and Gods Breath of Life IN the SOUL…
…the babe begins being INTRODUCED to knowledge, given it from its PARENTS…or in many cases in this ERA…one parent, babysitters, schools, orphanages, governments, gangs whomever is GIVEN charge OVER the babe, toddler, youth, teen, young adult, adult…
* AND DURING THAT Period…(which may be Different for every born babe)…IS WHEN the individual BEGINS deciding his Own Beliefs…IN His “CARNAL MIND”…. AND his OWN natural TRUTH in his HEART

Any individuals Carnal Mind, can believe truths, yet lie, deceive, plot, consider to act on whims, unsure schemes….and regardless of what his CARNAL MIND thinks and does…..his own HEART, will hold the secrets of his OWN TRUE BELIEF, even IF it is in Opposition of his Carnal Mind, and what his mouth speaks forth.

The “TRUTH” in an individuals HEART…IS the “NATURAL SPIRIT” of manKIND.

The Three “parts” of a WHOLE man…
IS…he has a natural body (from a mans seed)
IS…he has a soul (from God)
IS…he has a natural spirit.(truths in his heart)

His SOUL has LIFE….Gods Breath
His SPIRIT has “his” TRUTH…

God OFFERED manKND…an “order and way”…..TO: Receive…FROM GOD…
* Forgiveness unto His corrupt BODY
….and PROMISE of a new body
* Forgiveness unto His having corrupted his SOUL
….a restored soul
* A means to RECEIVE a NEW TRUTH, from, by, through, of the Word of God (aka Jesus), the Power of God (aka Christ), the Seed of God (aka Christ the Lord Jesus)…
…Baptism of, by, through, from the HOLY SPIRIT of God.

TO TAKE…(according to the terms of the Offering, as provided according to Gods terms)

A willingly Given DEAD BODY given unto God.

Agreeing to Receive a Restored soul. (ie back to very good, as it was when God gave it.)

Agreeing to Receive Gods SEED.

Agreeing to Receive Gods “SPIRIT OF (His) TRUTH”.

A man AGREES…with God….uh, by Calling on the Lord Jesus, that HE WILL HEAR your news of your desire and your agreement TO Receive His OFFERING…ACCORDING TO GODS TERMS..…which a man DOES, with his natural true BELIEF, in his natural heart”….and CONFESSES with his natural mouth, speaking forth his natural truth (from his natural spirit) in his heart.

God, being Righteous, does as He teaches…test, try, search everything….He AS WELL “tests, checks, searches, looks into” that individuals natural spirit, natural truth in his heart….to DETERMINE…”IF” that CONFESSION that individual CONFESSED unto the Lord God…….IS in FACT

Remember, COMMUNICATION, WITH GOD, is ALWAYS “via” the spirit of man…natural or “IF AND WHEN” the man receives “A NEW, born again spirit OF Gods Seed….communication with God is ALWAYS, via spirit “OF” man to Spirit of God, WHO’s WHOLENESS IS SPIRIT.

When an individual elects, decides, AND “makes” his own TRUE “spiritual” and FAITHFUL Commitment unto God…

THEN, does…PARTICULAR BLESSINGS/GIFTS Become a “HIGHLIGHT” unto THAT particular individual…

Gifts and Blessing God bestows, AS HE is all Knowing, and KNOWS….which of His “particular” gifts and blessing WILL greatly BENEFIT, particular individuals, who have Freely and Willingly Committed unto HIM, and IN-TURN, Gods own NAME, shall be glorified…
By, through, of the BLESSING and GIFTS God bestows upon Committed and Converted men.

Particular blessings and gifts…are called the Seven Spirits of God.
THEY are EACH severally, and individually FROM the WHOLE ONE SPIRIT of GOD.
These Blessing and Gifts are Given the Faithful /Converted /Committed.

ALL Converted men…
#1 RECEIVE “Gods Spirit of Truth”

SOME, severely, individually receive certain gifts, (#2 -#7)but not others.
No man RECEIVES ALL of Gods Offered Gifts. Severally and Individually are Gods Gifts given from God.

Isaiah 11:2
1) The Spirit of the LORD…(1 John 4:6)
2) The Spirit of wisdom
3) The Spirit of understanding
4) The Spirit of counsel
5) The Spirit of power
6) The Spirit of knowledge
7) The Spirit of the fear of the Lord

Revelations gives visuals regarding the SEVEN Spirits of God.
Words of God = Gods truth
Seven Lamps burning = Light Gods Omnipotence.
Seven Horns = Authority Gods Omniscience
Seven Eyes = Gods omnipresence

A jewish menorah … tradition, seven stems, seven burning LIGHTS of candles, chanting words, ritual of remembrance and submission to Gods supremacy.

God being his own WHOLENESS of SPIRIT…
Is HIS unto Himself…

What God promises, and gives of Himself to others is according to Gods Order and Way…
IF it remains a mystery to you WHAT, HOW MUCH, WHEN, WHY, and to WHOM God gives “portions” of His SPIRIT and His POWER TO….guess you had best ask the SOURCE …

Glory to God,

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I'm almost with you on this one. All except the part of angels having sex with women. I think I will read Genesis 6. Stay right here in case I come back with a question.
Here I don't spend lots of time waiting. Have too many responses to attend to.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Mans natural spirit, is his natural TRUE belief in his heart., (be his hearts belief, the same or different than his minds belief)

Mans natural breath, is the AIR he breaths into is lungs;
(roughly 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen),
And then exhales from his lungs;
(Roughly 78 percent nitrogen, 16 percent oxygen, 0.09 percent argon, and four percent carbon dioxide. )

A Converted mans…
Soul is Restored…called saved, meaning Gods Breath will NEVER depart from that soul, Be that soul, IN or OUT of its body.
His spirit, is born again, FROM having received, Gods “supernatural” SEED…
He “waits” for the manifestation (appearing) of his glorified body.

Body, soul, spirit are three DIFFERENT things.
Soul and Spirit of a “CONVERTED IN CHRIST” mans soul and spirit depart his dead body and RETURN to God, IN Heaven, remain ALIVE.
And the dead body buried.

Souls of animals depart their dead body’s and return to God, IN Heaven, remain ALIVE.

I agree a “Converted” spirit quickened, soul saved mans departed spirit (and soul) returns to God….but disagree that a mans spirit is his literal Breath.
Well animals have no immortal soul.

And I agree a mans soul is that immaterial part of Him. Our conscience and intellect and what makes man-man. It is our spirit that is made alive at salvation.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I have a whole bunch of verses that says the soul goes to the grave.
A saved man is trichotomous, an unsaved man is dichotomous

Saved man has a body, soul and quickened spirit. Unsaved man only has a body and soul and dead spirit.

OT, yes souls went to teh underworld when the body went to the ground. They went to hell/sheol/hades.

Saved went to paradise/Abrahams bosom. Unsaved to the place of torments. Because Jesus had not actually shed HIs blood and poured it out on the heavenly mercy seat. But since His ascension, saved individuals, bodies go to ground and spirit and soul go to be with the Lord as Paul declared.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Well animals have no immortal soul.

Well, you giving a statement of conclusion, void of HOW you arrived at you conclusion….
Isn’t a discussion, nor beneficial.

And I agree a mans soul is that immaterial part of Him. Our conscience and intellect and what makes man-man.

Interesting…you attribute conscience and intellect …. And I expressly addressed…senses…
Eyes, seeing
Ears, hearing…etc.
Yet, somehow you project those things apply to MAN…but not animals. Humm.

I definitely disagree.
Animals have consciences, intellect, awareness, likes, dislikes, emotions, eyes see, ears hear, senses, etc.

It is our spirit that is made alive at salvation.

A half-truth.

Regarding the SPIRIT…it is “born AGAIN”…whereby…AGAIN is indicative, it was already born and ALIVE…BEFORE it was “born…

If you do not examine the WHOLE of the BIG picture, you can not pin point why you land on a conclusion.

Just sayin…